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Mark Landsbaum
November 8, 2024
A Change has ComeI unashamedly confess to never being prouder -- or more surprised -- than I was Tuesday when voters overwhelmingly rejected four more soul-deadening years of evil. I had all but given up on the grand American experiment in self-governance. But tod...
October 5, 2024
More media liesDuring the VP debate, one of the smug TV “news” moderators insisted: “Scientists are saying that climate change is making hurricanes larger, stronger, and more deadly.” Wrong. Just flat 100% wrong. An actual scie...
October 2, 2024
Bottom line for the vice presidential debateBottom line time: No one was persuaded by Tuesday’s debate to desire that Tim Walz become president. There’s one overriding issue when it comes to supporting a vice presidential candidate: is this a person we want to become president? ...
September 14, 2024
Panic setting in among Kamala’s handlers?Thursday (09-12-24), we learned that an anonymous ABC whistleblower plans to reveal this weekend how the network rigged the Trump-Harris presidential debate by giving Harris the questions in advance and assuring her that only Trump would be...
September 10, 2024
Is There Election Fraud or Not?One of the most revealing memes on the internet asks: “If the Biden-Harris administration has done such a great job, why does Kamala Harris promise that if elected, she will fix everything on Day 1?” If everything’s swell, why do...
July 7, 2024
Biden’s determined to stick aroundAs I have asked for almost four years, who’s gonna tell the president of the United States he’s done? “Guess what: they’re trying to push me out of the race. Well, let me say this as clearly as I can: I’m staying...
June 30, 2024
Not whether to get rid of Joe, but howJoe Biden self-destructed on stage and national TV this past week. If you didn’t watch it, you’ll be fed it in bitter video bites for as long as Joe remains in the White House. The much more important point this morning: Dem...
September 24, 2023
A Christian in the dirty world of politicsSome Christian believers say we don't need to know how the world works its evil ways. This monkish tendency to withdraw from the world is dangerous, particularly as we enter one of the most ferocious of worldly seasons — presiden...
May 30, 2023
Two sobering observations after Memorial DayIt should have been a happy Memorial Day as a nation takes time to express gratitude for the freedoms our U.S. military personnel died in battle to preserve. For their sacrifice, we honor and mourn them. We are only one generation from ...
May 5, 2023
The disastrous woke trend in Biden's military puts Americans at grave riskWhat's the cost of losing your grip on reality? Or is there no difference between relying on the Wokish alternative of confused pronouns and cross dressers rather than old-fashioned sweat and intellect? Back in the day, every reporter knew imm...
April 21, 2023
The more government there is, the more problems we haveHave you noticed that the more government there is, the more problems we have? The government claims jurisdiction over everything you do. Yet prosecutors refuse to prosecute violent criminals, and judges increasingly refuse to sentence ...
April 2, 2023
For Christians, the aberrant are fallen sinners, like the rest of us.Shamefully, the rest of us have too long and too often encouraged aberrant behavior such as homosexuality, transsexuality, baby abortion, adultery, fornication and even God-denying with a wink-and-a-nod. That so-called “compassionate” mis...
February 24, 2023
My COVID confrontation with my doctorWe had breakfast together this morning, so I had an opportunity to tell several brothers from church how grateful I am that I finally saw my doctor, after intentionally avoiding him for three years because of COVID. After a Christmas visit...
January 27, 2023
A new COVID scare?Most of the world is finally climbing out of the gulag cocoons that "the authorities" and "experts" created to silence dissent during the COVID scare campaign. Are you beginning to feel a bit less oppressed? Are you ...
October 4, 2022
The speech Americans need to hearWhat does it mean when our enemies' words sound as though they should be uttered by our leaders, and our leaders' policies seem like the fruits of our enemies? How long has it been since a leader in our government has said something like t...
August 27, 2022
The Russian exampleThe United States is looking a lot like a Russian rerun from the '90s. And it's not a sitcom. I'm reading David Satter's The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep: Russia's Road to Terror and Dictatorship under Ye...
August 19, 2022
Good News and Bad News about Our Age of LiesI've got good news and bad. I'd apologize for the bad except we all need to know it. It's better to temporarily discourage people with the truth than to lie to give them false hope. Lies have limited shelf...
June 9, 2022
Choppy waters for the USA, and who is leading us?Andrea Widburg's frightening column on China hiding nukes in hundreds, if not thousands, of shipping containers crisscrossing the Earth's oceans is enough to give the coolest among us a case of the willies. It's not a fantasy...
May 20, 2022
The Problem of TrustIf you don’t trust a merchant, will you do business with him? If you don’t trust a lawyer, would you rely on his advice? If you distrust a doctor, would you let him operate on you? Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas said out loud wh...
May 7, 2022
What 'Moving On' Has Cost UsThis is the real difference between Donald Trump and the political establishment, whether Republican or Democrat. The esteemed “conservative” Wall Street Journal editorial board has called on Wisconsin authorities to ignore a preliminary ...
