Matt Holzmann

Matt Holzmann

  • May 21, 2013

    Is it time to consider a RICO case against the Administration?

    We are finding out new and interesting revelations about how our government operates every day, it seems. From an ever expanding IRS scandal to the Department of Justice's fishing expedition at AP to the President of the United States telling us that...

  • March 25, 2013

    Obama's Tyranny: Petty or Something More Sinister?

    Last week, headlines informed us that, because of the Sequester, the FAA will be reducing the number of Air Traffic Controllers and closing 149 control towers completely. Earlier, the Department of Homeland Security released hundreds of illegal alien...

  • November 2, 2012

    The Leadership Disconnect from Sandy

    The other day something truly horrible happened to New Jersey, Staten Island, and much of the rest of New York City. The electricity is still off in most places. They are pumping out the tunnels and subways as best they can, but food and fuel and ser...

  • April 23, 2012

    The Kindergarten Presidency

    Last week was especially harsh for the President. The failure to find common ground at the Americas summit was overshadowed by the scandal of members of his Secret Service detail whoring and partying till dawn and then stiffing at least one of the ho...

  • December 30, 2011

    Our Growing Police State

    Last week, the FBI released its preliminary crime statistics for the first half of 2011, and across the nation violent crimes dropped 6.7% while property crimes dropped 3.7%. This continues a downward trend that dates back to the 1970's. Many of the ...

  • September 28, 2011

    Demonizing Democracy

    There has been a disturbing trend of late. As the world faces crisis and a poor economic outlook on the heels of the Great Recession and on the verge of worse, there are a growing calls for less democracy.  The elites that got us into the mess i...

  • September 26, 2011

    I knew I had that € 2 Trillion sitting around here somewhere

    So now the ante for saving the Euro has risen to € 2 trillion ( $2.72 Trillion). As part of the proposed plan, Greece's debtors, primarily the French and German banks, will take a 50% haircut and be recapitalized. Remember, these are the same banks w...

  • September 23, 2011

    The War Between the ISI and America

    Berhanuddin Rabbani was assassinated the other day at his home in Kabul. After surviving the war with the Soviets and then as a leader of the Northern Alliance against the Taliban it was at the end a peace envoy who detonated a bomb in his turban tha...

  • August 23, 2011

    Obama's Real Energy Policy

    Congresswoman Michele Bachmann recently promised $2/gallon gas at one of her campaign functions, and a  researcher affiliated with NASA reported that aliens may destroy humanity to save the planet.  Which state...

  • August 6, 2011

    The President's New Clothes

    Gather round, children, and I will tell you the story of the President's New Clothes. Once upon a time, there was a vain president in far off Washington whose only worry in life was to dress in elegant clothes and have parties. He began by holding we...

  • February 10, 2011

    The Supreme Court battle on ObamaCare has begun

    Seventy four Democratic Members of Congress led by noted moderate Anthony Weiner have sent a letter to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas demanding that he recuse himself from any case before the Court related to last year's health care bill. This...