Marty Waveland

Marty Waveland

  • December 15, 2010

    What's good for the goose...

    What is Assange saying to his lawyers?Julian Assange, the Wikileaks guy, is sitting in jail today. He's been awarded bail, but the Swedes are objecting, so he's staying put. Of course, he's not been arrested for anything to do with Wikileaks (not o...

  • November 17, 2010

    Who do you trust?

    It's hard to understand the need for TSA security searches of airline pilots.  Of course, it's theoretically conceivable that a pilot might become suicidal or might develop terrorist tendencies.  Still, it's hard to imagine why he'd need to...

  • October 13, 2010

    Fox News made him do it

    Byron Williams is a 45-year old deranged felon. Last summer, he tried (and thankfully failed) to kill a lot of police officers.Why did he do this? The Media Matters website is reporting that -- you guessed it -- we can blame Fox News and Glenn Beck...

  • August 9, 2010

    'A tragedy no doubt, but...'

    The entire country was shocked and saddened last week by a senseless workplace shooting in Connecticut.  From the news, we learn that a deranged lunatic ran amok at a beer distributor and gunned down eight innocent people in cold blood.In the af...

  • May 13, 2010

    Jupiter's at it again

    Last year, we saw that Jupiter's Great Red Spot was shrinking.  Unfortunately for our Jovian neighbors, it now seems that their home planet has lost one of its famous rings:Why did this happen?   You guessed it...planetary climate chan...

  • January 22, 2010

    Citizens United decision a boon to small businesses

    In this week's Citizen's United decision, the Supreme Court struck down many significant aspects of campaign finance "reform" legislation. The court held that corporations, not just individuals, have free speech rights under the First Ame...

  • September 4, 2009

    California less loopy than Scotland?

    Susan Atkins, the Manson family murderess, was denied parole this week for the 13th time. Ms. Atkins attended the parole hearing in a hospital bed, where, under heavy sedation, she slept through her parole hearing. At 38 years, she is the longest-ser...

  • August 31, 2009

    Compassionate parole for all?

    Susan Atkins (of Manson family fame) is up for parole on Wednesday.  Parole is urged on the grounds of compassionate release. We're told she has cancer, and only has a few months to live.  (We were told that in 2006 too, but I guess they re...