Mac Johnson

Mac Johnson

  • August 20, 2008

    Do We Really Want to Get Too Involved in Georgia?

    When my 7-year-old son heard on the radio about a Russian invasion and bombing of Georgia, he was very concerned -- until I assured him that his grandparents in Atlanta were just fine.  Given his age and the degree of emotion with which the news...

  • May 2, 2007

    Freak Porn News

    Every member of the press will assure you that freedom of the press is the most fundamental of all liberties.  The news media are the "fourth estate" (or is that a fifth column?), the sacred guardians of public access to information, a...

  • November 21, 2006

    Killing the GOP Brand

    'Shake it off.'  That old coach's nugget seems to be most Republicans' response to the recent devastating election results.  The message of many is that it was a unique situation, a massive one—time blow that has left the party with a...

  • April 20, 2006

    Open Borders Threaten Free Trade

    Free trade and liberal immigration policy are intimately linked in the minds of the more puritanical proponents of free trade.  For them, 'labor' is simply one more variable in a theoretical economic model, equivalent in every way to capital or ...

  • April 6, 2006

    Pre-emptive Surrender of the Borders

    You can tell that the tide is turning in the debate over illegal immigration, because the advocates of open borders and amnesty are no longer arguing about what should be done.  Now their argument has degenerated into a description of what can't...

  • December 1, 2005

    The 1000th Execution

    Evidently, reporting the constant drip, drip, drip of casualties from the Iraq War has been so much fun for the American media that they have decided to apply the same water torture technique to propagandizing another favorite cause: death penalty ab...