Matthew M. Hausman

Matthew M. Hausman

  • October 9, 2011

    Israel's Jewish Character Is Her Truth; the Rest Is Just Commentary

    A bill was introduced in the Knesset last year to amend Israel's Oath of Allegiance to require all new immigrants to swear their loyalty to a "Jewish and democratic" state.  The bill does not represent any great ideological shift, but rather is ...

  • March 27, 2011

    The Progressive West Supports the Quest for a Judenrein State of Palestine

    In seeking to impose a Palestinian state on Israel, the Obama Administration, European Union, and western media have displayed a cynical contempt for history that is astounding in its breadth and scope.  Pressure is brought to bear solely on Isr...

  • August 16, 2009

    The Misrepresentation of J Street

    There has been a surge of liberal to leftist organizations who claim to be pro-Israel, but who actually boast agendas that undercut the legitimacy of the Jewish State.  The most well-known of these is J Street,  because of its visibility in...