Mary L. Davenport, MD

Mary L. Davenport, MD

  • September 27, 2018

    Blasey Ford's published medical research includes 6 articles on the abortion pill

    Dr. Christine Blasey has 21 articles listed in PubMed, the best database for medical research.  They cover a variety of topics including rate studies, gender, childhood trauma, depression, therapies like acupuncture and meditation, and chro...

  • March 28, 2016

    Sugar, obesity, and Alzheimer’s: A national crisis

    See also: The CDC is trying to make 86 million Americans sick The CDC is correct in calling attention to a health condition, pre-diabetes, afflicting 86 million Americans.  Laudably, they have publicized lifestyle programs in community center...

  • February 24, 2015

    When Mom changes her mind: Reversing pill abortions in progress

    At the National Press Club in Washington, DC Monday, six other physicians and I testified about how to reverse a medical abortion in progress. Our press conference was sponsored by the American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists a...

  • December 2, 2013

    New study from China helps to prove the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

    In the US we are used to abortion advocates claiming that the risk of elective abortion is relatively trivial, and major medical organizations denying any link between abortion and breast cancer. Now a powerful new study from China published last wee...

  • February 4, 2012

    The Wrath of the Abortion Movement Unleashed on Komen

    If you are confused about what is actually happening with the decision of the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure Foundation to change its grant criteria, you are not alone.  The vicious fury of pro-abortion lobby is the real story of the decision o...

  • September 1, 2011

    Major Study Links Suicide and Other Mental Health Problems to Abortion

    An important meta-analysis published today in the prestigious British Journal of Psychiatry demonstrates that nearly 10% of mental health problems in women are directly attributable to abortion.  "Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthes...

  • June 30, 2010

    Elena Kagan: No Respect for Science

    Incendiary memos written by Elena Kagan in 1996 have surfaced from her stint as President Clinton's domestic policy adviser. At that time, Congress was in an uproar over the recently invented technique of partial birth abortion. Many Americans were h...

  • April 6, 2009

    The end of physician conscience protection in America?

    The period of public comment on conscience protection for health care providers will end on April 9. No one wants the government telling physicians they must violate their conscience in the practice of medicine. This is especially important regarding...

  • March 3, 2009

    Extinguishing Physician Conscience

    The largest generational cohort in American history, the Baby Boomers, will be the first Americans to be denied available effective life-saving treatments for reasons of cost. The seeds for this mass liquidation have already been planted.Imagine that...

  • October 25, 2006

    The Unconscionable Claims of Michael J. Fox

    The popular and appealing actor Michael J. Fox has taken to the airwaves in Senate battleground states Missouri, Maryland, and New Jersey with a highly misleading ad urging defeat of Republican Senatorial candidates opposing the use of taxpayer dolla...

  • April 19, 2006

    Fetuses and Pain

    Can fetuses feel pain? The question has moved beyond the realm of science into politics, with powerful overtones for the general public's understanding of abortion itself. Regrettably, politics is trumping science in some quarters. There have been a...

  • March 31, 2005

    Terri Schiavo's CT scan – another physician's opinion

    The amount of medical misinformation put out about Terri Schiavo has been truly stunning. The testimony of Terri's physicians who believe that some recovery is possible has been largely dismissed. Judge Greer's court and the media in turn, have focus...

  • September 9, 2004

    The truth about stem cell research

    Scientists know that claims of imminent cures of disease using embryonic stem cells are junk science, whereas progress in adult stem cell research has been nothing short of spectacular. It is unfortunate that the mainstream media have exaggerated the...

  • April 26, 2004

    Forcing Doctors to Kill

    Did you ever wonder how involuntary euthanasia took root in the Netherlands and spun out of control? Many of the elderly in Dutch retirement homes have learned to dread going into the hospital, fearing that their lives may be terminated.  How di...

  • April 14, 2004

    Planned Parenthood v Ashcroft

    Warning: This article contains graphic testimony of abortion procedures; not for the faint—hearted.   This week the Partial Birth Abortion Law test case, Planned Parenthood v Ashcroft, is coming to a close in San Francisco. Simultaneously,...

  • March 29, 2004

    Oh the Humanity!

    A new phenomenon has been sweeping American in the past year. Boutique ultrasound centers, with names like Fetal Fotos or Womb's Window, have sprung up across America, offering parents pictures of their unborn babies. These commercial ultrasound shop...

  • March 8, 2004

    Partial Birth Abortion Coverup Strikes Again

    In a ruling last week, U.S. District Court Judge Phyllis Hamilton denied the U.S. Justice department access to medical records from San Francisco General Hospital and Planned Parenthood for use in  its upcoming defense of the Partial Birth Abort...

  • January 5, 2004

    The breast cancer whitewash

    Elective abortion, especially before a woman's first full—term pregnancy, is a risk factor for breast cancer. A majority of studies, both American and international, have demonstrated this relationship, commonly called the ABC link.   Thi...