M.B. Mathews

M.B. Mathews

  • Democrats: The Huskies of politics

    March 7, 2025

    Democrats: The Huskies of politics

    Democrats are like Huskies. Those who own Husky dogs know that they are the drama queens of the dog world; to a Husky, everything is an overblown and exaggerated crisis. A Husky often makes no sense and is downright silly. Huskies are clowns who n...

  • After DEI, the next frontier is ESG

    February 2, 2025

    After DEI, the next frontier is ESG

    DEI is hiding in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and must be exposed and eliminated. DEI is on its way out, but there is a fetid, hidden cavern where it still thrives unmolested: ESG. Among other things, ESG is a system that assesses and ...

  • Could merit, competence, and fairness replace DEI?

    January 8, 2025

    Could merit, competence, and fairness replace DEI?

    Now that DEI is on its way out (with some major holdouts like Costco and Disney), something intelligent should replace it. With our culture's fondness for acronyms, we need a new one such as MCF. It's not enough to say just "Let's...

  • Biden destroyed the Democrat party

    January 7, 2025

    Biden destroyed the Democrat party

    Not that I shall mourn the overdue demise of the Democrat party, but the way it is constituted right now, it cannot disappear a moment too soon. Wise Democrats will avoid the presently-constituted Party like the plague. The Democrat party under Jo...

  • Sneaking in the gay agenda

    January 6, 2025

    Sneaking in the gay agenda

    My disappointment and anger couldn’t have been more acute when I discovered I was being held hostage to the LGBTQ movement in my TV viewing habits. Streaming Harlan Coben mysteries is usually a fun experience, something to try to figure out,...

  • 'The Chosen': I get it now

    January 1, 2025

    'The Chosen': I get it now

    When the blockbuster Christian TV series, "The Chosen" first came to streaming TV, I hated it. As a pretty heavy-duty Reformed Presbyterian late-life convert to Christianity, the modern idioms, expressions, and gestures in the series alm...

  • Lost: The art of the handshake

    December 31, 2024

    Lost: The art of the handshake

    Why do so many people not know how to shake hands properly? In my life, I have occasion to shake many hands of all different ages and classes, and am astounded how strange hand-shaking has become. It can be jarring. The handshake is the greeting w...

  • COSTCO's DEI tone deafness

    December 30, 2024

    COSTCO's DEI tone deafness

    It seems COSTCO has not gotten the message and is doubling down on its DEI policies while other large companies and many small ones are jettisoning their DEI programs. As if this were not enough, COSTCO is threatening its shareholders with ...

  • Transsexuals are still transvestites

    December 29, 2024

    Transsexuals are still transvestites

    Transvestite: noun Someone who adopts the dress or manner or sexual role of the opposite sex. Transvestism: The practice of dressing in a manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex. When did transvestites become transsexuals? And ...

  • Biden's venal and dangerous exit gambit

    November 20, 2024

    Biden's venal and dangerous exit gambit

    The talking heads, nattering nabobs, and media wizards wondered why Biden was all smiles when he met with Trump. Joe Rogan opined that the smile was because Biden secretly voted for Trump. No, Joe. Biden was smiling gleefully because as he met wit...

  • An effort to assuage my Democrat friend

    November 14, 2024

    An effort to assuage my Democrat friend

    I have a very close Democrat friend of many years, going back to our teenaged years. She is a lovely lady, kind, generous, intelligent, and caring. Our respective beliefs do not meet at many points, what with me being a Christian conservative Repu...

  • Trifecta Trump!

    November 12, 2024

    Trifecta Trump!

    Most Republican voters strongly suspected that the last election for Trump was stolen. This time, Republicans who voted appear to have gotten all their friends to vote, to make up for that theft. We also voted to end the utter moral, economic, and et...

  • Were Peanut and Fred the final straws?

    November 7, 2024

    Were Peanut and Fred the final straws?

    The vicious, unnecessary, malevolent killing of pet squirrel, Peanut, and pet raccoon, Fred, may have been the final two straws that put Trump over the top in such huge numbers. American voters were shocked that the government could come into their h...

  • The speech Trump should give at his next rally

    September 7, 2024

    The speech Trump should give at his next rally

    President Trump can handle himself just fine, but I would especially love to see him win over the Black community bigly and sweep this election handily. To this end, I humbly offer the Trumpster the following speech for his perusal: “Amer...

  • The disintegrating Left

    September 3, 2024

    The disintegrating Left

    The leftist madness that has infected America is in its last breathless, desperate moments. Thanks to Joe Biden’s incoherent, destructive reversals of successful Trump policies, thanks to Obama & Co’s running of this shiteshow from 20...

  • The death of truth is killing America

    August 25, 2024

    The death of truth is killing America

    Lies abound: Men can be women, men can menstruate and nurse babies, America is racist, the incompetent should be elevated while the competent get shoved off a cliff. Universities are educating, Trump threatens democracy, Democrats can fix what...

