Marcus Ebenhack

Marcus Ebenhack

  • Elon Musk: A case of 'don't hate the player, hate the game'

    March 4, 2025

    Elon Musk: A case of 'don't hate the player, hate the game'

    Elon Musk has become public enemy number one for the American Left.  A pretty high bar considering the “Great Orange Satan” is POTUS. As Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) takes a chainsaw to government spe...

  • Zelensky: Where Trump is coming from

    March 2, 2025

    Zelensky: Where Trump is coming from

    The media constantly underestimate Donald Trump.  Some say Trump set a trap that Zelensky fell into, but by all appearances, he and V.P. J.D. Vance fully expected Zelensky to sign the mineral deal, hence the televised photo op.  T...

  • Is Rachel Maddow Just Plain Stupid?

    January 9, 2025

    Is Rachel Maddow Just Plain Stupid?

    The Left’s high priestess of political drama has spoken again. Her recent diatribe regarding all things January 6 is a master class in projection, denial, lack of self-awareness, and gaslighting. Let’s go to the tape: So, today, J...

  • The Iranian plots to assassinate Trump

    October 6, 2024

    The Iranian plots to assassinate Trump

    A couple of interesting pieces came out recently regarding Iranian plots to assassinate former and, God willing, future president Donald J. Trump. The first was this from the Washington Post’s David Ignatius.  What attracted my att...

  • Disinformation vs. the First Amendment

    September 30, 2024

    Disinformation vs. the First Amendment

    I came across this John Kerry diatribe lamenting the perils of free speech in my news feed this morning. To hear an “elder statesman” (I use this term very loosely) of one of America’s two major political parties whine about how ...

  • Young, dumb, and full of Democrat party hate

    July 15, 2024

    Young, dumb, and full of Democrat party hate

    No doubt by this point much has been said, written, and “tweeted” (do we still say that?) about the attempted assassination of former, and God willing, future, President Donald J. Trump. I’m not sure how much new I have to add to the cacophony, bu...

  • Dems finally unsheathe the long knives for Biden

    June 28, 2024

    Dems finally unsheathe the long knives for Biden

    Following last night’s presidential debate on CNN, I’m watching the CNN panel pummel Joe Biden’s debate performance; “widespread panic in the Democrat party after watching this debate,” “a disaster,” “a...

  • Has a corporate media recalibration begun?

    April 15, 2024

    Has a corporate media recalibration begun?

    I saw a handful of stories from corporate media stalwarts this weekend that I must confess took me completely by surprise. Let me begin by citing as the aggregator that brought these stories to my attention.  If you...

  • The sacred airwaves of NBC News

    March 27, 2024

    The sacred airwaves of NBC News

    By now I’m sure we’re all familiar with the kerfuffle over at NBC News over the hiring, and subsequent firing, of former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel.  It seems the staff of NBC’s vaunted newsroom took great offense at the pro...

  • The death of comedy

    February 27, 2024

    The death of comedy

    After being fired from the Saturday Night Live cast very shortly after his hiring in 2019, Shane Gillis made what could be characterized as a triumphant return to host the show that so unceremoniously dumped him this past weekend.  While som...

  • Too incompetent to be prosecuted but not too incompetent to govern?

    February 9, 2024

    Too incompetent to be prosecuted but not too incompetent to govern?

    Per Special counsel Robert Hur’s—a Republican, you’ll be reminded incessantly if you follow this story—findings in the Joe Biden classified documents case, Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified material afte...

  • October 12, 2023

    The boys of summer

    This is my best George Will impersonation.  You know, George Will the prototypical Uniparty establishment Republican, who above all, espouses the talking points of Conservatism (Never Trump!) Inc.  In his spare time Mr. Will waxes eloquent ...

  • October 7, 2023

    Hillary just won’t go away

    Hillary Clinton has to be the Rasputin of 21st century American politics. Grigori Rasputin – the “Mad Monk” -- was a Russian religious fanatic who managed to worm his way into the Russian imperial family with a claim that he could a...

  • September 15, 2023

    The deep state is through with Joe Biden

    When WaPo’s David Ignatius declares the man he did so much to install in the Oval Office should not seek re-election, it means something.  Actually, it means a lot.  Ignatius is a despicable excuse for a “journalist.”...

  • July 27, 2023

    How modern media became the world's second-oldest profession

    Part I – Watergate Maybe it started with Watergate — the accepted mythology being how two intrepid gumshoe cub reporters for the Washington Post, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, following the facts where they led to speak truth to pow...

  • February 12, 2023

    Why don't leftist media conned by Russiagate reveal their sources?

