Lyall Swim

Lyall Swim

  • January 16, 2016

    Empty Chairs and the Potemkin Presidency

    On Tuesday, President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address, marking his final year in office.  News outlets, politicians and political pundits have provided and will continue to provide their opinions and assessments of the conte...

  • February 9, 2011

    The CPAC Boycott

    John Stapelton's article on 2/8 "Get Back to CPAC" and the ensuing debate on the comment boards underscore the great divide of the center-right movement in America today. But contrary to Mr. Stapleton's assertion, the boycott is not an act ...

  • April 27, 2010

    Bob Bennett Re-nomination for Utah Senate Seat in Trouble

    First it was Dede Scozzafava; then Florida Governor, Charlie Crist; now it is Utah's Bob Bennett. Grassroots GOP activists are on a roll in helping to upgrade senate and congressional candidates.Utah's nominating system holds a convention where the d...

  • December 24, 2009

    Rep. Parker Griffith - more Benedict Arnold than Edmund Burke

    With his party-switching announcement, Rep. Parker Griffith joins a growing list of political Benedict Arnolds from both parties. Griffith's political hat switching underscores a highly disturbing "get reelected at all costs" mentality that...

  • November 10, 2009

    GOP Branding Blunders

    In his book Focus, world-renowned marketing strategist Al Ries remarked, "In the long run, winning companies are ones that are the most focused." This marketing guru's counsel stands in stark contrast to the political advice recently offere...