Mac McDowell

Mac McDowell

  • November 27, 2017

    A Better Source of Nuclear Power?

    Two disturbing scientific reports have surfaced recently from Europe. The first is that a plume of radioactive particles has been detected drifting across northern Europe with a suspected source from within Russia. The second report is a post-mortem...

  • October 4, 2016

    The cure for Washington money addiction

    In Mr. Bruce Walker’s recent piece calling for a Convention of States, he clearly states that the tasks for the next president of the United States may be too big to tackle without amending the Constitution in ways the Beltway Bandits woul...

  • August 23, 2012

    Errors in the CBO Report on ANWR

    In August, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a little-noticed report on the budgetary effect of opening federal lands to oil and gas exploration.  The report looked specifically at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alask...

  • April 22, 2011

    The States Must Restrain the Federal Government

    Three reports have been released this month that all come to the same conclusion; we, as a nation, are about to go down the drain economically if the Federal Government cannot bring its spending habits under control.  First it was the Pew Charit...