letter to the editor

letter to the editor

  • January 24, 2014

    When is a fee not a fee? When it is an ObamaCare tax

    A reader who requests anonymity sent in this account of her investigation into a curious asterisk on her health care insurance bill. I am one of the people who actually is able to "keep" my previous plan with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSI...

  • October 13, 2013

    Obamacare: 'Working hard to help you get covered'

    A reader writes to us about his experience trying to sign up for Obamacare. Today I received the email below from the Health Insurance Marketplace and decided to go to the link to "preview Marketplace plans and prices."  I did so, indicating ...

  • August 5, 2012

    A reader asks...

    "If Romney was no longer working at Bain Capital and running the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City, how can Harry Reid's source know that Romney didn't pay any income tax for the last 10 years?  Especially when Romney resigned from Bain 3 years be...

  • August 5, 2012

    Horace Mann School on Trial in the Press

    "Something there is that doesn't like a wall," wrote the poet Robert Frost almost a hundred years ago; and now it seems that there are some people who don't like the fine institution that gave them a great beginning in their educational careers. How ...

  • July 30, 2012

    On the eve of Romney's Israel visit Obama tried to upstage him

    A reader writes us: Two media events helpful to the Obama campaign occurred prior to Romney's visit to Israel. On 27 July, Aljazeera wrote: US President Barack Obama will release an additional $70m in military aid for Israel, a previously announced ...

  • December 7, 2011

    AT Was First

    I must confess I am a political junkie with too much time on my hands.   I have been watching with much interest the rise of Newt Gingrich.  I began to wonder when did a major columnist on a major internet site or the rest of the ...

  • June 19, 2011

    My Little Chat With Tony Kushner

    A New York reader we'll call "Michelle" sent in the following story: Walking back from synagogue on Saturday, I saw playwright Tony Kushner strolling with a man I assumed was his spouse.  Kushner was recently awarded an honorary degree from th...

  • November 28, 2010

    Obama and 'Domestic Spying'

    I noticed that the Oregon Christmas Tree bomber was caught using "domestic spying."They caught him by intercepting his emails. The Obama Administration's own "domestic spying." I thought the evil Dick Cheney was in a secure room s...

  • November 22, 2010

    The Holocaust Denial/Minimization Industry Attacks Us All

    This is for Norman Finkelstein and by extension everyone who applauds him at his events.I'm not here to debate his stance on Israel and Zionism - there is really only one thing that I want address within this letter. My issue with Finkelstein and his...

  • November 22, 2010

    START and 'Serious Consequences'

    The news tickers this morning were saturated with Secretary of Defense Gates's statement that if START is not passed, "there will be serious consequences."  Well, at least he was finally honest about those consequences:"It isn't j...

  • November 8, 2010

    Biofuels industry responds

    Your article, "The Biofuels Scam", was breathless in its unfair dismissal of homegrown, renewable ethanol.First, the World Bank report mentioned by Mr. Andrews was by no means secret.  The 2008 report that was widely reported on in var...

  • October 31, 2010


    To the editor:   As of three days ago I was a diehard liberal Democrat.  I followed the trumpet call and marched in lockstep with whatever was declared to be true by the liberals in my family, all my friends and particularly ...

  • October 29, 2010

    I want a job

    I used to have a job.  And now I don't have one.  I want a JOB.  A job gave me dignity and the right to make choices.  A job gave me the ability to pay for the goods and services my family needs to survive.  And, yes, a ...

  • October 22, 2010

    In Support of Juan Williams

    Dear Editor,  Juan William's firing from NPR strikes me as outrageous.  If I were still a contributor to NPR, I would stop sending a yearly donation.  That's no longer an option.As an alternative, I have sent contributions to the Ameri...

  • October 1, 2010

    The 'Ruling Class' Meme

    Ever since the term "Ruling Class" became mainstream,thanks to the American Spectator article, I have had a nagging thought about where that phrase was first used in the context of the US and the current elites.  So taking out my old j...

  • September 15, 2010

    Unemployed journalist denies JournOlist membership

    I am reliably informed that you've included me in the membership of that nefarious, secretive, lefty media cabal known as Journolist. Never mind that I've been an unemployed newspaperman since December 2008, I thank you. Your error places me in a com...

  • August 30, 2010

    Will Canada wake up to the terror threat in time?

    Dear Editor,Police in Canada recently averted a major terrorist attack on Canadian soil. Six men were named as belonging to the terror cell, all Canadian citizens of Muslim extraction, one of them a Doctor. All of them are Islamists, or whatever the ...

  • August 28, 2010

    Srebrenica remains controversial

    [editor's note: The United States and the United Nations both accept the story of the Srebrenica massacre by Serbs. However, it remains controversial in some circles. Julia Gorin wrote the following letter to us in response to Jeannie DeAngelis's art...

  • May 5, 2010

    A Pakistani-American on the Times Sq. bomber

    I vehemently condemn the attempted bombing of Times Square by, I am ashamed to say, a Pakistani American. Fellow, non-Pakistani Americans, before you judge all of us, please remember that there is a silent majority of Muslims who wholeheartedly, emph...

  • April 13, 2010

    Lt. Col Lakin: another voice

    I just read the stories on LtCol Lakin's refusal to report to his duty and missing movement for his troop, and while I believe Obama is the consummate liar about his background, I have to support the Dept.of the Army and their court-martial proceedin...

  • March 25, 2010

    Is the 'tanning tax' racially targeted?

    Has it occurred to anyone that Tanning Salons are predominately used by Caucasian-Americans (just to be PC) and that a tax on Tanning Beds is discriminatory towards them?Shame, shame Democrats, you prejudiced, bigoted, racists you.Don Parker...

  • March 23, 2010

    Mourning for America

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • March 20, 2010

    Generational Theft

    The generational theft that is ObamaCare affects those of all ages.After not working for most of 2009 I find myself working twice as hard for half as much, but you won't find me complaining. Like many who hold traditional American values, I choose fr...

  • March 3, 2010

    Special footbaths for Muslims in public places?

    The whole issue of installing special footbaths for Muslims in public spaces is absurd. When the observant Muslim gets up before dawn for the first (Fajr) prayer, he is obliged to do full wudu (ritual washing for purification) -- if I remember correc...

