Leo Rennert

Leo Rennert

  • December 22, 2015

    Kid Gloves for a Vile Terrorist

    Samir Kuntar, a bloodsoaked terrorist, achieved grisly fame in 1979 when he kidnaped and killed members of an Israeli family from the coastal town of Nahariya. Kuntar broke into their home, taking the father Danny Haran and his four-year-old dau...

  • November 14, 2015

    NY Times, in pro-Palestinian coverage, camouflages terrorists' identity

    On Nov. 12, Israeli undercover agents barged into a Palestinian hospital near Hebron to nab a couple of Hamas operatives.  They killed one and left with his cousin.  It was a generally successful counter-terrorism operation. But this was...

  • October 28, 2015

    Double standards at WaPo

    What’s not to like about this piece (“Meet the Jewish doctor who saves Palestinian attackers and the Muslim doctor who saves Jewish victims”)?  Jewish and Muslim doctors in Jerusalem treat victims regardless of whether they...

  • October 6, 2015

    Shorthand for detecting media bias

    It’s a fair guess that most newspaper readers are busy people and haven’t got the time to read articles all the way through.  So here’s a tip: if you suspect media bias, let’s say, at the Washington Post, just read t...

  • September 25, 2015

    NY Times offers helpful hints on forcing Americans to choke down the Iran deal

    The lead headline on the editorial page in the Sept. 24 edition of the New York Times reads: "Israel and America After the Deal." It's a piece that tells the Obama administration how to proceed with Israel after Prime Minister Netany...

  • August 30, 2015

    Verification: Obama's dubious Iran ace in the hole

    As he gathered top Jewish leaders to the diplomatic reception room of the White House, President Obama pulled out all the stops to sell his Iran nuclear deal. The United States, he assured his audience, won't rely on trust in Iran in selling t...

  • August 24, 2015

    NYT Flunks Gaza History Course

    If you pick up the Aug. 23 edition of the New York Times, you will find on the front page of the foreign-news section a huge color photograph of a devastated Gaza neighborhood atop a lengthy article by correspondents Jodi Rudoren and Majd al Waheidi ...

  • August 19, 2015

    NYT columnist faults Netanyahu

    NY Times columnist Roger Cohen serves up a fiery piece against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “doomsday pitch” on Iran’s threat to Israel and Bibi’s chutzpah of “intervening in American politics” (...

  • August 12, 2015

    WaPo's one-sided coverage of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Here’s a little incident atop Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Judaism’s most sacred site and third holiest place of Islam: A young Jewish mother with husband and child are harassed by veiled Muslim women shouting, “Allahu akbar!...

  • July 31, 2015

    An Unbalanced Article in NYT

    In its July 30 edition, the New York Times runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about a report by Amnesty International that accuses the IDF of using excessive force during last year’s Gaza War (“Signs of War Crimes ...

  • July 19, 2015

    Important omission in WaPo on Iran nuclear deal

    The Washington Post runs a front-page article in the July 18 edition that puts an optimistic gloss on the nuclear deal with Iran (“Experts scrutinize accord with Iran – Imperfect deal to curb nuclear programs does the job, ...

  • July 18, 2015

    Jodi Rudoren, Bibi Netanyahu exchange blows over NYT coverage

    Jodi Rudoren, the New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief, doesn’t like Prime Minister Netanyahu.  In fact, she goes apoplectic when they cross paths. Just read her “news analysis” in the July 17 edition, where she leads off w...

  • July 15, 2015

    NYT in pocket of anti-Israel outfit masquerading as human rights group

    In its July 14 edition, the New York Times runs a poisonous article that slams the conduct of Israel’s military under Palestinian stone-throwing barrages in the West Bank. As its only source, the Times relies on B’Tselem, a radical a...

  • July 10, 2015

    WaPo's farewell to objective journalism

    The Washington Post’s July 9 headline is splashed in big type across the entire page A6: “Dueling views after a Palestinian teen is killed.” As the dispatch by correspondent William Booth starts off, readers are assured that...

  • July 1, 2015

    WaPo hoodwinked by Palestinian propaganda

    Palestinians would have the world believe that it was a humanitarian crisis in Gaza that prompted a thwarted attempt to run Israel’s blockade with aid-carrying vessels. Not so, even though the Washington Post fell for this line. Rather, t...

  • June 26, 2015

    Hebron's History a la the <em>Times</em>

    Hebron has long been a powder keg, with Arabs and Jews vying for pieces of its history. But now comes the New York Times with a lengthy article about Hebron that, not surprisingly, tilts the scales in favor of Palestinians when it comes to ...

  • June 24, 2015

    NYT Plays 'Fair' in Mideast Reportage

    The headline tells it all when it comes to New York Times coverage of the UN Human Rights Council report on the 2014 Gaza war (“Both Sides In Gaza War Are Faulted by U.N. Panel” June 23, page A4.) For every Hamas terrorist action, Time...

  • June 16, 2015

    NY Times attacks Israel's report on conduct of Gaza War because it doesn't fit its anti-Israel narrative

    Israel is out with a 277-page report on the conduct of last year’s 50-day Gaza war  -- by both the IDF and by Palestinian terrorist groups like Hamas.  The report concludes that the Israeli military went to extraordinary lengths to sp...

  • June 14, 2015

    WaPo alarmist report on Israel boycott buries good economic news

    All the  elements of a growing boycott of Israel are in vivid display in a June 13 Washington Post article by correspondents William Booth and Ruth Eglash.   Israeli economic minus signs are splashed over six columns and accorded more ...

  • June 13, 2015

    NYT in full bias mode against IDF

    In its June 12 print edition, the New York Times runs an article by Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren about an Israeli report, which clears the IDF of criminal tactics leading to civilian deaths during last year’s Gaza war (“Israeli Rep...

  • May 30, 2015

    Palestinian Setback at World Soccer Confab

    If ever there was a venue where Palestinians presumably would have the upper hand against Israel, it was at this week’s world soccer conference in Zurich. After all, the meeting drew more than 200 soccer federations from around the world....

  • May 27, 2015

    NYT rages against Bibi's pick of Dore Gold for foreign minister

    In a lengthy May 26 article, Jodi Rudoren, the New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief, goes apoplectic over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s selection of Dore Gold to run Israel’s foreign ministry. The headline and the lead paragraph...

  • March 18, 2015

    What will Bibi's new government look like?

    As Bibi declares victory, here is how he could cobble together his coalition government.  Keep in mind that he would need the support of more than 60 members of Israel’s 120-member Knesset. According to the exit polls, Netanyahu would s...

  • March 17, 2015

    Netanyahu 180-degree turn on Palestinian statehood?

    On March 16, the New York Times trumpets a front-page headline on its website that reads: "Netanyahu Says No Palestinian State if he is Re-elected." In similar vein, Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren tells Times readers in her lead par...

  • March 9, 2015

    NYT's Kristof blackens Israel

    Nicholas Kristof is a New York Times columnist who makes regular visits to Gaza to chronicle its miserable conditions.  His latest report is replete with vignettes about homeless children playing in the rubble from last summer’s war betwee...

  • February 19, 2015

    NYT Won't give up on Bibi Attacks

    While there are obvious differences between Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the White House on Iran’s nuclear ambitions,the New York Times'  David Sanger goes a paragraph too far in reporting this development (“Chill Bedevil...

  • January 27, 2015

    NYT soils Israel's victory in Six-Day War

    In 1967, Israel had to fight off several Arab armies determined to eradicate the Jewish state.  It did so brilliantly, proving victorious in less than a week.  In what came to be known as the Six-Day War, Israel vanquished Egypt’s Gam...

  • January 15, 2015

    NYT uses funeral of 4 French Jews to bash Netanyahu

    It’s supposed to be a New York Times article about the funeral in Israel of four French Jews killed at a Paris kosher supermarket (“Emotion Mixes With Politics as 4 Killed at Paris Market are Buried in Jerusalem,” Jan. 14, page 8). ...

  • January 13, 2015

    NYT's Gratuitous Slur Against Israel

    The New York Times, in its Jan. 13 edition, carries a front-page article by Dan Bilefsky with a lead paragraph that reads as follows: “PARIS-French Jews, already feeling under siege by anti-Semitism, say the trauma of the terrorist attacks...

  • December 31, 2014

    U.N. Security Council defeats Palestinian statehood initiative

    In a major setback for Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas and the Arab League, the U.N. Security Council summarily rejected a Palestinian statehood resolution. Before the vote, the Palestinians claimed that they had rounded up the necessary 9-vote m...

  • December 26, 2014

    WaPo's upside-down coverage of Gaza incident

    In its Dec. 25 edition, the Washington Post features an article about a Christmas Eve incident along the Gaza border. The headline in the print edition reads as follows: “Hamas figure killed, Israeli soldier hurt near Gaza.”  The ...

  • December 13, 2014

    Martyrdom by Heart Attack

    Ziad Abu Ein, a prominent Palestinian official with a legacy of lethal terrorism, died during a clash with Israeli soldiers.  And thus immediately became a national martyr.  Without waiting for an autopsy, Palestinian leaders from Mahmoud A...

  • December 10, 2014

    NY <em>Times</em> inveighs in Israeli identity dispute

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has triggered a hearty debate over legislative proposals to enshrine Israel as both Jewish and democratic in Israeli law. The debate has reached American shores, where Jews also have weigh...

  • December 7, 2014

    Wash. Post's copious supply of anti-Israel poison pills

    Anne Gearan is a Washington Post correspondent with the State Department on her beat. Judging from her latest article in the Dec. 6 edition, she suffers from reportorial Stockholm Syndrome – swamping Post readers with a full dose...

  • November 25, 2014

    WaPo Presses Propaganda Button on Temple Mount

    Last Friday, 45,000 Muslims ascended Temple Mount in Jerusalem for weekly prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque.  Muslim officials later reported that the prayers went off without any incidents. In view of some recent episodes of Palestinians hurling sto...

  • November 22, 2014

    WaPo Erases Temple Mount from Jewish Heritage

    In its Nov. 20 edition, the Washington Post runs a front-page article about the Jerusalem synagogue attack. The article, by correspondents William Booth and Ruth Eglash, refers to the Temple Mount as a “major flashpoint – a contested r...

  • November 20, 2014

    Media Justify Synagogue Attack

    When news broke that Palestinian terrorists went on a killing spree in a Jerusalem synagogue, killing four rabbis, Secretary of State John Kerry said the victims “were hacheted, hacked and murdered in that holy place in an act of pure terror...

  • November 14, 2014

    At WaPo, a Mosque Trumps a Synagogue

    The Washington Post, in its Nov. 13 print edition, features a huge color photo of a Palestinian man  standing in a burned-down doorway.  The caption reads: “A Palestinian stands in the doorway of a mosque that was set ablaze by Israel...

  • November 3, 2014

    WaPo Hypes Settler violence

    The West Bank is not the most peaceful place.  Extremist settlers attack Palestinians.  In turn, Palestinians attack Jewish settlers.  Both sides seem to have a great talent for rock-throwing. But that’s not the way the Washin...

  • October 27, 2014

    The Insatiable Need to Bash Israel

    Just when you think that Jodi Rudoren, the New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief, finally filed an article devoid of Israel bashing, it turns out it’s not quite so. At issue is a piece in the Times’ Oct. 26 edition which exposes mishan...

  • October 25, 2014

    Two Big Bias Points in WaPo's Olive Grove Coverage

    In its October 24 edition, the Washington Post runs a lengthy report on violent skirmishes in West Bank olive groves.  The article, by Jerusalem bureau chief William Booth, cites incidents involving Israeli settlers who attack, damage, or destroy Pal...

  • October 18, 2014

    NYT's' 'Oy Veh' Coverage of Israel Skips Reality

    Israel bashing is a predictable part of New York Times coverage of the Jewish state. Jodi Rudoren, the Times’ bureau chief in Jerusalem, regularly pounces on the slightest Israeli flaws or missteps, and then turns them into outright disasters. ...

  • October 17, 2014

    NYT Praises Anti-semitic opera 'The Death of Klinghoffer'

    If everything goes as planned, the New York Metropolitan Opera will stage the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel opera “The Death of Klinghoffer,” starting Monday, Oct. 20. The opera, which has drawn an outpouring of massive protests, is base...

  • October 16, 2014

    Israeli Blood Counts for less than Palestinian Blood at NYT

    The New York Times runs a lengthy article about UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon’s visit to Gaza and to Israeli sites that were caught up in this summer’s war between Hamas and Israel (“U.N. Chief Offers Stark View of Gaza Devastation” pa...

  • October 14, 2014

    Wash. Post socks it to Israel. Forget about objective journalism

    The Washington Post has run an article about the announcement by a donor conference in Cairo that it received $5.4 billion in pledges to reconstruct Gaza (“Donors pledge $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza – Some say this is the last time they w...

  • October 8, 2014

    The <em>Times</em> Shields Hamas from Responsibility for Gaza War

    The New York Times, in its Oct. 7 editions, runs a lengthy piece by Fares Akram, its Gaza correspondent, about miserable conditions left by the 50-day war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist group that rules Gaza. The Times devotes more than ...

  • October 2, 2014

    Obama-Netanyahu Summit: A Polite Get-Together Going Nowhere

    President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu were on their best behavior before, during, and after their latest summit.  But while the atmosphere was amicable, the summit produced little, if any, momentum or initiatives for further peace talks. ...

  • September 27, 2014

    Abbas on Slanderous Rampage against Israel at U.N.

    Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas went to the United Nations to sell his peace agenda to diplomats from around the world.  His address was widely anticipated as the latest Palestinian move toward statehood. But when he rose at the rostrum o...

  • September 27, 2014

    New York Times Off Base in Portraying Gaza as 'Occupied Territory'

    The New York Times errs badly in a Sept. 26 article in which it lumps the West Bank and Gaza as Israeli-occupied territories (“Rival Palestinian Factions Agree to Resolve Differences, Leader Say,” page A4). In refer...

  • September 11, 2014

    NY Times Shows Classic Bias on Israeli 'State Lands'

    Israel’s decision to set aside nearly 1,000 acres of territory near Jerusalem as “state lands” triggered predictable controversy – with the New York Times giving top priority to Palestinian denunciations, while provi...

  • September 5, 2014

    WaPo's Tolerance of Palestinian Violence

    Remember the terrorist kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers this summer, followed by the apparently revenge murder of a 17-year-old Palestinian teen, Mohammad Abu Khieder?  Well, the Washington Post decided to revisit the latter inci...

  • September 2, 2014

    The Real Scoop on Israel's Land Decision

    In reporting Israel’s decision to declare nearly 1,000 acres of the West Bank as state lands, our media were quick to round up the usual Palestinian suspects for denunciation of Israel’s move as a land grab to expand Jewish settlements so...

  • September 1, 2014

    NYT Throws Cold Water on new Palestinian Town

    A  Palestinian entrepreneur is building a new Palestinian city in the West Bank. It promises to be a win-win affair for both Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Known as Rawabi, the town will have a Roman-style amphitheater with seat...

  • August 30, 2014

    A Questionable Statistic: 'Children' Killed in Gaza War

    The Washington Post  runs a front-page article today about numbers of fatalities in the seven-week Gaza War – with Israel and Hamas issuing divergent breakdowns for “civilians” killed. As author William Booth indicates, ther...

  • August 29, 2014

    Twisting Casualty Counts in 50-day Gaza War

    With a ceasefire under way between Israel and Hamas, both sides are summing up casualty counts. Israel has issued preliminary figures that point to a fairly even split of Palestinian fatalities – about 1,000 combatants/terrorists and some ...

  • August 26, 2014

    NYT Repeats Hamas Propaganda

    The New York Times gives top play in its Aug. 25 international news section to a Palestinian teenager’s allegations that he was mistreated during five days of detention by Israel. The big-type headline reads: “Teenager Cites Ordea...

  • August 25, 2014

    WaPo Resents U.S. Military Sales to Israel

    The Washington Post runs an article in its Aug. 24 edition that slams U.S. weapons sales to Israel. It goes so far as to suggest that the U.S. might find itself accused of war crimes by the International Criminal Court for helping to restock Isr...

  • August 24, 2014

    When Gaza Children Are No Longer Children

    The Washington Post’s August 23 edition  features an article about recent fatalities in Gaza (“18 alleged informers executed in Gaza” by William Booth and Ruth Eglash,” page A9). The article reports that...

  • August 19, 2014

    NYT Weeps for Gaza

    Spreading from front page to two-thirds of an inside page, the New York Times, in its Aug. 18 edition, goes all out to document the miseries of life in Gaza. Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren, reporting from Gaza City, informs readers that ...

  • August 13, 2014

    WaPo weeps for Gazans lacking Airport, Seaport

    The Washington Post deeply sympathizes with Gazan aspirations for a seaport and an airport. In its Aug. 12 edition, it runs an article by correspondents William Booth and Carol Morello that embraces these two projects as needed openings to the o...