  • Americans won't work

    August 11, 2024

    Americans won't work

    I went to a small-town Florida Walmart yesterday to find some travel items.  Staff were sparse and there were no American-born and raised service employees that I could see.  Everyone was either Hispanic or Middle Eastern. One was Russia...

  • The absolute, extreme, extraordinary, weirdness of the left

    August 4, 2024

    The absolute, extreme, extraordinary, weirdness of the left

    The American media and political class have a new mantra: Conservatives and Republicans are weird. We’re weird? Seriously? They can say that with a straight face? I’ll tell you what’s really weird. What’s weird is men in...

  • The great 2024 GOP platform leaves out an important item: Student loan payoffs

    July 21, 2024

    The great 2024 GOP platform leaves out an important item: Student loan payoffs

    The RNC, to “Make America Great Again!”, released the 20 promises they hope will become a reality very quickly. They fully plan to win back the White House and the Republican majorities in both the House and Senate. We can do this if we’re not one-is...

  • Make Democrats tell you what their party stands for

    July 17, 2024

    Make Democrats tell you what their party stands for

    “Never Trump” is not a platform, yet when you ask Democrats what they stand for, they will snarl about Donald Trump. Don’t let them get away with refusing to tell you what they are in favor of.  Tell them not to mention Trump...

  • DEI almost got Trump killed; Fox News censors anti-DEI interview

    July 15, 2024

    DEI almost got Trump killed; Fox News censors anti-DEI interview

    The Fox News broadcast of post-shooting coverage included a brief live interview with a congressman. He justifiably and angrily stated that the head of the Secret Service, a woman, should be fired because she is openly and proudly implementing DEI. H...

  • Warrior Trump by freedom's light

    July 9, 2024

    Warrior Trump by freedom's light

    Trump is so eminently iconic of his own personality, that great cartoons and photos make him a sure winner in the photogenic category. Most cartoons and caricatures of Trump show his signature hair pompadour, ample girth, and pouty lips. This silhoue...

  • The media loses the game

    July 5, 2024

    The media loses the game

    POTATUS (hat tip to BEEGE WELBORN of Hot Air) is suddenly persona non grata after his strabismus-inducing debate performance. Well, maybe not so suddenly. Everyone with a scintilla of firing neurons knew that Joe Biden was not all there. Ex...

  • The deliberate murder of virtue

    July 3, 2024

    The deliberate murder of virtue

    For decades, the American Left has been making a deliberate and successful attempt to kill virtue. Much of what they do demonstrates a disregard for normal traditional American virtues such as decency, consideration, productivity, respect, decorum...

  • Be careful, Donald

    June 29, 2024

    Be careful, Donald

    I am worried about President Trump. Now that he has demolished Joe Biden in this week's presidential debate, many on the Left would like to see him vanish. Democrats are desperate, and likely to try to stop him by fair means or foul. This t...

  • Can America defend itself against border terrorists?

    June 21, 2024

    Can America defend itself against border terrorists?

    Joe Biden’s three-and-a-half-year long porous border has without a doubt allowed some vicious terrorists to enter our country. The odds demand it. It cannot be otherwise, given that almost zero care is being given to Americans and keeping these...

  • Hit parade of lies from the Left

    June 10, 2024

    Hit parade of lies from the Left

    Truth in all its permutations is under attack. For the last decades, but especially in the last four years, Americans have been treated to one lie after another, generated by Leftists, amplified by the White House and disseminated by the Leftist p...

  • The current trend of deeply annoying movie music

    June 2, 2024

    The current trend of deeply annoying movie music

    If you do any amount of movie or TV series streaming via Netflix, Prime or other channels, you may have noticed a truly annoying trend of loud, inappropriate songs in the background of what you’re watching. The singers are almost always bad ...

  • The left is a shark: It dies if it stops moving

    May 26, 2024

    The left is a shark: It dies if it stops moving

    What differentiates the radical left from conservatives is that leftists will die if they stop trying to change things.  They, like sharks, cannot survive if they stop moving ahead.  They call it “progressivism,” but i...

  • America the disgusting

    May 25, 2024

    America the disgusting

    The concept of America was and is beautiful. It was conceived in liberty, wanting all people to be free, and so it happened after slavery was abolished. America was meant to be a thoroughly different place on the globe where the poor could become wea...

  • Bagel holes as a metaphor for your wallet under Biden

    May 22, 2024

    Bagel holes as a metaphor for your wallet under Biden

    To my chagrin, my "everything bagel" hole from a well-known commercial bagel maker is now three times the size of what it was last week. Where there was often no hole at all to sometimes being the size of a dime, the holes are now large ...

