Matt Rowe

Matt Rowe

  • President-elect Trump and naval ship design

    January 11, 2025

    President-elect Trump and naval ship design

    A recent story details how President-elect Trump complained about designing a U.S. Navy frigate that, once in the development phase, was modified by other naval stakeholders prior to actual construction. It was the president’s opinion...

  • Time for a different type of drug war

    January 3, 2025

    Time for a different type of drug war

    Although President-elect Trump’s bombastic statements have made for good press and sound, superficially at least, like things that will make America great again, it is time for him to take a step back and be more diplomatic with the rest of the...

  • November 7, 2023

    Thoughts About Potentially Limited Warfare in the Middle East

    We must be very careful how we deal with Iran and other bad actors in the world. If forced into a war in the Middle East, we must go in prepared to throw all our national willpower into the struggle. Poking at our enemies here and there has not broug...

  • October 20, 2023

    There Are No Good Options For Israel and America

    There are a lot of interesting responses in the United States to the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Clearly, the most rational is to be outraged at the rape, kidnapping, and murder of Israeli civilians perpetrated by so-called soldiers of Islam. T...

  • August 6, 2023

    C2PA: Another good idea subject to abuse

    There are some new digital content standards under development with the best of intentions (if you are not a pessimist like me), and like anything else, they may open up the world to even more centralized control and other significant negative impact...

  • July 1, 2023

    True AI is incompatible with progressivism

    The Encyclopedia Britannica defines artificial intelligence (A.I.) as "the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings."  It adds that A.I. systems are "e...

  • June 8, 2023

    Start At The Local Level To Stop Corruption In The Federal Government

    We all know that with power comes the temptation to treat others as we would not like others to treat us. In other words, with power comes the temptation for corruption of all sorts. This may be as minor as treating others rudely or as major as recen...

  • April 23, 2023

    Al Intelligence and the new golden calf

    I read with great interest Tom Raabe’s American Spectator article, “The AI Threat to Religion.” My initial, rather unthoughtful response was to wonder how Artificial Intelligence could be more of a threat to faith in God than any ot...

  • April 9, 2023

    Are we now canceling ourselves?

    The Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana has unfairly canceled Father James DeOreo, a young parish priest at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, for several years now. This is due to baseless allegations from one young man suffering from mental health issues that b...

  • March 29, 2023

    No Labels Means No Values

    I recently learned that a new political party was created and met the requirements for three states to include it. It calls itself the No Labels Party and, according to a video on its homepage, spokesman Ryan Clancy explains that No Labels believes t...

  • January 11, 2023

    Managing the People’s house

    Anony Mee wrote about the newly constituted House’s first initiative, “Rolling back egregious IRS funding,” and ended it by applauding this action. Anony Mee is correct. We must back members of the People’s House, just as was ...

  • December 31, 2022

    A Cold War With China Is Not The Answer

    It is folly to believe that the US should engage in a repeat of the Cold War with the rising world power that is China, reflecting the maxim that “Generals always fight the last war.” That implies that the current military strategy focuse...

  • December 13, 2022

    Have conservatives entirely missed the window for victory?

    Oh, how I am starting to miss all the conservative armchair generals shouting, “Civil war! We can take those Liberals! I’m armed up and ready to go!” Alas, I fear we have missed the window of opportunity. Not so much for a shooti...

  • November 18, 2022

    The real problem in the 2022 election wasn’t corruption

    The “red trickle” in the November 8 election is not due to election irregularities, though I accept that there were some that occurred. What really happened is that the voters tended to stick with the party they always voted for or with w...

  • October 11, 2022

    The woke military is an institution that is breaking down

    I recently read a Fox News article that presented the views of a number of anonymous military members regarding the “woke” military. The service members almost universally agreed that senior members who openly disagree with the direction ...

  • October 4, 2022

    The GOP needs to abandon passivity and work hard to reach voters

    I know some very smart people who also happen to be very busy and turned off by politics and the news media. They simply are not paying attention, and when I tell them things that are going on to destroy our republic they first react in disbelief, th...

  • September 24, 2022

    If Colombia legalizes cocaine, there will still be violence there

    As a battered and bruised Special Forces veteran of the “drug war” in Latin America, and, specifically, in Colombia, the idea that simply legalizing cocaine to end violence makes me cringe. It’s a typically leftist way of thinking w...

