Lori Lowenthal Marcus

Lori Lowenthal Marcus

  • October 27, 2017

    The Big Law Firm Casting Couch

    Versions of Harvey Weinstein and Hollywood’s casting couch have been played out all across this country in industry after industry. I know, because it happened to me.  After my experience I did extensive research and then conducted semi...

  • May 11, 2012

    The Stealth Legitimacy of J Street

    Did you know that J Street -- which is a political lobbying organization (please, let's acknowledge it already) -- is launching a new national election-year initiative?  The people at J Street have plans to train the organization's supporters to...

  • February 12, 2012

    Alan Dershowitz Says Media Matters Could Cost Obama the Election

    When Professor Alan Dershowitz spoke to hundreds of pro-Israel supporters at the University of Pennsylvania last week, many understood him to be simply providing a broad-strokes counter-message to the anti-Israel Penn BDS (boycotts of, divestment fro...

  • February 3, 2012

    How Many Are Thy Tents, O Jacob?

    Given the ideological bedlam often seen even within individual Jewish organizations, just imagine trying to get an entire community of Jewish organizations together to sign a several-paragraphs-long statement reflecting a single position -- and to do...

  • August 14, 2011

    Shoot the Jewish Senator in the Face: Not News?

    If a Jew -- and a senior-ranking US Senator at that -- is targeted with violence and nobody bothers to report it, does it still count as news? Well, that's what happened.  Dmitry Dyatlov, a 23 year-old Philadelphia resident originally from Uzbek...

  • May 29, 2011

    The Audacity of Reality

    Despite the avalanche of articles analyzing U.S. President Barack Obama's May 19, 2011 Middle East speech, one irony has not been mentioned.  The president laid out a magnificent blueprint for the countries in the region to follow in order to en...

  • March 15, 2011

    J Street: 'Maybe Israel really ain't a good idea'

    "Maybe, if this collective Jewish presence" -- that is, the Jewish State in the Middle East -- "can only survive by the sword, then Israel really ain't a good idea."  So said Daniel Levy, one of J Street's founders, at the 20...

  • March 4, 2011

    Time on the J Street Ward

    While attending the J Street conference I wondered whether I had entered some alternative dimension, where facts known by the rest of the world, and basic principles of reasoning, just didn't operate in quite the same way as they do on the rest of pl...

  • October 10, 2010

    More J Street B(D)S

    Some people are still clinging to the remaining shreds of J Street's pro-Israel raiments. Time to let go. Even when that faux pro-Israel organization takes action seemingly supportive of Israel -- such as opposing divestment from Israel -- it does so...

  • November 5, 2009

    At the J Street meeting

    The Washington conference of the new organization "J Street" took place on October 25-28. It was a fascinating but scary cultural experience. For three days I watched hundreds of intensely pious people sitting under an awning that reads ...

  • October 6, 2009

    J Street is selling snake oil

    It is appropriate that at the end of October, right before Halloween, a large gathering of anti-Israel organizations dressed up in costumes labeled "pro-Israel" and "pro-peace" will convene in Washington.  The disguises are n...

  • September 18, 2009

    A Roadmap for Terrorists

    MEMORANDUM TO:                          THE OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL,          ...

  • August 2, 2009

    Z street

    There is a chilling scene in the 2002 movie "The Pianist."  In it the train was already chugging along on the path to insanity and destruction, but before all was destroyed.  The family of the protagonist has been moved into the W...

  • May 17, 2009

    The Late Great State of Israel

    Aaron Klein's The Late Great State of Israel: How enemies within and without threaten the Jewish nation's survivalWND Books (April 28, 2009)249 pp. $25.95Aaron Klein, the intrepid Middle East bureau reporter for World Net Daily, hopes that his new bo...

  • January 21, 2009

    Barack Obama Embraces Middle East Roadmap of the Israel Policy Forum

    Even before his first 100 Days in office began, President-Elect Barack Obama embraced the left-wing Israel Policy Forum's proposed "First 100 Days" roadmap for Middle East peace.  On January 14, 2009, Mr. Obama made his first public su...

  • October 29, 2008

    This Jew for McCain

    When PBS asked me to do an interview for a television newsweekly because I am a Jew supporting McCain, I didn't hesitate to say yes.  PBS's left wing bias is legendary. I thought it likely the interview would be edited to make me look like a Jew...

  • February 10, 2008

    Schmoozing with Terrorists

    Schmoozing with Terroristsby Aaron KleinWND Books, 204 pp. $25.95Reviewed by Lori Lowenthal MarcusThe people who kill Jews and other westerners for a living would seem to be a bit hard for nice Jewish boy to sit down and chat with about why they do w...

  • December 2, 2007

    The Academy Fails Again

    When professors hijack their students' efforts to suit their own political agendas, and the students' agenda is obliterated by a professor's implied directive, and a university blames the entire mess on the students, what do you have?  The Unive...

  • September 23, 2007

    Novice Congressman Needs to be Relieved from Duty

    Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA), a former US Navy Admiral, recently revealed that he is indifferent about the well-being of US veterans of the Iraq war, that he is either careless or clueless about domestic security concerns, and that he would be grate...

  • May 17, 2006

    The Strange Partner of Brandeis University

    Brandeis University has created a special relationship with the Arab Palestinian al—Quds University, a partnership which it says will 'make the world a better place.' This is a pathetic gesture, one which blinds the recognition of evi...