Lewis Dovland

Lewis Dovland

  • For 47 years, I’ve dreamed of what Trump is doing now

    March 23, 2025

    For 47 years, I’ve dreamed of what Trump is doing now

    Something happened to me in 1978 that caused me, a politically disinterested twenty-something, to say to myself, “If I ever become President, the first thing I would do is fire the entire State Department down to the third level.” Now, 47...

  • It’s the Democrats’ Turn in the Wilderness

    December 24, 2024

    It’s the Democrats’ Turn in the Wilderness

    Just like the Israelites in the book of Exodus (shemōt), on November 6th, the Democrat party entered The Wilderness. What does this mean for the party, for its intended programs, and more importantly, its self-esteem and ability to restore the party ...

  • Democrats are committing the final sin: weaponizing people

    November 3, 2024

    Democrats are committing the final sin: weaponizing people

    A major battle is brewing in a coming collision of two unstoppable forces. One side is Marxist leftist progressivism and our administrative deep state (both movements roughly 100 years old in America). The second side is Donald Trump and the MAGA mov...

  • If you ask Kamala the right questions, you’ll get the real answers

    September 16, 2024

    If you ask Kamala the right questions, you’ll get the real answers

    Famous for word salads that say nothing but certainly give “joy” to some supporters, it’s easy to expose Kamala Harris as totally incompetent with just two words: “How” and “What.”  By totally incompeten...

  • ECCE HOMO—The Transformation of Donald Trump

    July 23, 2024

    ECCE HOMO—The Transformation of Donald Trump

    Pontius Pilate’s statement—Ecce Homo or “Behold the Man” (Vulgate John 19:5)—as he released Jesus to the political forces of the Sanhedrin to be executed, echoes strongly, for it was a negative event that led to the posi...

  • Are Democrats really this incompetent?

    July 12, 2024

    Are Democrats really this incompetent?

    For the past 3 years, I’ve felt something was amiss with the Democrats and their bench strength. For a team that plays to win, no matter what, they seemed to have burned all their boats without regard to future possibilities. As I wrote in Febr...

  • Where do the Democrats go from here?

    June 28, 2024

    Where do the Democrats go from here?

    “Butter My Butt and Call Me a Biscuit.” This Southern colloquialism hit me between the eyes about 30 minutes after the Biden-Trump debate on Thursday. What is going on? As an observer of the Big Picture, I thought I was reasonably savvy a...

  • Why American Women Should Want Their Own Harrison Butker

    May 20, 2024

    Why American Women Should Want Their Own Harrison Butker

    Question: If you are female, would you prefer a Harrison Butker type as your life partner? Or would you prefer to share your life with a man-bun wearing, scraggly bearded, non-binary person complete with all the leftist jargon and chock-full feelings...

  • America’s existential threat is the absence of consequences for Democrats

    May 13, 2024

    America’s existential threat is the absence of consequences for Democrats

    America as we know it is facing its ultimate existential threat, all focused on whatever the left thinks it will take to ensure Donald Trump is not our next President. Our dear, constitutional America has crossed the political Rubicon (perhaps the...

  • A wake-up call for American Jews and moderate Democrats

    May 7, 2024

    A wake-up call for American Jews and moderate Democrats

    Garden-variety Democrats and Jews have reached a cognitive dissonance moment. The ongoing campus occupation by students and outside agitators has ripped off the mask of the lies of Marxism, a truth that can only be ignored by willful blindness. Ar...

  • In academia, has the monster the left created broken free?

    May 6, 2024

    In academia, has the monster the left created broken free?

    In the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, the computer HAL 9000 jumped the boundaries its creators set and took control of the vessel, killing most of the crew. Are we seeing a similar situation as the little campus Marxists, the ones whom the Democrats...

  • Israel Must Demolish Hamas, And America Must Learn Israel’s Lessons

    April 11, 2024

    Israel Must Demolish Hamas, And America Must Learn Israel’s Lessons

    Israel must complete the task of eradicating Hamas from Gaza. If it fails, that will only lead to never-ending cycles of murder and mayhem, with Hamas continuing to be a threat to Israel’s population and national survival. Israel must not succu...

  • Republican state legislators’ premature pro-life legislation will re-elect Biden

    March 30, 2024

    Republican state legislators’ premature pro-life legislation will re-elect Biden

    I am a staunch pro-lifer but a word to our conservative legislators and pundits. Hold off on any more pro-life legislation or discussions until after the November 5 election. Lay low, and you will get the wish we all want—a conservative preside...

  • Leftists retain power only by lying to their base

    March 12, 2024

    Leftists retain power only by lying to their base

    The leftist reaction to the Supreme Court’s decision overruling Colorado’s effort to remove Donald Trump from the ballot was illuminating because it reveals how leftists lie to their base. This matters because the left has a hold on publi...