  • August 10, 2014

    Wash. Post exonerates Hamas of resumption of Gaza fighting

    In its Aug. 9 edition, the Washington Post runs a huge, six-column headline across the top of page A7 that reads as follows: “More rockets fly as three-day Gaza truce ends[.]” Just below the headline is a three-line sub-head that reads...

  • August 7, 2014

    Israeli Patriotism Rankles New York Times.

    The New York Times is unhappy with a rightward drift in Israeli society, especially with a surge of patriotism during the Gaza war. In a memo from Jerusalem, bureau chief Jodi Rudoren recounts telltale signs of how Israelis rallied around their so...

  • July 31, 2014

    NYT in a hurry to blame Israel

    On July 29, there was a huge explosion in Gaza as its own power plant erupted in massive fireballs and dark clouds. The explosion knocked the plant out of commission  – and with it critically needed power for electricity, sewage treatment ...

  • July 27, 2014

    Wash. Post's pro-Hamas propaganda: Put Israel in the dock

    If you pick up the news section of the July 26 edition of the Washington Post, you’ll find that Israel supposedly has a lot to worry about. A front-page article (“Two sides agree to ‘humanitarian pause’ in Gaza” by Su...

  • July 25, 2014

    WaPo's Great Discovery -- U.S. Favors Israel!

    The Washington Post runs a front-page article in its July 24 editions about how U.S.-Israeli ties might affect negotiations for a cease-fire in Gaza. (“In U.S.-Israel ties, a mixed blessing -- Kerry seeks cease-fire, but Gazans question Am...

  • July 24, 2014

    Washington Post turns into Hamas Gazettte

    In its July 23 edition, the Washington Post doesn’t spare printers’ ink in covering the Israel-Hamas war in and around Gaza. There are no fewer than four articles spread from the top of the front page to two full pages on the inside (...

  • July 22, 2014

    The Battle of Shejaiya -- as NOT fit to print in NYT

    If you rely on the New York Times, the July 20 battle of Shejaiya turned into a nightmare under Israeli fire, as “terrified residents fled, sometimes past the bodies of those struck down in earlier artillery barrages.” The headline at ...

  • July 21, 2014

    WaPo Plays up Israeli Deaths

    In its Sunday, July 20 edition, the Washington Post ran an article by Sudarsan Raghavan, William Booth, and Ruth Eglash about Hamas operatives used tunnels into Israel to kill IDF soldiers (“2 Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza clash – Death...

  • July 17, 2014

    Obama's Blindness to Israeli Behavior on the Battlefield

    An Israeli Air Force pilot flying over the Gaza Strip last week decided to abort his mission after spotting Palestinian children in the vicinity of a confirmed terror target.  In a video released by the Israeli military, the pilot is heard te...

  • July 14, 2014

    Israel gets Another Black Eye

    In their weekend editions, the New York Times and the London Daily Telegraph ran stories about a fatal attack by Israel on a center for the disabled in Gaza. The Telegraph headlines its article by Robert Tait “Israel Kills two handicapped Pa...

  • July 11, 2014

    Wash. Post Headline Reeks of Anti-Israel Bias

    It’s the biggest, boldest headline on the front page of the July 10 edition of the Washington Post.  In huge type, it proclaims: “Israel hits Gaza homes” Below the headline are two smaller-type sub-heads.  One, just bel...

  • July 9, 2014

    NYT Buries Lead on Operation Protective Edge

    Burying the lead is a basic journalistic no-no. News articles are supposed to lead with the mostest. News of the greatest significance should not be hidden – buried -- much, much later in the story.  But that’s not apparently de r...

  • July 8, 2014

    A Tale of Two Papers

    Israel’s arrest of six Jews for the grisly murder of an Arab teen rates as the top front-page article in both the New York Times and the Washington Post. But there the similarity ends. While the Post comes through with a generally fair and dece...

  • July 7, 2014

    WaPo Emphasizes Palestinian Suffering

    The Washington Post carries a lengthy article in its Sunday, July 6, editions on the turbulent events on the Israeli-Palestinian front, with special emphasis on the family and neighborhood of Muhammad Abu Khieder whose charred body was found in Jerus...

  • July 3, 2014

    A Wash Post Blood Libel against Israel

    Over the centuries, Jews have been targeted with inciteful falsehoods that nurtured outbreaks of virulent anti-Semitism and pogroms.  Jews often have been pictured as bloody killers of innocent Gentiles.  Such libels have become all to...

  • June 24, 2014

    NYT puts Kidnapping Victims on par with 'Martyrdom' of Violent Palestinians

    The New York Times runs a front-page article in its June 23 edition about the aftermath of the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers. The article is highly critical of Israel’s all-out search to find them. When Palestinians resort to stone...

  • June 19, 2014

    NYT defends Anti-Semitic Opera

    The New York Metropolitan Opera ignited a major controversy in recent days when it announced that it would simulcast the anti-Semitic opera “The Death of Klinghoffer” in theaters around the world, while also staging it at the Met in New Y...

  • June 17, 2014

    NYT Blames Israel in Teen Kidnapping

    It’s been four days since the kidnapping of three Israeli youths by Palestinian terrorists. Israel understandably is engaged in a massive search operation. Its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, declares that the kidnapping was the wor...

  • June 12, 2014

    WaPo gives Israeli President-elect Reuven Rivlin the Full Snide Treatment

    Reuven Rivlin, the speaker of Israel’s Parliament for the last 10 years, has been chosen by his colleagues in the Knesset to succeed Shimon Peres as Israel’s 10th president. Rivlin is not well known on the international sce...

  • June 7, 2014

    Memo to NYTimes Correspondents re anti-Israel Bias

    To: Isabel Kershner and Jodi Rudoren Subject: June 6 article, with your by-lines, about Israeli approval of housing construction plans in East Jerusalem and the West Bank Predictably, Israel gets hammered on the international scene for add...

  • June 6, 2014

    WaPo Rains on Rolling Stones Parade in Tel Aviv

    The Rolling Stones concert in Tel Aviv, their first in Israel, was a huge success -- musically and politically. Mick Jagger shrugged off pleas to cancel from the usual anti-Israel suspects. The Israel-boycott movement was left with another defea...

  • June 3, 2014

    Obama Accepts new Palestinian "Unity" Government

    Palestinian terrorism got a boost from President Obama’s decision to continue to work with -- and finance -- a “unity” government that includes Hamas, a certified terrorist group dedicated to Israel’s extermination. ...

  • May 28, 2014

    The Pope Greets the Mufti

    In its May 27 edition, the New York Times runs a large color photograph of a smiling Pope Francis greeting the Grand Mufti Muhammad Ahmad Hussein on Temple Mount. The amicable scene offers no hint of the Mufti’s viciously anti-Semitic...

  • May 25, 2014

    Belgium's Historical Tragedy: From Saving Jews to Killing Them

    I owe my life to Belgians. My brother, my sister, my late mother of sainted memory, and I survived the Holocaust because heroic Belgians, at the risk of their own lives, sheltered us during the last two years of the German occupation. So, under...

  • May 22, 2014

    How the NYT libels Israel

    In its May 21 edition, the New York Times runs a four-column article by Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren about the killing of two Palestinian teenagers during a violent confrontation with Israeli military forces (“Video Renews Questions on P...

  • May 21, 2014

    Welcome to the Holy Land, Pope Francis

    There is an interesting and quite revealing meeting on Pope Francis’s itinerary for his two-day visit to the Holy Land. The pontiff is due to shake hands and exchange remarks with the top Muslim leader of the Palestinian Authority, the Mufti Sh...

  • May 16, 2014

    WaPo Gives Readers False History of 1948

    If you’re going to write an article about the 1948 phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there are several obvious points that must be included for a true rendering of history. It was in 1948 that Israel declared independence and celebr...

  • May 15, 2014

    New York Times' Agenda Shines Through on Olmert Coverage

    Don’t expect a simple, straightforward piece of reporting in the New York Times about an Israeli judge handing down a stiff prison sentence to former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in a bribery scandal (“Ex-Israeli Leader Is Given 6 years In ...

  • May 5, 2014

    NYT Cheers Islamic Jihad

    Jodi Rudoren, the Jerusalem bureau chief of the New York Times, visited Gaza recently and returned with a puff piece about one of its Palestinian terrorist groups, Islamic Jihad (“Islamic Jihad Gains New Traction in Gaza -- Militant Group, Smal...

  • May 4, 2014

    WaPo weeps for Palestinian terrorist, but not for his victims

    The Washington Post features a front-page color picture of a cuddly baby in its May 3 edition next to a headline that reads: “Fatherhood stages a jailbreak – With smuggled sperm, Palestinians defy Israeli control."  To g...

  • May 1, 2014

    NYT Camouflages Real J Street

    In recent days, J Street, a liberal group with an anti-Israel agenda, has been lobbying hard to gain acceptance as a member of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish organizations. The main issue in contention was whether J Street merited inclu...

  • April 30, 2014

    'Ethnic Cleansing' in Jerusalem

    Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is whipping up a phony propaganda campaign that accuses Israel of “ethnic purification” of Jerusalem -- pushing out Arab residents and replacing them with Jews. His ethnic-cleansing charges about Jerusalem...

  • April 29, 2014

    Washington Post swallows Abbas lie hook, line, and sinker

    On April 27, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas released a statement denouncing the Holocaust and expressing sympathy with victims killed by the Nazis.  The statement was timed with the start of Holocaust Remembrance Day.  For Abbas, this was...

  • April 28, 2014

    How Wash. Post, NY Times inject Palestinian propaganda in 'news' dispatches

    Readers of the Washington Post and New York Times beware when reading “news” dispatches from Jerusalem and Ramallah.  Headlines and lead paragraphs reflect a decided Palestinian bent.  Only if you dig deeper into such articles d...

  • April 26, 2014

    Hamas Passes WaPo Kosher Test

    The United States classifies Hamas as a terrorist organization. So does the European Union. And, of course, so does Israel, which has borne the brunt of Hamas terrorism – whether via deadly suicide-bomber attacks or thousands of rockets aime...

  • April 25, 2014

    NYT Semantically Purifies Palestinian terrorism

    The announcement by Fatah and Hamas of a unity deal has prompted mainstream media to engage in a predictable semantic game – using all kinds of verbal distortions to keep from calling Hamas what it really is – a certified terrorist organi...

  • April 10, 2014

    WaPo Humanizes Palestinian Terrorist Killer

    Israel’s release of Palestinian terrorist killers in hopes of reactivating the Mideast peace process has become a major media preoccupation.  So far, under U.S. pressure, Israel has released 78 such prisoners.  But it is balking at fr...

  • April 9, 2014

    NYT Promotes Arch-terrorist as Peacemaker

    Marwan Barghouti is serving five life sentences in an Israeli prison for premeditated murder in attacks that killed five people, plus a few other crimes.  The original prosecution charges accused him of perpetrating 37 attacks, running terrorist...

  • April 5, 2014

    NYT Decries 'Divided Loyallties'

    Secretary of State John Kerry’s Mideast peace diplomacy seems increasingly moribund.  Nevertheless, there remain all sorts of scenarios floating around as to the kind of mix that might result in an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement....

  • March 31, 2014

    NYT Gushes over Freed Terrorist

    Israel’s release of Palestinian terrorists in hopes of advancing the peace process has consumed Israelis in recent weeks.  Reactions generally have ranged from skepticism to outrage. Enter the New York Times with a front-page article in...

  • March 25, 2014

    A Preposition too far at the NYT

    If you were to read in your local newspaper an article about construction of highways, it goes without saying that readers would understand that more roads are being built. Ditto in the West Bank, where New York Times Jerusalem bureau ch...

  • March 24, 2014

    NYT Faults Israel for Going After Palestinian Terrorist

    On March 22, Israeli security forces ended a lengthy search for Hamza Abu El-Hijja, a Palestinian terrorist involved in shootings of Israelis and in planning more attacks.   They cornered him in the West Bank town of Jenin, leaving him with...

  • March 22, 2014

    NYT Violates Basic Journalism Rule

    A basic journalism rule requires opportunity for rebuttal when an article takes aim at a particular target.  But don’t expect compliance with this rule at the New York Times, where attacks on Israel are dished out without any response. ...

  • March 21, 2014

    WaPo and NYT Blame Israel for Syrian Aggression

    In its March 20 edition, the Washington Post runs the following headline on page A10:  “New Tensions after Israeli planes hit three Syrian army positions on Golan Heights.”  In a similar vein, the New York Times headline on page...

  • March 18, 2014

    Obama Retracts Jewish Identity of Israel

    Last January, during his State of the Union address, President Obama solemnly proclaimed Israel as a “Jewish state” In pushing for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement, the president said his objective was an “independent state fo...

  • March 14, 2014

    WaPo Peddles Anti-Israeli Poison Pills

    The Washington Post, in its March 13 edition, runs two articles by Mideast correspondent  Ruth Eglash.  Each comes with anti-Israel poison pills. For starters, there’s a dispatch about enactment by Israel’s Parliament of a la...

  • March 11, 2014

    At WaPo, Only Israeli-Bashing Will Do

    The Washington Post, in its March 9 edition, runs an article by Ruth Eglash with a headline that reads “Israel tears down Palestinian homes in Jordan Valley.”  The demolition of half a dozen illegal structures belonging to a Pal...

  • March 3, 2014

    Obama paints Bibi as obstacle to peace, lauds Abbas

    In his sharpest jab yet at Benjamin Netanyahu, President Obama blasted the Israeli leader as the sole obstacle to a peace agreement, while lauding Mahmoud Abbas as a fully committed peace partner. In an interview with Bloomberg ahead of their Whit...

  • March 2, 2014

    Iran, through the WaPo Looking Glass

    In recent weeks, Iran has made it abundantly clear that, while it’s ready for talks with Western powers, it will not make any concessions or compromises that might slow down its nuclear development.  To the contrary, it remains fully deter...

  • February 23, 2014

    On Israel, WaPo ignores the elephant in the room

    The Washington Post, in its Feb. 22 edition, carries an article by correspondents William Booth and Anne Gearan, titled "One things missing as talks progress: Gaza - Deal would essentially leave out 1.6 million Palestinians."  The basic poi...

  • February 12, 2014

    NYT Weeps for Palestinia​ns Getting Generous Jobs from Israeli 'Occupiers​'

    Israeli industrial and agricultural enterprises in the West Bank provide jobs for 25,000 Palestinians. And they're good jobs. Paychecks are three times as much as workers' compensation in Palestinian areas. It's a story worth writing about. A vivid e...

  • February 5, 2014

    John Kerry in Fantasy Land

    Last Saturday, Secretary of State John Kerry told a security conference in Munich that "last year, not one Israeli was killed by a Palestinian from the West Bank." Kerry's point was that Palestinians have become so peaceful that Israel could afford t...

  • February 4, 2014

    What Israeli boycott?

    The Palestinian Authority has issued a report on PA imports from Israel, according to local media. It again demonstrates that, despite all the talk about a boycott of Israel, Palestinian continue to buy blue-and-white Israeli goods worth billions of ...

  • January 31, 2014

    Scare Headlines on Israel

    The Jan. 30 headlines in the New York Times and the Washington Post must have left readers to conclude that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's governing coalition could fall apart at any moment and, with it, further peace negotiations. "Tension Buil...

  • January 30, 2014

    NY Times 'Roughly' Wrong about Mahmoud Abbas

    Sometimes, a single word can make a whole lot of difference. Witness the way Jodi Rudoren, the Jerusalem bureau chief of the New York Times, goes to extra length to fashion a statesmanlike image of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, showing him prepar...

  • January 27, 2014

    The Ultimate Double Standard

    The Organization of the Islamic Conference is a joint enterprise of 57 member states dedicated to pursuing "the interests of all Muslims in the world." Each member proudly identifies itself as an Islamic nation. The Muslim list ranges across the alph...

  • January 25, 2014

    WaPo Editor Goes Gaga over Rouhani

    The World Economic Forum in the Swiss resort of Davos has become an annual event that brings together elites from the worlds of politics, economics, finance, and the media. This year, the top attractions were Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Isra...

  • January 14, 2014

    WaPo's Ugly Profile of Sharon

    The Romans had a commandment that has remained relevant down through the ages -- "De mortuis, nil nisi bonum" (Of the dead, speak only the good) But don't expect the Washington Post's news section to abide by it -- not when it smears Sharon with an e...

  • January 8, 2014

    A Tale of Two Newspapers

    On Jan. 6, the Israeli government provided foreign reporters with an exhaustive study of incitement against Israel and Jews by Palestinian Authority media and textbooks. The Israeli presentation received considerable coverage by the New York Times an...

