LTC Joseph C. Myers

LTC Joseph C. Myers

  • February 14, 2011

    Democratic, Oligarchic or Islamic Revolution in Egypt?

    President Obama's remarks about Egypt were somewhat detached from the reality of the situation, trying to seize an event and give it historical significance, applying the notion that this was some historical moment of "freedom." Essentially...

  • September 26, 2006

    Rendering the Hamdan v. Rumsfeld Decision

    The recent Supreme Court decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld,  in a feat of tortuous logic and ignoring the Political Question Doctrine, has created Geneva Convention protections for international terrorists, something few students of international h...

  • August 25, 2006

    America's Strategic Fix and Our New Decision Points

    America's national leadership since 9—11 has said that we are in a 'Global War on Terror.' More recently, they describe it as a 'Long War.' Putting it together then we are in a 'global—long war on terror' against  jihadists, Islamic ...

  • June 6, 2006

    Why We Can't Deter Iran (because we aren't)

    The Iranian nuclear program crisis is currently presenting the greatest challenge to the national security strategy of the Bush Administration. Strategists, diplomats and policy makers are all hard at work trying to craft a course of action and ...

  • February 20, 2006

    Brazil's Nuclear Ambitions

    Brazil is a continental country with a complicated 'geostrategic depth.' Americans tend, at our peril, to pay insufficient attention to its politics and justifiably large ambitions. We may not have that luxury in the foreseeable future. Brazil appear...

  • September 8, 2005

    Lessons not learned before Katrina hit

    The disaster in New Orleans seems unimaginable to all of us, and personally disconcerting to me as a former resident and Tulane University graduate.  I return annually to the Big Easy, my favorite city in the USA, and seeing it under water and k...