  • Moses, Jesus, and Donald Trump

    May 19, 2024

    Moses, Jesus, and Donald Trump

    Forenote: For purposes of this essay, although Jesus is fully Divine, fully God, and the second Person of the Trinity, he is also fully man and will be referred to as human. All three of these men led their people out of slavery and into free...

  • Strengthening the color barrier

    May 17, 2024

    Strengthening the color barrier

    An article here at American Thinker prompted me to write this essay today: The article stated: Consider, for example, the current demonization of whiteness, i.e., whites, regardless of their individual behavior or views, are evil, a threat to pe...

  • Exaggeration and other loud leftist techniques

    May 9, 2024

    Exaggeration and other loud leftist techniques

    Turn down the volume, Lefties, will you please? Geez, you’re obnoxious.  Has anyone beside me noticed that the decibel level emanating mostly from the left has markedly gone up? They’re loud and obnoxious. Look at commercials. Lou...

  • A DEI military cannot protect or defend America

    May 6, 2024

    A DEI military cannot protect or defend America

    DEI has infiltrated our American military like a deadly toxin, making it incapable of defending our shores or our country. The higher-ups in the American armed forces have somehow succumbed to a racist philosophy that recruits, promotes, hires, and r...

  • Grotesque: The clownish trend towards exaggerated eyelashes and lips

    May 4, 2024

    Grotesque: The clownish trend towards exaggerated eyelashes and lips

    In the last year, you may have noticed the proliferation in grotesque eyelashes and lips in women. I have. It is not a pretty sight. Eyelashes so long that they cause a slight breeze when the wearers blink and lips puffed up and slicked down so as...

  • The Left’s panicky Tantrump

    April 26, 2024

    The Left’s panicky Tantrump

    With each passing day, the Left’s Tasmanian Devil hysteria about Donald Trump’s still-thriving candidacy grows. It’s now a full-blown tantrum. So far, the Democrats, Marxists, communists, and Department of Justice have conjured and ...

  • Why Biden will lose: $20 for 6 oranges

    April 9, 2024

    Why Biden will lose: $20 for 6 oranges

    I was shocked and angry when my favorite ultra-sweet Sumo oranges at Publix clocked in at a whopping $20 for 6 oranges. I can afford this. Many, probably most in America, cannot or simply won’t buy them. Gas is up from $2.26 to $4.50 a gallon u...

  • Lizzo – what was she thinking?

    April 1, 2024

    Lizzo – what was she thinking?

    Lizzo is quitting, citing ridicule and criticism of her. She said, “I didn’t sign up for this s–t.” I beg to differ. She absolutely did sign up for that “s–t” when she put herself out there, half-naked, gross...

  • I don’t care about your color or with whom you sleep

    February 3, 2024

    I don’t care about your color or with whom you sleep

    Far too many cultural changes for the worse have happened because far too many people bought the “diversity is our strength” and the “love is love” mantras. Both are cultural poison because both drag your attention away from a...

  • January 6, 2024

    Is Joe being lied to?

    There seems to be only one reason Joe Biden isn’t making better decisions: He is being lied to by his staff, other Democrats, and his advisors. For example, anyone watching the news can see that the border is wide open, yet Biden &...

  • December 31, 2023

    The Corruption of Everything

    As we survey the American landscape, we cannot help but notice that just about everything has been corrupted by the left. The justice system has been corrupted by partisan politics to the point where Republicans and conservatives are persecuted an...

  • December 27, 2023

    DEI: Degradation, Exclusion, and Intolerance

    By now, everyone, including its proponents, knows that DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) means nothing of the sort.  It isn’t diverse, it isn’t equitable, and it certainly isn’t inclusive. In fact, DEI is nothing but exclusion...

  • December 20, 2023

    Where is the Butt-gate story?

    The sickening news story about a Democrat senator’s staffer and a companion allegedly being the “couple” caught en flagrant délit on a desk in a Senate hearing room on Capitol Hill has all but vanished. And we never found out...

  • December 17, 2023

    Defiling the People's House

    A staffer for Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Maryland) was fired for having gay sex on camera in a hearing room in our Capitol building. The man’s comment about his firing was stunning.   Here he is. The senator Ben Cardin staff...

  • December 12, 2023

    How the Democrats can steal 2024

    The majority of informed Americans believe that the election of 2020 was at the very least tampered with, and at most, stolen from Donald Trump. I agree with them. After “mules” delivering contrived and phony ballots to drop boxes thro...

  • December 11, 2023

    Surrendering our U.S. military to the illegal invaders

    Migrants here illegally (let’s call them “illegrants” for brevity’s sake) are now welcome in the U.S. military, and in fact, are being encouraged to enlist, all expenses paid, of course. This is no different than turning our m...

  • December 8, 2023

    Hunter Biden’s scalp will not spend one day in jail

    Because Trump may again be POTUS, Hunter Biden gets to skate on the nine tax charges, some felonies. He will see no punishment because the indictment against him is only meant to distract from the accusations that we have a two-tier justice system...