  • January 6, 2014

    The NYT's Double Standard in Action

    In its Sunday, Jan. 5 edition, the New York Times runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about a stumbling block in Mideast peace talks -- whether Israel will retain control of the Jordan Valley at the eastern end of the West Bank...

  • January 3, 2014

    John Kerry Envisages Peace à la Vietnam

    In his current peace-seeking shuttle tour, Secretary of State John Kerry sought to reassure Israelis that he has the key to ending the Mideast conflict.  At a joint news conference with Prime Minister Netanyahu, Kerry offered this bit of hi...

  • January 1, 2014

    NYT's Vendetta Against Netanyahu

    December 30 was a traumatic day for Israel as authorities released another batch of Palestinian terrorist killers -- 26 in all. They comprised the latest installment in an Israeli promise to free more than 100 Palestinian murderers -- a step reluctan...

  • December 30, 2013

    NYT sets new Course for Hillel

    Hillel is the largest Jewish campus organization in the world. As such, it gives students a link to the wider Jewish world, its history and values, including celebration of Israel as a thriving democracy in the Middle East. But that's not exactly how...

  • December 23, 2013

    Christian Exodus from Bethlehem

    The Washington Post runs a big spread in its Dec. 22 edition under the headline, "What's missing in Bethlehem? Mayor urges tourists and Christians to return". The article, by Anne Marie O'Connor, tells readers that "for years, Palestinian Christians ...

  • December 18, 2013

    Israel vs. the Academy

    What bugs some American academics that they feel a need to single out Israel -- and only Israel -- for an academic boycott? Members of the American Studies Association (ASA), which represents professors of U.S. history and culture, have voted for a ...

  • December 17, 2013

    'American Studies' group to boycott Israel

    The American Studies Association (ASA) is suddenly grabbing headlines for voting to support an academic boycott of Israel.  Why a boycott?  Because ASA wants to be known as a paragon of human rights and views Israel as a gross violator of s...

  • December 15, 2013

    The Myth of Triumph and Tragedy of Israel

    Ari Shavit, an author and columnist of the leftist Israeli newspaper Haaretz, is being lionized by liberal, secular media in the West.  His new book, My Promised Land:  The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel, is widely acclaimed as the...

  • December 11, 2013

    Anti-Israe​l Poison Pills in two NYT Articles

    The Dec. 10 New York Times features two articles involving Israel that point to some positive developments, but also happen to be marred by gratuitous anti-Israel digs. No matter how much Israel does in pursuit of progress and peace, don't look to th...

  • December 9, 2013

    Israel vs. the Bedouins

    As the old saying has it, no good deed goes unpunished. And doubly so when the New York Times gets hold of Israeli plans to improve living standards for some 200,000 Bedouins in the Negev. At present, there's a critical shortage of clinics, schools,...

  • December 7, 2013

    WaPo Spotlights Netanyahu, Shields Iran and Palestinia​ns

    Secretary of State John Kerry has completed his latest meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, claiming progress in peace talks. However, in summing up his trip, the Washington Post makes it seem that only Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu hold...

  • December 4, 2013

    WaPo sees Jewish threat to Temple Mount

    There's something grotesquely incongruous about a Dec. 3 front-page article in the Washington Post that goes to great lengths to warn that Jews seeking to pray on Jerusalem's Temple Mount might unleash a third intifada ("At Temple Mount, dreams of pr...

  • December 3, 2013

    WaPo Justifies Palestinian Violence

    The Washington Post, in its Dec. 2 edition, publishes a lengthy article about rising Palestinian violence in the West Bank, questioning whether this augurs a third intifada or reflects isolated, individual attacks against Israelis. ("In West Bank, a ...

  • November 30, 2013

    NYT Peddles U.N. Propaganda about Palestinia​n Refugees

    The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, whose sole task is to perpetuate the festering problem of Palestinian refugees, is mounting a traveling photo exhibit about their continuing plight. And the New York Times is only too pleased to help UNRWA ...

  • November 25, 2013

    Would Reagan have Approved the Iran Deal?

    Ronald Reagan abhorred nuclear weapons. He wanted to get rid of every last one. As he declared in his 1985 inaugural address: "We seek the total elimination of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth." But Reagan was not in a rush to get a flawed ...

  • November 23, 2013

    NYT Blames Israel for Deaths of Two Lion Cubs

    Add one more naqba, catastrophe, to Palestinian victimhood, courtesy of the New York Times. And one more opportunity to bash Israel. In its Nov. 22 edition, the Times runs a two-column headline that reads: "2 Lions, Their Birth Hailed by Gaza, Die W...

  • November 15, 2013

    WaPo Depicts Israeli Counterte​rrorism through Palestinia​n Lens

    It's been exactly a year since Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense, an eight-day counteroffensive to halt incessant rocket fire from Gaza against civilian targets in southern Israel. By and large, the operation had its desired effect. Rocket ...

  • November 10, 2013

    Remembering Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht -- the Nazi pogroms that battered Jewish communities in Germany and Austria -- came to the Rennert family not at night, but in broad daylight. Exactly 75 years ago, on Nov. 10, 1938, rampaging Nazi goons battered our grocery story in ...

  • November 8, 2013

    Kerry Threatens Israel

    Secretary of State John Kerry appears to have shed the last vestige of a U.S. honest broker role in pursuing an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord. While conducting shuttle diplomacy with stops in Israel, the West Bank and Jordan, Kerry unleashed a to...

  • November 7, 2013

    It's all Likud's Fault

    On the front page above the fold, the Washington Post features in its Nov. 6 edition an article that focuses on a growing number of prominent members of the governing Likud party who favor a one-state solution -- from the Jordan to the Mediterranean ...

  • November 5, 2013

    NYT Rewrites Israeli History

    In its Nov. 4 edition, the New York Times runs a front-page article on Hamas textbooks in Gaza that erase Israel's existence, while describing the Torah as a fabrication and Zionism as a racist movement with imperial territorial designs on the Middle...

  • November 2, 2013

    NYT Absolves Abbas from all Sins

    Israel plans to free more than 100 Palestinian terrorist killers as an inducement for resumption of peace talks. But leave it to the New York Times to still blame Israel for lack of progress in the peace process, while Palestinians emerge squeaky cle...

  • October 30, 2013

    Reporting Palestinian Atrocities

    In their Oct. 29 editions, the Washington Post and the New York Times each devotes a half page of copy and picture to Israel's release of 26 Palestinian terrorist prisoners convicted of killing Israelis. But that's where the similarities end. At the...

  • October 28, 2013

    NYT Likens Orthodox Jews to the Devil

    In its Sunday, Oct. 27, edition, the Times runs an opinion piece by Shmuel Rosner about political battles in Israel over daylight saving time. Secular Israelis favor a lengthier DST period. Ultra-religious Jews favor a shorter DST period that ends be...

  • October 27, 2013

    This Week's Torah Reading

    Recited in synagogues all over the world, this week's Torah portion, Genesis Chapter 23, is titled "Chaye Sarah" - the life span of Judaism's First Matriarch.  It's about an intimate family event:  Sarah dies. She is mourned by Ab...

  • October 25, 2013

    State Department Plans to rob Iraqi Jews

    For 2,500 years, Jews played a prominent role in Iraq. By 1940, the Iraqi Jewish community numbered 137,000 people. In Baghdad, they made up a quarter of the population. For centuries, Iraq was a major center of Jewish learning. The Babylonian Talmud...

  • October 23, 2013

    NYT Weeps for Vandalized Palestinia​n Olive Trees

    It's harvest time for olives in the West Bank and, as usual, there are clashes between Israeli and Palestinian farmers. Olive trees get damaged and vandalized on both sides. It's a reprehensible state of affairs, no doubt. But this is not exactly how...

  • October 20, 2013

    The Washington Post's Favorite Pastime: Maligning Jerusalem

    As Jerusalem heads toward mayoral elections, the Washington Post wades in with a profile of Israel's capital.  It's not exactly a pretty picture.  Correspondents William Booth and Ruth Eglash stretch far and wide to find a slew of...

  • October 18, 2013

    Soft on Iran, Hard on Israel

    The New York Times has been quick to gush over the new round of negotiations in Geneva between major world powers and Iran. Reading the Times one would think that Iran suddenly has become quite reasonable about a possible deal to rein in its nuclear ...

  • October 12, 2013

    Nobel Peace Prize loses its luster...

    The 2013 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons -- a little-known outfit that's just starting to locate and destroy Syria's chemical weapons arsenal.  It will be many months before any...

  • October 5, 2013

    NY Times in full anti-Netanyahu mode

    First, it was the New York Times slamming Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's U.N. speech for allegedly sabotaging Western negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program.  Now, in its Oct. 4 edition, the Times follows up with a lengthy tirade agai...

  • October 2, 2013

    Netanyahu'​s U.N. Speech Sticks in NYT's Craw

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address at the United Nations did not please the New York Times. Far from it. In a blistering editorial, the Times unleashes its verbal guns against the Israeli leader for exposing Iran's new president, Has...

  • September 24, 2013

    Wash. Post belittles Hebron's Jewish footprint

    One of two IDF soldiers killed by Palestinian terrorists over the weekend, Sgt. Gabriel Koby, 20, was manning a military post that guards the Jewish community in Hebron.  In its account by correspondents Ruth Eglash and William Booth, the Washin...

  • September 23, 2013

    The Jews are Coming!

    The New York Times has paid scant attention to Palestinian vandalism and attacks on Jewish religious shrines -- whether in east Jerusalem or in the West Bank. Protecting the Western Wall or Joseph's Tomb near Nablus or Rachel's Tomb near Hebron is no...

  • September 20, 2013

    WaPo Falls for Iranian President's Charm Offensive

    The Washington Post appears to be so taken by Iranian President Rouhani's charm offensive that it fails to notice that there also are some dark stains on his benign image. Exhibit A: In Rouhani's interview with NBC News, the new Iranian president sl...

  • September 18, 2013

    NYT Camouflage​s Palestinia​n Terrorism

    If you pick up the Sept. 18 edition of the New York Times, you will encounter the following headline on page 7 of the front section: "Palestinian Killed in Raid In West Bank." If you then go on to peruse other stories, you will leave with a negative...

  • September 14, 2013

    NY Times censors Israel's victory in Yom Kippur War

    The 1973 Yom Kippur War comprised two distinct phases. In the first couple of days of the war, a joint Egyptian-Syrian assault broke through Israeli defenses and chalked up major territorial gains in the Golan in the north and in Sinai in the south...

  • August 30, 2013

    Latest NYT Denunciation of Israel

    Jodi Rudoren, the Jerusalem bureau chief of the New York Times, is not exactly in sync with Israelis who go about their business and shrug off the chaos and turmoil in neighboring Arab states. As she makes clear in an Aug. 29 dispatch about how Israe...

  • August 27, 2013

    NY Times joins provocateurs at Western Wall

    The Western Wall in the heart of Jerusalem is one of Judaism's holiest sites.  But it also has been the focus of protests in recent years. A group known as Women of the Wall is demanding gender equality for prayers at the site.  They want...

  • August 26, 2013

    'Impoveris​hed' Gaza feels Pinch of fewer Mercedes-B​enz Sales

    Hamas-ruled Gaza is feeling the ripple effects of the ouster of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and the decimation of the Muslim Brotherhood. The new military ruling regime accuses Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, of fomenting anti-Egy...

  • August 21, 2013

    NYT Perfumes Palestinia​n Aggression

    On Tuesday, Aug. 20, Israeli troops entered a Jenin neighborhood in the West Bank to arrest a member of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group suspected of planning drive-by shootings of Israeli civilians and soldiers. However, before they could accompli...

  • August 19, 2013

    NY Times Blames Israel and AIPAC for Prolonging Egypt's Agony

    It's the lead story on the Sunday front page of the New York Times -- a lengthy piece on how frantic, behind-the-scenes efforts by U.S. and European diplomats supposedly came close to building a path toward ending the bloody conflict in Egypt between...

  • August 13, 2013

    Why WaPo Mideast Coverage is Untrustwor​thy

    Forget about anti-Israel spins and distortions in Washington Post coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In an Aug. 13 article, diplomatic correspondent Anne Gearan serves up a couple of outright lies. ("A few reasons for optimism about latest...

  • August 11, 2013

    PA Fleeces new Palestinia​n City

    It's called Rawabi, an entirely new Palestinian city with an expected population of 40,000. It's located halfway between Jerusalem and Nablus. Its developers already have sold more than 600 apartments. But, no surprise, they've also encountered a few...

  • August 6, 2013

    WaPo's Strange Math

    There is something amiss about the math in a Washington Post/AP article about Israel rejiggering its list of Jewish communities receiving special subsidies ("Israel expands settlement subsidies -- Decision will have "destructive impact" on talks, Pal...

  • August 5, 2013

    NYT Absolves Stone-throwing Palestinian Youth

    If you pick up the Aug. 5 edition of the New York Times, you will be greeted by a front-page spread above the fold plus nearly an entire inside page about Palestinians youths hurling stones at Israeli soldiers and civilians. ("'My Hobby Is Throwing S...

  • August 3, 2013

    NY Times gullibility about Iran knows no end

    Iranian media reported on Friday that Iran's new president, Hassan Rouhani, said Israel's "Zionist regime has been a wound on the body of the Islamic world for years and should be removed." This genocidal threat was immediately picked up by Israeli...

  • July 31, 2013

    One-sided Coverage of Peace Talks

    As the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations get under way, it's becoming clear that the New York Times and the Washington Post are shaping their coverage to reflect a pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel agenda. The burden to make concessions falls on Isra...

  • July 30, 2013

    WaPo Obsessed with Settlements

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there are obstacles galore in the path toward a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shown flexibility and readiness for comp...

  • July 29, 2013

    WaPo: Palestinia​n Killers of Israeli Children are NOT Terrorists

    The Washington Post stoutly refuses to describe blood-soaked Palestinian murderers of Israeli children as terrorists. Instead, it substitutes a totally inaccurate euphemism, calling such depraved killers "militants." Why inaccurate? Because "militant...

  • July 26, 2013

    Wash. Post columnist applauds Kerry's diplomacy at Israel's expense

    David Ignatius, a Washington Post foreign affairs columnist, pens a highly laudatory piece about Secretary of State John Kerry's Mideast diplomacy in the paper's July 25 edition ("The tenacious diplomat," page A19). Unlike other observers, who thin...

  • July 23, 2013

    WaPo ignores Sharp Criticism of Kerry by Senior Palestinia​n Officials

    In its July 22 edition, the Washington Post runs an AP dispatch about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's forecast of difficult hurdles ahead in negotiations with the Palestinians and his commitment to submit any peace agreement to a public r...

  • July 20, 2013

    Kerry announces Resumption of Peace Talks -- Who Blinked?

    After six shuttle-diplomacy trips to the Middle East, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that Israeli and Palestinian leaders have agreed on a basis for resumption of peace negotiations which have been dormant for more than three years. Israeli ...

  • July 20, 2013

    Attention, Western media: there were NO 1967 'borders'

    In their July 20 Washington Post article about an apparent deal to get Israel and the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table, correspondents Anne Gearan and William Booth write the following: Palestinian leaders have balked at returning t...

  • July 18, 2013

    WaPo Stacks the Deck

    With the European Union ratcheting up its anti-Israel bias and Secretary of State John Kerry embracing an Arab League peace plan that would doom the Jewish state, the Washington Post joins the fray with ''news' coverage with the customary pronounced ...

  • July 13, 2013

    A revealing report card on global living standards

    There are not too many reliable reports and pronouncements coming out of the United Nations, which has become subservient to the whims of some of the worst-run regimes on the globe.  The UN Human Rights Council, for example, has become a joke, s...

  • July 12, 2013

    NYT Exposes Powder Room Plan for Israeli Women Lawmakers

    In breathless prose, at the top of the international page no less, the July 12 edition of the New York Times regales readers with a whiff of scandal at Israel's Knesset -- plans for a powder room for the 27 women parliamentarians so they can freshen ...

  • July 7, 2013

    Wash. Post sees only Israeli lawless conduct, mum on Palestinian terrorism

    In its July 6 edition, the Washington Post devotes a five-column spread to an article and pictures about a rise of vandalism by Jewish extremists against Palestinians in the West Bank.  The attacks, with their "price tag" revenge labels, consist...

  • July 2, 2013

    NYT Decree: Tel Aviv is Israel's Capital

    A front-page headline in the July 2 edition of the New York Times uses, or rather misuses, Tel Aviv as a synonym for Israel's capital ("Mideast Chaos Grows as U.S. Focuses on Israel -- Kerry's Tel Aviv Push Raises Questions About Priorities" by Mark ...

  • July 1, 2013

    A Study in Self-deception

    Time to take stock of our quixotic secretary of state as he ends four grueling days of shuttle diplomacy between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The purpose of John Kerry's mission: to restart peace ...

