Matt Spivey

Matt Spivey

  • March 27, 2011

    President Bush Runs the Gauntlet to Visit Christian University

    Last week I had the pleasure of hearing a speech by President George W. Bush.  The school where I teach, Arizona Christian University, had invited him to share his thoughts on faith-based education and political leadership.Upon arriving at the P...

  • November 18, 2010

    Financial Bigotry

    The "tax cuts for the rich" debate needs a new focus. We are missing the point of the tax debate. It is not about taxation in a recession. The wealthy will be comparatively well-off regardless of the economic environment. It is not about th...

  • March 11, 2010

    Obamacare and Las Vegas

    Democrats need to learn a little lesson about Sin City. I love a good gambling story. Whether it's a hotshot blackjack player counting cards, a housewife who pulls the lever on million dollar slot, or a sports bettor sweating over the point spread du...

  • February 9, 2010

    Party of 'No'...and Proud

    Conservatism is about being not obstructionist, but principled.Imagine if someone told you that even though you are a Christian, in order to get along better with others, you need to put your religious beliefs on hold until 2012. Don't worry about th...

  • February 6, 2010

    Tebow's Super Story

    Tim Tebow has earned the right to have his story heard in any venue.He has won the Heisman trophy and two national championships, as well as an endless list of career awards and records. But all of that is meaningless compared to the young man Tim Te...

  • January 23, 2010

    Keith Olbermann's crocodile tears over SCOTUS campaign finance decision

    Keith Olbermann spent the final 15 minutes of his Thursday night program, Countdown, on a long winded diatribe condemning this week's Supreme Court ruling on the deregulation of campaign financing. Olbermann predicted the end of American civilizatio...

  • January 22, 2010

    Peacock Profits

    Why is Obama not upset with NBC like he is with other large companies paying bonuses?President Obama has made condemning wealth a priority throughout his candidacy and his first year in office. Whether aimed at banks, insurance companies, or corporat...

  • January 16, 2010

    A World of Happiness

    Happiness statistics are rotten in the state of Denmark.While I usually avoid all things Oprah like the swine flu, I happened to catch an episode of her show this week. After recently visiting Copenhagen, Denmark with her BFFs the Obamas, she decided...

  • December 5, 2009

    All I Want for Christmas...

    The federal holiday hypocrisy package needs to have the wrapping paper torn off it.The state of Washington and its yearly demolition of religion this time of year has given me an idea. I am making a request concerning the enactment of federal holiday...

  • November 26, 2009

    The Truth of Thanksgiving

    Our nation has dramatically changed since the inception of this special day.I asked my students if they knew the original intent of the day we now call Thanksgiving. To my consternation, these were a few of those responses:"Isn't it to celebrate...

  • November 19, 2009

    Remember When

    President Obama has meant a lot of things to a lot people this year.After a bumpy year with our new president, it seems appropriate to reminisce about the many labels he assumed for himself and was granted by his admirers. At first, being anyone not ...

  • October 24, 2009

    Obama Similes

    Defining our president in his first year can be difficult, but here are a few possible labels. Liberals loved giving names to George W. Bush during his presidency.  He was called everything vulgar from "retarded cowboy" and "Presi...

  • October 15, 2009

    Liberals Fumble Again

    Since when is wanting to buy a football team a matter for the House floor?When Sheila Jackson Lee took the floor of the House this week to criticize Rush Limbaugh in an attempt to block his bid for purchasing the NFL's St. Louis Rams, I wasn't the on...

  • October 2, 2009

    How much Moore can we Take?

    Michael Moore producing and selling a film on the detriments of capitalism is about as logical as Roman Polanski directing a feature on responsible child care.  The fact that Michael Moore, one of the wealthiest men in America, feels comfortable...

  • September 28, 2009

    Rights vs. Profits

    The medical field should be the most capitalistic industry of all.As the health care debate rages on, certain words like "rights" seem to carry a torch for humanity that immediately squelch any opposition.  After all, America is all ab...

  • September 22, 2009

    School Blues

    The American university is the anti-Disneyland... the saddest place on Earth. Today's colleges can make MSNBC seem fair and balanced and give the term "clinical depression" a sunny and joyful flavor. It's no wonder so many prominent liberal...

  • May 19, 2009

    Obama at Notre Dame

    President Obama and his fuzzy logic would have a hard time making it out of my freshman-level Composition and Research courses with a passing grade.Though well known for his power of pathos when reading those teleprompter speeches, in Sunday’s ...

  • May 8, 2009


    President Obama keeps calling for all Americans, both in Congress and in the citizenry, to “tighten their belts” and make “tough decisions” regarding spending. The federal budget is a disaster of generational proportions, and ...