  • December 4, 2023

    Making a silk purse from the crime-ridden rubble of 'anti-racism'

    Much has been said by many trying to excuse bad behavior. Inner cities have crime because… racism. Blue cities are dirty and noisy because… racism. White flight happens because… racism. Black unwed motherhood is on the rise and h...

  • November 14, 2023

    Yellow-bellied Republicans are killing America

    Republicans, often called “the stupid party” by Democrats and many Republicans, must have a death wish. Time after time they have voted with Democrats against the country’s and the GOP’s best interests. This latest dea...

  • November 6, 2023

    Seeing diversity clearly

    “Diversity is our strength” and “multiculturalism” (hereafter lumped in with “diversity”) have long been thought of as good things. What recent years have taught us is that diversity often kills cohesion and the ab...

  • November 4, 2023

    Democrats and racists; but I repeat myself

    The Democrat party is comprised of racists. It is anti-Semitic, anti-white, and anti-Christian. In recent weeks, they have revealed that they will not stand up for Israel and her Jewish population. Democrats consistently vote against anythin...

  • October 16, 2023

    Daisies at the ends of their rifles: Is the Biden military just too woke?

    Our military is the wall between us and the “Death to America” terrorist states and saber-rattling countries such as Iran, China, North Korea, and Russia.   But what if our military won’t fight because it’s g...

  • October 7, 2023

    Wiping Israel off the map

    At first bomb, it appears that Islamic Jihad and Hamas (and no doubt others) in Gaza have conspired to destroy Israel and wipe her off the map, something they have been threatening to do for ages. They took the first step today in a massive, unprovok...

  • October 6, 2023

    Equity and the Church

    A leftist friend joined the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Church of America), and she likes it because of its "social justice" policies.  Putting aside the pros and cons of the theology of the UUA for a moment, I checked on their ...

  • September 10, 2023

    A gun grab to test the waters

    Democrats are testing the waters for a national gun grab. On Friday in New Mexico, the governor, a Second Amendment foe, tried to take legal guns away from one of her cities. The AP reports: New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham declared a publ...

  • July 4, 2023

    Why Jordan Peterson matters

    Unwavering free speech heroes are hard to come by when the left is silencing their messages on social media, in entertainment, in the news, on campuses, and even on the streets.  But Dr. Jordan Peterson is willing to go to jail before he wi...

  • June 25, 2023

    Lowering the national IQ

    In recent years, reading, math, science, and other scores have been plummeting in America.  Schools are not teaching students to read, to do math, to understand the scientific method, or to think critically.  Because some races po...

  • June 4, 2023

    When sex becomes ordinary

    One wonders when sex became so commonplace, so ordinary, so uninteresting in America. Was it when the schools began to talk about homosexuality as though it was acceptable? Or was it when the "hook up" culture began, where dates were specif...

  • May 13, 2023

    The demonic left's 'foot in the door'

    Almost all conservatives recognize that the Left always, always have "a foot in the door." It's not just the issue in Tennessee, where the Left are pushing for "red flag laws."  The governor of Tennessee was firmly on ...

  • April 25, 2023

    Where is it carved in stone that Progressivism is good?

    There is an assumption afoot that progressivism always improves things, modernizes them, and moves the needle forward. I say stop and redefine progressivism as a negative thing in American culture. Why? Because everything progressivism touches, it de...

  • April 23, 2023

    America needs a new GOP

    You can't have a Republican Party if you don't have a coherent and cohesive agenda. What do Republicans stand for? We can't answer that question and get all Republicans to agree, judging by the way they vote with Democrats sometimes....

  • April 4, 2023

    Raising the Alternet

    The internet has been a staple of the American diet for many decades, growing geometrically the more information is fed into it. It has become a behemoth and it is where much of American life is transacted. News, commerce, education, and all othe...

  • April 2, 2023

    Translating Liberalspeak

    Liberals often talk about things but actually mean other things. For example, “trans rights” really means elevating the trans agenda to unearned prominence and insisting people pay attention. It is not about giving trans people “rig...

  • April 1, 2023

    The Trump indictment shifts American political tectonics

    The day before yesterday, Donald J. Trump was indicted on phony political charges. It may prove to be the day the real America will be resurrected, for two reasons: One, leftists are petrified of MAGA politics, politics that loves America as fo...

  • March 16, 2023

    How DIE kills the American Dream

    DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) is the cause du jour of the American hard left in its quest to destroy capitalism.  DIE is the practice of elevating the meritless or those of lesser merit above the truly accomplished.  This is ...

  • February 26, 2023

    Dumbing down America with DEI

    DEI advocates are dumbing down the American culture with DEI policies. Unfortunately, many non-POC (people of color) are signing on to these devastating policies rather than be canceled by the DEI stasi. As noted by author Nancy Andersen, DEI, by ...