  • June 29, 2013

    Washington Post blames Israeli 'intransigence' for...everything

    In its June 29 edition, the Washington Post has run an article by correspondent Karen DeYoung about Secretary of State John Kerry's strenuous shuttle diplomacy to get Israel and the Palestinians to resume negotiations. In enumerating challenges and...

  • June 28, 2013

    The Bottom Kernel in NYT's Israel-bas​hing Bag

    You know the New York Times has run out of news pegs to bash Israel when its Jerusalem bureau chief, Jodi Rudoren, has to lead off with an all too predictable tirade against the Jewish state by Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian minister of propaganda (aka...

  • June 22, 2013

    Wash. Post libels Israel on Palestinian refugees

    The Washington Post, in its June 22 edition, runs an article by correspondent Caroline Anning about thousands of Palestinian refugees who, after fleeing to Syria in the 1940s, now again have fled -- this time to Lebanon, to escape the fighting in Syr...

  • June 20, 2013

    In Media World, only Israel Blocks Peace Process

    One of the great ironies about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is that Palestinians can deliver multiple blows to serious prospects for peace, but it's Israel that gets singled out in mainstream media coverage as the only culprit standing in the way...

  • June 17, 2013

    Peace in our Time

    Even before Hassan Rouhani has been installed as Iran's new president, the Washington Post already is gushing that this "moderate" cleric promises to end Tehran's outlaw regime and put his country on a path of peace and reconciliation with the West. ...

  • June 16, 2013

    'Moderate' win in Iran is the worst possible outcome

    Many opinion makers and shapers in the West already seem to be in a swoon over Hassan Ruhani's victory in Iran's presidential election. After all, in the six-man field (no women allowed), Ruhani was the only "moderate" or "reformist" and the most l...

  • June 5, 2013

    John Kerry's Hubris

    Like some previous secretaries of state, John Kerry would love to coax Israel and the Palestinians into a two-state peace deal. Just imagine what this would mean for his legacy in future history books, to say nothing about the lure of a Nobel Peace P...

  • May 27, 2013

    WaPo Peddles Fictionali​zed Version of Arab League Peace Plan

    The devil is in the details, and none more so when it comes to peace plans to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With Secretary of State John Kerry lauding an Arab League initiative as a potential basis for a peace deal, it's important for med...

  • May 24, 2013

    NYT, WaPo Shield Abbas from Inconvenie​nt Truths

    In the latest phase of his quixotic Middle East shuttle diplomacy, Secretary of State John Kerry again ran smack against the same dead-end obstacle against resuming Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations -- the my-way-or-the-highway obduracy of Pales...

  • May 23, 2013

    WaPo Stumbles on Temple Mount

    William Booth, the Washington Post's Jerusalem bureau chief, has a big spread in the May 23 edition about access for women worshipers to the Western Wall and efforts to make the issue less contentious ("Israel offers bold plan to restore calm at icon...

  • May 21, 2013

    NY Times defames Sheldon Adelson

    When it comes to political labels to describe public figures, the New York Times has a vocabulary all its own -- pejorative adjectives for conservatives; soft, deferential adjectives for liberals. It's all part and parcel of a left-wing bias in what ...

  • May 20, 2013

    Al-Durah Myth Exploded

    For more than a decade, the Al-Durah myth -- the supposed killing of a Palestinian boy by the IDF at the start of the second intifada -- has fueled Palestinian and Arab propaganda seeking to delegitimize the Jewish state. Now, belatedly, an Israeli r...

  • May 16, 2013

    WaPo Falls Short in Reporting Press Restrictions

    In its May 16 edition, the Washington Post runs an article by correspondent William Booth about restrictions faced by Palestinian and Israeli journalists in covering each other's turf ("Palestinian journalists campaign to restrict Israeli counterpart...

  • May 13, 2013

    Rafsanjani - the 'moderate' candidate for president of Iran

    His full name is Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and he's running to succeed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president of Iran in the upcoming elections. By dint of personal charisma, Rafsanjani has ingratiated himself with Western media as a pro-r...

  • May 10, 2013

    WaPo asks, 'Is This Woman a Terrorist?'

    The Washington Post Style section of May 9 features a lengthy piece about Assata Shakur, a Black Panther Party radical who murdered a New Jersey state trooper in 1973, escaped from a state prison and ended up as a fugitive in Cuba where Fidel Castro ...

  • May 8, 2013

    Terrorist Bombings do not a Terrorist Make

    The Washington Post has a lengthy record of avoidance of the "T"- for terrorism word when reporting terrorist threats and terrorist attacks by terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezb'allah. Post reporters have gone to great lengths to find mellow euphem...

  • May 7, 2013

    NY Times, Wash. Post remove terrorism taint from Hezb'allah

    Hezb'allah has a long record of perpetrating lethal terrorist attacks against civilians as far away from its Lebanese base as in Bulgaria and Argentina.  Last year, Hezb'allah was tied to a bombing attack on a tourist bus in Bulgaria that killed...

  • May 4, 2013

    NY Times slams democracy in Israel

    The New York Times, in its May 3 edition, runs a four-column headline, "Israeli Premier Backs Referendum on any Peace Deal," by Isabel Kershner, page A9. At first blush, one would think that this bodes well for Israel and for the peace process. ...

  • May 2, 2013

    Peddling the Arab League Peace Plan

    To read the Washington Post account of Secretary of State John Kerry's flirtation with a new Arab League peace plan, one would think this is really and finally the key to an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And that Israeli Prime Minister Net...

  • May 1, 2013

    NYT Decrees Nonexistence of Palestinian Terrorism

    On Tuesday, April 30, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict served up two more fatalities. A Palestinian terrorist stabbed an Israeli father of five to death. In another incident, an Israeli airstrike killed a senior Palestinian terrorist, who manufacture...

  • April 19, 2013

    NY Times marks 70th anniversary of Warsaw Ghetto uprising with jab at Israel

    Seventy years ago, a shrinking contingent of Jews rose up in the Warsaw Ghetto against the might of the Wermacht -- and for a brief spell got the upper hand until the German military regrouped and burned the ghetto to the ground.  Tens of thousa...

  • April 18, 2013

    NYT Blind to Terrorism in Israel

    Remember Newtown! Remember Boston! But when the target is Israel, the New York Times sees no terrorism, hears no terrorism, reports no terrorism. On April 17, a terrorist group -- the Iranian-backed Mujahadeen Shura Council -- fires two rockets at t...

  • April 16, 2013

    Correspondents of the New Times could do with a refresher history course about Middle East wars.

    All too often, when the fighting is between Arabs and Israel, the paper engages in semantic camouflaging to hide the fact that such wars were precipitated by Arab/Palestinian aggression - with Israel on the defensive, often fighting for its very sur...

  • April 13, 2013

    Departure of Palestinian prime minister leaves Obama peacemaking in tatters

    Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has called it quits.  His resignation has been accepted by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.  And with Fayyad gone, the Obama administration has suffered a huge setback in its peace-making efforts ...

  • April 10, 2013

    WaPo Libels Netanyahu

    Secretary of State John Kerry holds extensive talks with Prime Minister Netanyahu, who for the umpteenth time, assures him and the world that Israel is prepared for immediate resumption of peace negotiations without pre-conditions. Not only that, but...

  • April 9, 2013

    WaPo Flacks Arab 'Peace' Plan

    Secretary of State John Kerry, in his bid to restart Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, is keeping most of his diplomatic efforts under wraps, except for touting a 2002 Arab peace plan as an "important element" in getting negotiations under way. In tu...

  • April 7, 2013

    WaPo Rewrites History

    The Washington Post, in an April 7 article by Anne Gearan, gives readers a preview of Secretary of State John Kerry's return visit to the Middle East amid low expectations for reviving the moribund peace process ("Kerry making a quick return visit to...

  • April 6, 2013

    NY Times trumps Palestinians in libeling Israel

    Of all the journalistic horrors perpetrated by the New York Times against Israel, this one takes the cake and gets the gold star.  Let me set the scene: Amid widespread tensions and clashes in the West Bank, an IDF post near a settlement was a...

  • April 4, 2013

    NYT Stokes Israeli-Palestinian Tensions

    Tensions are rising between Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank and across the Gaza border, fueled by baseless accusations by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that Israel was responsible for the death of a jailed Palestinian prisoner affl...

  • April 3, 2013

    The NYT and Fake 'Martyrdom'

    A 64-year-old Palestinian terrorist serving a life term in an Israeli prison for sending a suicide bomber to Jerusalem dies of throat cancer and, predictably, Palestinian leaders immediately join Palestinian prisoners in blaming Israel ("Palestinians...

  • April 1, 2013

    Whose Holy Sites are Under Attack in Jerusalem?

    To hear Mahmoud Abbas tell it, Al-Aqsa Mosque -- Islam's third holiest shrine -- is under systematic attack by Israel. And not only Al-Aqsa, which sits atop Temple Mount, but all other Christian and Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem. Such was the alarm ...

  • March 22, 2013

    Obama Finds Right Words -- Four Years Late

    Words matter, they have consequences. But so do reality and history, which often matter even more, as President Obama might have learned during his visit to Israel. Obama's trip was high on soothing rhetoric, but also laden with heavy baggage, piled...

  • March 18, 2013

    WaPo Smooths the way for Obama's Israel Trip

    The Washington Post runs a lengthy front-page article in its March 18 edition about President Obama's trip to lsrael, stressing his need to correct missteps in his first term when he applied one-sided pressure on Israel that spawned tense relations w...

  • March 17, 2013

    NY Times: The Jews are coming, the Jews are coming (gulp) in Jerusalem!

    In its Sunday, March 17, edition, the New York Times runs a front-page article that slams a few new Jewish homes in an Arab neighborhood of East Jerusalem for "fundamentally undermining" any prospect that this area could become the capital of a Pales...

  • March 15, 2013

    New York Times attacks Israel's new coalition government

    Jodi Rudoren, the Jerusalem bureau chief of the New York Times, doesn't disappoint. Writing for an anti-Zionist, anti-Netanyahu newspaper, she describes in funereal tones Israel's new coalition government as hostile to the peace process and unlikely ...

  • March 10, 2013

    In Israel, Obama's Blunders Precede Him

    In his first year as president, Barack Obama committed not one, but two disastrous errors during a Middle East trip -- both in a June 4, 2009 address to the Muslim world from Egypt. The first humongous mistake is well-known -- Obama, while in the r...

  • March 6, 2013

    For Israel, back-of-th​e-bus treatment in WaPo

    In a development that's good for both sides, Israel has been steadily increasing the number of work permits for West Bank Palestinians to get jobs in Israel. As security for Israelis -- in West Bank communities as well as in Israel -- has improved in...

  • March 4, 2013

    Two Palestinian Deaths

    Do these two names -- Arafat Jaradat and Ayman Samarah -- ring a bell? Well, they're both Palestinians. Both were arrested and put behind bars. And both died while in prison. But this is where similarities end. For one thing, Jaradat spent his last...

  • February 26, 2013

    NY Times: Palestinian prisoner tortured. Don't ask questions.

    On Sunday, Feb. 24, the Israeli Health Ministry issued the following statement: This afternoon (Sunday, 24 February, 2013), at the National Center for Forensic Medicine, an autopsy was performed on the body of Arafat Jaradat by Prof. Yehuda Hiss, ...

  • February 26, 2013

    NY Times: No Self-defense for Israelis

    In its Feb. 26 edition, the New York Times splashes the following headline across four columns: "2 Palestinian Teenagers Hurt Amid Israeli Gunfire at Protest." The immediate impression left by the headline is that Israeli forces used live fire agains...

  • February 20, 2013

    NY Times adopts Palestinia​n terrorist prisoners

    In its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the New York Times shows far more sympathy for Palestinian terrorists imprisoned in Israeli jails than for their victims, as witness a Feb. 20 article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner ("P...

  • February 19, 2013

    The Emperor of Ice Cream

    Hold the presses! Under a four-column headline on the main foreign-news page, the New York Times exposes highly questionable expenditures of public funds by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Downright wasteful, profligate spending when most Israelis ...

  • February 16, 2013

    NY Times uses Prisoner X affair to smear Israel

    Israeli media are consumed these days by a spy mystery about a presumed ex-Mossad agent who allegedly was ready to spill the beans about sundry secrets just as he was arrested by Israel and later found hanged in his jail cell. Western media, includin...

  • February 14, 2013

    Preservation vs. Vandalism

    The Israel Museum in Jerusalem is staging its most ambitious exhibition -- a massive archeological reconstitution of King Herod's palaces and burial site, including his elaborate sarcophagus. Both the New York Times and the Washington Post devote len...

  • February 13, 2013

    Three Days in Jerusalem, Two Hours in Ramallah

    Obama's itinerary for his March 20-22 catch-up visit to Israel will give him ample opportunities to see first-hand the breadth and depth of Jewish roots in the Holy Land, especially in Jerusalem. The schedule, as reported by Israeli media, has him s...

  • February 7, 2013

    WaPo gives Hezb'allah Terrorist Killings the Chamberlain Treatment

    Hezb'allah is a terrorist group with a global reach. Except for al-Qaeda, it has murdered more Americans than any other terrorist group. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Bulgaria, after a lengthy and exhaustive investigation, found ample evidence t...

  • February 5, 2013

    State Department funds Anti-Israeli Hate Study

    For a long time, researchers and critics have provided ample documentation that textbooks of the Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas glorify suicide bombers, demonize Israelis and feature maps that erase the Jewish state altogether. Now comes s...

  • February 1, 2013

    U.N. advocates ethnic cleansing, Jews and Jerusalem are the target

    The U.N. Human Rights Council has built a predictable pattern of Israel-bashing for some time.  In fact, Israel is the only country that is automatically on the agenda of every council meeting.  Over the years, the council has issued more r...

  • January 29, 2013

    WaPo Tars the IDF

    In his latest hit on Israel, Joel Greenberg, the Washington Post's Jerusalem correspondent, gins up a report from B'Tselem, a self-described "human rights" group with an anti-Israel agenda, which accuses the IDF of using live fire to kill Palestinian...

  • January 28, 2013

    Anti-Israel documentary made in Israel, NY Times eats it up

    Sunday's New York Times carried a lengthy, laudatory piece about an Israeli documentary nominated for an Oscar.  It's The Gatekeepers, consisting of interviews with six former Shin Beth internal security chiefs who are squarely at odds with th...

  • January 26, 2013

    Kerry's Palestinian Fallacy

    During his confirmation hearings for secretary of state, John Kerry advanced an ambitious plan for Mideast diplomacy that hardly got any ink from most media, yet portends a potentially grand failure for his tenure as America's top diplomat. Kerry to...

  • January 26, 2013

    NYT: Israeli Arabs lack "political opportunity"

    Israeli Arab parties increased their membership in the Knesset from 10 to 11 seats in this week's national election. The turnout of Arab voters also rose -- from 53 percent in 2009 to 56 percent. One would think that such hard figures represent a tes...

  • January 24, 2013

    There are no Orthodox Jews in Israel

    In reading New York Times and Washington Post dispatches about Israel's election, I was struck by the fact that neither paper seems to recognize that there are Orthodox Jews in the Jewish state's political firmament Take for example, Joel Greenberg'...

  • January 24, 2013

    NY Times Embarasses Itself

    By definition, an editorial is free to express a newspaper's opinions. However, it is not entitled to turn reality into pure fiction. An editorial based on a lie undermines a paper's credibility. Yet, this is exactly what the Times perpetrated in a J...

  • January 22, 2013

    The Sky is Falling on Israel... Again

    Israeli voters were still casting their ballots, but the Washington Post already provided its readers with a doom-and-gloom forecast of Prime Minister Netanyahu having to govern with a shrunken Likud-Beitenu partnership that will be more dependent on...

  • January 21, 2013

    Times Kvetches over Israel Election

    The New York Times had a problem reporting Israel's election campaign -- a liberal, secular paper having to cover a Jewish state with a more conservative and religious bent. It's been, to say the least, very frustrating for Jodi Rudoren, the Times' J...

  • January 20, 2013

    NY Times and WaPo: Islamist terrorists at Algerian gas complex were just 'militants'

    Here we go again!  After a lengthy standoff in the Sahara desert, the Algerian army claims to have put an end to the takeover of a huge gas field and capture of dozens of hostages by Islamist terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda.  But ...

  • January 17, 2013

    Times Paints Grim Picture of Israeli Arabs

    As far as the New York Times would have you believe, the picture of Arabs in Israel is exceedingly grim. According to a lengthy article in the Jan. 17 edition, Arabs constitute a "long-marginalized minority" that is increasingly "alienated by Israel'...

