Mary C. Michel

Mary C. Michel

  • October 22, 2015

    Women Disarming Women

    The gun control movement has become the new feminist battleground. Courtesy of millions of dollars flowing from Michael Bloomberg to women-fronted groups, the face of "gun control" is now decidedly female. Feminization of the issue is not b...

  • June 23, 2015

    Baltimore: the Epilogue

    It has been less than two months since the Baltimore riots. Predictably, Charm City has slipped from mainstream news, since there is nothing currently "newsworthy" that advances the Left's agenda. The aftermath of the insurrec...

  • May 13, 2015

    The Judas Kiss: Baltimore Police Commish Trashes His Officers

    "We are part of the problem[.] ... Now we have to change."  So declared Anthony Batts, the African-American police chief of Baltimore, at a press conference on May 6, 2015.  The man in charge of this minority-majority department s...

  • April 10, 2015

    A California Judge Rules on Toddler Rape

    Rape is not inherently hurtful to a child in the great state of California. So declared a solon of our vaunted judiciary. Members of the National Man Boy Love Association and pedophiles everywhere must be popping champagne corks!  In a stunni...

  • March 24, 2015

    Fast and Furious Cover-up Rewarded in Appointment of New ATF Director

    On Friday, March 20, 2015, B. Todd Jones, the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF,) announced his resignation. Mr. Jones's departure comes on the heels of the disastrous attempt by the ATF to ban a common rifl...