  • February 17, 2023

    The moral gap between left and right is widening

    The left have always leaned toward the elimination of restrictions on morality and personal behavior, up to and including in some cases pedophilia ("minor-attracted persons"), homosexuality, trans-sexuality, drag queenery, abortion, an...

  • February 13, 2023

    The GOP will win by making voting harder for everyone

    Now that the midterms are over, this is not the time to relax. Here is an early warning for the GOP: Today is the day you must begin securing 2024’s election. Not a year from now. Not six months from now. Not next week. Today.  Make v...

  • February 9, 2023

    Songs we miss from a less vulgar time

    The reliably excellent Kevin Kline in the 2004 film De-Lovely brought delighted nostalgia to the viewer, bringing back memories of a more innocent, less vulgar time in songwriting.  Cole Porter songs, written in the late 1920s and...

  • February 8, 2023

    Competence is dead and diversity killed it

    Have affirmative action hiring practices caused overall competence to plummet? The record appears to show exactly that. For no good reasons whatsoever, competence was allowed to die on the vine in order to give the less competent a leg up. Not sup...

  • January 29, 2023

    America’s spiritual crisis revealed in the Tyre Nichols tragedy

    Some are saying that the death of Tyre Nichols was due to “bad policing” or perhaps affirmative action hiring. Neither is truly the main reason. The Tyre Nichols tragedy was due to a spiritual void wher...

  • December 27, 2022

    A biblical reckoning

    Many of us have cultural whiplash.  At the risk of sounding simplistic, the Bible prophesied our upside-down reality eons ago by saying the time will come when people will call evil good and good evil, when they will call right wrong and wr...

  • November 15, 2022

    Democrats use Republicans' honor against them

    Democrats are Lucy.  Republicans are Linus.  The football is honor and decency.  Democrats are ruthless in their willingness to cheat, obfuscate, confuse, deceive, and play dirty.  This isn't news. Repub...

  • November 3, 2022

    The Democrats -- Mass Psychosis or Pathological Lying?

    Many news stories recently have led me to believe that Democrats are suffering either from mass psychoses or mass pathological lying. Someone please explain how Kathy Hochul doesn't think she's got a crime problem. Or how Newsom thinks he ...

  • October 31, 2022

    Are Republicans prepared for the aftermath of the 'Red Flood'?

    It is my opinion that this midterm election will not be a "red wave" or a "red tsunami."  I predict a Red Flood of almost Noahic proportions.  First will come the overwhelming rejection of the Biden agenda on N...

  • October 28, 2022

    If Republicans win, it's the end of democracy

    We should hope so.  Democracy is mob rule.  Democracy is rule by majority.  We do not have a direct democracy.  We never had one.  America was never set up for that.  We have a represen...

  • October 19, 2022

    Eight things that killed the Democrat Party

    The old Democrat Party is gone. In its place is a radical Libertine Party, full of itself and full of radical sexual, cultural, and economic ideas that have all but killed their chances of ever getting legitimately elected again. The following eight ...

  • October 4, 2022

    Ian wasn't supposed to be this way: What I saw when the Cat 4 hurricane blew through Florida

    Ian wasn’t supposed to be a giant-killer. The Gulf coast of Florida is not usually a place where notable hurricanes hit. Usually they hit on the east coast of Florida or they beeline it across the Gulf to Alabama or Louisiana, or they just ...

  • October 3, 2022

    Lessons learned from Ian

    During this massive, angry, satanic storm that nature hurled our way here in Florida this past week, there are a lot of lessons I learned, some of which I'd rather not have learned. Others, I was delighted to learn.  My situation was...

  • September 26, 2022

    America's dwindling Christian population

    When America was formed, the foundation was God; the Founding documents were drawn from a Judeo-Christian ethic.  Today, God has been shown the door, along with right and wrong.  Today, everything is right and nothing is wrong....

  • September 22, 2022

    Are Democrats Deliberately Choosing Impaired Candidates?

    Once could be excused. Twice is suspicious. Three times seems like a strategy. Are Democrats choosing infirm, intellectually challenged, feeble people to run for office so that they can be easily manipulated? Joe Biden was and is clearly infirm, p...

  • September 18, 2022

    The left are torching the Constitution for conservatives

    For quite a while now, ever since Obama talked about the Constitution being a "charter of negative liberties," the left have been behaving as if our Constitution did not exist.  Obama's comments and those of other radicals reg...

  • September 17, 2022

    The geese of Martha's Vineyard have to live with their gander policies

    Is it "cruel" to send illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard, as press secretary Karine Jeanne-Pierre says?  Was it also cruel when the Biden administration sent illegals from the border to red states? What is the differe...

  • September 16, 2022

    Republican voters who refuse to vote hurt everyone else

    There has been a creeping meme among some Republican voters indicating that they will refuse to vote because they are fed up with congressional Republicans.  They are telling everyone who will listen how horrible congressional Republicans a...

