Mark Anthony

Mark Anthony

  • Watch the <em>War on Truth</em> film, because you are living it

    May 15, 2024

    Watch the War on Truth film, because you are living it

    The true of story of the events that played out on January 6, 2021 has never been fully told.  Bits and pieces of it have shaken loose, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that fell on the floor.  But never before have they b...

  • November 30, 2023

    Drugs and Price Controls

    With the approval rating for President Joe Biden just this side of a sharp stick in the eye, the White House is scrambling to find something, anything they can advocate for that resonates with voters. Polling data indicates that the issues Democrats ...

  • October 5, 2022

    It's time for a Free Workers' Bill of Rights

    Did you hear about the company that just launched racist layoffs?  More on that in a moment.  Woke human resources and "diversity, equity, and inclusion" policies are rendering the modern workplace into an ideological kill...

  • January 22, 2022

    The Hodgetwins want to take back Black History Month

    Kevin and Keith Hodge, two sharp and hilarious brothers also known as the Hodgetwins, are on a mission to save America from a racist ideology.  The brothers have also found a unique way to celebrate and advance Dr. Martin Luther King, ...

  • October 31, 2021

    China Is Making Elon Musk the World's Richest Hypocrite

    The Chinese government is a threat to free enterprise around the globe. Helping itself to the innovations of its rivals through hacking and espionage, the communist regime has taken a "by any means necessary" approach to make its econom...

  • November 19, 2018

    Venture capital for the rest of us

    When you’re big, there’s always somebody ready to lend you money. Just ask WeWork. In recent weeks, venture capital fund SoftBank has invested billions (with a b) in WeWork, which provides office space. CNN reports that the r...