Mary Garmon

Mary Garmon

  • January 30, 2021

    What Is the Hill for Trump Voters to Die On?

    The far-left Democrats in charge of our government are the true extremists who pose the greatest threat to our nation, not Trump voters.  Our side has the facts, the truth, and the moral high ground, and we are not ...

  • September 21, 2015

    Dying Piece By Piece

    The upcoming Senate vote on the Pain Capable Act (Sept 22), along with other prolife legislation just passed in the House is vitally important, despite Obama’s vow to veto it. Obama is finally willing to draw a red line, but it isn’t a...

  • September 10, 2015

    The War on Innocents

    Allowing the tax-funded expansion of Planned Parenthood's abortion industry to continue is national suicide.  This crisis must be confronted as the greatest internal threat facing our nation since slavery. Ted Cruz and House conservatives...

  • January 18, 2013

    Small Sacrifices

    The legitimization of infanticide constitutes a grave threat to the principle of human equality at the heart of civil rights ideals. If the weak and vulnerable members of the human family -- and infants are surely among the weakest and most vulnerabl...