January 15, 2022
A split decision on the COVID vaxThe Supreme Court lopsidedly shot down the Biden administration's clearly unconstitutional workplace requirement that 80 million Americans must receive hypodermic needle injections, ostensibly to "protect" against COVID, even if they do...
January 14, 2022
COVID hysteria is so yesterdayYou may have read that the tide is turning. I wrote that just the other day and was pleased so many of y'all wrote me to cheer about it. When do we know that COVID hysteria has become so yesterday? Maybe when es...
January 11, 2022
Is the tide finally turning?Yours truly has been pretty down in the mouth for quite a while, for good reasons. I mean, look around. Mask mandates. Experimental drug mandates. De facto quarantines. Literal quarantines. ...
December 3, 2021
Roe and the right to lifeWhether the Supreme Court ends abortion or dramatically restricts its practice, or leaves Roe v. Wade unchanged, there is one certainty. It is not a tough constitutional question. It is, of course, the thorniest of political q...
November 28, 2021
How crazy do things have to get before we reach the tipping point?Doesn't it seem that our world finally has reached the tipping point? Euthanasia facilities in Germany now won't help you kill yourself unless you're vaccinated. Let that sink in. It's apparently wrong to...
November 25, 2021
Leaving CaliforniaI ran into an old California buddy online Sunday. He asked me why I moved to Texas. We didn't have a lot of time, so I gave him the shortest explanation I could: "It's not California." For the ten or so friends, all...
November 13, 2021
COVID, Strokes, and TrustThose who run the medical establishment and government insist everyone must be vaccinated. As always with such Draconian tyranny, they tell those who object that “It’s for your own good” and regurgitate tyrants’ favorite meme,...
November 9, 2021
How did we get here? Can this mess be fixed?We have entered a dark age. Truth, not always abundantly obvious, has been increasingly shrouded thanks to the growing cynicism and polarization of our day. The condition is getting worse by the day. What to believe? ...
November 7, 2021
Medical tyranny for you and your loved onesThe medical establishment and federal government are lawless tyrants who are resolved to do what they damn well want to do, irrespective of court orders, medical research, or the will of the people. They use all their powers and powers they don...
October 26, 2021
The Wall Street Journal rebukes Fauci for lyingDr. Anthony Fauci's prevarications have become so numerous, wide-ranging, and convoluted that it's next to impossible to know what, if anything, can be believed coming from his lips. He's the living, lying embodiment of Aesop...
October 24, 2021
Evil is real, and we're seeing more than than usual from our own governmentIt’s astonishing that this must even be said. We are deeply immersed in a monumental battle of good versus evil. God warns people about evil. It is real, He says. It is not just a difference of opinion. It is the opposite of good. It is harm...
October 3, 2021
A COVID guessing gameWhat if every excuse for vaccinating every living person against COVID-19 is wrong? If so, how should that change things? Let's play what if. What if the long-term harm to children being vaccinated is unknown? It is. What if the...
August 23, 2021
Stand-by for the Real Insurrection… by the DemocratsPeople will put up with a little absentmindedness or occasional faux pas. But when creeping senility puts lives at risk and national interests in jeopardy, that’s entirely different. When it was clear Joe Biden’s victory would stand up...
August 19, 2021
The Taliban settle inThe first thing the Taliban did even before they had finished chasing U.S. troops out of Afghanistan was to confiscate privately owned guns. Because "because people no longer need them for personal protection," they said. ...
May 14, 2021
The No Confidence AdministrationAt least we don't have a president who sends mean tweets. What's to worry about? It's not like our country is being run by nincompoops, communists, and crackpots. Well, OK. Our country is being run by nincompoop...
May 8, 2021
How the Left Redefines NormalityIt is so obvious that even before Christ brought me to Himself, I realized abortion advocates had arrogantly redefined “baby” to justify committing murder. Babies in the womb became “a clump of cells.” They obviously were d...
April 12, 2021
Greenie freaks versus COVID control freaksWe dined this weekend at Bill's Café, the oldest continuously owned family restaurant in Collin County, Texas. The waitresses wear t-shirts that say, "Bless our troops, especially the snipers." What's no...
January 8, 2021
Is Donald Trump Done?Is Donald Trump done? Can Republicans ever again overcome the systematic election corruption Democrats have mastered? If he’s fit in 2024, Trump can be reelected. Barring failing health, Trump still will have great, if not even greater appea...
December 23, 2020
How Should a Christian Support Trump?Some Christians have taken a fatalistic view of the obvious evil that magically turned President Donald Trump’s sizable lead in swing states into a Joe Biden “victory” in the wee hours election night as America slept. These well-...
