Matthew R.J. Brodsky

Matthew R.J. Brodsky

  • July 22, 2015

    Canards and Straw Men in the Case for the Iran Deal

    “You know, the facts are the facts,” President Obama declared at his July 15 White House press conference designed to sell the Iran nuclear deal, “and I'm not concerned about what others say about it.” He then turned to a ...

  • March 15, 2015

    The Circular Logic of Netanyahu's Critics

    Benjamin Netanyahu's critics were quick to pounce after he delivered his speech to Congress. President Obama asserted that "there was nothing new" and that "the Prime Minister didn't offer any viable alternatives." Senator...

  • December 12, 2010

    WikiLeaks and the Middle East Mirage

    The new WikiLeaks release may have caused diplomatic embarrassment around the globe, but a closer look reveals important lessons with implications for American foreign policy.  While the release of these secret cables provides a lot of detail, t...

  • August 8, 2010

    Of Trees and Tribunals: Lebanon's Growing Headache

    The recent border skirmish between Lebanon and Israel in which a senior Israeli officer, two Lebanese soldiers, and a journalist from the pro-Hezb'allah al-Akhbar newspaper were killed is the most significant clash between the two countries since the...