Mary Durbin

Mary Durbin

  • December 16, 2012

    A Tale of Two Crèches

    By the date on the calendar, we are in the full throes of the annual "War on Christmas," and every day there seems to be another news story about some governing body trying to misinterpret the Establishment Clause.  My blood pressure doesn...

  • November 18, 2012

    Finding a Silver Lining in Obama's America

    I am not ashamed to admit it: I cried the night of the election.  I cried even before the election was called, because I knew in my heart that it was over.  I cried for my country, I cried for my faith, and I cried for the loss of what I im...

  • June 2, 2012

    Good Old College School Daze

    When I receive my college alumnae magazine in the mail, I scan it more than actually read it.  The professors I knew are long retired; I have lost touch with many of my friends; the only large amounts of money I ever gave were in the form of tui...

  • February 16, 2012

    How Do I Keep My Small Government Ideas When I Now Need to Rely on Big Government?

    I am about to do something I have never, ever had to do: apply for unemployment benefits. When I came back from the Peace Corps -- wiser and as broke as when I joined, I made ends meet as a temp slaving away over a hot word processor. When I finished...