Maria Martinez

Maria Martinez

  • August 30, 2019

    Caught Between #MeToo and the Sexual Revolution

    For her first college Halloween party, Margot dressed up like an angel in a white dress with wings on her back.  As she wandered from party to party, she may have had a few too many drinks.  At one point, she found herself dancing...

  • August 28, 2019

    Therapy Bans Are Just the Beginning

    As a teenager, Nate Oyloe was attracted to other boys.  Hoping to change his sexual attractions, he sought therapy.  Today, he is happily married to a woman.  Most people would be glad that Nate has achieved the life he ...

  • July 20, 2019

    Will the Equality Act squash girls' hopes for athletic scholarships?

    Another college scholarship scandal is brewing.  It does not involve bribery or wealthy celebrities but is potentially more far-reaching.  I am referring to the Equality Act, which will require schools across the nation to allow m...