  • January 15, 2010

    Alec Baldwin?

    A correspondent writes: New York University's Tisch School of the Arts alumnus Alex Baldwin ('94) recently donated a $1 million gift to his alma mater to create a scholarship fund for students.  "To be elegible, students must not only ...

  • September 29, 2009

    Jennifer Rubin, Jazz Shaw, Andrew Ian Dodge on Moran's show

    You won't want to miss tonight's Rick Moran Show, one of the most popular conservative talk shows on Blog Talk Radio. Tonight, Moran welcomes Jennifer Rubin, Andrew Ian Dodge, and Jazz Shaw as the look at the Roman Polanski arrest, Obama's Olympic sa...

  • September 21, 2009

    TR on criticizing the president

    Reader Steve Sanders reminds us:Theodore Roosevelt had some words about Presidential criticism 90 years ago that we should remember in light of recent events:"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. ...

  • September 21, 2009

    Who's the racist now?

    Govenor David Paterson has soundly rejected President Obama's bewildering attempt to remove him from New York's political scene, stating he fully intends to be remain a candidate for governor of New York against the wishes of our ...

  • September 14, 2009

    One Million Patriots

    There were one million patriots packed into the area between the Washington Monument and the U.S.Capitol in Washington, D.C. on 9/12, and all David Axelrod could say was, “They’re wrong.”  Denial is a powerful thing.  Ther...

  • September 13, 2009

    Summer of Change

    On Saturday, September 12, 2009 at least 60,000 Americans showed up in Washington DC to protest against their government.  The marchers seemed to reflect a middle-of-the-road sampling of Americans; they did not need a union boss or a community a...

  • September 7, 2009

    The Heart of Healthcare: A Letter to Young Idealists

    In the midst of the ongoing health care debate much has been said in regards to the rising cost of care, eventual taxes, possible rationing of care, and the need for tort reform.  Little has been said about the charitable intentions of such refo...

  • September 5, 2009

    Ten Thousand Clerks

    "I do not rule Russia. Ten thousand clerks do." Czar Nicholas I A few months back President Obama began to hire czars (personal clerks) to get around Congress; to own the Legislative Branch; he was going to do what was best for America...

  • August 18, 2009

    The 'Enemy List'

    Last week the WHITE HOUSE had a press release titled “Facts are Stubborn Things” encouraging citizens to report any “fishy” conversations about health care reform to a White House website.  They have created an “ene...

  • August 6, 2009

    Third Party Collection and Obamacare

    Here is one thing that most people do not know about Obamacare: The US Congress created a program known as the Third Party Collection Program. This is a program under Title 10 of the US Code (10 U.S.C 1095, codified at 32 C.F.R 220). The program...

  • August 2, 2009

    Letter of complaint

    Gimmeabreak! You get a lot of mileage out of Obama walking in front of the beer bunch. Thank G-d Obama wasn't picking his nose. Or, worse, helping Gates walk down the stairs. I think it is ridiculous the associations you make from this photo. But it ...

  • July 6, 2009

    Limiting the real greenhouse gas

    With respect - in response to Mr. James Lewis Let's cap and trade oxygen! =================================== July 06, 2009 Dear Mr. Lewis:Regarding your idea to breath a little less, to reduce CO2 emissions. I was with you for just a moment there. I...

  • June 8, 2009

    Were CIA operatives compromised by Myers?

    AT reader "Narciso" raisaes some further concerns about the extent of the damage from accused Cuban Spy Walter Myers. He notes the following from the FBI affidavit:  11. From in or about August 1977, through in or about March 1979, KEN...

  • May 19, 2009

    Letter from a Dodge dealer

    My name is George C. Joseph.  I am the sole owner of Sunshine Dodge-Isuzu, a family owned and operated business in Melbourne, Florida. My family bought and paid for this automobile franchise 35 years ago in 1974. I am the second generation to ma...

  • February 26, 2009

    The Mexican Excuse: Stealing Freedom

    Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama wish to reinstate the assault weapons ban, a ban of specific types of semi-automatic weapons imposed on Americans during the Clinton Administration. Oddly, the types of weapons that were forbidden were...

  • February 1, 2009

    Noticing who's a Jew....

    When Paul Newman died, they said how great he was but they failed to mention he considered himself Jewish (born half-Jewish). When the woman (Helen Suzman) who helped Nelson Mandela died last week, they said how great she was but they failed to menti...

  • January 11, 2009

    An odd way to talk about it

    Theodore E. noticed an odd phrasing from the president-elect describing his family.President-elect Obama, who turned 35 that year, describes growing up with a single mother and absent father, and says, "I think that in a certain way, I've t...

  • November 25, 2008

    Preliminaries for an assault on talk radio?

    A Monday New York Times editorial discussed radio ads for "loan-modification companies."  In the process they got in a few jabs at talk radio, and specifically WABC talk radio, which hosts Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin.  It sou...

  • November 17, 2008

    A Promise of Change

    I have no doubts that you, as well as all your authors, are anxious to see changes promised by our beloved comrade, the Next President to be implemented. So I decided to suggest the following ditty to your and your readers attention as a brief s...

  • November 6, 2008

    Dear Democrats:

    Dear Democrats:Congratulations on your victory. As a conservative I am disappointed with the outcome of the election however, unlike Democrats over the past 8 years, I will not relentlessly continue the campaign and I will not actively try to destroy...

  • October 28, 2008

    The Obama Economy

    So far as I can tell, no one has ever figured out how to simultaneously grow an economy and reduce the gap between rich and poor. When economies grow, the poor get richer and the rich get richer, but the rich get richer faster because they make more ...

  • October 26, 2008

    The election

    As to the inevitable claim of either "racism" or "fraud" or both, the Detroit newspapers reported this week that  98% of eligible voters in Michigan are registered. This simply isn't possible. As to why we have reached such a...

  • October 21, 2008

    Why I'm voting Democrat

    I’m voting Democrat because like most Americans I trust lawyers more than anyone else; I think only lawyers should run the government, and all the Democrat Leaders are lawyers: Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, John Edwards, House Speake...