  • January 16, 2013

    West Bank Shooting Reveals WaPo Bias

    Both the Washington Post and the New York Times reported in their Jan. 16 editions the fatal shooting of a Palestinian youth by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank village of Budrus. But they differed sharply about the circumstances that led to the dea...

  • January 13, 2013

    Israeli Voters Turn Right with a new Political Star

    There's a fresh face among traditional politicians vying for votes in Israel's Jan. 22 elections -- an observant Jew, who's a former officer in an IDF elite commando unit and also made millions as a high-tech entrepreneur. His name is Naftali Bennett...

  • January 6, 2013

    Washington Post weeps for Gaza's children but blames only Israel

    Life for Gaza's children under Hamas rule has been fairly miserable.  Responding to years of Palestinian rocket bombardments,  Israel blockaded the territory and launched counter-terrorism operations with only partial success in order to e...

  • January 2, 2013

    Avoiding 'T-for-Terrorism'

    Violent clashes broke out in a West Bank village on Jan. 1 when Palestinians started to pelt Israeli soldiers with barrages of stones. The soldiers, who aimed to arrest a terrorist member of Islamic Jihad, responded with rubber-coated bullets and tea...

  • January 1, 2013

    A Lesson for the Media

    The Senate Homeland Security Committee report on the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, which killed four people, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, makes for painful reading. The committee's findings, following a review of...

  • December 30, 2012

    Washington Post whitewashes Muslim Brotherhood's top leader

    In its Sunday, Dec. 30, edition, the Washington Post features a lengthy profile of Mohammed Badie, the "supreme guide" and chief leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, that turns out to be a massive whitewash ("In 'Guide,' Egyptians find savior and foe...

  • December 22, 2012

    Corrections Needed in NYT...Again

    The New York Times, in its Dec. 21 edition, runs an editorial critical of Israel for its approval of plans to build several thousand homes in East Jerusalem and in an area known as E-1 that would link the capital with nearby Maale Adumim, an Israel t...

  • December 21, 2012

    WaPo Errs on Religious Freedom in Jerusalem

    The Washington Post, in its Dec. 21 edition, runs a lengthy obituary on Jerry Bird, a long-time Middle East peace activist, who died at the age of 86 in Washington ("'Impassioned' Middle East peace activist" by Adam Bernstein, page B5.) Bernstein me...

  • December 18, 2012

    It's Not about the Settlements, Stupid

    The Washington Post, in its Dec. 18 edition, runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg about Israel proceeding with plans "for a surge of settlement building on occupied land" ("Israel's building plans advance," page A12). "Israel's...

  • December 15, 2012

    Another New York Times Whitewash on 'Palestine'

    Words matter.  And exact words matter most of all.  Especially in the Middle East, where Palestinian leaders -- whether Fatah or Hamas -- have twisted and denatured nomenclatures to disguise their radical aims and reliance on terrorism. ...

  • December 12, 2012

    A Formula for Smearing Israel

    Here's Exhibit A of the Washington Post's -- and many other media outlet's -- method of slandering Israel. You start with the Post's Dec. 12 headline: "Israel raids offices of 3 West Bank groups." For readers who just skim the headline and...

  • December 10, 2012

    Washington Post complains Israel's Iron Dome missile defense is too perfect

    Israel strengthened its military deterrence during the recent clash with Hamas by demonstrating that its Iron Dome missile defense intercepted Israel-bound rockets from Gaza 84 percent of the time.  Most media accounts of Iron Dome in action ...

  • December 8, 2012

    Washington Post Cheerleads for Terror

    Khaled Meshaal, supreme leader of the terrorist group Hamas that has claimed the lives of hundreds of Israelis, paid his first visit to Gaza on Dec. 7 amid joyous pomp and circumstance arranged by his followers who rule the coastal Palestinian territ...

  • December 7, 2012

    Bibi and Merkel Despise Each Other - but Only if You Read the Times

    The New York Times, along with most other Western media, has kept up a drumbeat of criticism of Israel's decision to build 3,000 more housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, along with planning and zoning work on an area known as E-1 that ...

  • December 5, 2012

    The Imaginary Mahmoud Abbas

    In a Dec. 4 dispatch, Washington Post Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg reports, among other Israel developments, that Prime Minister Netanyahu's cabinet devoted part of its weekly meeting "to what was termed incitement against Israel by the Pal...

  • December 2, 2012

    Palestinian 'Statehood': The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Given that the venue was the notoriously anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian U.N. General Assembly, it came as no surprise that the vote to upgrade "Palestine" to non-member observer "state" sailed through by a lopsided majority -- 138 for, nine against, an...

  • December 2, 2012

    Start With a Lie, Then Bury the Truth

    The Dec. 2 edition of the New York Times features a lengthy article ("Dividing the West Bank, And Deepening a Rift -- Israeli Housing Could Hamper Peace" page 14, front section.) by Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren about Israeli plans to develop a...

  • December 1, 2012

    NY Times Tars Israeli Development near Jerusalem

    The Dec. 1 New York Times article ("Housing Move in Israel Seen as Setback for a Two-State Plan") by Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren about Israeli plans to develop new housing units east of Jerusalem is a highly inflammatory anti-I...

  • November 28, 2012

    No Tears for Israeli Victims

    The Nov. 28 edition of the Washington Post grabs readers with a four-column photograph at the top of the front page with a caption reading: "Aseel Tafesh, 4, gathers her dolls from her home in a destroyed apartment building in Gaza City, where an une...

  • November 27, 2012

    The Washington Post, aka The Hamas Gazette

    Exhibit A in the case against one-sided reporting can be found in the November 27 edition of the Washington Post in a dispatch reporting that Israel and Hamas have opened indirect talks in Cairo on various understandings that are supposed to undergir...

  • November 26, 2012

    Thousands of Rockets Rain on Israel, but not in the NY Times

    While in Gaza, New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren took some time to interview Jawdat Khoudary, one of the wealthiest men in the coastal enclave, who presides over a major construction company. Khoudary, 52, is a well-traveled lover of...

  • November 25, 2012

    WaPo's Ombudsman Needs an Ombudsman

    In its Sunday, Nov. 25 edition, the Washington Post runs a couple of articles by supposedly neutral and objective observers who are anything but. The more egregiously biased piece is penned by the Post's ombudsman, Patrick B. Pexton, who instead of ...

  • November 24, 2012

    NY Times, Washington Post perfume Hamas with anti-Israel poison pills

    New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren spent some time in Gaza during the eight-day Hamas-Israel war - an experience that left her smitten with the family of Ahmed al-Jabari, Hamas's top military commander who was killed in an Israeli air...

  • November 24, 2012

    To Gaza with Love (But no Tears for Israelis)

    On Friday, Nov. 23, after the Hamas-Israel cease-fire went into effect, hundreds of Palestinians stormed into a land strip inside Gaza's border which Israel had declared a no-go zone. In an effort to halt the breaching of the border, Israeli soldiers...

  • November 21, 2012

    The Immorality of Mideast Media Coverage

    A single sentence in a front-page article in the Nov. 21 edition of the Washington Post encapsulates the complete lack of a moral compass in media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The sentence appears in a piece by reporter Anne Gearan a...

  • November 18, 2012

    Bias by the Numbers

    Pick up the Sunday, Nov. 18 edition of the Washington Post and you'll find a lengthy, front-page wrap-up about Israel's antiterrorist counteroffensive in Gaza -- with three perfect examples of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel bias. all within eight parag...

  • November 18, 2012

    Eighty Truckloads

    How far does Israel go in maintaining humanitarian standards that no other country would duplicate during armed conflict? Here's one answer: On Nov. 18, while Tel Aviv and other population centers were under rocket attacks, Israel transferred 80 tru...

  • November 16, 2012

    Mainstream Media's Equivalenc​e Game

    Here we go again. Four years ago, during and after Israel's antiterrorist counteroffensive in Gaza, mainstream media reported that more than 1,000 Palestinians were killed, while Israeli fatalities were only a miniscule fraction of that total. This l...

  • November 15, 2012

    More Biased Photo Coverage at the Washington Post

    In its Nov. 15 edition, the Washington Post features at the top of the front page a four-column color photograph of an anguished Gaza father holding what the caption describes as the body of his son. The full caption reads: "Jihad Masharawi weeps as ...

  • November 11, 2012

    Harvard apologizes for hummus, couscous on its resturant's "Israeli mezze station''

    I'm not making this up.  But here's one of the craziest PC howlers yet.  And it comes to us from Harvard, naturally. To highlight its dedication to multi-culturalism, the restaurant of Harvard's Business School rotates various ethnic menu i...

  • November 11, 2012

    The Post Targets Israel

    On Nov. 10, an antitank missile fired by Palestinian terrorists from Gaza at an Israeli army vehicle wounded four IDF soldiers. Retaliatory fire by Israel killed four Gazans, while dozens of rockets and mortar shells rained on civilian targets in sou...

  • November 9, 2012

    NY Times Predicts Obama will take Netanyahu to the Woodshed

    It's no secret that the New York Times detests Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- in its news columns as well as on the editorial page. So it comes as no surprise that, after President Obama's second-term victory, the Times relishes th...

  • November 5, 2012

    Mahmoud Abbas Giving Up Palestinian Right of Return?!

    It happened during an interview of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on an Israeli television channel.  Abbas was asked whether he wanted to go back to his boyhood home in Safed, which is now in Israel.  "I want to see Safed," Abbas replied....

  • November 4, 2012

    Israel stems tide of illegal African migrants - Washington Post cries foul

    Washington Post Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg seems to be carving out a weekly quota of negative articles about Israel. Last week, Greenberg claimed that Israel's policy of isolating Gaza was "unraveling" because the emir of Qatar had manage...

  • October 24, 2012

    Scores of radical Islamists met with Obama White House officials hundreds of times

    It's a bombshell report, yet so far ignored by mainstream media. Scores of radical Islamists visited the Obama White House hundreds of times for meetings with top administration officials, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, a think...

  • October 22, 2012

    Abbas's Epic Fail

    If more evidence were needed that Mahmoud Abbas is bereft of any peacemaking credentials, look no further than the Oct. 20 Palestinian municipal elections, which resulted in a humiliating no-confidence vote for the leader of the Palestinian Authority...

  • October 20, 2012

    The Forgotten Refugees

    They are aptly called the "Forgotten Refugees."  While the world is fully aware of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs displaced in the wake of the war launched by multiple Arab armies against the establishment of the Jewish state in ...

  • October 17, 2012

    NY Times 'fact checker' needs his 'facts' checked

    After the second presidential debate, the New York Times put several assertions by the candidates under its "fact-checking" microscope, including a Mitt Romney statement that President Obama favored putting "daylight between us and Israel." However, ...

  • October 11, 2012

    NY Times describes Taliban killers who shot young Pakistani girl as 'militants'

    In the long struggle against Islamic terrorists, this is one for the books:  A 14-year-old Pakistani girl who stood up and demanded equal education rights for girls was gunned down at point blank by Taliban savages.  She's gone through thre...

  • October 10, 2012

    NY Times hits Romney for supporting a 'bellicose' Israel

    There are war clouds aplenty throughout the Middle East.  Al Qaeda is setting up shop in Iraq.  A civil war in Syria is spilling over into Lebanon and Turkey. Iran, while racing to develop nukes, threatens to wipe Israel off the map. But as...

  • October 8, 2012

    Stop the presses! Wash. Post hands November victory to Obama

    It's axiomatic in daily journalism that reporters try to get there ahead of the pack.  But there also are times when this eagerness to score a scoop can backfire. Witness an Oct. 6 dispatch by Karin Brulliard, the Washington Post's Jerusalem bur...

  • October 7, 2012

    Grasping at Straws

    It's axiomatic in daily journalism that reporters try to get there ahead of the pack. But there are times when this eagerness to score a scoop can backfire. Witness the Oct. 6 dispatch by Karin Brulliard, the Washington Post's Jerusalem bureau chief,...

  • October 5, 2012

    NY Times deplores loss of leftist dominance of Israeli media

    The Israeli newspaper scene, like its U.S. counterpart, is reeling from multiple shocks.  After 64 years in circulation, Maariv is on death's door.  Even more worrisome, at least from the perspective of the New York Times, is a drastic slim...

  • September 27, 2012

    Obama apologetic about boycotting Ahmadinejad's U.N. speech

    As expected, the U.S. delegation boycotted Iranian President Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN General Assembly in New York.  But the reason given by the Obama administration for this gesture is, to say the least, perplexing.   Here's the...

  • September 25, 2012

    Wash. Post coverage of Ahmadinejad: Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in New York, using a convenient UN platform to vent his threats to eliminate Israel.  But you wouldn't know that by reading the Washington Post's coverage. In its Sept. 25 edition, the Post runs an egregi...

  • September 23, 2012

    Wash. Post plays war games about Israeli attack on Iran (but not vice versa)

    "What if Israel bombed Iran?"  The huge headline, in inch-high letters, poses the question across the front page of the Washington Post's Sunday, Sept. 23, "Outlook" section. A smaller headline follows:  "For months, Israel has threatened t...

  • September 16, 2012

    Timely reminder of Jewish ties to Jerusalem -- From your nearest synagogue

    Who would have thought even a few years ago that Jews would need to remind the world of their historical and biblical ties to Jerusalem? Are Muslims required to validate religious bonds with Mecca and Medina?  Do Catholics find it necessary ...

  • September 11, 2012

    NY Times ignores Gaza's millionaires, hypes poverty, blames Israel (natch)

    According to reports in the Arab press, a thriving smuggling economy in Gaza has produced no fewer than 600 millionaires.  Hundreds of tunnels to Egypt have become bustling export and import conduits -- with the ruling Hamas elite siphoning off ...

  • September 10, 2012

    Democratic platform abandons pro-Israel positions on borders, refugees, Hamas

    If you rely only on mainstream media, you might think that the Democratic Party's plank on Israel ended up solidly pro-Israel, notwithstanding a raucous dispute over Jerusalem.  After all, the delegates restored language on Jerusalem as the capi...

  • September 3, 2012

    Wash. Post ombudsman urges extensive coverage of Israeli nukes -- ignores bigger dangers

    Patrick B. Pexton, the Washington Post's ombudsman, criticizes the paper -- and the U.S. press generally -- for not devoting more coverage to Israel's reputed nuclear arsenal.  In his weekly column in the Sunday, Sept. 2, edition, Pexton express...

  • August 29, 2012

    At NY Times and WaPo, Arab pain trumps Jewish pain

    This is a tale of two horrific crimes that occurred thousands of miles apart. In Jerusalem, in a despicable hate crime, a mob of Jewish youngsters assaulted an Arab youth, beating him mercilessly while no one intervened.  The victim was left blo...

  • August 28, 2012

    Israeli judge dismisses damage suit in death of Rachel Corrie, but NY Times still clings to the myth

    An Israeli judge, after an exhaustive trial, dismissed a damage suit brought by the parents of Rachel Corrie, who was run over by a military bulldozer in the Gaza Strip in 2003.  The judge ruled that her death was a "regrettable accident," broug...

  • August 26, 2012

    Wash. Post plays up Israeli-on-Palestinian violence, plays down Palestinian-on-Israeli attacks

    It's the lead article in the international news section of the Sunday, Aug. 16 edition of the Washington Post -- a spread with two accompanying photos and a map across three quarters of an entire page.  The map incidentally shows Jerusalem slidi...

  • August 24, 2012

    Finally, an Israeli politician who tells it like it is about Abbas

    Ever since the Oslo Accords in the 1990s, successive Israeli governments have held back from criticizing Mahmoud Abbas on the dubious premise that he's the best available Palestinian leader to sign on to a peace agreement.  This continues to ...

  • August 21, 2012

    NY Times indicts Israeli society as steeped in 'racism, violence'

    Israel is grappling with a couple of horrific instances of Jews attacking Arabs. Last Thursday, according to the Jerusalem police, a brawl, sparked by complaints of an Israeli girl that she was harassed by Arabs,  mushroomed into a "lynching" as...

  • August 13, 2012

    Jerusalem dare not speak its name in Wash. Post travel section

    Washington Post travel writer Daniela Deane may be an expert on Israeli breakfasts, but she flunks political geography 101 when she describes eating places in Jerusalem - "Morning glories - Israel's breakfasts can't be beat" Aug. 12, page F3)  D...

  • August 5, 2012

    NY Times gives platform to notorious self-hating Israeli

    At first blush, Avraham Burg might seem to have the right credentials to write an opinion piece in the New York Times about Israel's past, present and future -- former speaker of Israel's parliament; author of a book about the Holocaust and chairman ...

  • August 2, 2012

    NY Times uses McCarthyism to attack Romney adviser

    Not content with savaging Mitt Romney's solid support of Israel, the New York Times now is using McCarthy-type, guilt-by-association tactics to smear Dan Senor, one of the candidate's top foreign-policy advisers. Senor, the author of "Start-Up Nation...