  • September 6, 2022

    The left will fight!

    One of the things I regularly hear and commonly read in the comments sections of American Thinker is that if there is a civil war in the United States, the right will have no trouble beating the left.  The logic is that a woke arm...

  • June 22, 2022

    What do mortgage interest rates really mean?

    To cool rising inflation, which is the general increase of prices for goods and services, the Fed has decided to raise interest rates.  Interest is basically the cost of borrowing money.  The higher cost of money is the same as mo...

  • May 5, 2022

    How the Second Amendment will save the world

    It is no secret that the founding of the United States of America has profoundly and beneficially impacted the prosperity of the entire world.  By extension, the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is one of the key tools, and last re...

  • May 4, 2022

    Free speech requires both the left and the right

    We all know by now that Elon Musk has purchased Twitter and that the reaction from the left and the MSM has been sheer panic.  According to their responses, you'd think he was removing all the politically left Twitter users and replacin...

  • April 19, 2022

    The national fight for survival is not over

    Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote an essay for American Thinker: "They escaped totalitarianism twice, only to see it again in America."  I described how badly our leftist neighbors responded to my father-in-law's support...

  • April 12, 2022

    Against the Convention of States

    Many folks calling for a Convention of States (COS) to solve our country’s current political problems are making a fatal assumption about the purpose of COS. They see this as a powerful mechanism for undoing political corruption at the federal ...

  • April 4, 2022

    Events in Ukraine are not our war

    I was reminded by a Paul Kengor article in the March 29 American Spectator, "Russians Know Death Unlike Any Other People," of something I have tried to communicate to many people about getting involved in the Ukraine war — namely...

  • April 4, 2022

    Are Republicans falling into an overconfidence trap?

    A recent Daily Wire article discussing a poll conducted by Morning Consult/Politico indicated that Republicans are leading Democrats by "double digits" on inflation, the economy, and national security. As presented in the Daily Wire...

  • March 11, 2022

    No, Conservatives Are Not Likely Ready to Fight

    I read J.B. Shurk’s well-written March 8th article “Why Should Deplorables Fight for Those Who Hate Them?“ with some interest. My answer to his question is that I don’t think conservatives will. The reality is that the militar...

  • February 25, 2022

    The 2020s are calling, and they say pay attention to China

    The armchair generals, the MSM pundits, and the social media experts are debating passionately about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  We should fight for Ukraine!  We should not fight for Ukraine!  Putin will go after a...

  • February 10, 2022

    Here's the deal with Mike Pence

    On February 9, 2022, Andrew W. Coy asked, "What's the Deal with Mike Pence?"  One thing is that former vice president Pence was always a weak leader. While he was governor, Indiana passed the Religious Freedom Restoration A...

  • January 24, 2022

    Will We Purposely Add CO2 to the Atmosphere Soon?

    I finished Patrick Moore’s book. Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom, recently. In fact, I was unable to put it down. Moore is an ecologist and one of the original founders of Greenpeace. He parted ways with them because of “...

  • January 21, 2022

    The US should treat Ukraine as a neutral state

    Once again, Russian troop movements around Ukraine have Western strategists warning that an all-out invasion by Russia is imminent.  There are about 100,000 troops close to the Ukraine border, but the Russian leadership says it is not getti...

  • January 18, 2022

    So you think you are resisting

    I've seen a lot of reader comments lately in various media on government COVID mandates where the commenters attack the victims in the story.  For example, take a January 15 Daily Wire article, "NY Restauranteur [sic...

  • December 10, 2021

    Why does Pfizer want its vaccine research protected?

    Go look at the VAERS COVID Vaccine Mortality Report to know why Pfizer wants FDA protection for its vaccine research along with 75 years of document secrecy.  While there are all sorts of ways to interpret the VAERS data, and it...

  • May 12, 2021

    At what point do adverse reactions matter?

    I am not an anti-vaxxer, though I am sure to be labeled as such.  Feel free to lump me in with the group of "hesitant" vaxxers, however.  My logic is that we simply do not have enough data about the longer-term effects o...