  • October 11, 2008

    Hate Mailbag

    Dear Sirs: When it comes to wacky right wing fanatics, you folks outdo my wildest imagination.  You are proof that fascism is alive and healthy in America. I wonder why we fought WWII to end up with this?Maybe political extincion is wh...

  • September 29, 2008

    Should Obama's Chicago roots matter?

    In his continuing courage to expose the truth, the most widely-read columnist at the Chicago Tribune, John Kass, dared to write in his column on Wednesday, Sept. 24, "McCain ad sends Daley into a gear-grinding frenzy," about Mayor Daley's h...

  • September 27, 2008

    Hate Mailbag

    From someone too cowardly to sign a name, using the email address Jamnola65@aol.com:subject line: Pardon mebody (in tiny red type red in the original -- interesting symbolic message there):  Your outfit is crap.  Nothing that you place on t...

  • September 17, 2008

    Rick Moran's month-old prediction coming true

    Remember this article by Rick Moran from back in august? Rick predicted Pelosi would stack the bill against the GOP. This CNS news article sure makes it seem that Mr. Moran's predictions are coming to fruition.Best Regards,Daniel J. BiancoHoward Coun...

  • September 16, 2008

    MSM losing even more public confidence

    Gallup reports that the number of Americans who have no confidence in the media is at an all time high. The Gallup Poll attributes this lack of confidence to the effect of Republicans' criticism of the reporting on McCain & Palin. In other w...

  • September 13, 2008

    Sarah's incomprehensibility to the left

    As a recovering Baptist, I understand the look people like Sarah Palin receive because they are Pentecostal Christians. There were occasions when I to gave people that look, back when I believed the gifts of the Spirit were not meant for today. ...

  • September 12, 2008

    Confusion over the Bush Doctrine

    It has always been my understanding that the core of the Bush doctrine was that the United States would no longer distinguish between terrorist organizations that are independent of any state or nation (e.g., Al-Qaeda) and nations that sponsor such o...

  • September 11, 2008

    NOW changes website statement of purpose post-Sarah

    Not more than a week ago, on 9/4, NOW's website,  stated:"Our purpose is to take action to bring women into full participation in society — sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men, while living free from...

  • September 10, 2008

    Gee, I thought the Iran Hostage Crisis was big deal

    Obama claims that Vietnam was over and there was nothing going on when he says he had to have registered with the Selective Service in 1979.I had to sign up for Selective Service when I graduated from high school. And I was growing up in Hawaii....

  • September 10, 2008

    Obama's instructions vs. campaign's actions

    In Virginia yesterday, Obama says religious beliefs shouldn't be examined. I can understand why. If he told the truth abouth Black Liberation Theology and its impact on him, he would need to discuss its racial anger and it Marxist social/economic bel...

  • September 9, 2008

    O'Reilly's interview of Obama on the Surge

    As a prosecutor, I was impressed with Bill O’Reilly’s interview of Obama relative to the surge.  To put it bluntly, he put Obama in a box. The point of a good cross-examination is to lead the witness somewhere without the witnes...

  • September 9, 2008

    Email from an ashamed Canadian

    Please ensure that as many people in the great country of the United States sees this. [Broken link now fixed]"I assume John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential partner in a fit of pique because the Republican money men refused to ...

  • September 1, 2008

    Hate Mailbag

    What a bunch of Republican crap.  Shame on you and any of my fellow Jews who have chosen not  to do their own research and believe this nonthinking piece.  You would rather have McCain and his "white trash" VP  who can't...

  • August 31, 2008

    A different take on the Palin choice

    Like it or not, John' McCain's age, and worse, the fact that he looks old is a factor in this Presidential campaign. Intellectually I can see that he's tough and his ploy of bringing his mother to show that he comes from long-lived stock out was clev...

  • August 16, 2008

    Hijacked moniker

    I maintain that Arafat did a BIG WRONG shortly before he moved (while under attack from the Israelis) from Beirut to Tunis. He then declared that Arab residents of the former British mandate and their offspring are THE Palestinians. IM...

  • August 13, 2008

    The battle within the Democratic Party

    What we are witnessing this year is the climactic and final battle for control of the Democratic Party. It started in 1940 with the nomination of Henry Wallace as FDR's VP. Wallace proved to be quite bizarre and was forced out in 1944 in favor of Tru...

  • July 20, 2008

    A disgruntled Democrat writes to us

    I just learned of the following letter from Don Fowler and Alice Germond, he formerly of the DNC and she presently the Secretary of that organization. [editor's note: we have no copy of this letter ourselves, so cannot verfify its origin.]'Dear Democ...

  • July 2, 2008

    The Thing

    When I hear people on the Left say we must “talk” with our mortal enemies I am reminded of the original movie, “The Thing From another World,” from 1951. We have the great battle of the minds between Dr. Carrington, the intell...

  • June 29, 2008

    Your America

    I exchanged pleasantries with the owner of my neighborhood produce stand while purchasing her fresh tomatoes, onions and world's sweetest watermelon. Feeling the folks in line behind me getting annoyed at the post office, I politely cut off the postm...

  • June 3, 2008

    hate mailbag

    "David Mitchell" writes:i happened across your site by means of one of my acquaintances sending me some of your spew. i only have a few minutes to respond; i have a life, including a child in the tub who needs soon to be "jammied...

  • May 28, 2008

    Comment on the comments feature

    It is an absolute joy and a real kick to read the passionate, heart-warming, punchy reader responses to your AT articles and blogs. Last night's collection of comments to Rick Moran's piece on what's-his-face Moonbat and John Bolton makes me awf...

  • May 28, 2008

    A Democratic year?

    I have been following politics for a while. Since 1952. I have never seen the conventional wisdom about an election more baseless.Why Obama? Charisma, ideas, hope? None of these or any other reasons that have been bandied about. It's Obama because he...

  • May 26, 2008

    A Grateful Nation Remembers

    Millions of Americans gathered as I did this Monday morning to celebrate a day that was originally called Decoration Day, first observed on May 30, 1868, as a day to remember the patriots who died in the Civil War. After WWI the holiday was changed t...