    I have long wondered why rock star columnists at the nation's most prestigious media outlets haven't outed the sources that led them, by the hand, down the primrose path to "Russiagate." Here's a professional journalist askin...

  • February 12, 2023

    The Hill shills for Biden’s PR flacks

    The story about Chinese spy balloons surveilling the U.S. during the Trump administration has been roundly shot down, if you’ll pardon the pun, by all of Trump’s top National Security team. But here comes The Hill to tell us, and them,...

  • July 31, 2022

    The left's war on comprehension intensifies

    That the political left in the U.S. and elsewhere have for decades been bastardizing language in their endless quest for raw political power is beyond dispute. The most recent assault on language from the left is the urgent need to redefine the me...

  • July 26, 2022

    Liz Cheney, tireless defender of democracy?

    Let me begin by confessing that I have not watched a single minute of the January 6 congressional committee's televised show trial extravaganza, insurrectionpalooza, or whatever they're calling it.   But I did catch Ms. Chen...

  • September 30, 2020

    The #NeverTrump Right's Intellectual Dishonesty

    In his essay “Yes, This Is The Face Of A Tyrant,” the left’s favorite purported conservative thought leader Andrew Sullivan, with apologies to George Will, Jennifer Rubin, Jonah Goldberg, Max Boot, and so many others, showcases the ...

  • August 24, 2019

    The 1619 Project: The great progressive diversion

    The New York Times has announced the 1619 Project, and its leftist friends are already lapping it up.  MSNBC hails it thusly: "How slavery has defined America today." That's right.  Slavery can no longer be just a...

  • September 18, 2018

    Hillary speaks: Hypocrisy and hilarity ensue

    I'd open by saying "she's back," but she's never gone away.  This week, Hillary takes to the pages of The Atlantic to continue her mission to "do all we can to save our democracy and heal our body politi...

  • August 27, 2018

    The Deep State State vs. The American People

    On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Donald J. Trump, in the largest upset in modern American political history, was elected the 45th President of the United States of America.  And every day since then, his administration has been clouded by the wholly...

  • July 31, 2018

    Trump vs. the NYT

    The AP's July 29 story "Times Publisher asks Trump to re-consider anti-media rhetoric" reported: The publisher of The New York Times said Sunday he "implored" President Donald Trump at a private White House meet...

  • January 27, 2017

    Missives from the alternate universe of the American left

    It's now official: Richard Stengel at The Atlantic has declared "The End of the American Century."  Mr. Stengel offers this tagline to his title to dispel any doubt as to who exactly is responsible for bringing us to this most unfo...

  • July 3, 2016

    Hillary, the Democrats and Stockholm Syndrome

    As a political observer I ask myself why Hillary Clinton is the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party for 2016.  From what I’ve gathered: She’s Hillary She’s a woman It’s her turn And sti...

  • April 20, 2016

    Ding-dong, the GOPe is dead

    Though they’re probably not bright enough to know it yet.  Over the past six months, we’ve witnessed them flopping around like fish out of water, unable to flop back into the warm embrace of the water that so metaphorically keeps rej...

  • September 26, 2015

    The 'Trumpkin' revolt

    The vast majority of us “Trumpkins,” or whatever we’ve been designated by our media betters, fully understand that Donald Trump is not the second coming of Ronald Reagan.  Though what many fail to grasp is that given current ci...

  • April 6, 2015

    Liberal absolution for liberal transgressions

    Recent mainstream media headlines include stories detailing the Columbia School of Journalism’s scathing indictment of Rolling Stone’s lack of editorial controls and blatantly irresponsible reportage of the UVA “gang rape story...

  • August 31, 2014

    Straight America's Problem with the Gay Agenda

    To listen to the run of the mill “victim group” advocate, one would get the impression that (insert your victim group here; blacks, non-white Hispanics - sorry George Zimmerman, you don’t make this cut -  “other” mi...

  • June 14, 2014

    Just How Stupid Does Obama Think We Are?

    Two days ago Ed Laky posted an article here on AT titled Obama Thinks You Are Stupid, That’s Why. For those who would naturally ask “just how stupid does Obama think we are?” it didn’t take long to find out. According to...

  • May 5, 2014

    Is the Left Still Controlling the Benghazi Narrative?

    In light of recent developments relative to what now, everyone agrees, was a terrorist attack on the CIA compound in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11/2012; the Ben Rhodes “smoking gun” memo and the Tommy “surfer boy” Vietor interview with Bret Baier on Fox Ne...

  • January 29, 2014

    Our Immigration System Isn't 'Broken'

    Will conservative politicians please stop conceding the point that "our current immigration system is broken"? Our immigration system isn't broken. The only thing that's broken is our enforcement of laws dealing with immigration and immigrants that h...

