Mario Alexis Portella

Mario Alexis Portella

  • July 25, 2020

    Trump taking China on as he should

    On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson spoke before a joint session of Congress to seek a declaration of war against Germany.  Wilson had thus far maintained neutrality for nearly three years after World War I broke out on July 28, 1914...

  • July 19, 2020

    Will There Be Another Trump-Kim Summit?

    The Trump administration has recently been flirting with another U.S.-North Korean summit - both President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un first met in Singapore in 2018 to address denuclearization; the talks stalled following a 2019 summit in ...

  • July 11, 2020

    The Vatican Plays Politics with China

    This past Sunday, Pope Francis spoke to the Catholic faithful during the traditional Angelus prayer.  Many throughout the world, especially those in Hong Kong, anticipated that the Bishop of Rome would speak out against the suppression of politi...

  • July 3, 2020

    The Pretense of Anarchy

    President Ronald Reagan once said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same....

  • June 25, 2020

    In Defense of Thomas Jefferson

    Last week in New York City, the author of the Declaration of Independence became the latest target of the statue wreckers as elected officials formally asked Mayor Bill de Blasio to remove the statue of Thomas Jefferson from City Hall.  ...

  • June 11, 2020

    Trump is no racist

    Yesterday, I was asked by a friend: "What are President Trump's chances in getting re-elected?  Do you think he could overcome the racial stigma from the black community?" Many have been convinced that African-Americans, ho...

  • June 2, 2020

    Rioting thugs rebuked by George Floyd's brother

    George Floyd's brother, Terrence, pleaded on Monday for peace in the streets of our nation.  His passionate request came as cities throughout the U.S. saw another night of violent protests and looting, though it is interesting how COVID...

  • May 25, 2020

    Revisiting the Sessions recusal

    Former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and President Donald Trump spent a portion of the Memorial Day weekend attacking each other on Twitter as Trump reiterated his support for former Auburn College football coach Tommy Tuberville in Alabama...

  • May 18, 2020

    Israel's ties with China

    U.S. secretary of state Mike Pompeo flew to Israel last Wednesday to personally talk to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his developing ties with the international thug, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Pompeo expressed  concern ...

  • May 16, 2020

    Andrew Cuomo in All His Ugliness

    Much of the nation these past few months has focused on New York state since it became the hotspot for the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S.  Many have also complimented Governor Andrew Cuomo’s response in fighting the p...

  • May 13, 2020

    Understanding Viktor Orbán’s Purportedly ‘Unlimited’ Emergency Powers over Hungary

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is one of the most controversial national leaders in the Western world.  Just over a month ago, his majority Fidesz (Hungarian Civic Alliance) Party pushed through the “unlimited” emergenc...

  • May 12, 2020

    Woman Kidnapped by Muslims Converts to Islam

    Many in Italy were anxiously awaiting this Sunday for the return of Silvia Romano, a twenty-five-year-old Italian national who was freed after being kidnapped in November 2018 in Chakama, (northern) Kenya by al-Shabaab jihadists.  Romano, a trai...

  • May 3, 2020

    Bill Gates's treasonous defense of China - why?

    Microsoft founder Bill Gates recently called the United States government’s coronavirus testing data “bogus” because of testing inequality and slow turnaround, with three to four days to get results. Earlier i...

  • May 1, 2020

    Islam's False Claim to Democracy

    The Islamic Republic of Iran held parliamentary elections a couple of months ago, and the second round will be held on 11 September 2020.  The Iranian regime is desperate to secure a smooth election in the fall, like the legislative one in ...

  • April 30, 2020

    Tara Reade and the Democrats

    The Tara Reade sexual allegation against presidential hopeful Joe Biden has revealed the Democrats’ true colors once again. Many of us recall how Democrats pounced on then-candidate Donald Trump when an audio tape was released of him having ...

  • April 29, 2020

    The Struggle for Democracy in Hong Kong Continues

    While the People’s Republic of China has become the universal thug for its coronavirus cover-up, one would think, after certain countries threatened lawsuits against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), or under the pressure under the soft law by...

  • April 23, 2020

    The Vatican Slant Towards Communist China

    While the entire West has publicly voiced its disapproval of how China hid information about the spread of the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, as well as its suppression of its own doctors for “rumors and trying to spread panic,” th...

  • April 20, 2020

    COVID-19 -- Another Benghazi?

    The Washington Post report last week saying that U.S. Embassy officials in China warned the State Department in Washington as early as January 19, 2018, about inadequate safety at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) lab, in addition to scienti...

  • April 17, 2020

    Can Trump adjourn Congress?

    President Donald Trump, in the midst of the ongoing battle to deal with the negative impact of the Coronavirus, on Wednesday said that if the Senate does not meet to approve more of his nominees to government he would use a power in the Constitution ...

  • April 8, 2020

    The Latest Drive to Blame Trump

    Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates appeared on Fox News Sunday in which he reiterated his 2018 statement that the world should be “preparing for a pandemic in the same serious way it prepares for war.” Gates, whose foundation...

  • April 4, 2020

    China caught lying again?

    The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that a large group of prominent American foreign policy experts, including former high-ranking White House officials from both parties, is petitioning the Trump administration to work more closely with China...

  • April 3, 2020

    President Trump's Coronavirus Report Card

    In his first three years in office President Donald Trump has been able to survive various “scandals,” such as the Mueller investigation into Russian collusion and the Ukrainian quid pro quo that ended in a failed impeachment co...

  • March 31, 2020

    Winning the War Against the Chinese Communists

    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic that originated in China, or as some experts hold was created was created as a bio-weapon as intuitively written in Dean Koontz’s 1981 novel The Eyes of Darkness, in one way or another has benefited the Chi...

  • March 25, 2020

    No, Trump is not in Violation of the Emoluments Clause

    The Trump administration has been under siege from the left’s self-professed “legal resistance,” which has accused the president of violating the Foreign Emoluments Clause since part of the earned revenue from his hot...

  • March 15, 2020

    The Chinese coronavirus: A wake-up call for America

    As Wall Street regained some momentum last Friday after its worst day in over thirty years, and as President Donald Trump declared a national emergency with respect to the rapidly spreading COVID-19 (coronavirus), the House of Representatives passed ...

  • December 4, 2019

    Is it Time to Designate CAIR as a Terrorist Organization?

    Last week's stabbings by Usman Khan, a devout Muslim who murdered two people and injured three others on London Bridge, by far overshadowed the arrest of Zachary Clark, 40, of Brooklyn, New York, the day before Americans celebrated Thanksgiving....

  • November 13, 2019

    The Islamic Trojan Horse

    Many in the West today are grappling with how Islam has been able to get a foothold in our society.  We know of Islamists' present-day means to get government officials to capitulate to their whims through lobbying and the mainstream me...