  • April 22, 2021

    NBC Cherry Picks Facebook to Discredit Our Republic’s Ultimate Defenders

    I read a recent NBC story -- In secret Facebook groups, America's best warriors share racist jabs, lies about 2020, even QAnon theories -- in which the writer, Carol Lee, alleges radicalization, extremism, and significant racism among US Special ...

  • April 10, 2021

    Conservative boycotts can work

    Boycotts have always tended to be a leftist phenomenon.  They work because the nature of leftism is collectivism — i.e., herd activity — so that individual leftists quickly respond to orders to boycott one company or another....

  • March 30, 2021

    With global warming, we're looking in the wrong direction

    Keep in mind that climate change is a constant — so constant that it doesn't need discussion here — but we do need to discuss global warming.  There is plenty of evidence that the world is experiencing a warming trend. ...

  • March 26, 2021

    Women should not deliberately be sent into combat

    I know I will upset many readers with this column, but I speak from experience.  Women should not be combat soldiers on purpose and should not have combat commands, either.  This has suddenly become a pressing matter because ...

  • March 22, 2021

    Excuses, excuses!

    Isn't it interesting that the current border crisis, which is spiraling out of control, is the fault of former President Trump?  It's the result of his "dismantlement of the safe and orderly immigration processes that were...

  • March 16, 2021

    Neighbors turning in neighbors

    Both sides of my wife's family were broken up during and right after World War II.  As a result, she has family in Poland and Croatia and has kept in close touch with both.  We've sent our teenage sons to the month-long Po...

  • March 11, 2021

    Are we going to need vaccination passports?

    Although I know verification of health status is a reasonable condition of entry for countries, I am dubious about the fear of COVID as a cause for new conditions for international or domestic travel.  Several countries are implem...

  • February 27, 2021

    Conservatives have the tools for a peaceful revolution

    Half of America blindly supports the gradual and increasingly obvious move toward socialism. Their leaders either want communism or don’t care much about the future provided they gain power while they are still around to enjoy it. The other hal...

  • February 20, 2021

    A workable path to citizenship

    Most conservatives recoil at the thought of granting a path to citizenship to 11 million illegal aliens, as the Biden administration wants to do.  Yes, I used the term illegal alien because it is not a pejorative — it simply is what i...

  • February 15, 2021

    Constitutions limit the government, not the people

    The government is trampling our rights, and just about everyone knows it.  The conservatives want it stopped, and to have changes made according to constitutional rules.  The Democrats don't think the Constitution is as releva...

  • February 5, 2021

    They escaped totalitarianism twice, only to see it again in America

    Let me tell you about my wife’s family, formerly oppressed immigrants who came to this country legally, and love the USA as only formerly oppressed immigrants could. They are being mistreated over politics by some of their Carmel, Indiana, neig...

  • January 12, 2021

    The Tories decried the Boston Tea Party, too

    On December 16, 1773, some 150 colonists made up as Mohawk Indians threw tea taken from the British East India Company's ships into Boston Harbor to protest the Crown's taxing tea in America.  Though this act was cheered by at least...

  • January 11, 2021

    The right needs to remember that this is bigger than Trump

    Too many people are conflating "Trumpers" with the entire right or with conservatives and even with Republicans as if they were all the same thing.  It's one thing when the left does this, but we need to be clear that the ...

  • January 1, 2021

    Do conservatives have staying power and moral fortitude?

    2020 was a tough year. In 2021, Conservatives need to be tough people. No matter who takes the White House, there are cultural battles we need to fight while remaining true to our best principles, including the Constitution. It’s been very r...

  • December 11, 2020

    Why the moon and not Mars?

    The U.S. is planning space missions heading back to the moon, although China is already on its way with its latest probes, preparing for manned missions of its own!  Can you guess where else they'll be before we are?  Mars! ...

  • November 25, 2020

    Pandemic or Syndemic: How Deadly COVID-19 Isn’t

    We are not just in the midst of a pandemic, which simply means a disease is occurring all over the world.  Rather, we are also experiencing a syndemic -- the aggregation of two or more concurrent epidemics or disease clusters with biological int...

  • October 4, 2020

    Is the United States in the Midst of an Insurgency?

    The violence and rioting in the US result from far more than just dissatisfaction with the police.  Extreme ideological social justice movements today are more likely to carry firearms than items for a food pantry.  We currently face nothin...