  • May 4, 2008

    The new terror lexicon

    Dear Editor, I'm not so sure [as Joseph Myers] that this change in lexicon constitutes a collapse of strategy.  I just finished reading Dinesh D'Souza's "The Enemy At Home", and there is a good possibility that this change will se...

  • April 26, 2008

    More on Soros and 'open society'

    Nice piece on Popper and Soros. [Jonathan David Carson's The Left's Theft of the Open Society and the Scientific Method]. It is clear that Soros never took any serious interest in Popper's ideas beyond the idea of the open society.It would be harder ...

  • April 26, 2008

    Letter from an Obama supporter

    Re Robert Malley's account of Camp David - a little logic:1. Dennis Ross is a Zionist Jew, a prominent "friend of Israel".2. Bill Clinton lies like a rug.3. Robert Malley is NOT a Zionist muckety-muck and an honest forthright man.4. The onl...

  • April 25, 2008

    Something rotten at Rotten Tomatoes?

    I have been checking the Rotten Tomatoes website to find a time for Ben Stein's "Expelled" in the Phoenix area.   No showings at all. Suspicious, huh?   I found the movie times at another website. It is playing, for example,...

  • April 21, 2008

    Earth Day Remembered

    The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970. It was created by founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. senator from Wisconsin.  This year Earth Day will officially be celebrated on Tuesday, April 22, although many events are plann...

  • April 15, 2008

    Pennsylvania values

    The man in front of me at the main desk of the Holiday Inn in Johnstown, Pennsylvania was ready to go "running".  He had his on track suit, running shoes and head set at the ready.  He was asking the front desk clerk if the hotel ...

  • April 7, 2008

    Hope in Peru

    Once again we applaud the astute Clarice Feldman for her thoughtful American Thinker piece on Peru's Alan Garcia, who has graduated himself and his nation from a near-failed state to practically a 2nd tier nation. Let us hope this is sustained while ...

  • March 26, 2008

    Hating America as a religion

    Bruce Walker's "The Religion of Eternal Sexism and Eternal Racism" states well something that has always puzzled me. I spent most of my teaching career in a left-leaning academic environment where I often heard references to "our sexis...

  • March 14, 2008

    Obama's Incredible Denial Concerning His Pastor

    As the media begins to examine Barack Obama's pastor, the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ (UCC), Obama will distance himself from Wright's virulent racism. That exercise will display some interesting linguistic choreog...

  • March 11, 2008

    original sin and science

    I believe that the theory of man made global warming has it genesis in Thomas Malthus and his predecessors and successors like Paul Erlich. What these folks are really looking for is a replacement for original sin, they cannot abide man not being bad...

  • March 3, 2008

    The first congresswoman

    As Ben-Peter Terpstra says in his article "The First Congresswoman", Rankin's character traits are much preferred over Hillary's phony accomplishments. Ben does however, gloss over her "anti-WW I" views and her later "an...

  • March 1, 2008

    A Canadian responds to Obama and Hillary's NAFTA threat (updated)

    Here is my take on the Democratic rhetoric in all of this: did you know there is no pipeline going from west to east in Canada?  Ontario, Quebec and the Maraitime provinces get most of their oil from foreign supplies.  We are net expor...

  • February 25, 2008

    Justice Rodham-Clinton?

    If anyone thinks that Obama's nomination would put the Clintons in America's rear-view mirror for once and for all, think again. Hillary's life has been spent in the pursuit and enjoyment of power. She will not go quietly into that good night.If she ...

  • February 16, 2008

    Response to Dr. Tawfik Hamid interview

    Please permit me a response to the thinking of Mr. Hamid.Mr. Hamid believes he has a reinterpretation of Islamic text that offers hope that Islam can be reformed to peacefully coexist with non-Islam. He describes this hoped-for reform as "thinki...

  • February 16, 2008

    Rationale of a Conservative Suicide Voter

    Critical thought and a rational mind are all conservatives have to protect from the madness of crowds.  Supporting John McCain over conservative principles is a bargain with fear.McCain won recent primaries by modest pluralities with the help of...

  • February 15, 2008

    Obamamania and the liberals

    I have a theory as to why the MSM and the liberal pundits are falling in love with Obama (Chris Matthews recently had a "Thrill go up his leg" while listening to Obama). Obama's speeches remind me of the sermons given by a preacher at one o...

  • February 12, 2008

    Hegelian Conservatives

    Thomas Lifson must have sampled a few too many barrels from his cellar.  No self-respecting American conservative would adopt the historical dialectical as a political model.  It's way too intellectual, way too indirect, and way too Europea...

  • February 5, 2008

    Reader complaint

    AT is so obviously pushing McCain.Well, you are a URL in my Blogs folder I can get rid of, now.  All I see at AT is articles pushing McCain at us.  We (my hubby is a Vietnam vet) will NOT be voting McCain in the primary tomorrow or in the g...

  • February 5, 2008

    Reader compliment

    Why is everyone having such heart failure over the arguments and discussions that Republicans are having during an intense primary season?  Is not a complete, open and heated discussion of ideas what we preach about?  I am frustrated to no ...

  • January 27, 2008

    Comment on 'Internet Dark Age' (updated)

    I don't agree completely with Mr. Lawrence's reasoning.  It seems that his argument centers on human interaction and intelligence being the product of input.  Thus the "garbage in, garbage out" analysis. I would argue that ra...

  • January 14, 2008

    Voice of America Somali Service

    Dear Editor:The January 12 article in American Thinker by Abdirahman Warsame entitled "Problems in the VOA-Somali Service" contained a number of inaccuracies and false statements, to which the Voice of America offers the following response....

  • January 11, 2008

    Oprah and Obama

    Much of what is wrong with Western Civilization today can be summed up in two words---Oprah Winfrey.  With Oprah, facts, reality and logic mean nothing, it is only how you feel about a matter that is important. She was an evil John the...

  • January 8, 2008

    Time to change the theme of 'change'

    If I hear the word change again from any candidate during this election cycle I will scream.  It seems that even the republican candidates have jumped upon this bandwagon.  By the media continually telling the public that the...

