Luba Sindler

Luba Sindler

  • March 19, 2015

    The IRS and me

    Why do most Americans never react to government scandals, corruption on a massive scale, or epic foreign policy blunders?  The answer is simple: all this doesn't affect them directly.  Or so they think. Connecting the shenanigans in ...

  • April 16, 2012

    War on Women? Count Me for the Defense!

    In all my years growing up in the good old Soviet Union, I never met a non-working woman.  Let me put it another way: because all citizens were required to work and the government had officially abolished the differences between sexes in the wor...

  • October 15, 2011

    I Don't Want to Save the World!

    I grew up in a country whose whole reason for existence was saving the world.  We all had to sacrifice our time, our already meager resources, and our ability to buy a pair of shoes or some toilet paper (forget our freedom!) for the benefit of t...

  • July 24, 2011

    The Difficulties of Learning to Speak American

    Contrary to conventional wisdom, ordinary life is not full of surprises -- they are few and far between.  But recently I got a welcome surprise courtesy of American Thinker publishing my adventures with the Tea Party as an emigrant from the USSR...

  • June 15, 2011

    Confession of a Reluctant Tea-Partier

    In the Soviet Union any mass expression of public sentiment was by definition a fraud.  To participate in a demonstration of any kind meant a complete waste of a perfectly good day.  All organizations got their quotas to provide a certain a...