Martin Fuentes

Martin Fuentes

  • December 2, 2021

    COVID: When it wanes, it pours

    Let's say you owned a catering business hired to set up an outdoor wedding.  Rain is forecast, and you can cover only 70% of the seats with tents. If the rain came, would you expect to have more dry seats with the tents or without? ...

  • September 28, 2021

    An 'anti-vaxxer' catches COVID

    "If I catch COVID, there is zero chance I will die."  So I told my father a few weeks ago while discussing the never-ending government restrictions and my unwillingness to take the experimental COVID vaccine against a petty corona...

  • August 13, 2021

    How to make a virus vaccine-resistant

    From the start, the psychological ploy driving COVID compliance has been to demonize those determined to lead normal lives: "Wearing a mask is not to protect you: it's to protect others (you selfish jerk)."  "Social gathe...

  • July 20, 2021

    Zombie chimps from heck

    Can a civilization continue to function when the most basic truths cannot be spoken, yet blatant falsehoods are dogma?  When radical upheavals are justified not by wisdom, but by disorienting barrages of phony "outrages" and ...