  • December 30, 2007


    Can you imagine what a death-knell it would have been to the so-called Global Warming chicken-littles if it had been Dan Quayle, instead of the somnabulent Al Gore, lecturing us with an insipid Power Point presentation all these years? The media...

  • December 21, 2007

    12 Days of Christmas, Iraqi style

    Editor:   In the famous carol the "Twelve days of Christmas" we have seen or heard a list of the good things one person showered on another that they truly cared about. It is too bad that the public media in America...

  • December 12, 2007

    The new aristocrats?

    Your site does credit to the thinking man! Mr. Warshawsky's article asking about high-cost of health care hits the nail on the head for health care, but much, much more.He writes, "But what about the argument -- which has become commonplace...

  • December 11, 2007

    Heisman Trophy notes

    With Tim Tebow having just received the #1 individual sports trophy in the world I thought it was quite interesting to notice the similar backgrounds of all three Gator Heisman winners. The commonality is that they all have Protestant Chris...

  • December 1, 2007

    Response to 'The politically incorrect guide to hunting' (updated with rejoinder)

    Frank Miniter was interviewed for American Thinker by Jamie Glazov. I guarantee you that I am an American and I do think.  When I read the article by Jamie Glazov resulting from the interview with Frank Miniter, I felt compelled to respond.Mr. M...

  • November 25, 2007

    The Australian election

    Your web site is one of my very favorite sites and I would like to add something to your blog about our election result. One thing to keep in mind is that our MSM is very much like your MSM in that it is very biased towards one party, in our case, th...

  • November 17, 2007

    Nazis and Christianity

    Thank you for publishing the articles by Bruce Walker, especially the last article, "The Nazis and Christianity."Living a large portion of my last years in Germany, I visit bookstores whose shelves quite correctly label books on the Nazis a...

  • November 14, 2007

    Hamas massacre of pro-Fatah Palestinians

    If only the Palestine Solidarity groups, along with even once condemning the unending rocket attacks launched  into Israeli towns and schools from Gaza, a campaign of aggression perpetrated or tolerated by Hamas, would also lead a mass demonstra...

  • November 14, 2007

    Too much homework?

    We received two interesting responses to Charles J. Sykes' article, "The Strange War on Homework."This is in response to the article by Charles J. Sykes, "The Strange War on Homework." I can't speak for other school systems, but w...

  • October 26, 2007

    Predicting Climate (updated with response)

    The problem with James Lewis' argument (SCIENCE: Earth climate is too complex to predict) is that uncertainty (as deduced by Roe and Baker) scales with the predicted amount of warming. Moreover, the probability distribution is asymmetrical, with a lo...

  • September 11, 2007

    Osama Bin Marx and the Real Jihad

    Dear American Thinker,September 11, a date memorialized in American history. An important date, a critical date. And we dare not misunderstand its lesson. It is more than a sound bite, and more than the media dare discuss. It wasn't just Is...

  • September 9, 2007

    Disingenuous words as weapons

    "I support the troops, but not the war."This statement is easy to make. Some who make it may mean it, but many who use it have no interest in the troops at all... they're just using a feigned interest in them as a way to attack our present ...

  • September 2, 2007

    An open letter to Sen. Warner

    Although Larry Craig's ‘bathroom gate" non-political sensational story took up the news cycle the last week, I suggest a sober look at the next media cycle sensationalistic senate story; the announced retirement of John Warner.  I wro...

  • September 1, 2007

    reader reactions to Sen. Craig

    Your article on August 31 filled me with disgust.  Your author already has "Nifonged" Craig.  I hate to remind you that Craig's civil rights have been abused by you, the RNC and the senate.  You have thrown him under the...

  • August 6, 2007

    Response to Allan Nadel's article (updated with author's response)

    Dear Editor,As one of the critics quoted in Allan Nadel's shallow and badly skewed article "Art or Propaganda? Postwar American Photography," I feel a corrective is in order. I should begin by saying that Allan and I have corresponded and a...

  • August 5, 2007

    'How to bend the truth'

    Christopher J. Alleva's article, Global Warming Propaganda Factory, reminded me of an interesting experience my daughter had recently.My daughter, a student at LSU's Honors College, is a Mass Communications major in the Manship School of Journalism....

  • August 3, 2007

    Is he serious?

    The New York Times is a vehicle of the Left Wing of the Democratic Party???Before you go to bed at night, do you look under it for communists?The New York Times reminds me of Queen Elizabeth.  Dowdy and strait-laced.  But liberal??  Co...

  • August 3, 2007

    More on the Society of Environmental Journalists

    Christopher Alleva didn't mention one of the most amusing things about the SEJ conference - the presence of the esteemed Paul Ehrlich, who has made a career out of being dead wrong about pretty much everything.  Ehrlich's 1968 "The Populati...

  • July 31, 2007

    letter from Cuba (it says, but we can't verify)

    Hi...I´m Cuban and for obvious reasons I can't reveal my identity. I just wanted to comment to John Mendez and give my congratulations regarding his great article "The Antithesis of Michael Moore: Real Courage in Cuba." Another p...

  • July 28, 2007

    Response to Julia Gorin

    As Soldiers deployed to Kosovo, we have major problems with Julia Gorin's recent invective against KFOR and our American troops in American Legion's magazine and her publication of sensitive information that appeared in FrontPage Magazine that was se...

  • July 25, 2007

    J.R. Dunn on the War

    al Ameriki tribe? We have won, The Middle East will never be the same. The Arabs have given us a great honor and we should be humbly grateful and contiue to show the world how it is to be done. We should make a patch for our uniforms with al Ameriki ...

  • July 22, 2007

    Response by Clifton Hicks to Ray Robison (updated)

    Ray Robison has recently published a blog entry wherein he claims that I may have authored a story in The New Republic under the false name of ‘Scott Thomas'.Ray, I did not author that piece. Perhaps the reason you find so many similarities in ...

  • July 12, 2007

    From the you-can't-please-everyone dept: (updated)

    From the AT mailbag: Why would you publish Herbert E. Meyer's war-wacko trash?  Shame on you!Harold S KramerMarbleheadandWhy does Mr. Meyer not run for President? His every word makes more sense than anything I have read for a long time. I under...