  • September 14, 2022

    Cowardly congressional Republicans are focusing on the wrong issues

    Just yesterday, Sen. Marco Rubio submitted a bill to prohibit protesters from blocking interstate highways. While in itself, this bill is needed at some point, other things are needed much earlier.  Like now. This is the sec...

  • September 5, 2022

    Seven Practical Ways to Make America Great Again

    I am guilty, like many of my fellow conservatives, of complaining about everything that has gone wrong since COVID.  That includes massive inflation, the loss of small businesses because of a messed up COVID response; supply chain problems;...

  • September 4, 2022

    Biden goes 'Alinsky' on half of America

    Joe Biden has chosen to adopt Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” in order to promote his America-last agenda. This would effectively subdue conservative Americans, at least half the population of the country. The pioneering Chi...

  • September 1, 2022

    Where are the 'right-wing extremists'?

    Who on the right is not disgusted by government and its bizarre excesses, its needless shortages, its unnecessary inflation, and its metastatic corruption?  While that disgust is certainly no excuse for kidnapping or any other crime, where ...

  • August 28, 2022

    The Eutopians want our obedience

    I have noticed that our culture is filled with newly uneducated people, if education is viewed as the accumulated learning of history, math, literature, thought, and functional independent living.  Only yesterday, people who went to college...

  • August 26, 2022

    God is in control, but we must act

    My friends have been telling me to stop worrying, that God is in control.  I know that, but I cannot help but worry and wonder what to do if Democrats win in 2024.  Or even this November, despite signs that things are turning arou...

  • August 22, 2022

    If I were Trump's adviser...

    When President Trump re-takes the White House in 2024, we conservatives will be in charge of the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate. That is the time to fix what has gone so horribly wrong ever since COVID and the 2020 election. H...

  • August 20, 2022

    Shut down the green agenda and go nuclear

    Nuclear energy. The very words conjure up images of nuclear disasters.  Three-Mile Island, Fukushima, and Chernobyl immediately come to mind.  After Chernobyl, the very thought of using nuclear energy on a large scale in A...

  • August 20, 2022

    Hochul's Compelled Speech Bill is Just the Beginning

    Governor Kathy Hochul signed a bill last year that will compel certain speech be used when addressing or referring to LGBTQ or trans people. It is not constitutional and will be overturned. Legislation S.5325/A.6193 is very strange because it mand...

  • August 16, 2022

    Remember Mar-a-Lago

    August 8, 2022 is another day that will live in infamy. It was the day the FBI blew up its own reputation and America's rule of law.  The deed was done on orders of an über-wealthy little man with a grudge, Merric...

  • August 15, 2022

    The short and sweet strategy for securing elections

    If I can hear voter fraud alarm bells, why are there crickets from Republicans?  Have they not learned their lesson?  Democrats are also strangely silent about securing the vote, which means we should pay attention.  God...

  • August 12, 2022

    Did the FBI jump the tarantula?

    When the government fails to secure unalienable rights, it no longer has authority to govern. Most of the media talk is about the FBI raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago, another attack that will live in infamy if liberty-loving Americans have anything...

  • August 10, 2022

    History is calling Donald Trump

    By now, everyone knows that Monday night, Mar-a-Lago, President Trump's home, was raided by dozens of FBI agents on the flimsiest of pretexts — an ostensible search for alleged classified documents Trump or his staff allegedly took fro...

  • August 7, 2022

    Black privilege does no one any favors

    Decades ago, two high-achieving daughters of our friends got turned down for admission to medical school in Washington, D.C. because two minority applicants with far lower test scores were admitted to the school in their place.  The girls w...

  • August 3, 2022

    How to split America when we get divorced

    With the deep fundamental and structural differences American culture is experiencing, I'd like to propose divorcing the regressives and going our separate ways.  But how to split up the spoils — who gets the kids, who gets what ...

  • July 29, 2022

    Why belief in God is essential to America's survival

    Arguments can be made that the Founders were not only not Deists, but Orthodox Christians.  In any case, their morality was traditional.  At the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin uttered this warning: The long...

  • July 27, 2022

    I was wrong about Trump

    I recently wrote a column about why I believed Trump should not run in 2024. I was wrong. I allowed my distaste for Trump’s personality to override his virtues, which are considerable. Some people want Trump without his vices. I was a...

  • July 25, 2022

    The terror of a Trump presidency

    Nothing strikes terror into leftist hearts like the idea that God exists or that there will be another Trump presidency. The latter is our focus here.  Trump has the magic touch when it comes to outing their clandestine plans to conquer ...

  • July 22, 2022

    Dewey educates from the grave

    John Dewey was an American philosopher, progressive, and a psychologist who was largely responsible for destroying education in America.  In 1916 he founded the American Federation of Teachers.  He was a pluperfect elitist who pro...

