Marianna Trzeciak

Marianna Trzeciak

  • November 11, 2023

    The pope removes conservative Bishop Joseph Strickland from his duties of pastoral care

    Is it possible for an earthquake to be felt from Rome, Italy, all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, even across the Mississippi River, throughout Louisiana, and all the way to East Texas? There was such an earthquake this morning. North America...

  • July 25, 2023

    Barbie Is All Emotionalism And Appearance But Lacks Any Rationality

    The Barbie movie’s first weekend has gone well. And, in many ways the movie deserves the attention, but not for what might matter most to the women who made it. Conservatives have conceded the movie’s good production values but disliked i...

  • January 8, 2023

    The simplicity—and sublimity—of Pope Benedict’s funeral

    Rod Dreher had a jaundiced view of Pope Francis's choices to eulogize Pope Benedict. On the contrary, it was a very subtle, but still meaningly, even sublime, homage to the former Pope. Beautiful choirs ushered the worldwide audience into...

  • June 23, 2022

    Sotomayor shills for our children's miseducation in civics

    Since last Thursday, all we have been hearing is that Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor likes her colleague Justice Clarence Thomas, almost to the exclusion of the other members of the Court.  But what if Sotomayor...

  • July 9, 2013

    Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to Exercise Their 1st Amendment Rights

    This last winter a Texas teenager, Justin Carter, made a very stupid and tasteless mistake. After his friend insulted him by calling him "crazy" over the internet, Carter responded by way of the same medium, "I think I'ma shoot up a kindergarten. And...

  • April 27, 2013

    The College Board Trolls for Home-Schoolers

    The College Board, which already grabs much information about a student's family from the questionnaire which the student must answer in order to take the SAT, is now trolling for homeschooled students to take the Advanced Placement (AP) tests, which...

  • September 3, 2012

    Can a New York Celibate Put a Texas Housewife in a Swoon? (Yes, He Can.)

    When our middle child was six, she began drawing the most creative pictures I have seen in quite some time.  There was the lady with packages coming up our porch steps, as seen by a squirrel on the electric pole across the sidewalk.  Anothe...

  • August 29, 2012

    RNC and the Ghost of Cuomo's Famous Keynoter

    Wow! It could have been 1992 last night at the Republican Convention. Remember when Bill Clinton kicked every pro-life Democrat in the groin and refused to permit pro-life Pennsylvania Gov. Bob Casey to speak? It could have been 1992. The signs were ...

  • August 16, 2012

    Elvis Would be Ashamed

    Just imagine a present-day Rip Van Winkle, but one who had had a longer nap than 20 years.  Let's say that he slept from 1950 through 2000. If I Can Dream... We could play records for Rip; he'd know what records are.  And say we played one ...

  • July 9, 2012

    Time's a Wastin'

    November will be here before we know it, and meanwhile folks are still yammering over phraseology. We're just getting plain tongue-tied when we talk with our friends and family members who are avoiding being informed, but who are intending to vote an...