  • June 28, 2007

    Ann Coulter, John Edwards, Chris Matthews (updated)

    There are 3 people who belong in the same league:Ann CoulterJohn EdwardsChris MatthewsAll 3 are not above using Elizabeth Edwards for their own personal gains.As vitriolic as Coulter is, however, she's honest about what she's doing. John Edwards and ...

  • June 15, 2007

    Tim Russert edits Colin Powell

    Anyone who watched Tim Russert's interview with Colin Powell on Meet The Press and Russert's subsequent summary of it on NBC's Today Show could see that Russert cherry-picked Powell's words, then twisted them to fit an agenda.   Powell said...

  • June 13, 2007

    Disputing Julia Gorin (updated)

    How disappointing to see The American Thinker sully its good name by publishing the clumsy lies of Julia Gorin. ["Why do They Love Us?" - ed.]Both her main arguments are false : The Albanians have  appreciated the US since the time of ...

  • June 3, 2007

    More on jazz

    Mr.Lifson, I think you miss the point of the Chronicle's article in that the lack of African Americans on the Yoshi's CD reinforces the belief among many that Kenny G, Harry Connick Jr, Brian Setzer, Diana Krall and Bebel Gilberto are the faces ...

  • June 3, 2007

    Negotiating With Tehran's Mullahs

    It has now become undeniably apparent that Iran's government is not only an avid sponsor of terrorism in the world but is actively engaged in terrorist acts of sabotage inside Iraq and murdering innocent ordinary Iraqi citizens as well as Iraqi polit...

  • June 3, 2007

    Al Gore: Shaman-in-chief?

    In what is an example of 'technology may evolve, but human nature stays the same', it finally hit me: the Global Warming alarmists have the same anti-scientific mentality of the natives looking to make sacrifices to the gods so the volcano doesn't er...

  • June 1, 2007

    Debating immigration - why not?

    Wow, Fred Thompson vs. Ted Kennedy or even Mrs. Bill Clinton. And, as someone suggested earlier today, an "undercard" with Laura Ingraham vs. Tamar Jacoby. Or Giuliani vs. Obama? Or Romney vs. Edwards? Or maybe a couple of "top guns...

  • May 31, 2007

    Why not a debate?

    It would be very educational for the nation (and excellent politics, too) if Fred Thompson publicly challenged Ted Kennedy to a broadcast debate about the immigration bill pending in Congress. If Teddy doesn't agree. Then Thompson could challenge Hil...

  • May 30, 2007

    Let America remain generous and effective

    Often, many Christians who oppose this mass immigration bill are made to feel as though they are not doing what Christ would have wanted them to do.  On the other hand, they look at the numbers and see that the system that has brought hope and c...

  • May 28, 2007

    Conservative Bias and Facts

    Ari Kaufman's What Conservative Media? while spot on missed the point on why so may liberal leftists think the media is balanced or conservative.They know the political ‘stuff' is clearly biased in their liberal leftist direction, but they are ...

  • May 28, 2007

    Memorial Day reflections

    As with past Memorial Day celebrations, patriotism and love of country were foremost in my mind. While participating in Lake Bluff's Memorial Day celebration held on its Village Green, tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to numerous speakers, he...

  • May 27, 2007

    Bill Richardson strikes out on MTP?

    I just watched "Meet The Press" where the guest Bill Richardson, the Governor of New Mexico and Democrat Presidential candidate, told lie after lie and was shown to have flip-flopped on every issue he has ever talked about.  The i...

  • May 22, 2007

    Blacks and the immigration bill (updated)

    Where are the African American Protests?  Where are the outraged Black Leaders?  Where is the Congressional Black Caucus?  Now that Democrats have gained power, look at how they treat their loyal constituents. ...

  • May 22, 2007

    Why assume they even want citizenship?

    I find my self puzzled by the argument over immigration.  Everyone talks of "citizenship" and "a path to citizenship" for illegals (excuse me, "undocumented") now in the country. But I have nowhere seen a responsibl...

  • May 22, 2007

    White House gallantry?

    I find it puzzling how the President has no problem taking on his own, as David Frum points out: As we have seen in both the Harriet Miers fight and the Dubai ports deal, this White House's first instinct when faced with dissent in the ranks is to in...

  • May 20, 2007

    Thinking about immigration (updated)

    Is the following a start of the solution to the illegal alien problem? Is it a way for Republicans to be proactive on the issue and win based on priciple and also win over new immigrants?What we need are market-based incentives and disincentives...

  • May 20, 2007

    A revealing analogy in the New York Times

    re: Jerome J. Schmitt's "Mindless reporting in the NYT Magazine" of  May 19, 2007 Mr. Schmitt points out that "climate modeling is a premier example of the thermodynamics of open systems", in the first paragraph of the articl...

  • May 1, 2007

    A response to James Lewis' "Was Cho Taught to Hate?"

    Phew, that was a close one!Just one year ago, the English Department at Virginia Tech was a warm environment filled with professors who encouraged me to take a four-month humanitarian trip to Peru. Now, James Lewis's probing investigation "Was C...

  • April 27, 2007

    Albania article (updated)

    It is a disgrace that a wonderful site (American Thinker) and a good and thoughtful writer (Patrick Poole) are so wrong on Albania and he ends with the outrageous words "Long live the sons of Scanderberg!"For their information:  In 194...

  • April 19, 2007

    Liviu Librescu

    I deeply grieve over the loss of this hero. It sickens me that people in my country pity the evil person who murdered 32 lives Monday at VT. What my countrymen fail to understand is that not just 32 people died but their progeny-mothers, grandmothers...

  • April 15, 2007

    On rape

    A reader we shall identify as "Don" writes:I agree with all that Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote today on rape, especially,"And keep up the barrier to a man's temptation in the way that you speak and dress.  Erring on the side of caution -...

  • April 13, 2007

    Reader responses to "What are They Smoking?" (updated)

    "Psymon" writes: I get a lot out of most of the writings at American Thinker, but the article "What are they Smoking" by Bruce Hanson is pure bunkum. The writer's understanding of the marijuana market is stuck in the 1970's. Nowad...