  • July 20, 2022

    Bye-bye, Biden

    Would any other American president have committed as many gaffes and missteps as Joe Biden has and still be said to love America? What other free-country world leader has treated his own people so badly and been allowed to stay in office? ...

  • July 17, 2022

    The infantilization of America is going full tilt now

    The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage, by Linda Goudsmit, is superb writing and analysis.  In clear, simple words and concepts, she explains the complex sociological and political phenomena destroying the American family....

  • July 14, 2022

    The Party of Violence

    Democrats are openly the party of violence and death. Their policies fail so they must advocate violence to get them implemented. Democrats and their spinoff-isms promote and glamorize abortion, the killing of human beings. Barack Obama notoriousl...

  • July 10, 2022

    One week's headlines reveals deep and pervasive dysfunction in American culture

    Last week, the following articles were published in various news sources in America. Exclusive: Army Training Says Soldiers Must Shower with Transgender Persons of Opposite Sex Jean-Pierre: ‘For sure’ White House approves pr...

  • July 3, 2022

    The lost generation(s)

    There is a plaque in Auschwitz with a quote from Adolf Hitler. It reads in part: I freed Germany from the stupid and degrading fallacies of conscience, morality…. We will train young people before whom the whole world will tremble. I want...

  • July 3, 2022

    If you want fraud-free elections, we need to start making changes right now

    We know that Democrats and the media (who still claim that no voter fraud of consequence took place in 2020) will try to cheat in November.  In light of this, there is no excuse for not acting right now to avoid fraudulent voting and vote-c...

  • June 26, 2022

    Repealing Roe reveals sharp contrast between good and evil

    If ever an action did not have an equal and opposite reaction, this Roe decision from the Supreme Court is it. The Left's reaction to the decision is monumentally top-heavy compared to the action taken by SCOTUS.  Those who are overr...

  • June 20, 2022

    Getting over the rainbow

    June is "pride month," and rainbow flags representing LGBTQ activity are all over. Why is it my business if you are gay?  Why is there such a huge push from so many gay people to make their gayness known to those who really don...

  • June 18, 2022

    Kamala: The new grand inquisitor

    Because Kamala Harris has done such a stellar job as Border Czar, Joe Biden wants her to head up the "White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse," whose first few words form the acronym WHTF. This latest attempt at cen...

  • June 10, 2022

    Young Americans are flat-out desperate for attention

    Many Americans, especially the young, seem to be suffering from a psychological cousin of HPD, Histrionic Personality Disorder.  It is what I like to call ASD, Attention Seeking Disorder.  The latter can be characterized as an unb...

  • June 7, 2022

    Brexit, Blexit And, Now, Chexit

    The various exoduses started with Brexit, started by Nigel Farage and ended with Boris Johnson’s successful move to have Great Britain exit from the European Union. Then came Blexit, Candace Owens’ successful move to convince American Bla...

  • June 6, 2022

    'Doing something!' about gun crime

    Joe Biden histrionically pleaded with Americans, "For God's sake, do something!" after the latest school shooting. Democrats are in power.  Why don't they do something?  They don't need to ask Re...

  • June 5, 2022

    It's not the guns that kill; it's culture-fueled anger

    Rational thinkers know that guns are not the problem.  Angry people are the problem.  If gun control worked to reduce gun crimes, Chicago and the other states with the strictest gun control laws would experience reduced gun crime....

  • June 4, 2022

    Why not a white pride month?

    There is Gay Pride Month, Black Pride Month, Asian Pacific Americans month, Women’s History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Disability Awareness Month, and no doubt there will soon be a Trans Pride Month. But where is the pride month for w...

  • June 2, 2022

    Liberals can now move to Canada

    Now that the far-left Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, has all but banned guns, liberals should feel safe enough to finally move there.  Every time American conservatives get a win, liberals threaten to move to Canada, so I am pleas...

  • June 1, 2022

    What Predisposes Jews to Vote for Democrats?

    Why are so many Jews Democrats? It has been hard to fathom why the Jews, thought by many to be so intelligent and overrepresented in science, medicine, literature, music, and sociology, would embrace Democrat ideology so as to plant the seeds of thei...

  • May 28, 2022

    A New Enlightenment is Coming

    The 18th-century "enlightenment" changed the world. John Locke, Isaac Newton, Emmanuel Kant, and several others were largely responsible for the seismic humanist shift away from religion toward the complete sufficiency of science and i...

  • May 25, 2022

    Trump shouldn't run

    Donald J. Trump was the best POTUS in my very long lifetime.  His policies were effective, making America prosperous and energy independent and lowering minority unemployment to record low levels.  Everything he did, with the poss...

  • May 23, 2022

    A New Kind of Child Abuse

    Until only a few years ago, child abuse was thought primarily to be hitting a child, starving a child, confining a child in a closet, not properly feeding a child, or engaging in sexual practices with a child.  Now child abuse has taken a q...