  • July 31, 2012

    Wash. Post, NY Times furious at Romney for demolishing their false Israeli-Palestinian narrative

    With headlines blazing and printer's ink aplenty, the Washington Post and the New York Times turned downright apoplectic about Mitt Romney's comment in Jerusalem that differences in "culture" are the key to Israel greatly outpacing the Palestinian te...

  • July 30, 2012

    Romney under Palestinian fire for unflattering remarks, but UN research backs him up

    Before leaving Israel and heading to Poland, Mitt Romney threw diplomatic caution to the wind with remarks that prompted outrage from Palestinian leaders. First, by declaring that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Romney put himself at odds with Pr...

  • July 29, 2012

    Olympics chief seeks to erase Jewish history but a widow fights back

    There was a telling contrast at the opening of the Olympic games between the showing of a video of the 52 victims killed in the 2005 suicide bombings of the London transit system and the abject refusal of Olympics President Jacques Rogge to stage ...

  • July 26, 2012

    A NY Times headline that drips with anti-semitic venom

    If you pick up the July 25 edition of the New York Times, you can't miss it.  There above the fold on the front page is a three-column headline that reads: "Mogul's Latest Foray Courts Jews for the G.O.P." The headline, along with a lengthy ...

  • July 19, 2012

    Wash. Post's atrocious news judgment

    Editors of newspapers from far and wide had no problem grasping the relative news value of what happened on July 18 in Damascus and in a seaside resort in Bulgaria. The top story obviously was the Syrian rebels' deadly bombing of Assad's inner circle...

  • July 17, 2012

    Clinton leans on Netanyahu for more concessions, hails Abbas as peacemaker

    Strip away all the obligatory diplomatic niceties during Secretary of State Clinton's 24-hour visit to Jerusalem and we're right back to the Obama administration's failed strategy of always leaning on Israel for concrete concessions and compromises, ...

  • July 17, 2012


    Update:I owe Jodi Rudoren and the NY Times an apology for writing that they fabricated a false Bibi quote about the Palestinians as an "anchor of peace." State Dept. text of Bibi-Clinton exchange shows Bibi not only applied this term to pre-revolutio...

  • July 15, 2012

    With Israeli-Palestinian conflict unresolved, Washington Post blames Obama and Bibi, not Abbas

    The Washington Post runs an extraordinarily lengthy Sunday article -- top of the front page and three full inside pages --  that attempts to explain President Obama's failure to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after more than three years of...

  • July 13, 2012

    NY Times hypes Arab identity crisis in Israel

    With Israel in the throes of a debate about mandatory inclusion in national service for ultra-Orthodox Jews and Arabs, the New York Times runs a front-page article by Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren, headlined "Service to Israel Tugs at Identity ...

  • July 11, 2012

    NY Times depicts Olmert as peace maker, Bibi as peace-wrecker; Abbas gets off scot free

    In reporting the acquittal of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of serious corruption charges, the New York Times seizes an opportunity to serve up a big dose of historical revisionism in pursuit of its own agenda and bias. Jerusalem correspondent I...

  • July 10, 2012

    NY Times goes apoplectic over legal validation of Jewish settlements

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently appointed an advisory commission of jurists to explore the legality of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. The panel, headed by former Supreme Court justice Edmund Levy, concluded that the West Bank...

  • July 7, 2012

    NY Times goes over-the-top

    If you pick up the July 6 edition of the New York Times and turn to the international news section, you will find a Jerusalem dispatch with dire forebodings that Israel is about to fracture into separate ''tribal" groups. Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi ...

  • July 4, 2012

    Israel takes out strategic insurance against any Egyptian threat to its global shipping lanes

    Israel and China have signed an agreement to build a railway connecting Israel's southernmost port of Eilat with its Mediterranean ports at Ashdod and Haifa. The joint multi-billion dollar project will give commercial shipping a ready detour around t...

  • June 28, 2012

    Palestinians undermine Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty

    The 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt has become a front-and-center issue in Israel's new relations with a Muslim Brotherhood government in Cairo. As Washington Post correspondent Joel Greenberg writes in the June 28 edition, the ascendancy ...

  • June 27, 2012

    Israel evacuates a settlement, but gets whacked by NY Times anyway

    This week saw a generally peaceful evacuation of 30 Jewish settlers from a Beit El neighborhood in the West Bank -- a move ordered by Israel's Supreme Court which found that five buildings were on Palestinian land.  For the affected settlers, it...

  • June 25, 2012

    Putin in Israel upstages Obama, points up waning U.S. influence

    Israel is rolling out the red carpet for Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit, unveiling a memorial to Russian soldiers who died in World War II, a cordial meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, a welcoming parade of top dignitaries and -- m...

  • June 24, 2012

    NY Times mollycoddles terrorists firing rockets at Israel

    In its Sunday, June 24 edition, the New York Times reports the following: "Israeli military officials said 24 rockets from Gaza hit southern Israel on Saturday, part of a weeklong barrage of more than 150; 10 were intercepted. "A school and factory ...

  • June 21, 2012

    NY Times soft-pedals rocket barrages from Gaza on civilian targets in Israel

    Judging from New York Times coverage of the sharp escalation of rocket attacks on Israel by Gaza terrorists, it really wasn't a big deal at all -- and besides Hamas has accepted an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire that was bound to end the onslaught ("Ha...

  • June 20, 2012

    Wash. Post's glaring omissions underscore anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian agenda

    In its June 20 edition, the Washington Post runs no fewer than three articles on Israel -- its collaboration with the United States on cyber-warfare against Iran, the torching of a Palestinian mosque in the West Bank by suspected radical Israeli sett...

  • June 19, 2012

    Israel and illegal African migrants -- NY Times piles on the guilt, evokes Nazi German

    Israel belatedly has begun to address ways of stemming a flood of illegal African infiltrators - some fleeing from persecution but many lured by higher living standards in the Jewish state.  In all, an estimated 60,000 illegal refugees have m...

  • June 14, 2012

    Netanyahu faces criticism of Turkish flotilla raid, and NY Times piles on

    Israel's state comptroller has released a lengthy report that is highly critical of Israel's decision-making in the run-up to a 2010 Turkish flotilla raid that ended in bloodshed on both sides.  Nine Turkish provocateurs aboard the Mavi Marmara,...

  • June 9, 2012

    An Abbas protection racket at NY Times and Wash. Post

    On June 7,  Israeli media and a Palestinian news service reported that a Palestinian Authority court sentenced Muhammad Rashid, a former Arafat financial adviser, to 15 years in prison at hard labor for having embezzled millions of dollars in pu...

  • June 5, 2012

    NY Times resorts to historical revisionism to smear Israel

    Remember the violent confrontation aboard the Turkish ship, the Mavi Marvara, that tried to run Israel's blockade of Hamas-ruled Gaza? The New York Times revives the incident in an article in its June 5 edition, informing readers that Turkey has indi...

  • June 4, 2012

    Anti-Jewish attacks in France reach epidemic proportions

    Last Saturday, 10 men wielding iron rods and hammers attacked three young Jews wearing skullcaps in a town near Lyon, sending two of the victims to the hospital, one with head injuries and the other with neck wounds.  The attackers are said to b...

  • May 15, 2012

    NY Times spotlights Palestinian 'naqba,' ignores Jewish 'naqba' in Arab lands

    Each year,  Palestinians commemorate with raucous protests their "Naqba" -- a presumed "catastrophe" due to the founding of Israel.  One people celebrates its anniversary, the other hangs on to its sense of victimhood. In its May 15 edition...

  • May 13, 2012

    Wash. Post's pursuit of gloom and doom for Israel

    In its coverage of Israel, the Washington Post has one consistent paradigm - the sky's falling on the Jewish state.  Last week, the Post speculated that the Arab Spring could bring hordes of refugees and terrorists streaming across the Syrian bo...

  • May 9, 2012

    Frenzied Wash. Post speculation about trouble for Israel at Syrian border: Wishful thinking?

    Israel's border with Syria has been quiet for nearly a year while Bashar Assad's regime keeps slaughtering its people, but leave it to the Washington Post to see dark clouds gathering for Israel -- with refugees and terrorists set to stream acro...

  • May 8, 2012

    Israeli media crown Bibi 'king of Israel' for bringing opposition Kadima into the government

    Put aside all the hue and cry - pro and con - over Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's surprise deal to form a unity government with the opposition Kadima party and to defer elections until late 2013.   And then examine why it happened and w...

  • May 4, 2012

    NY Times fronts for Palestinian terrorists in Israeli detention

    The New York Times has discovered a new breed of Palestinian heroes:  "gaunt adults, wrists in chains, starving themselves inside Israeli prisons." In a lengthy, 26-paragraph article spread across two pages in the front section of the May 4 edit...

  • May 3, 2012

    NY Times still can't get it right on Gaza fatalities in Operation Cast Lead

    In its May 3 edition, the New York Times revisits  fatalities in Operation Cast Lead, Israel's counter-offensive against Hamas at the end of 2008 ("Israel Military Closes Inquiry into Deaths of Gaza Civilians" by Isabel Kershner, page A11). Writ...

  • April 29, 2012

    What NY Times and Wash. Post kept secret from readers in April

    April Fool's Day is not the only day of the year when the NY Times and the Wash. Post serve up misleading coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  When it comes to developments on that front, any day of the year qualifies for pouncing on a...

  • April 26, 2012

    A NY Times correction that requires a correction

    In its April 26, edition, the NY Times runs the following under Corrections on page 2: "Because of an editing error, an article on Monday about Egypt's cancellation of deliveries of natural gas to Israel in a payment dispute referred imprecisely to ...

  • April 25, 2012

    Wash. Post, NY Times flog Israeli settlements, facts notwithstanding

    Earlier this week, the Israeli government formally legalized three small Jewish communities in the West Bank -- Rehalim, Bruchin and Sansana.  They had been authorized and approved by prior governments in the 1980s and 1990s.  Rehalim recei...

  • April 23, 2012

    Obama's come-uppance from Elie Wiesel during self-serving visit to Holocaust Museum

    During the last three years, President Obama did not visit the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.  But today, he did; and promptly gave a self-serving campaign speech for Jewish votes. "I will always be there for Israel," he told the audience at a ...

  • April 19, 2012

    Wash. Post exposes corruption, repression in Gaza under Hamas

    The Washington Post, in its April 19 edition, features a front-page article on Hamas's miserable rule of Gaza, pointing to failure to deliver basic services, repression of dissidents,  corruption among the Hamas elite, which lead a cushy life wh...

  • April 16, 2012

    WaPo: bouquets for Palestinians, brick bats for Israel

    Funny how the Washington Post tilts the scales against Israel by selectively reporting developments that put Israel in the dock, while ignoring Palestinian misdeeds. Two examples of this unbalanced coverage pop up in an article by Jerusalem correspon...

  • April 13, 2012

    NY Times paints Israel, not Iran, as today's global villain

    In its April 13 edition, the New York Times publishes an article by Berlin correspondent Nicholas Kulish about German reactions to Nobel Laureate Gunter Grass's poem depicting Israel as a threat to world peace because of its readiness to strike Irani...

  • April 8, 2012

    NY Times weaves a Netanyahu-Romney conspiracy tale

    There it is above the fold on the front page of the Sunday, April 8, New York Times, a tale of a long friendship between GOP presidential aspirant Mitt Romney and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with insinuations aplenty that it could beco...

  • April 6, 2012

    Searing indictment of Wash. Post news coverage on its own op-ed page

    In its April 6 edition, the Washington Post features an op-ed column by David Keyes, executive director of Advancing Human Rights, on media silence about brutal crackdowns by Hamas in Gaza and by Mahmoud Abbas's Palestinian Authority in the West Bank...

  • April 5, 2012

    NY Times' obsession with settlements

    The overriding focus of this week's New York Times coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the eviction of a Jewish family from a house they had purchased from a Palestinian seller in Hebron. In back-to-back articles on April 4 and Apri...

  • April 4, 2012

    NY Times in dreamland about the Palestinians

    New York Times columnist Tom Friedman has come up with a new brainstorm to resolve  the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  To allay Israeli security concerns, the Palestinians, he writes, must couple non-violent resistance with their own map fo...

  • March 31, 2012

    WaPo's trifecta

    The Washington Post today hit a trifecta when it comes to anti-Israel spin. Picking up the March 31 edition of the Washington Post, readers immediately would be shocked to see above the fold on the front page a dramatic,  four-column photograph ...

  • March 28, 2012

    J Street gets comeuppance from Israeli diplomat at its annual conference Updated: NYT censors the remarks

    J Street, the leftist group that describes itself as "pro-Israel" and "pro-peace" but is more deserving of an "anti-Israel' and "anti-peace" label, got a long overdue comeuppance at its annual conference in Washington, D.C. this week.  Administe...

  • March 21, 2012

    NY Times sanitizes Gaza rocket attacks on Israel in report on Toulouse massacre

    It takes some doing and some stretching but leave it to the New York Times to find a way to use the killing of three children in the Jewish school massacre in France as a peg to blame Israel for Palestinian children casualties in its response to Gaza...

  • March 20, 2012

    Peter Beinart, a favorite of Israel bashers, edges closer to Bibi than to Abbas

    Peter Beinart, a former editor of the New Republic and a rising star for Israel bashers, has an op-ed column in the March 19 edition of the New York Times, entitled "To Save Israel, Boycott the Settlements." Beinart takes special aim at Prime Ministe...

  • March 16, 2012

    Team Obama rewards Egypt's Islamists

    Earlier this week, the newly elected Egyptian Parliament adopted a resolution calling for a belligerent policy toward Israel that would put a formal end to three decades of peaceful relations. Among other things, the resolution urged the deportation ...

  • March 13, 2012

    WaPo falsely accuses Israel of killing Palestinian teenager

    From an Associated Press dispatch in the March 13 print edition of the Washington Post under a headline that reads:  "Civilian deaths rise in Gaza fighting": "The civilian death toll from violence between the Israeli military and militants base...

  • March 12, 2012

    At NY Times, the only photo of Gaza fighting that's fit to print

    On March 12, after three days of fighting between Israel and rocket-firing terrorists in Gaza, the New York Times had ample choices to run one or more pictures to illustrate these events. The Times could have featured pictures of Islamic Jihad and Po...

  • March 11, 2012

    Israel's calculus for Gaza eruption

    Since Friday night, all hell has broken loose on Israel's border with Gaza.  Palestinian terrorists have fired more than 130 rockets at southern Israel.  Half a million Israelis are in bomb shelters.  Major population centers like Ashd...

  • March 11, 2012

    NY Times tops WaPo in 'militant' sweepstakes, 9 to 6

    The New York Times and the Washington Post have a long history of sanitizing Palestinian terrorists.  There may be terrorists elsewhere in the world, like Al-Qaeda for example, but there are no terrorists in Palestinian territories. When it come...

  • March 8, 2012

    NY Times stokes Palestinian victimhood, ignores self-inflicted wounds

    In its March 8 edition, the New York Times runs a front-page article about the plight of the Palestinians.  Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner writes that since the onset of the Arab Spring and the world's focus on Iran's nuclear program, "the...

  • March 5, 2012

    At NY Times, it's always Israel's fault, while Palestinians get a pass

    To grasp the particular lens through which the New York Times covers the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one need look no farther than an article by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner about a minor controversy over an Arab member of Israel's Supreme ...

  • March 5, 2012

    The divergent timelines and histories of Obama and Netanyahu

    President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu took time out in the Oval Office for photo ops with waves  of photographers and correspondents before settling down to their deliberations on the Iranian nuclear threat.   While cameras clic...

  • March 4, 2012

    Obama's AIPAC speech: what he didn't say

    President Obama pulled out all the stops in his AIPAC address to assure his audience that, as he put it, "when the chips are down, I have Israel's back." The president unfurled a lengthy list of his administration's Israel-supported moves -- politica...

  • March 3, 2012

    WaPo laces Obama-Netanyahu summit with anti-Israel poison pills

    In the run-up to President Obama's summit with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, the president gave an interview to Atlantic Magazine during which he ratcheted up his warnings that the United States is prepared to use military force, if necessary, to...

  • March 1, 2012

    Wash. post defends Iran against Netanyahu's nuke warnings

    As Benjamin Netanyahu prepares for his meeting with President Obama at the White House next Monday, the Washington Post runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg about the prime minister's repeated warnings that Iran is determined to ...

  • February 29, 2012

    Wash. Post's Palestinian propaganda falsifies history and the Bible

    At first blush, it seems a fairly innocent tale - even an inspiring one. In its Feb. 29 edition, the Washington Post runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg about Tel Aviv naming a square in memory of an Arab physician who treated b...