  • April 8, 2007

    Response to "America's Broken-Down Media"

    I wanted to forward my thoughts to Ray Robinson regarding his article "America's Broken-Down Media"I am honorably discharged, Army veteran. I served with the 3rd ID as an 11X Infantryman during two combat tours in Iraq including the invasio...

  • April 7, 2007

    Giuliani and abortion

     I appreciate Stephen Warshawsky's criticism of Giuliani's Abortion Folly on constitutional grounds. However, this focus on the constitutional issues overlooks more fundamental issues.Specifically, in the interview with Bash, we see that Giulian...

  • April 5, 2007

    Email from a Palestinian

    We just received the following email from a self-identified Palestinian living in London. I have no way of verifying his identity, but the emailer provided a street address and a telephone number, so I am inclined to believe it is genuine. It certain...

  • April 4, 2007

    Reactions to "Ban the Bulb?" (updated)

    Yesterday's article today "Ban the Bulb?" resulted in an outpouring of interesting reader mail, which has continued today, including a long response by Duane Truitt, whose initial letter triggered many responses. Accordingly, the threa...

  • April 1, 2007

    As long as they are renaming places....

    Now that King County, Washington has officially re-attributed its name to Martin Luther King, because the original honoree was a slaveholder, others have some suggestions.Cliff Thier writes:The month of March should immediately be changed to the mont...

  • March 31, 2007

    Comments on 12 Angry Men

    Re: 12 Angry Men Turns 50"But juror # 8, Henry Fonda, just happened to have found an identical looking one [knife] during a night time stroll through the defendant's crime-ridden slum neighborhood."Dear Editor:I used to work in a theatre wh...

  • March 30, 2007

    Property rights in Japan (and America) - updated

    Thank you for pointing out the LA Times article about bicycle theft in Japan. As an American resident of Japan I feel you have touched upon one of the most important yet little noticed distinctions between these two cultures -- respect for property.W...

  • March 28, 2007

    The Health Care Walnut (updated)

    Steven W. Dugger of Wichita, KS writes: I enjoyed today's article by Geoffrey P. Hunt, but I think he understated one of his points.One of the reasons health care costs are rising is because the technology we have today allow us to live longer. ...

  • March 27, 2007

    Comment on Rebranding the Enemy

    Robert Heller writes:I found this was a very interesting piece, but I strongly disagree with the conclusion arrived at in this paragraph.The danger of this should be obvious. The Jihadis are working night and day to strike at this country, and eventu...

  • March 26, 2007

    Letters on Fred Thompson (updated)

    John DeNoble of Schenectady NY writes:I must take issue with some of the points made by Stephen Warshawsky regarding his scepticism of Fred Thompson's potentential presidential run.  In closing he suggests that Mr. Thompson's apparent lack of ...

  • March 25, 2007

    Letters on "Letter to a Popular Atheist"

    Steve Alderman's article "Letter to a Popular Atheist" has inspired a  a number of interesting responses. Here are some:Scott Wallace writes:I truly enjoy American Thinker. I support the conservative cause. I myself am a deist of the o...

  • March 13, 2007

    Save the Darfurians? (updated)

    Professor Glick: This is currently on the SaveDarfur.org web site:The German Green Party in the Bundestag has launched an online petition calling on Chancellor Merkel to use Germany´s EU presidency to take strong political action to help end th...

  • March 12, 2007

    A recipe for failure

    Democrats, beware if you inveigle conditions for defeat in Iraq under the guise of a perceived mandate! Have you forgotten Vietnam and the "anti-war" label that bedeviled your Party throughout the 80's and the 90's? Currently Demo...

  • March 9, 2007

    Intellectuals and the Military: reader responses

    I believe a quick read of the classic The Anatomy of the State by Murray N. Rothbard provides good insight to the reason why government is attracted to "wordsmith intellectuals" and to why those wordsmiths oppose the military. While the who...

  • March 8, 2007

    American Library Association

    [Re: Shame on the American Library Association]Shame on Hentoff. Nat Hentoff is hypocritical once again. After lauding the statement by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) concerning 75 dissidents jailed in Cuba in 2003, Mr. H...

  • March 6, 2007

    The new leftist law school in California

    Regarding Thomas Lifson's article on the UCI Law School, I am the analyst who was formerly responsible for reviewing new campus and center proposals for the California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC).  I held this position for som...

  • March 6, 2007

    Hillary's Selma "sermon" - the rest of the story

    Hillary took the passage in Galatians out of context when she quoted Galatians 6:9 in the closing part of her speech at First Baptist Church in Selma, Alabama:"And we know -- we know -- we know, if we finish this march, what awaits us? St. ...

  • February 17, 2007

    Is Lady Liberty Weeping?

    Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President whose birthday we celebrate in February, set forth this dictum during the Civil War to save the nation:  "Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the militar...

  • February 16, 2007

    Letter from Iraq

    A reader who requests anonymity writes from Iraq:Here in Al Anbar province the feel of the moment is that the US commitment to Iraq's future is visibly solid enough.  However, US patience is not to be banked on indefinitely and the twentieth cen...

  • February 13, 2007

    News scam

    CBS is being used to broadcast false information to the public. Mr. Bob Schieffer claimed on Sunday's program "Face the Nation" that Republicans "cut off debate" on Iraq Senate resolutions. When his guest Mr. Trent Lott informed h...

  • February 7, 2007

    The $622 Billion Answer - Response and rebuttal

    Hokum!  The idea we as a nation wasted billions of dollars on an assertive defense in the GWOT because we went into Iraq is totally ignoring the all the relevant facts.  Fact number one is we were attacked repeatedly over the course of 20 y...

  • February 3, 2007

    San Francisco's cardinal virtue

    We in San Francisco are on the world stage again with the Gavin Newsom tragedy. San Francisco has predictably placed in the media fishbowl the core values of San Francisco. Outsiders seem to have certain thoughts on what are among these values. ...

  • February 2, 2007

    Airbus and foolish competition

    Mr Lifson,Thank you for once again providing excellent coverage of Airbus and the A380 program. Your articles are always insightful and provide valuable perspective on the industry and the politics behind it.  I would like to add a point to your...