  • Don’t be fooled by apparent Democrat incompetence in the election

    February 13, 2024

    Don’t be fooled by apparent Democrat incompetence in the election

    Are the wheels really beginning to come off the Democrat’s chances of keeping the Presidency in 2024, or is it a ruse? It appears they are behind the eight-ball as to having a winning presidential candidate, but are they really? Do Not Be Foole...

  • January 11, 2024

    The core purpose of DEI is theft

    The recent Claudine Gay debacle at Harvard should once and for all open everyone's eyes to the destructive nature of the DEI movement and its place in the Big Picture. After she completely flubbed an easy answer (for a sane person) about calling ...

  • November 22, 2023

    My Journey from Frustration to Outrage to Seething Anger

    I have had it. My past sense of frustration with the damaging policies of the left has moved to outrage and anger because I’m finally seeing the results of the Big Picture in action. The movement from mere disagreement on key policies to the le...

  • October 28, 2023

    Has leftism finally jumped the shark?

    The current pro-Palestinian rallies on American campuses (which, in reality, are an anti-Jewish hate-fests) are an eye-opener for a growing number of people on the left. The latest Israel-Palestinian protests may be the final canary in the coal mine ...

  • October 7, 2023

    How do Democrats really view blacks?

    If blacks need any more proof that, as a group, the white Democrats and leftists who run things see them as inferior, the “Fire Alarm” issue surrounding Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) should leave no doubt. Briefly, during the recent...

  • September 13, 2023

    When it comes to illegal aliens, Democrat mayors seem deliberately dense

    America is struggling with illegal aliens, but the situation is fixable. Before dealing with the immigrants already here, we must stop the ones who keep coming. There must be a blindness to logic in leftists, willful or not, who don’t seem to s...

  • September 10, 2023

    Republicans Must Impeach Biden

    There is a reason the issue of impeaching President Biden has finally come into the spotlight, and it isn’t what you may think. The Republicans have neither the spine nor the skills to pull off an impeachment, even with a teed-up softball like ...

  • July 2, 2023

    Why the Democrats' call to ‘save our democracy’ is a lie

    One of the rallying calls from the Marxist leftists and Democratic leadership (but then, I repeat myself) is: “We must save our democracy.” The veiled hint is that MAGA and Trump supporters, conservatives in general, and overall decent ci...

  • June 25, 2023

    Bucket brigade belies Biden’s border bunkum

    NYC Mayor Eric Adam’s current steps to move illegal immigrants to New York suburbs is what I call the “Bucket Brigade” solution. It demonstrates the idiocy of leftist thought while exposing their true goals. Imagine you discover ...

  • April 24, 2023

    Like Capone before him, will Biden’s taxes be his downfall?

    Joe and Jill Biden just filed their 2022 taxes. Signing the return may be the smoking gun that finally will crack the seemingly impenetrable wall of secrecy about the myriad allegations we’ve heard about China, Hunter, and various large payment...

  • January 29, 2023

    Fox News is helping the Democrats’ Biden document narrative

    When it comes to the Biden document scandal, Fox News, as the opposition media, should not be banging the same gong that the leftist media outlets are striking with fervor. And yet it is. That’s not good news. President Biden’s days as...

  • July 31, 2022

    Family Matters

    Because the family structure is foundational to society’s continuation, those who wish to favor globalism over the American identity must destroy the family. That’s because the family is one of the three main legs supporting our country a...

  • June 30, 2022

    The big-picture reason the left is violent about Roe's demise

    We know that abortion is a sacrament in the leftist religion of Secular Humanism.  Even so, there is a deeper reason their reaction to the Supreme Court's overturning Roe v. Wade has been so vehement: the Dobbs decis...

  • June 9, 2022

    STOP IT! Just Stop It!

    Leftists in the Biden administration have finally outrun their headlights and (again) exposed the failures of Marxism. What must we do to stop them now that we have that hard proof? So, here's a question for you: Where is the American ang...

  • May 7, 2022

    There may have been a Supreme Court leak long before Alito's draft

    There's been quite the kerfuffle about the horrendous leak at the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on an upcoming ruling that may end Roe v. Wade.  That caused me to recall another case, just a decade ago, in which such a leak may have ...

  • May 1, 2022

    Words Matter – Orwell Newspeak v. 2022

    Rush Limbaugh famously said: “Words mean things.” He was pushing back on the leftists’ purposeful but subtle tweaking of the language which has gained real momentum over the past 20 years. We see it when they use words such as toler...

  • April 4, 2022

    The Affrighted Optimist

    I’m an affrighted optimist, terrorized by the extremely rapid acceleration of a societal state that is moving from authoritarian to totalitarian, faster than most would have predicted even five years ago. I’m a conservative, a person o...

  • April 4, 2022

    Why the LGBTQ are fighting Florida's anti-grooming law

    We are familiar with Florida's HB1557 law prohibiting kindergarten through third-grade teachers from discussing or introducing in any manner the topics of transgenderism, sexual orientation, and gender identity. When the leftists and the LGBTQ...

