L.K. Samuels

L.K. Samuels

  • March 1, 2022

    Surprise: Mussolini Was Not the First Fascist

    Charges of fascism are often flung around like paper confetti, sometimes to cover for actual fascism.  Almost every political faction has been subjected to such claims, especially ones that are polar opposites of historical Italian fascism ...

  • November 7, 2021

    The little-known origins of Islamofascism

    It is no accident that Palestinians and many Arab political and religious leaders are hostile to Jews and to the nation of Israel.  This bitter animosity resulted from a little-known historical event that led to the dark origins of Islamofascism...

  • August 28, 2021

    The Surprising Origins of Critical Race Theory

    Critical Race Theory (CRT) has been cited as an offshoot of Karl Marx’s theory of class struggle, which was designed to pit one class against another so as to foment worker-led revolutions. It is also widely accepted that the Marxian ...

  • August 7, 2021

    No Truth in Socialism: Why the 'Crisis of Marxism' Matters

    Why do the Progressive Big Media, Democrats, elites, and Democratic Socialists feel duty-bound to create false realities?  Why must they silence, obstruct, or distort any truthful voice before it can ever be heard?  And why do the...