M. Simon

M. Simon

  • Is Arab hatred for Israel a product of the child abuse normative in the Arab world?

    September 29, 2024

    Is Arab hatred for Israel a product of the child abuse normative in the Arab world?

    Two months after the October 7th attacks on Israel, I wrote that the murderous rage the attackers expressed is probably not the result of any political issue, but, most likely, it was displaced anger/rage from child abuse. As a former abused child (b...

  • September 12, 2011

    The Democrats' 2012 Victory Plan

    The Democrats have a plan.  A plan to defeat the Republicans in 2012.  Impossible, you say?  Well, read on, because I not only think it is possible.  I think it can work. Let me start with a poll.  About 67% of Americans say ...

  • June 12, 2009

    Fusion energy

    There are a lot of fusion experiments going on in the world that don't get much publicity. Among these is Polywell Fusion. All you see in the papers is the billions spent on ITER or the billions spent on Laser Fusion. Small projects like Polywell whe...