  • April 3, 2022

    Don't miss the big picture when dealing with the left

    We are increasingly seeing a new term being used by thinking writers when it comes to both global and national politics. What is it, and how should we look at it? The term The Big Picture basically answers the question: “If we continue to fo...

  • March 20, 2022

    It Is Possible To Reform Our Health Insurance System

    We must prevent the Marxist progressive takeover from controlling our access to healthcare. Period. Still, it’s true that, in a free economy, everyone has the right to access care but if you can’t pay for it, access is meaningless. Meanwh...

  • March 10, 2022

    Healthcare: A Key Component of Leftist Control That Needs Reform

    Healthcare is not a right. More on that shortly. Controlling the population is mandatory for Marxist leftist progressives. Healthcare is a major lever in that control. If you control my access to healthcare, you control me. If you ever doubted ...

  • March 3, 2022

    The Economic Balloon That May Finally End Progressive Leftism

    The Laws of Economics are as immutable as the Law of Gravity, but few leftists grasp this fact. When it comes to the Democrats’ energy policies, I believe this immutability will finally be the Democrats’ downfall. People are reaching a pa...

  • January 16, 2022

    Yes, Virginia, the January 6 ‘insurrection’ exists

    Just as Francis Church of the New York Sun famously replied to 8-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon’s question about Santa in 1897, we too can say: “Yes, Virginia, the insurrection exists” and has for a century. But it’s not wha...

  • November 26, 2021

    How vax alarmists are killing us

    We are hearing an increasing drumbeat from COVID alarmists and control freaks that if people refuse to get the COVID-19 shot, these evil refusers will be responsible for the deaths of all those good people who obeyed and are fully vaccinated. This...

  • May 20, 2018

    The Deceiver and the Royal Wedding

    As a committed Christian, I was happy to see the open presentation of the Christian faith at Saturday's Royal Wedding.  Many watching choose to turn their backs on the truths of God's word and live a secular, non-believing life....

  • February 27, 2018

    How leftists plan to use Parkland's dead

    We are facing a crisis of rights.  The recent Florida school shooting has started a dangerous wave of misdirected outrage about gun rights – and the misdirection is on purpose by those looking to control the dialog. To set the stag...

  • June 22, 2017

    Donald Trump's wealth redistribution plan

    Yesterday's Georgia 6th race to fill the seat of Tom Price – in which I happily voted for Ms. Handel (thank you, Mr. Lloyd Marcus, for your support) – shows that Donald Trump has been successful in causing a large redistribution of we...

  • June 11, 2017

    'Burden of Education' – the Next Brick in Lunacy’s Wall

    You may think creeping liberalism would have reached its limits by now – but you’d be wrong. Coming up on the horizon, there is a term from the world of creeping liberalism so new there is not yet an entry in Wikipedia: 'Burden of ...

  • September 5, 2016

    Hillary's Rope-a-Dope

    Speaking recently with a Republican insider provided me a very troubling, eye-opening remark.  At the end of a non-political business discussion, I asked about the race.  The response was that the spot polls we see on the news every couple ...

  • July 8, 2016

    The real reason RINOs don't support Trump

    I find a strange "begs the question" situation when I see people like George Will "leave" the party and many other prominent players say that not only will they not support Trump, but they may even vote for Hillary. That basic ...

  • August 11, 2015

    The differences in Democrat, Republican, and Iranian negotiating styles

    Let me demonstrate. First, here is how our leadership negotiated with Iran over the nuke deal. Kerry: "We want open inspections at any time." Iran: "With ten days' notice." Kerry: "We can agree to only one day...

  • July 21, 2015

    My white privilege, part two

    The reality of white privilege is that it’s actually “American privilege,” the privilege we have been fortunate to enjoy by living in America and by assuming the American culture as a standard by which we live.  So wh...

  • July 20, 2015

    My white privilege

    The latest progressive topic making news, white privilege, has caused me to stop and consider my own situation as a white man.  What privilege have I had that has produced a middle-class success for me?  Was it white privilege? Let's...

  • November 27, 2013

    ObamaCare's Looming Land Mine

    Those who wrote the PPACA legislation were much more brilliant than most conservatives have given them credit for.  They have hidden a landmine in the way it all works that will ensure an eventual takeover of the entire health care industry...

  • September 5, 2013

    From 'We're Fired Up!' to 'We're Fired?'

    Activists (and notably well-dressed ones) who are rousing the crowds of fast food workers to protest and chant "We're fired up!" in the streets are using them as pawns and patsies by promising them what those specific workers will never see.  Th...

  • April 10, 2013

    Guns: The Left's True Aim, and How to Thwart It

    We must not lose focus on the end goal of progressives regarding guns.  Make no mistake; regardless of what they say, their ultimate goal is confiscation of all guns in America.  And a "universal background check" will get them closer to th...