  • May 23, 2022

    Woke sex ed in schools is insane all over — and it won't win

    Yet another news story about some liberal outrage reached a friend, who replied by saying, "I can't believe the world I am living in!" What an understatement.  She was reacting to the latest public school outrage, where it ...

  • May 16, 2022

    Diversity Isn't Always Good

    Diversity, the integration of people with widely diverging cultures, colors, and persuasions, is not always good.  Nor is diversity always the best idea for a group or nation that wants to cohere in its traditions and remain functionally in...

  • May 16, 2022

    The Fred Astaire work ethic

    As I watched old Fred Astaire movies, I was struck by the sheer perfection of his movements and his flawless syncopation.  I had the conscious thought that America would be so much better off if Fred Astaire's work ethic and search for ...

  • May 14, 2022

    Don't bring your blues to our red states

    There has been a huge influx of blue state people to red states in the past three years. This is a good thing because the Democrat voters, the blues, see what is happening in their own states and want nothing more to do with it. ...

  • May 13, 2022

    Liberals: Shut up and Sit Down

    If you wondered why liberals can be shown demonstrable, provable facts and not change their minds, wonder no more: They are not listening. It is not simply a case of them listening and holding on to their opinions; they are, in fact, just not listeni...

  • May 11, 2022

    The Gospel of Unforgiveness

    Owen Strachan's book, Christianity and Wokeness. How the Social Justice Movement Is Hijacking the Gospel — and the Way to Stop It, has listed seven reasons why wokeness is not only not Christian, but deeply anti-Christian....

  • May 10, 2022

    If We Cannot Secure Voting, We Will Perish

    Dinesh D'Souza's film, 2000 Mules, was just released, and it is jaw-dropping.  The level of questionable practices and outright cheating is staggering.  To oversimplify: Using high-tech forensic geolocation, cell phone inf...

  • May 7, 2022

    Among the Wokerati

    The "First Rule of Holes" states that when you're in a hole, stop digging. American businesses have dug themselves a colossal hole by going woke and most have not stopped digging. They are paying for it in lost customer dollars and lost...

  • May 5, 2022

    Who is torching our food supply?

    Once is an accident.  Twice, a coincidence.  Three times is a pattern.  But four times is an act of war.  Who has declared war on us by setting fire and explosions to America's food processing plants? In...

  • May 4, 2022

    Normalizing Perversion

    The reasons for the Left's perverse sexualizing of very young children make sense only if you are sexually neurotic. None of it makes sense if you are a rational, healthy, sexually normal person. For example, what is to be gained by first graders...

  • May 2, 2022

    Irredeemably white

    We've been looking at this all wrong.  We thought CRT was about changing the behavior of white people to be more inclusive, less racist, and more deferential to non-whites.  We were naïvely and pathetically wrong. ...

  • April 29, 2022

    What Would Rush Say?

    "Don't doubt me," he would say. Rush often said he could read the stitches on a fast ball. He was the most politically prescient person in public life for 33 years before he died more than a year ago. American conservatives mourned his ...

  • April 26, 2022

    Maskerade: Hiding the face of tyranny and fear

    Few things are more emblematic of America's cultural and political differences than the issue of masks.  The right has moved past them.  The left insists on keeping them because it claims it's a "health issue....

  • April 23, 2022

    American Churches are Killing Christianity

    Matt Walsh’s latest book, Church of Cowards. A Wake-Up Call to Complacent Christians rips contemporary Christians a new one. Before he discusses the theologically sound aspects of the Christian church in America, he takes many of them to t...

  • April 20, 2022

    Conservatives are playing defense in an offensive culture

    The reason we conservatives constantly put out liberal brush fires is because we don't think the way liberals think. What conservative could possibly think up drag queen story hour for second graders? Or teaching transexuality...

  • April 17, 2022

    Easter in America

    Were you to walk the streets of many American cities, you would never know that this Sunday is Resurrection Day, more often called "Easter." The most important event in human history, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, is celebrated w...

  • April 13, 2022

    Boys will be girls: Restoring toxic masculinity

    For years, masculine men seem to be morphing into slight and often feminine creatures. Outside action films and with the possible exception of some Deep South truckers, mixed martial artists, and rugged Texas cowboys, crackling masculinity is gett...

  • April 9, 2022

    Screwtape comes to America

    C.S. Lewis' 1942 satirical Screwtape Letters is probably the best literary work of its kind in describing how evil and the devil take root, undetected, in the life of human beings. Our tendency is to think of evil as overt, obvious, and...

  • April 3, 2022

    I'll take romance

    Romance seems to have almost vanished in American culture. Romantic Hollywood liaisons were everywhere in the '40s and '50s. Boy meets girl - boy loses girl - boy gets girl back was a common theme in many movies. The woman longed for the man ...