Mark Roth

Mark Roth

  • December 9, 2018

    Climate warming and cooling: unto the generations

    Several years ago I read a criticism of the Al Gore global warming claim written by Professor of Climatolgy and physics Richard Lindzen of MIT.  It was very much in the same vein as that recently  written by Jack Hellner and published in Am...

  • September 17, 2010

    The U.S. Constitution: An Agreement by States

    There is a vast misunderstanding of the position and role of the federal government and that of the U.S. Constitution on the part of the vast bulk of the American people and of the individual members of Congress. I understand that generalizing from t...

  • February 28, 2010

    Is the US healthcare system really broken?

    The error the Republicans have made on the issue of healthcare is not that they haven't vigorously opposed the Democrats and the President, nor is it that the Republicans have failed to provide a "vision" or alternative plan of their own. ...

  • October 16, 2009

    The Medicare vise

    While many are upset that the government is not increasing Social Security payments for the first time in some thirty years due to deflation, and while focusing most recently on the $250.00 handout to recipients, commentators have failed to note the ...

  • July 24, 2009

    What's an Obama promise worth?

    Obama's March 30th promise of government backing of Chrysler and GM warranties lasted only four months. The Detroit Free Press reports:Ron Bloom, who heads the presidential auto task force, also said the administration had ended its program to g...

  • April 11, 2009

    A simpler solution?

    An Obama administration scientist thinks it is desirable to shoot pollutants into the earth's upper atmosphere in order to reduce the supposed effects of the sun's rays on global temperatures. It occured to me that a simpler solut...

  • April 6, 2009

    Video: Obama mentions the 'Austrian' language

    A swanky prep school and two Ivy League degrees and the liberal belief that he is intelligent do not an educated man make. Watch this video and imagine how the press would have reacted if George W. Bush had referred to ‘the Austrian Language.'A...

  • April 1, 2009

    The best and brightest?

    Neill Cavuto interviews Alan Grayson, 8th District, FL, about the prosed bill controlling pay and benefits for those corporations receiving govenment money. Note that the video is 8 minutes long.In checking the good congressman's biography I see that...

  • March 20, 2009

    Community Organizing from the Oval Office

    The Democratic National Committee has, on its website, a page for community organizing. The essential purpose, I suppose, is to be a whip for Congress, to create a "groundswell" of support for Obama.  It comes complete with a recommend...

  • January 11, 2009

    Reid puts yet more land off limits for drilling

    Harry Reid has, according to Amanda Carpenter at,  called the US Senate into extraordinary session in order to remove thousands of acres of US lands from "unprotected" status to "endangered" status.  This wo...

  • December 17, 2008

    Bailouts and bankruptcies

    I have been puzzled by the continued emphasis on a bailout by Congress and the President. I originally opposed any sort of bailout and that continues to be my position. However, that didn't keep me from thinking about it. I realized that Congress had...

  • November 5, 2008

    Obama and the Supreme Court

    Although the McCain loss is damaging, it is not necessarily a fatal blow to the US Constitution.Obama would seek to remake the Constitution through the vehicle of the Supreme Court, which is the most readily available means of doing so.However, the S...

  • May 7, 2008

    Further historical context

    Taru Taylor's piece today is a completely false analogy.  Obama and Wright are two sides of the same coin, whereas Washington and DuBois were on entirely different coins in manifestly different currencies.Obama is the lipstick on the pig of soci...

  • November 19, 2007

    Obama missed a slam-dunk

    Barack Obama really dropped the ball on the driver's license question in the latest CNN-staged  debate. He could have scored major points with undecided and even conservative voters, and established his superior intellect and depth.Obama is not ...