  • January 31, 2007

    More global warming contradictions

    One thing Mr. Dunn ("Resisting Global Warming Panic") should point out that the GW scare mongers have consistently glossed over and I think is a deliberate omission.  There are claims that the Medieval Optimum was not as warm as today ...

  • January 31, 2007

    Why not take Chavez's offer?

    Regarding Marc Sheppard's article today, "The Kennedy, Chavez & Chomsky Pipeline":I genuinely do not understand why Marc Sheppard so vehemently opposes Mr. Chavez's initiative. It is the first time a famous dictator and a threat to all ...

  • January 25, 2007

    A conspiracy of silence

    Britain's Channel Four presented a documentary showing that imams at Birmingham's Green Lane mosque and some other British mosques previously thought to be moderate, in fact preach radical Islamic beliefs. Such reports have surfaced regarding some mo...

  • January 24, 2007

    Obama = JFK?

    Mr. Lewis better avoid watching commercials for the Biography Channel (if he doesn't want to run screaming from his house). Twice during a 60-second spot the Biography Channel visually links Obama with JFK. First a quick shot of JFK followed immediat...

  • January 24, 2007

    Sen. Webb's comparison

    I had a different thought when Senator Webb mentioned this:I'm reminded of another time, with a leader who truly understood war. In 1952 General Dwight Eisenhower, who had led us to victory in Europe in World War Two, strongly condemned the conduct o...

  • January 23, 2007

    Jack Bauer and fantasy

    While it is interesting to point out the technological errors and exaggerated capabilities in 24, there are more obvious fantasy elements:Jack Bauer is rarely wrong.  Even when he is dropped in the middle of a situation, he has a better grasp th...

  • January 22, 2007

    Smoking and political realignment

    Thanks for the AT Blog item "Nanny State Nevada"  It's all so true. The jihad against smoking, and increasingly against smokers themselves (not unintentional)--has been, more than any other single issue, the cause of my own re-examinat...

  • January 21, 2007

    Urgent care and universal care

    I am a Canadian, and have been following the health care discussion initiated by Patrick Poole and Steven M. Warshawsky.  My sister-in-law (also Canadian) was recently referred for an "urgent" MRI because of a headaches and an ambiguou...

  • January 21, 2007

    Biting the hand

    Graham Cunningham's fascinating essay observes that left-wing anti-bourgeois invective originates in the academy.  I have often wondered about this and suggest that part of this anti-commerce culture derives from the tradition in British Univers...

  • January 18, 2007

    Where is our Churchill?

    Re: J. Peter Mulhern's question Who is our Churchill?  He is a prominent member of the American public forum, just as Churchill was of the British forum.  He is the man who said on Meet the Press that World War III has begun, just as C...

  • January 13, 2007

    Comment on "why Europe abandoned Israel"

    Re: Richard Baehr's article today:There is one more major difference between Europe and America that bears mentioning, and it has to do with the nature of the organized labor movement, which of course had tremendous effect on the working classes...

  • January 11, 2007

    An Ivy-League Response to "College Degrees, Social Status, and Affirmative Action"

    I am writing to comment on Steven M. Warshawsky's article. I attended Cornell University (undergrad and grad-level) in the 80's. My family background (though ethnically WASP) is blue-collar suburban, so I was a scholarship student. This gives me some...

  • January 10, 2007

    LTG Petraeus (updated)

    You should at least note that the author [of The Right Stuff], Frederick J. Chiaventone, works under LTG Petraeus.  LTG Petraeus is the Commandant of the US Army Command and General Staff College where Frederick J. Chiaventone works.  A fri...

  • January 5, 2007

    Carter and Ford: an exchange

    I am a frequent reader and admirer of American Thinker and I circulate many of your outstanding postings to a large e-mail list I maintain.I am afraid that Ms. Goldstein's zeal [in "Presidents Ford and Carter: A Stark Juxtaposition"] to dem...

  • January 3, 2007

    Kevin Barrett responds

    To the American Thinker,David Rusin opens his ad hominem diatribe against me and other 9/11 revisionists with an amusing pleonasm about "living, breathing, sentient people":"How much more difficult must it be for dozens of people - liv...

  • January 1, 2007

    Re: Breaking Private Ryan

    As a career soldier for over thirty years, I can tell you that the most important factor of any scenario that portends to describe the breaking of the US Army or Marine Corps is that of losing the support of the American people.  So long as the ...

  • December 27, 2006

    Iran's oil production

    Dear Sir,There are many  better able than I to comment in relation to the current position and likely future trends in respect of Iran's production of crude oil, oil products and LNG.However, my perspective is based upon five years or so - on an...

  • December 20, 2006

    Scientific consensus can be wrong

    There are many, many instances of where Scientific Consensus has been wrong - including very recently. Off the top of my head I can think of the newly discovered cause of diabetes, (see here), which totally surprised the researchers themselves.Also, ...

  • December 14, 2006

    Russia and Shell

    Dear Mr. Lifson,As to your today’s article about Russia you are right on money.During my 17 years in States I used to tell many people, with whom I worked, that I would be more than happy to work as a business consultant for companies planning ...

  • December 8, 2006

    Iraq report

    The situation in Iraq appears bleak, unless you put it into the context of the rest of the Arab world. The descriptions of Iraq's police, courts, civil administration, everything but the violence, is typical of all Arab countries. For an example, try...

  • December 6, 2006

    Global warming theory

    I consider myself, (as one with a modest scientific background), as one with a great curiosity about the "Global Warming " debate.  As such I am inclined to read in full most of what becomes available including the text of Mr. La...

  • November 28, 2006

    Separation of powers and war

    I would describe myself as a socially and fiscally conservative Republican.  And I do agree with Mr. Redding that the Left has attempted, and often-times succeeded, with the help of the MainStream Media, in undermining the Bush Presidency in the...

  • November 27, 2006

    Comment on "Playing chicken with China"

    As a retired CO of two US Navy nuclear submarines and a former Deputy Commander of ASW Forces, Pacific, you are wrong.  Chinese submarines have every right to go wherever they wish in international waters. If they decide to operate in the v...