Lloyd Brown

Lloyd Brown

  • Adolf Trump

    October 29, 2024

    Adolf Trump

    The Democrat Party in America has been calling members of the Republican Party “Nazis” and Republican candidates “Hitler” for decades. They libel the GOP because they are unable to debate issues, being generally on the oppo...

  • April 28, 2023

    Conversation with a bothered bot

    According to the media, Artificial Intelligence (AI), is the greatest thing since sliced bread. AI is so smart that some worry it could take over the world and rule mankind. But skeptics have found AI chatbots to be more than a little left-wing. ...

  • April 7, 2023

    The reparations bidding war has begun

    Reparations for slavery, arguably the daffiest idea in our nation's history, have entered the mainstream. In California, it would be ordained that every resident with black skin shall receive "compensation" for something — at t...

  • July 26, 2021

    Taxing people who don't owe taxes

    Incoherent rants by American Marxists such as Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden about those who don't "pay their fair share" in taxes serve mostly to highlight the most unfair tax of all. In the late 1960s, Democrats discovered that 155 p...

  • April 11, 2021

    Under Biden, the redistribution of wealth is back

    Leftists like the phrase “victimless crime” when they’re trying to decriminalize destructive behaviors such as prostitution or using dangerous drugs. However, if they were to use the phrase correctly, economic inequality, which they...

  • April 5, 2021

    Mass shootings are less about guns than mental illness

    What has been described as one of the largest social experiments in this country's history has proven to be a costly failure. During the last 40 years of the 20th century, more than 750,000 people were released from mental institutions, b...

  • March 18, 2021

    Charles Beard vs. the Founders

    The attack on America and the Founding Fathers by the New York Times is not the first attempt to radically rewrite history.  Before the Times tried to persuade Americans that they were all racists and the nation was foun...

  • November 9, 2020

    As Britain's voters turned out Churchill in 1945...

    This year's election in the United States, assuming that it stands, is comparable only to the equally inexplicable experience of Great Britain in 1945. At that point, after fighting successfully and at great cost to keep from being conquered b...

  • May 24, 2020

    Global warming: Still junk science after all these years

    Climate alarmists insist that an increase of one degree in the average global temperatures is a signal that the end of civilization is near. Every day a new revelation: more fires in California, snow in Antarctica is turning green, salmon are dyin...

  • March 5, 2020

    How feminism 'liberated' women into misery

    Here's a bit of background on the biggest complaint from young women today: how they are stressed, overworked, and underpaid and don't have enough time with their families. Welcome to the "freedom" you were promised in the 1960s ...

  • December 8, 2019

    Widespread inability to distinguish fact and opinion is poisoning our politics

    One problem with public discourse, especially in the realm of politics, is that too many people don’t know the difference between fact and opinion. “In the U.S., about 13.5% of students were good at distinguishing between fact and opin...

  • August 9, 2019

    Capitalism and greed are strangers

    Capitalism is getting a bad rap lately by the small but growing contingent of democratic socialists infecting Congress. So what exactly is this threat from which they seek to save us? Capitalism is based on free and voluntary exchange of goods....

  • May 26, 2019

    How the Left can win with words alone

    Politicians can solve all our problems.  At least, that's what they tell us when they are trolling for our votes. To be sure, they could solve a lot of them. Take poverty, for example. Back in the 1960s, when the New Deal was a...

  • April 18, 2019

    Robots no threat to labor

    There is an old joke that contains great wisdom not only about the media, but about a myth that continues to flourish even today. It goes: If Dan Rather were to announce the invention of the light bulb on the evening news, he would begin, with eye...

  • April 10, 2019

    The demise of media objectivity

    American media have come full circle. Newspapers, among the only media in Colonial times, were highly partisan, and truth was not a priority.  Today, newspaper and TV media have returned to that point. Before the Revolution, in many towns, on...

  • February 23, 2019

    The existential threat to the Democratic Party

    There is an existential threat to the Democratic Party — brought on by Democrats. Pandering to black voters — and supporting policies that keep them uneducated and living in ghettos — has been a high priority of the Democrat Part...

  • October 6, 2018

    The Wikipedia illusion

    Wikipedia pretends to be a new kind of  crowd-sourced, non-profit "people's encyclopedia" containing fair and unbiased material.  In theory, anyone is allowed to edit material, thus providing a wide range of input ra...

