Marly Hornik

Marly Hornik

  • Relentless Pursuit of Election Validity

    August 27, 2024

    Relentless Pursuit of Election Validity

    Questions about the newly rebalancing weight of bureaucratic privilege loom large.  The overturning of mandatory judicial deference to experts, with the SCOTUS Loper Bright decision, regarding the interpretation and application of congressi...

  • Voting and the Meaning of Honor

    March 22, 2024

    Voting and the Meaning of Honor

    America has roughly 335 million residents, of which 311 million are citizens.  Each one of these humans, according to the principles of our founding, is a unique being living by the grace of a Divine Creator.  Stewarding the count...

  • October 25, 2023

    'Stand for America' means to force states into conducting clean, honest, fair, elections

    Two years ago, a group of New Yorkers—busy, like you—felt that something had gone terribly wrong in our state. We knew it in our bones. We watched as our officials became less responsive, our taxes climbed, our businesses were shuttered, ...

  • August 25, 2023

    Was New York’s 2022 General Election Valid?

    I have a reason for hope, for all of America. Our founders defined a profound national identity for us to be and become, in our Declaration of Independence. They said: 1. We are created beings, living in a miraculous world. 2. Each of our...

  • July 16, 2023

    Can elections have integrity?

    It seems as though the war over elections has been calibrated to destabilize our civil society.  Never-ending skirmishes over source code, chain of custody, adjudication rates, tabulator errors, and improper funds have not elicited even a white ...