Mark Silverberg

Mark Silverberg

  • April 19, 2009

    The Price of 'Realism'

    In early April, newly sworn-in Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman made waves during his first speech as Foreign Minister when he announced that Israel is not obligated by agreements reached at the Annapolis Conference. Israel is only obligate...

  • April 1, 2009

    Obama's Faustian Bargain

    The assumption that the Obama administration's diplomatic initiative to our enemies will enhance America's image in the world has yet to be proven. What should concern us more however is the price our enemies will exact from us as part of that rappro...

  • July 29, 2008

    The Third Lebanon War

    There is something to be learned from the frenzied love-fest given in Beirut in mid-July to the most notorious of the Lebanese prisoners released by Israel. Samir Kuntar was sentenced to 542 years in prison for killing four people during a raid in 19...

  • July 13, 2008

    Embracing Delusions: Lessons for the Olmert Government

    Governments and armies must forever be concerned to avoid the element of surprise, yet history is replete with their failures to do so. In such cases, the disasters that followed were rarely due to a lack of critical information. They were often due ...