  • December 16, 2013

    GEICO Gecko Puts a Fork in the Great American Experiment

    Have you seen GEICO's latest commercial? Where the gecko drops his tea bag in Boston Harbor and declares "I guess this party's over"? How fitting from a company built on government largess. From GEICO's web site: Well, the name goes back to the beg...

  • August 26, 2013

    Eric Holder's War on Poor Black Kids

    From the New Orleans Times-Picayune: "The U.S. Justice Department is suing Louisiana in New Orleans federal court to block 2014-15 vouchers for students in public school systems that are under federal desegregation orders. The first year of private...

  • July 2, 2013

    Punishing Enemies and Rewarding Friends

    A Barack Obama campaign speech is generally long on soaring, stylistic rhetoric but woefully short on much resembling substance. Yet there is one campaign promise Mr. Obama has delivered on in spades. Before the 2010 midterm elections Mr. Obama, spea...

  • June 28, 2013

    A Big RIP to the GOP

    Today I rescind all association with the Republican Party.  I will no longer allow my vote to be taken for granted by an entity whose interests have diverged so far from my own over the past quarter-century.  I will never again vote for a R...

  • June 20, 2013

    Obama's Agenda: Big Government Solutions in Search of Crises

    Health care crisis, gun violence, homophobia, Islamophobia, predatory bankers, rising sea levels, droughts, floods, blizzards, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, landscapers, restaurant workers and domestic engineers going without Cadillac health in...

  • April 22, 2013

    Kudos to Bill Maher

      Yes -- you read that right. Kudos to Bill Maher. Loathsome creature that he is, he deserves a measure of credit. After witnessing the circus of linguistic gymnastics and contortions required for our friends in the leftist media to report on th...

  • March 31, 2013

    Barack Obama's Great Redistributionist Lie

    Our President, Barack Obama loves to make a speech. To be perfectly honest, it's the only thing he is any good at (assuming, of course, the presence of his trusty teleprompter, otherwise all bets are off.) But in all of his speeches has anyone ever h...

  • March 27, 2013

    Is this really the time to talk about gay marriage?

    Why are we even talking about gay marriage?  Don't we, as a nation, have much larger fish to fry?   We're wallowing in debt, our government is doing everything in its power to destroy our energy sector and drive up the price we have to pay ...

  • March 24, 2013

    On the economy, don't listen to what Obama says, watch what he does

    Given liberal ideology, why don't Democrats just pass a $100/hr minimum wage law?  Everyone will be 'rich' right?  They can hose the evil rich capitalists and empower the downtrodden working class all in one fell swoop.  Answer, becaus...

  • March 18, 2013

    Paul Krugman - Hypocrite for the Ages

    You just can't make this stuff up. Paul Krugman regularly trashes 'climate deniers' and 'flat earthers' while touting the scientific consensus pushing the global warming agenda, and now, on the fiscal crisis and Iraq War, has the nerve to warn of the...

  • March 9, 2013

    Liberals Sure Do Love to Tax the Rich (and Other Popular Myths)

    I am tired of the myth that liberals want the rich to pay more taxes.  And that it is accepted as gospel, or worse, scientific consensus.  It's complete hogwash. I originally wrote this in response to a question as to why liberals would opp...

  • January 2, 2013

    What Passes as News These Days

    Those of us on the right have certainly become familiar with the term 'low-information voter' recently, and for good reason.  But perhaps we should be more concerned with the 'mis-information voter'.  These include many well meaning, otherw...

  • December 28, 2012

    The Cost of Obama Sized Government

    Please explain why John Boehner, or any other responsible conservative will not step in front of a gaggle of reporters and say quite simply, "If you want the kind of government President Obama and his party want to deliver then be prepared to allow t...

  • October 17, 2012

    Candy's not so dandy

    After watching last night's debate and observing moderator Candy Crowley rushing to defend President Obama on his assertion, after being challenged by Governor Romney, that he (Mr. Obama) had attributed the Benghazi Consulate attack of 09/11/12 a ter...

  • December 22, 2011

    Obama the Humble Only the Fourth Best President?

    What this statement says more than anything about Obama is how he measures his success.  "The issue here is not going be a list of accomplishments. As you said yourself, Steve, you know, I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplish...

  • July 19, 2010

    Self-interest and the Democrats

    I'd like to begin by setting aside ideology to establish, what would seem to me, to be very natural human behavior.In a society where government redistributes wealth - that is, takes money from one group of people, we'll call them ‘the rich', a...