Mark P. Mostert

Mark P. Mostert

  • The Social Security Disability nightmare

    September 28, 2024

    The Social Security Disability nightmare

    Recently, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on the nightmare that surrounds people with disabilities who rely on Social Security Insurance (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Federal and state officials testified about th...

  • June 12, 2020

    Mogadishu on the Mississippi suggests dismantling the police department — call their bluff

    The videos of the carnage in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul are stark.  Once beautiful cities have been decimated by feral primitives whose only achievement in life is instant gratification of the lowest kind and have shown, to...

  • June 9, 2020

    Twin Cities: A few words of advice

    I have spent quite a bit of time in the Twin Cities and always found the place lovely — wonderful restaurants, cultural events too numerous to mention, beautiful in summer, smartly plowed streets in seriously frozen winters. These are, gener...

  • April 17, 2020

    Asking Tougher Questions

    On Wednesday’s "Tucker Carlson Show," the clueless Phil Murphy, governor of New Jersey, announced that he had not considered the Bill of Rights when decreeing draconian limits on New Jersians’ mobility and, even more concerning,...

  • May 24, 2018

    The Grisly Problem of Africans with Albinism...and What to Do about It

    The World Health Organization and U.N. estimate that there are about 700 million people worldwide with some form of disability.  Approximately 400 million live in the developing world – and 80 million in Africa.  In most pla...

  • March 20, 2015

    The Tenth Anniversary of Terri Schiavo's Death Penalty

    In Florida, persons condemned to death have a choice of how their death sentence will be carried out. The condemned have the option of electrocution or the less spectacular (and presumably less painful) lethal injection. This, of course, is after all...

  • February 22, 2014

    Belgium Legalizes Medicalized Killing of Children

    It's hardly news that Europe is ground zero for the moral catastrophe of pro-death madness.  Hundreds have traveled to Swiss death clinic Dignitas, where they are put to death, at their request, by assisted suicide.  Luxembourg th...

  • January 22, 2014

    Pro-death Insanity Envelops Belgium

    To most people's minds, the notion of killing others because they are sick, suffering, or disabled is simply outlandish, because our moral code rightly dictates that those so afflicted need comfort, care, and as much positive support as we can muster...

  • April 5, 2013

    The Execution of an Innocent in Florida

    In this instant media age even the most horrific tragedies and the lessons they teach us can quickly disappear. Some events, especially those that scream injustice and discrimination, deserve to never be forgotten. So, today, let's remember, for a mo...

  • December 17, 2012

    Newtown, Connecticut: The Need For An Alternative Definition of Hero

    Newtown, Connecticut is the most horrible catastrophic tragedy one can imagine. The nation, rightly, is in agony over bright-eyed promise gunned down with evil, maniacal, precision. Predictably, the rushes to judgment didn't wait until the little b...

  • November 13, 2011

    Killing For Organs

    There is little doubt that successful organ transplants make miracles out of miserable lives. Quality of life increases and patients are able to return to a fairly normal life. A parent survives to see kids get married. A child is gifted with a brigh...

  • July 4, 2010

    The Euthanasia Drumbeat Gets Louder

    Across the world, the inexorable push for accepting the new culture of death continues unabated. It's not a pretty picture, because whichever way you turn, there is pressure for assisted suicide and euthanasia to become an acceptable and even hallowe...

  • February 28, 2010

    This Isn't Eugenics ... No, Wait!

    Any allusion to present-day biomedical practices as being eugenic usually leads to quite hysterical denials and the accusation of painting with an inappropriate Nazi brush.I've heard all the arguments, so please spare me: The only people who were Naz...