Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson

  • Senators: Don’t Be Colombia

    January 30, 2025

    Senators: Don’t Be Colombia

    It’s amazing what getting sabotaged, impeached, investigated, indicted, and shot at can do for a president’s attitude. You just stop caring what people who stand in your way think. Especially when they try to block your most dear issues -...

  • The One Overlooked Reason Christians Should Vote in 2024

    October 30, 2024

    The One Overlooked Reason Christians Should Vote in 2024

    In the wake of the shocking headline that tens of millions of Christians are unlikely to vote in the 2024 election, there have been any number of articles urging Christians to vote. The articles’ reasons why they should range from patriotic dut...

  • October 16, 2020

    Buckle up: Hunter Biden laptop scandal may be about to get a whole lot worse

    Facebook and Twitter sacrificed the final shreds of their integrity to try to censor the N.Y. Post article revealing the existence of Hunter Biden's laptop.  But in their rush to throw themselves in the path of the bullet to save Joe, t...

  • August 1, 2020

    The obvious fact everyone is overlooking about the Portland riots

    It's a truism in life that, sometimes, it's the most obvious thing that you manage to overlook.  One time, late at night in college, I could not find a pencil that I'd just had.  I picked up books, moved papers. ...

  • January 30, 2020

    Mitt Romney: The Dumbest Smart Person?

    There's a great line from the movie I, Robot that often springs to mind when it comes to politicians.  Will Smith plays a cop, and he is the only one in the city to realize there's a problem with the newest line of robots, which hav...