  • January 29, 2018

    Choice facts and the big lie about school vouchers

    My news feed brings headlines from all over the nation and a frequent one is “Do school vouchers work?”  Almost invariably, the article is an op-ed by a rich, powerful teachers union boss, explaining why vouchers don’t work. Or...

  • August 7, 2017

    Wikipedia goes to the the dark side

    Use Wikipedia with extreme caution. The Web-based encyclopedia has become a frequently used tool, based on the assumption that anyone can edit it and thus the entries will be balanced, objective and neutral. One example calls that into question. ...

  • July 18, 2017

    The shallow arguments against school choice

    There are public policy questions that are difficult.  Health insurance, for example. Then there are those that are extremely simple although highly contested by those with axes to grind. School choice is one of the easiest. Vouchers do...

  • March 27, 2017

    Apocalyptic liberalism

    Let us delve again into the so-called "mind" of the modern liberal. These folks are terrified at the prospect of "global warming," which they are convinced will bring about the planet's doom in a century or so.  Scienc...

  • April 25, 2011

    The Politics of Envy

    During the next 18 months, we can look for liberals to pull out all the stops on their hate campaign.  The target is "the rich."To generate hate, liberals will use an old device: envy.Those who have not been as successful will be urged...

  • September 16, 2010

    Why Conservatives Run for Office

    Politicians are a bad lot, generally. But there is a crucial difference between conservative and liberal politicians.That difference lies in the reason they seek office.Liberals go into politics for power and money. They have a basic urge to control ...

  • March 1, 2010

    Democrats' empty promises on Medicare reform

    After 30 years of campaigning by saying that Republicans wanted to cut Medicare, and ridiculing GOP efforts to cut waste in government, Democrats now are proposing to slash the program themselves by "cutting out waste and fraud."This strang...

  • February 3, 2010

    All that glitters is not peer reviewed gold

    Lancet, said to be the oldest, best known and most respected journal in medicine, has retracted an article alleging that MMR vaccinations caused autism and bowel disease.The 1998 article caused thousands of parents throughout the United States and Br...

  • October 21, 2009

    Liberals never learn

    Although liberals sometimes blurt out the truth in public, mostly they pretend their nostrums make sense. Three specific examples of how liberals refuse to face facts:Michigan is an economic basket case. As noted in the Wall Street Journal, the Democ...

  • October 2, 2009

    Read All About It

    When I started in the newspaper business, Elvis Presley was a rising star, and newspapers were alive and thriving. Today, Elvis is dead and newspapers are in the hospice.Then, there were 1,750 newspapers and three out of four people read them. More i...

  • June 7, 2009

    Empathy and Justice

    In his letter explaining why he voted against the confirmation of John Roberts as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Barack Obama gave us a fascinating glimpse into the wonderful world of liberal logic.The reasoning boiled down to this: Roberts was ...

  • May 20, 2009

    Cooling off on Warming

    As the left marches on toward "solving" the alleged problem of global warming, the public is continuing to move in another direction.For a poll-driven administration this is irrational behavior, showing that ideology trumps even its natural...

  • May 7, 2009

    Finding the center

    It is disheartening to hear some Republicans calling for the party to be more "centrist." That would only be desirable if the meaning of the word had not been redefined by the Old Media.Centrism, like most other political designations, real...

  • April 10, 2009

    Government Schools Win Again

    Whew! That was close. Nearly 1,700 children had escaped from the failing public schools in Washington, D.C., and were getting a decent education in private schools - just like the children of fat-cat liberal politicians.But the fat-cat politicians in...

  • March 28, 2009

    Is Obama a Prince Among Men?

    When seeking office, the aspirant must pretend to be what he is not. After seizing power, he should impose his agenda quickly and ruthlessly before his subjects realize what he is doing and have time to react.Sound familiar? It might, but this approa...

  • August 7, 2008

    Defeating deflation

    Once again, brilliant minds have arrived at an earthshaking discovery simultaneously.History is replete with such coincidences.Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilheim Leibniz, for example, hit upon the calculus independently near the beginning of the ...

  • August 17, 2006

    Four Questions for Global Warming Enthusiasts

    Hollywood has rushed into the debate over climate with one—sided movies that will scare a few people and enlighten no one. As much as I like popcorn, I'm not buying any tickets until the global warming alarmists can satisfy my Four—Part T...