Max D. Dublin

Max D. Dublin

  • Trump’s Tariffs -- A View from Canada

    February 27, 2025

    Trump’s Tariffs -- A View from Canada

    Everyone knows that there is no love lost between President Trump and Canada’s failed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. During Trump’s first term, Trudeau never missed an opportunity to thumb his nose at the president and badmouth him behind...

  • September 22, 2023

    Hands off Our Kids Comes of Age

    The only good that came from the pandemic lockdowns was that parents in great numbers finally began to learn what was going on in the public school system as the corrupt curriculum was inadvertently beamed into their homes. This knowledge has given b...

  • September 15, 2023

    Mental Illness and Euthanasia

    Critics of euthanasia have always warned that, however tight the initial restrictions, its legalization would inevitably comprise a slippery slope. These critics have always been right. Typically, initial restrictions will specify that the candidate ...

  • September 12, 2023

    Israel's Constitutional Dilemma

    In Israel the protesting against the government’s proposed judicial reforms continues. This morning I spoke with a good friend in Israel, a self-styled secular leftist. He informed me that he and his wife continue to protest religiously, that i...

  • August 26, 2023

    A Disarmed Man Goes into Battle

    Why do people commit suicide? Volumes have been written on the subject and in many cases, we know, or like to think we know, what motivated them to do so. But some cases, even after ready explanations, still remain rather mysterious. A little over...

  • February 10, 2023

    Strangers and Others

    Propagandists on the political Left like to quote the Bible, ostensibly in order to prove their religious bona fides and legitimate their agenda to adherents of the Judeo-Christian tradition. One of the favorite quotes of the open borders crowd, espe...

  • September 13, 2022

    In Canada, the pushback grows

    Until the truckers' Freedom Convoy, I had almost given up on my fellow Canadians growing a spine.  Until then, it seemed to me that Canadians were too complacent, too trusting of authority, too go-along-to-get along, and way too cherish...

  • February 23, 2022

    The State’s Monopoly on Violence

    It is too early to say yet how future historians will view the present moment in history.  But as we are learning about the true costs of the pandemic lockdowns—and also learning how negligible have been the benefits—it’s not u...

  • February 16, 2022

    Canadian Martial Law: Trudeau Redux

    Canadians who are old enough to remember when Justin Trudeau was born will recall that at the time his father, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, explained to the fawning press that he had named his newborn son Justin because -- wait for it -- Justice. A...