  • February 26, 2012

    Abbas gins up anti-Israel incitement about Jerusalem to foment a third intifada

    Mahmoud Abbas, having abandoned any semblance of adherence to the peace process, is now ramping up some of the most vicious incitement against Israel in a deliberate strategy to generate a third intifada. In his most provocative statements yet, Abbas...

  • February 22, 2012

    NY Times, Wash. Post care more about rights of terrorists than safety of Jewish pilgrims

    Here are a couple of newsworthy developments which editors of the Washington Post and the New York Times did not see fit to print in their Feb. 22 editions: 1. On Feb. 21, Arab rioters stoned Israeli police accompanying Jewish pilgrims on Jerusalem's...

  • February 19, 2012

    Wash. Post, NY Times decry Israeli treatment of Palestinian terrorists

    In their Sunday, Feb. 19 editions, the Washington Post and the New York Times go all out in criticizing Israel for cutting legal corners in handling Palestinian terrorists apprehended on the West Bank, including rock-throwing minors. Both articles ex...

  • February 16, 2012

    Wash. Post assigns more credibility to Iran than to Israel

    As Iran and the West ratcheted up tensions in recent weeks over Tehran's nuclear ambitions, mainstream media reports continued to cling to an even-handed parallelism when it comes each side's credibility.   The context for rising tensions u...

  • February 12, 2012

    Wash. Post resorts to guilt by association to tar an Israeli religious community

    In its Feb. 12 edition, the Washington Post carries an article about suburban Montgomery County putting plans on hold for a sister-city agreement with Beit Shemesh in Israel because of several incidents there involving attacks by ultra-Orthodox ...

  • February 8, 2012

    WaPo runs reader letter blasting non-existent Israeli target

    The Feb. 7 editorial page of the Washington Post features a letter from reader Joanne Heisel, who castigates Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for supposedly approving housing subsidies for 70 settlements in the West Bank.  She attributes this "f...

  • February 6, 2012

    Israel strengthens nuclear deterrent against Iran with fleet of German subs

    Israel has signed a contract with Germany for a sixth Dolphin-class submarine capable of being outfitted with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles, according to the Jerusalem Post. The Israeli Navy already fields three operational Dolphin subs.  A...

  • February 3, 2012

    The myth of Israel's isolation

    One of the mainstream media's favorite doomsday scenarios for Israel is its supposed isolation on the world stage.   According to this narrative, Israel is on a path to becoming the black sheep of the international community.  The m...

  • January 27, 2012

    Wash. Post funnels Palestinian lies to readers

    After a series of meetings between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators in Jordan, Palestinian President Mahdoud Abbas has called a time out so he can consult with the Arab League on next steps.  In the meantime, the Washington Post is quick to r...

  • January 26, 2012

    Whatever Abbas wants, Abbas gets at the NY Times

    The latest twist in the intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a series of five meetings between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators in Jordan.  The sessions were far from full-fledged negotiations; they were preliminary contacts, wit...

  • January 25, 2012

    NY Times news judgment: Arrests of Hamas officials or Jerusalem Mufti's call to kill Jews?

    The New York Times decided to weave two developments on the Israeli-Palestinian front into one story.  But which one to pick for the lead? On the one hand, there was the uproar over Mahmoud Abbas's Palestinian Authority TV airing a call by the P...

  • January 23, 2012

    Mideast coverage by mainstream media takes cue from Dr. Pangloss and Charlie Brown

    The Mideast is in turmoil.  The Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafi party win big in Egyptian elections, capturing 70 percent of parliamentary seats.  Meanwhile, Khaled Meshal, the Damascus-based supreme leader of Hamas wants to step down, as...

  • January 23, 2012

    NY Times censors violence by Palestinian demonstrators in West Bank

    In its Jan. 23 edition, the New York Times runs a human-interest piece by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner about a Palestinian cameraman filming protests in the West Bank against Israel's security barrier.  Conspicuously missing from the art...

  • January 19, 2012

    A NY Times picture worth a thousand-fold bias

    On Jan. 18, Israeli aircraft and tanks fired four missiles at a terrorist cell trying to camouflage bombs at the Gaza border, killing two terrorists.  The Israeli strikes set off a series of bomb explosions, confirming IDF direct hits, according...

  • January 9, 2012

    Dennis Ross's new peace plan based on trusting Abbas as kosher on non-violence

    Dennis Ross has been the chief U.S. mediator in seeking ways to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict under three U.S. presidents -- Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Still, American-brokered efforts to advance the peace process are g...

  • January 9, 2012

    Double standard in coverage of terror threats facing Israel

    Suppose for a moment that a man carrying 11 pipe bombs, a pistol and ammunition tried to cross into a secure area in the U.S. -- perhaps at an airport -- but was stopped in time by police and prevented from carrying out what could have been a lethal ...

  • January 4, 2012

    NY Times exculpates Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas while tarring Netanyahu

    Unlike many other media which reported in some detail  the meeting of Israeli and Palestinian officials in Jordan on Jan. 3, the New York Times used the occasion to delve into various regional forces that impinge on progress -- or lack thereof -...

  • January 3, 2012

    Abbas shows his jihad side on eve of talks with Israel

    The way has been cleared for a Jan. 3 meeting in Jordan between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators.  It's billed as the first such direct contact between the two sides after more than a year of a deep freeze in the so-called peace process....

  • December 30, 2011

    IDF's unparalleled record of sparing civilians in counter-terrorism operations

    In a year-end review of countering rocket fire from Gaza, the IDF reports that its retaliatory fire killed 100 Palestinians, including nine civilians.  The rest were combatants linked to Palestinian terror organizations.  Put another way, t...

  • December 27, 2011

    NY Times to the rescue of a Netanyahu foe

    What could possibly be deemed newsworthy by an American newspaper that a private Israeli television channel has fallen on bad financial times and might fold next month?  And to splash its possible demise on the front page, no less? But leave it ...

  • December 25, 2011

    Wash. Post, AP blind to Christian persecution in Bethlehem

    In its Dec. 25 edition, the Washington Post runs an Associated Press article that depicts Bethlehem in warm, festive terms with tourists and pilgrims packing hotels for Christmas celebrations in Manger Square and the Church of the Nativity - plus an ...

  • December 22, 2011

    Wash. Post transforms Hamas into a 'moderate' pussycat

    For years, the Washington Post has refused to call Hamas as a terrorist group -- the designation given it by the United States and the European Union, and of course, by Israel, which still mourns hundreds of its citizens murdered by Hamas.  To a...

  • December 19, 2011

    The pro-Palestinian gullibility of the New York Times

    In its Dec. 19 print edition, the New York Times carries a story by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner about Israel's release of 500 additional Palestinian prisoners as part of the swap deal with Hamas for the release of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli s...

  • December 17, 2011

    Scintillating Chutzpah: Obama at Reform Judaism's Confab

    President Obama Friday went before the General Assembly for Reform Judaism's bienneal conference -- probably the biggest annual meeting of American Jews in the nation's capital -- to pledge his undying support of Israel.  Speaking (text) to a li...

  • December 15, 2011

    NY Times goes to war against all Jewish settlers

    In the last several days, several dozen violent Jewish radical settlers have gone on rampages in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, assaulting an Israeli military base and a military commander, slashing police car tires,  defacing and setting on ...

  • December 11, 2011

    Wash. Post, NY Times shortchange winners of 5 Nobel Prizes, including Israeli laureate

    The Sunday, Dec. 11 editions of the Washington Post and the New York Times carry extensive articles about three women from Liberia and Yemen who accepted this year's Nobel Peace Prize at a Saturday ceremony in Oslo.  The new Nobel laureates, who...

  • December 9, 2011

    WaPo finds new way to whitewash Palestinian terrorists

    By now, we're well acquainted with the fact that mainstream media will go to great lengths to whitewash Palestinian terrorists.  However abhorrent their murderous attacks on civilians, the "T"-for terrorism word is to be avoided at all costs. In...

  • December 8, 2011

    Wash. Post relies on anti-Israel J Street as only source of impeccable truth

    In its Dec. 8 edition, the Washington Post runs an article by its long-time Israel-bashing reporter Scott Wilson with the following headline:  "Romney and Gingrich court Jewish support with barbs at Obama's policies -- GOP front-runners vow stro...

  • December 6, 2011

    Gaza thrives amid a mainstream-media cover-up

    Did you know that work is under way in the Gaza Strip on construction or rehabilitation of 57 new schools and kindergartens? Or that thousands of Gazans have crossed the border for medical treatment in Israeli hospitals? Or that Gaza's gross domestic...

  • December 4, 2011

    Wash. Post sheds tears for Gazans, but not for terror-battered Israelis

    It's the most prominent front-page article in the Washington Post's Sunday, Dec. 6, edition, with a huge all-capital letters headline -- "DRONES CAST A PALL OF FEAR."  Besides grabbing most of the front page, the article, by former Jerusalem correspo...

  • November 27, 2011

    Mainstream media turn blind eye to dark side of Tahrir Square

    At the beginning, most mainstream media turned into cheerleaders for the Arab Spring revolutions to topple secular dictatorships like Hosni Mubarak's regime in Egypt. Once Mubarak was gone, the story line went, democracy and respect for human rights ...

  • November 27, 2011

    WaPo quota system: A major Israel-bashing spread once a week

    At the Washington Post, it has become an all too predictable ritual -- a major Israel-bashing article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg once a week -- preferably at the weekend. Greenberg's highly selective pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel covera...

  • November 22, 2011

    Wash. Post boosts drive to rename Jewish biblical sites part of Palestinian cultural heritage

    The Washington Post, in its Nov. 22 edition, features a lengthy article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg about a campaign by the Palestinian Authority to get the UN cultural agency to recognize biblical sites in the West Bank as integral par...

  • November 17, 2011

    UN adjusts annual living-standards report card to suit Occupy Wall Street protesters

    The United Nations has a terrible record when it comes to the credibility and objectivity of its reports on any number of issues on the globe.  Its findings and recommendations tend to follow a heavily politicized, leftist, Third World agenda --...

  • November 16, 2011

    Wash. Post extols Palestinian agitators as latter-day 'Freedom Riders'

    Joel Greenberg, the pro-Palestinian Jerusalem bureau chief of the Washington Post, is in top form in the November 16 edition with a piece about a group of Palestinian agitators from the West Bank trying to take a bus ride from the West Bank into Jeru...

  • November 6, 2011

    Wash. Post dispenses anti-Israel poison pills

    In its Nov. 6 edition, the Washington Post features prominently a lengthy article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg about young Palestinian activists alienated from both Hamas and Fatah seeking a third way for the Palestinian cause.  The...

  • November 1, 2011

    Abraham, the first Jew and the first Zionist, under challenge at the UN

    This coming Saturday, Nov. 5, Jews around the world will gather in synagogues for the Torah reading of Chapter 12 of Genesis, which ought to have a special resonance this year in view of the UNESCO vote to recognize and welcome "Palestine" as a full-...

  • October 31, 2011

    Wash. Post faults Israel for cross-border violence initiated by Gaza terrorists

    Who fired the first shot that provoked the latest flare-up of cross-border fighting between Israel and Gaza terrorists?  It's an important question because the answer goes to the heart of who really is messing up the so-called "peace process" an...

  • October 30, 2011

    NY Times exculpates Hamas from Gaza rocket barrages against Israeli towns

    Palestinian terrorists in Hamas-ruled Gaza broke a relative two-month calm on Oct. 26 and fired an advanced rocket deep into Israel.  While there were no physical casualties, tens of thousands of Israeli civilians endured the agony of blaring wa...

  • October 28, 2011

    NY Times humanizes terrorist killer released by Israel

    In its Oct. 28 edition, the New York Times runs an article by correspondent Stephen Farrell about recently freed Palestinian prisoners basking in the lap of luxurious surroundings in Gaza -- without, however, specifying the terrorist atrocities for w...

  • October 20, 2011

    Wash. Post legitimizes Hamas rule in Gaza -- no terrorists there

    The Washington Post, in its Oct. 20 edition, runs an article by correspondent Ernesto Londono about Hamas pressing for an end to Israel's blockade of Gaza after its success in gaining the freedom of more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in excha...

  • October 19, 2011

    NY Times, Wash. Post censor Abbas's 'Holy Warriors' salute to his freed terrorists

    As Israel gained the freedom of abducted Sgt. Gilad Shalit and, in exchange, released hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, many of them with blood on their hands, Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, addressed  many of...

  • October 18, 2011

    NY Times sheds more tears for Palestinian terrorist killers than for Giilad Schalit

    The New York Times, in its Oct. 18 edition, runs an article by Mideast correspondent Stephen Farrell and Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner about preparations in Israel and in Gaza on the eve of the release of Gilad Schalit, the abducted Israeli so...

  • October 13, 2011

    NY Times views Gilad Shalit's release as prelude to gloomy future for Israel

    Ethan Bronner, the Jerusalem bureau chief of the New York Times, has a lengthy analysis in the Oct. 13 edition about the likely portent on major players in the region of Hamas's decision to release Israeli Sgt. Gilad Shalit ("Israeli-Hamas ...

  • October 12, 2011

    Gilad Shalit's release from Hamas's clutches -- winners and losers

    Israelis understandably are rejoicing about the pending release of Sgt. Gilad Shalit, the soldier kidnapped five years ago by Hamas in a cross-border ambush off Gaza. As of this writing, Prime Minister Netanyahu has called Shalit's parents to in...

  • October 11, 2011

    Abbas demands Tony Blair's resignation as Quartet envoy

    Palestinian leaders have dug themselves into  a deep hole by insisting on major Israeli concessions as pre-conditions for resumption of peace negotiations.  They demand a freeze on Jewish construction in East Jerusalem and the West...

  • October 8, 2011

    NY Times' selective coverage of Israel through a glass darkly

    In its Oct. 7 edition, the New York Times runs a lengthy article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about an Arab village in Galilee that recently was the scene of an arson attack on its mosque. Kershner's piece, supplemented by two color ph...

  • October 3, 2011

    In Wash. Post, up is down, down is up, whatever suits its agenda

    Ten days ago, the Quartet of international mediators -- the United States, the European Union, UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon, and Russia -- issued an "urgent appeal" to Israel and the Palestinian Authority to "resume direct bilateral Israeli-Pales...

  • October 2, 2011

    Wash. Post's silly semantics against Israel's rightful claims to Jerusalem

    Just when readers of the Washington Post might think that its reporters have exhausted all available semantic distortions to blacken Israel, here comes a new contorted Israel-bashing label that descends into the far reaches of utter silline...

  • October 1, 2011

    Wash. Post whacks Israel during High Holidays - On the religion page no less

    Lisa Miller, a Wash. Post religion writer and columnist, is a self-avowed Jew, who in her own words in the Oct. 1 edition confesses that "these days I'm not so crazy about Israel."  Born into a Jewish family but "without any formal religious edu...

  • September 28, 2011

    At NY Times, why bother with facts when Israel bashing is more fun

    In the Washington Post's Sept. 28 edition, Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg, plays it fairly straight for a change in reporting plans in Israel to build 1,100 more housing units in East Jerusalem -- with the customary negative reactio...

  • September 26, 2011

    NY Times, Wash. Post suffer from Gaza-Hamas amnesia

    It's been a while since Hamas-ruled Gaza has made an appearance in the "news" pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post.  Both papers, along with most other Western media, have been so intent on cheering Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abba...

  • September 25, 2011

    Abbas arrives at the UN with a bang, leaves NY with a whimper

    Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas arrived in New York with supreme confidence that the United Nations would approve Palestinian statehood and give Israel a black eye.  But a funny thing happened on the East Side that sidetracked Abbas's agenda, l...

  • September 24, 2011

    In UN speech, Abbas adopts Arafat's blood-soaked legacy

    In his 40-minute address to the UN General Assembly, Mahmoud Abbas positioned himself squarely as a disciple of the blood-soaked legacy and agenda of Yasser Arafat. All that was missing was Arafat's military uniform.Early on in his speech, Abbas pro...

  • September 23, 2011

    New York Times Doing What They Do Best on Obama's U.N. Speech

    The Washington Post headlines that Obama's speech at the U.N. was his strongest yet in support of Israel, but the New York Times doesn't like the speech one bit.  In fact, the Times spreads its utter distaste across no fewer than three articles ...

  • September 21, 2011

    NY Times senses something sinister in GOP support of Israel

    The New York Times finds it very worrisome that congressional Republicans and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu are getting along just fine.  In fact, the Times smells something downright sinister in the growing amity between the GOP and the...

  • September 21, 2011

    Obama's long journey on the road to Zionism

    When it comes to U.S.-Israel relations, this was a "new" Obama -- both in style and substance -- who addressed world leaders in the UN General Assembly in New York. Gone was the "old" Obama's 2009 Cairo speech, in which he justified Jewish claims to ...