December 16, 2020
Trump's End GameThe good news is it’s still entirely possible for Donald Trump to be reelected. The bad news is that it is likely to come down to the RINOs. Joe Biden, in his cough-punctuated speech Monday night, declared victory and enumerated all the ways...
December 13, 2020
SCOTUS opens up a constitutional can of wormsHave we opened a can of worms, constitutionally speaking? The highest court in the land ruled that Texas, and the 18 other states that supported its lawsuit, have no standing to seek relief for gross and obvious viol...
November 20, 2020
What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan (updated)UPDATE: One data table in an affidavit filed by Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Operations Group, LLC, in support of the Trump campaign's challenge to Michigan votes, appears to mistakenly refer to precincts from Minnesota. The aff...
November 19, 2020
Yuuuge U-turn in Michigan: GOP canvassers rescind their certification of voteThe item in this "Just the News" update is huge. In an extraordinary turnabout that foreshadows possible legal action, the two GOP members of Wayne County's election board signed affidavits Wednesday night alleging t...
November 15, 2020
Presidential election helps reveal the COVID conFolks, now is the time to be blunt. You've been conned by people seizing control to make millions and to manipulate an election. Set aside for now that two weeks ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Alle...
November 13, 2020
Mainstream Media United in Forcing 'President-Elect' Biden Down Your ThroatFew people are gullible enough to believe everything anybody tells them. But how suspicious is it when nearly everybody seems to be telling you the same thing even though you know of obvious exceptions? How about when people fla...
November 8, 2020
Reminder to Christian conservatives: Too much compromise will kill youIf Joe Biden and company indeed have won, the more radical among his cadre will demand vengeance. AOC already has announced the intent to hold President Trump supporters "accountable." Those of us who didn't support Biden w...
November 5, 2020
Why is anyone surprised at the Democrats cheating on the vote count?As I write this, the election of our president remains undecided, but the decision is creeping closer by the hour. And it's not a pretty sight. The reaction among us patriotic, conservative, God-fearing Trump-supporters is pretty mu...
October 31, 2020
The most appropriate 'single issue' for a single-issue voterOne election issue soars above all others in significance: the intentional murder of the most innocent, most vulnerable of creatures made in God's image. Abortion. Not every Nazi in Hitler's Germany shot or gassed or poisoned a ...
October 18, 2020
There's Never Been a More Important Time to Choose WiselyThis critical election is a choice between progressive government and its collective baggage and representative government and its free enterprise. Progressives take their cue from Marx, Alinsky, and outfits like BLM. The other approach is rooted ...
October 15, 2020
Voting in the time of the plagueMy bride and I voted Wednesday here in Texas, where early voting began the day before. For a morning turnout, it seemed strong. A long line formed outside the library, and the only bottleneck was at the check-in. We had to sh...
October 8, 2020
Up close with Bob Gibson, a true baseball greatBob Gibson, the baseball Hall of Famer who passed recently, was if anything greater than his public persona. I knew Bob Gibson personally for four days in 1988 while on assignment with the Los Angeles Times. I spent a stint at the Dod...
October 3, 2020
Trump and COVID: The realitiesPray for the president and his wife, who have tested positive for the China virus. Next, pray for our nation at this pivotal time. Then consider the realities: Even at his age, the odds of President Trump surviving the vir...
August 27, 2020
The Christian case for TrumpThe world spends a lot of effort persuading people that evil is really something good: the killing of babies in the womb, engaging in sexual perversion, confiscating of what belongs to someone to give to someone it doesn't belong to. T...
July 12, 2020
California wants a federal bailoutCalifornia, which has tax rates higher in just about every category of taxation than just about every other state, wants a bailout from Washington D.C. In typical progressive tone, California essentially demands the bailout, which...
June 16, 2020
Renewable power fails in GermanyNo one can tax and regulate you enough to come close to making it feasible for solar and wind power to replace fossil fuels — but count on them to continue taxing and regulating you until you scream "Enough!" And then proba...
June 14, 2020
The Summer of our DiscontentWe are entering the summer of our discontent. The season promises to be a long, hot struggle to maintain the integrity of our founding principles that are increasingly compromised with the best and worst of intentions. The worst intentions are tho...
June 10, 2020
The angry left and states' rightsIn another of today's many ironies, the angry left is essentially invoking the concept of states' rights, something normally anathema to the left's ideals. These ideologues of the left, to whom the passion du jour also ironic...
April 22, 2020
This is Who the Hell They AreGod bless the media. Without it, I wouldn’t have known that CNN’s Don Lemon indignantly demands to know, “Who the hell do you think you are?!” Yours truly has only a vague sense of who Don Lemon is and has never i...
April 13, 2020
Enough Already With The HelpYours truly was one of many who early on cheered the government for aggressively curbing everyone’s activity to slow the spread of COVID-19. At the time, it seemed such a clear choice between life and death. Admittedly, I was squeamish endo...