  • April 18, 2009

    Give Me a Break

    2008 was another year of selfishness for our most powerful leaders. I don't think a third-person account of this issue is strong enough anymore.  This topic has already been covered with that perspective.  This time, I'll speak to the guilt...

  • April 17, 2009

    Not Something We Do?

    The Tax Day Tea Parties may have been a surprise to some conservatives, but the groundwell is very real.A few months ago, as bailouts were booming and budgets were busting, I wondered how long it would take for conservatives to actively respond....

  • April 15, 2009

    Penalizing Prudence

    Discretion and common sense are sinful qualities when the taxman cometh.One of the Cardinal Virtues is under intense fire this week.  Prudence -- the ability to govern and discipline oneself while using skill and good judgment in the use of reso...

  • March 20, 2009

    Obama's March Madness

    For most of us…well, those of us who grew up in Indiana breathing basketball and now spend most of the spring on the couch in front of a CBS telecast hanging on every uttered word from Gus Johnson and Kevin Harlan…this is the greatest t...

  • February 24, 2009

    Lesson Plans for 'Change'

    In just over thirty days, our children have learned some very valuable lessons.Lesson 1: Air Force One rocks!Though reducing fossil fuels and conserving energy are supposedly major concerns for our new leader, President Obama loves to rev those famou...

  • February 10, 2009

    Altruism: the most profitable gig in America

    Follow your heart...that's where the money is.There are three major professions in America that have a reputation for being the most helpful, hard working, and compassionate for its clients.  These professions require a higher level of education...

  • February 9, 2009

    Hoosier Hope or Hype?

    As an Indiana native, I know the people that are currently hardest hit by the frightening unemployment numbers.  I know the simple lives those citizens lead, and I know the independent spirit of our nation's most unheralded workers.  The Ho...

  • February 9, 2009

    Global Warming Causes Mental Illness

    In a year in which logic has been lost and crazy has become common, this might be the most illogically crazy article I've seen.  It is a piece from the Boston Globe lifestyle section entitled, “Climate Change Takes a Mental Toll.”Th...

  • February 8, 2009

    Employees of the Month

    Last month, I needed to submit some forms to a county office, so I went online to learn the procedure.  As I examined the site, I discovered that the link for online submission was down.   Fortunately, I had a hard copy of the paperwor...

  • February 2, 2009

    A Super Bowl We Can Believe In?

    In the spirit of this new era of "change," one of our great American traditions needs some major revisions.  Regardless of the marquee players and nail-biting lead changes, I could barely focus on the entertainment of the game because ...

  • January 28, 2009

    Secrets of Service

    President Obama has been promoting community service and taking care of your fellow American ever since he began campaigning for his current job.In his election night speech in Chicago, Obama proclaimed, "So let us summon a new spirit of patriot...

  • January 22, 2009

    Abortion: The Unspoken Jihad

    In Arabic, the word "jihad" means "inner struggle," and for those involved in one particular battle, there is no simple answer and varying perspectives cause, in many cases, violent reactions and repercussions.  That word has...

  • January 20, 2009

    Speech of the Century?

    A recent AP article has identified an issue that many of us have been pondering: Barack Obama's inaugural speech better be a whopper.  With so much hype, history, and hysteria surrounding the new President, what can he possibly say on January 20...

  • January 19, 2009

    Obama and the Lessons of History

    As an educator, I am always interested in discovering how schools and teachers implement American and world events into curriculum.  With the historic inauguration of the nation's first black president, one can imagine the materials for instruct...

  • December 24, 2008

    A Reagan Christmas

    The words of one of our greatest presidents would be shockingly out of place today.Today in America, we proudly celebrate the birthdays of leaders of social change like Martin Luther King, Jr. every January.  We honor the birthdays of leaders of...

  • December 22, 2008

    God and the auto bailout

    This auto bailout has reached far beyond economics and politics.As was widely reported, a Detroit church used its service a couple of weekends ago to request God's intervention on the impending automaker bailout.  With SUVs on stage, worship son...

  • December 17, 2008

    The New Standard of Living: Staying Alive

    We are all guided by three principles of survival: love, opportunity, and fear.The numbers seem startling: 58,000 new unemployment claims last week and 533,000 jobs lost last month.  We are standing in the midst of a 6.7% unemployment rate....

  • December 16, 2008

    Dealing with Duncan

    Barack Obama formally added another member to his Cabinet by recently announcing Arne Duncan as the new Secretary of Education.  The Harvard grad and Chicago CEO of Schools appears to be the perfect fit for the Obama administration: same schooli...

  • December 15, 2008

    A Tale of Two Spouses

    I am going to tell you the brief story of an average American couple who believe in the vitality of the American worker and the validity of American principles.  They use their Midwestern values of always being a hard working, never complaining,...