  • September 20, 2011

    NY Times views Israel darkly as a 'populist ethno-religious state' (like Turkey)

    The New York Times has a long history of antipathy to the establishment and existence of a Jewish state, but what most rankles the Times is when Israeli voters hand the reins of power to the right-of-center Likud Party, currently under the leadership...

  • September 20, 2011

    Wash. Post takes leave from reality on settlements

    Joel Greenberg, the Washington Post's Jerusalem bureau chief, has been on the  beat long enough to have learned basic on-the-ground facts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without staining  his  coverage with Palest...

  • September 18, 2011

    Abbas gets immunity at Wash. Post -- only Israel engages in 'hawkish, hard-line' moves

    The Washington Post uses two entirely dissimilar narratives in its ''news'' coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- a polite, deferential attitude toward Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority ,  in sharp contrast to shril...

  • September 16, 2011

    Crisis over Palestinian statehood bid is all Israel's fault

    If you're looking for a classic textbook example of biased ''news'' coverage, look no farther than the Sept. 16 edition of the Washington Post, which features a front-page article on declining U.S. influence in the Middle East, as pointed up by the P...

  • September 14, 2011

    Two factual errors in same Wash. Post paragraph, conveying Palestinian spin and myths

    The Washington Post, in its Sept. 14 issue, runs a front-page article on the GOP victory in a heavily Democratic congressional district in New York, which manages to inject two pro-Palestinian spins in a single paragraph  ("Republican wins House...

  • September 12, 2011

    A botched 9/11 commemoration

    Count me out from those who would conclude that we got it just right in marking the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  We got it only half right -- the well-deserved honors to the nearly 3,000 victims, the formal and informal remembrances of who they we...

  • September 12, 2011

    A New York Times editorial that dispenses with reality

    The New York Times is right on the mark with an editorial warning that a Palestinian statehood vote at the UN would be a calamity for Mideast peace prospects.  ("Palestinian Statehood" editorial page, Sept. 11).  But the editorial...

  • September 11, 2011

    NY Times blames Israel for attack on Cairo Embassy

    In its September 11 edition, the New York Times runs a front-page article by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner, which, instead of blaming fanatical Egyptian rioters, assigns the biggest share of blame to Israel for the violent attack on its Cairo ...

  • September 7, 2011

    NY Times erases Arab aggression from the Green Line's history

    There are two book-ends to the 1949 armistice line, also known as the Green Line. The line was established at the end of Israel's War of Independence when hostilities ceased between Israel and a coalition of Arab countries, which tried but failed in ...

  • September 6, 2011

    NY Times regurgitates Mahmoud Abbas' propaganda lies

    On Sept. 5, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas invited 20 left-wing Israeli intellectuals to his office in Ramallah.  Abbas' Israeli guests, in opposition to their own government, proceeded to urge him to go to the UN and se...

  • September 3, 2011

    Wash. Post inverts UN report on flotilla raid to blacken Israel

    Let's start with the actual conclusions of the UN report on last year's Israeli commando raid on the Mavi Marmara, the lead Turkish vessel in a flotilla attempting to breach Israel's blockade of Gaza . To wit:  --Israel was within its legal...

  • September 2, 2011

    A good day for Israel at the UN, and that's news

    The UN on Thursday released its long-awaited report on last year's flotilla raid, focusing on the lead ship where Israeli commandos were savagely attacked by violence-bent Turkish nationals and, in self-defense, fired back, killing nine of them....

  • August 31, 2011

    NY Times would prefer settlers defenseless against Palestinian attacks

    In a couple of weeks, the Palestinian Authority will be at the UN seeking statehood recognition over all of Gaza, all of the West Bank and all of East Jerusalem, including Judaism's holiest shrines.   And the UN General Assembly is likely t...

  • August 30, 2011

    Israel's flag back over Cairo Embassy not fit to print in NY Times

    In its Aug. 30 edition, the New York Times runs a lengthy article about what happened in Cairo since anti-Israel demonstrators pulled down and desecrated the Israeli flag flown over the Israeli Embassy a week ago.  But leave it to the Times to o...

  • August 29, 2011

    NY Times sanitizes, rationalizes terror attack at Tel Aviv nightclub

    In the early Monday morning hours, a Palestinian terrorist commandeered a taxi in Tel Aviv, drove it to a packed nightclub and ran over several policemen before coming to a halt and stabbing several bystanders.  As he repeatedly stabbed Israelis...

  • August 26, 2011

    Breakthrough: NY Times uses the 'T-word' about attack on Israel

    Usually, the euphemism-besotted vocabulary of the New York Times avoids use of the "T"-for - terrorism word or "T"-for-terrorists word like the plague.  So it comes as a refreshing change to read Cairo correspondent Fares Akr...

  • August 23, 2011

    Washington Post's 'militant' mentality suckers it in

    Here's a royal screw-up by the Washington Post that deserves a place in a Journalism 101 course: In its Tuesday, Aug. 23, edition, the Post runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg, headlined:  "Israel, militants in Gaza hold fi...

  • August 22, 2011

    A contrast of 2 civilizations

    Since Aug. 18, Gaza terror organizations have fired 150 rockets, mortar shells and Grad missiles at civilian targets in Israel.   One Israeli was killed and 13 others were injured, including one severely.  The rocket barrages foll...

  • August 21, 2011

    NY Times disregards facts in piling on Israel, hyping Egyptian-Israeli tensions

    The killing of three Egyptian border policemen set off a mini-crisis between Israel and Egypt.  At this writing, there are two plausible scenarios for what exactly happened.  Did Palestinian terrorists fleeing into Egypt after a killing spr...

  • August 20, 2011

    The End of Obama's Middle East Pipe Dream

    The stars were always aligned against President Obama's pipe dream of a two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on Israel's withdrawal to the 1949 armistice lines, with mutually agreed land swaps. But this week's explosive expans...

  • August 19, 2011

    Palestinian terrorists on deadly rampage, but Wash. Post, NY Times still call them 'militants'

    On Aug. 18, a series of coordinated attacks by Palestinian terrorists in southern Israel killed eight people  -- 6 civilians and 2 military personnel.   The terrorists used an array of lethal weapons as they targeted a couple of...

  • August 17, 2011

    NY Times, Wash. Post ignore rocket fire from Gaza, pounce on Israel for retaliating

    On Monday, Aug. 15, an advanced Grad rocket fired from Gaza hit near Beersheba, the capital of the Negev.  As the rocket neared its target, sirens blared and many residents rushed to take cover.  Such attacks by terrorist groups in Gaz...

  • August 16, 2011

    Wash. Post slants coverage of new housing for West Bank city of Ariel

    In its Aug. 16 edition, the Washington Post features a dispatch by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg about Israel's decision to proceed with construction of 277 homes in the West Bank town of Ariel ("Israel announces new construction in Wes...

  • August 12, 2011

    NY Times shafts Israel -- A Tale of Two Articles

    In its Aug. 12 edition, the New York Times runs two articles that tell worlds about the paper's highly selective and frequently biased reporting about Israel.  Let's begin with a piece about Israeli government approval of construction ...

  • August 10, 2011

    NY Times peddles revisionist view of Arab Spring as full embrace of Palestinian cause

    If one believes the New York Times, the Arab Spring revolt against autocratic rulers is turning into all-out support of the Palestinian cause. And, as a result, there's new, justifiable hope for Palestinians to achieve statehood. Or, as Mideast ...

  • August 8, 2011

    Wash. Post book review stacks the deck against Israel

    Jeremy Ben-Ami, the founder of J Street, a group that purports to be "pro-Israel" and "pro-peace" but in reality is pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel, is out with a book plugging its campaign against AIPAC, the traditional pro-Israel lobby -- "A n...

  • August 4, 2011

    Middle East Negotiations: When Will Obama Ever Learn?

    As the months go by without resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, it's fair to ask who has been the greatest obstacle to get things back on track. Has it been Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu?  No.  Has it been Palestinian A...

  • August 1, 2011

    Israel's summer of discontent -- the political and economic stakes

    Protest demonstrations have been mushrooming in Israel this summer.  Over the weekend, some150,000 people took to the streets in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other major cities with a wide variety of demands -- a halt to spiraling consumer prices for...

  • July 28, 2011

    NY Times empathizes with PA's financial woes, ends up blaming Israel

    The Palestinian Authority is beset by a deep financial crisis, as the New York Times reports in a dispatch by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner ("Before a Diplomatic Showdown, a Budget Crisis Saps Palestinians' Confidence" July 28, page A4). But a...

  • July 27, 2011

    NY Times hits new depth in Israel coverage

    In its July 27 edition, the New York Times runs a lengthy article by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner about Israeli women who smuggle Palestinian women from the West Bank past checkpoints into Israel for a day at the beach ("Where Politics A...

  • July 26, 2011

    Reader beware

    Haaretz is a small-circulation Israeli daily  with huge influence about the Jewish state's image across the world.  Within Israel, it's the most leftist of all mass media, denouncing any and all politicians who are not ready to ce...

  • July 23, 2011

    Wash. Post hammers settlements, ignores PA glorification of terrorist killers

    In its July 23 edition, the Washington Post runs a dispatch by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg that is sharply critical of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and also of a new controversial Israeli law that makes Israeli individuals or g...

  • July 20, 2011

    A NY Times reporter who gets Israel right (and one who doesn't)

    Miracle of miracles!  An article in the New York Times that actually gets Israel right -- without any of the usual pejorative spins and tendentious innuendos about the Jewish state. I am referring to a July 18 report by Dina Kraft about Isr...

  • July 12, 2011

    A NY Times bogus article of faith

    In its July 12 edition, the New York Times runs a piece by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about a new Israeli law that makes boycotts against Israel and West Bank settlements liable to financial penalties ("Israel Bans Boycotts Against the S...

  • July 9, 2011

    Israel blocks flotilla, 'fly-in'' agitprop plans

    Go back a week and recall how the media, including Israel's, were full of dire forecasts of an upcoming international flotilla with more than a dozen ships and hundreds of agitators set to sail toward Gaza and breach Israel's blockade of the Hamas-ru...

  • July 9, 2011

    NY Times likens violent 'fly-in' agitators to Christian pilgrims in Bethlehem

    Pro-Palestinian provocateurs throughout Europe planned a massive ''fly-in'' to Ben-Gurion Airport this week to engage in anti-Israel demonstrations upon arrival at the airport and thence to the West Bank to rally with Palestinian demon...

  • July 8, 2011

    Anti-Israel demonstrators hurling stones, Molotov cocktails qualify as 'unarmed' in NY Times

    In its July 8 edition, the New York Times introduces a new semantic stretch, going so far as to exculpate stone-throwing, Molotov-cocktail-hurling anti-Israel protesters as non-threatening "unarmed" demonstrators. (U.N. Report Criticizes Israeli Role...

  • July 6, 2011

    Wash. Post's weekly Israel-bashing pieces --

    In his latest weekly Israel-bashing installment, Washington Post Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg turns his attention to Israel's demolition of makeshift Bedouin shelters put up on public lands or in military zones in the Jordan Valley ("Razing...

  • July 4, 2011

    WaPo's belated, grudging report on Israel's success against Gaza flotilla

    Reading Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg's  article in the Monday, July 4, edition of the Washington Post about Israel's  success in getting Greece to stymie the Gaza flotilla,  I had two  reactions: What took...

  • July 3, 2011

    NY Times likens pro-Hamas Audacity of Hope vessel with 1947 Jewish refugees ship, the Exodus

    In its Sunday, July 3, edition, the New York Times, runs a lengthy article by Jerusalem Bureau chief Ethan Bronner about the pro-Palestinian flotilla's attempt to breach Israel's sea blockade of Hamas-ruled Gaza. ("Setting Sail on Gaza's Sea of ...

  • July 2, 2011

    Greeks bearing real gifts

    Israel scored a major coup Friday when the Greek government barred the departure of vessels trying to hook up with a pro-Hamas flotilla seeking to breach Israel's naval blockade of Gaza Immediately affected are a U.S. vessel with 50 pro-Hamas provoca...

  • June 29, 2011

    WaPo adopts Palestinian vocabulary in 'news' report

    In Palestinian parlance, use of violence to injure or kill Israelis is not portrayed as an act of terrorism, or even as a violent attack.  Instead, Palestinians call such bloody aggression by the pleasant-sounding euphemism of "resistance." Hama...

  • June 27, 2011

    Remembering 1948 through the WaPo's pro-Arab, anti-Israel lens

    In its June 27 edition, the Washington Post runs a huge spread by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg about plans for a new housing development in a scenic valley at the entrance to Jerusalem that would tower over a crumbling village abandoned by ...

  • June 26, 2011

    It depends on who is doing the disparaging...

    See if you can guess what the following events have in common: --June 16--Mahmoud Abbas's official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper attacks  Judaism as a "distorted, corrupted, falsified religion."  Jews are "evil."  Creation...

  • June 23, 2011

    Was it gullibility? Or was it anti-Semitism? Or was it both?

    A few days ago the Israeli newspaper Maariv reported that a rabbinical court in Mea Shearim, an orthodox enclave in Jerusalem, had condemned a dog to death by stoning because it supposedly harbored a reincarnated secularist who had insulted the court...

  • June 20, 2011

    Tom Friedman's latest folly of a peace plan -- totally blind to Hamas's existence and agenda

    In its June 19 edition, the New York Times runs a column by Tom Friedman about his own plan for resumption of peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.  Friedman's pretentions go well beyond a columnist's wisdom and opinio...

  • June 20, 2011

    Overlooking Bonner's other legacy

    Yelena Bonner, who died at age 88, and her late husband, Nobel Peace laureate Andrei Sakharov, were the leaders of a small band of heroic Russian dissidents who risked life, limb and social status in their unrelenting fight against the Soviet regime ...

  • June 18, 2011

    Wash. Post smears Israel, stands history on its head

    On May 31, 2010, Israeli commandos intercepted a flotilla of six ships sailing toward Gaza with the stated intention of breaking an Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the territory, ruled by the terrorist Hamas organization. Activists aboard five of t...

  • June 16, 2011

    The lengths the Wash. Post will go to defame Israel

    In its June 16 edition, the Washington Post runs a major piece in its news section about GOP presidential candidates planning to be no-shows for conservative commentator Glenn Beck's Israel-solidarity rally in Jerusalem on Aug. 24.  The four col...

  • June 12, 2011

    NY Times hankers for 'Arab Spring' revolt in West Bank

    In its Sunday, June 12 edition, the New York Times carries an article by national correspondent Helene Cooper about the absence of any serious revolt by Palestinians against Israel on the same order as revolutions convulsing other parts of the Arab w...

  • June 5, 2011

    Joel Greenberg, the Washington Post's Palestinian Propagandist

    In its June 4 edition, the Washington Post carries a lengthy article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg about Palestinian plans for another round of border demonstrations against Israel ("Palestinians plan news marches on border -- Israel boos...

  • June 5, 2011

    Israel demonstrates more efficient mettle in guarding its border against Syrian provocations

    Unlike the May 15 protests to commemorate the Palestinian "catastrophe" of Israel's founding that resulted in a breach of Israel's northern border, this time the IDF was better organized to contain the June 5 "naqsa" demonstrations designed to commem...

  • June 2, 2011

    Arab leaders betray the Palestinians -- again

    It was only a few days ago that, amid great fanfare, Egyptian authorities announced the reopening of the Rafah crossing at their border with Gaza.  The move was hailed as a major victory for the Hamas terrorist group, which rules Gaza, and a blo...

  • May 29, 2011

    Washington Post Enlists Holocaust Against Israel

    In an earlier incarnation, Scott Wilson worked for several years as the Washington Post's Jerusalem correspondent.  So you would think that he learned something about the ancient historical, political, national, and cultural ties of Jews to the ...

  • May 26, 2011

    How WaPo skews 'news' coverage against Israel

    In its May 26 edition, the Washington Post reports that prospects for resumption of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations were dealt a severe blow by Prime Minister Netanyahu during his recent visit to Washington ("Israeli-Palestinian impasse deepens...

  • May 25, 2011

    Creeping anti-Semitism in the New York Times

    By all counts, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu received more than two dozen standing ovations during his address to a joint session of Congress.  When he entered the House chamber, the first standing ovation lasted more than two minutes.So what...

  • May 19, 2011

    NY Times in full anti-Bibi fury as he heads to D.C.

    The New York Times, in its May 19 edition, runs a lengthy article previewing President Obama's Middle East policy speech and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's arrival in Washington for discussions with the president and an address to a joint session...

  • May 19, 2011

    Obamas Middle East Speech - the Good and the Bad

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • May 18, 2011

    WaPo's grim preview of Bibi trip to DC -- When spin turns into outright distortion

    In its May 18 edition, the Washington Post carries an article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg that grimly depicts Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to D.C. as beset by pressures at home and abroad to "take the initiative and break the i...

  • May 17, 2011

    NY Times derides Netanyahu's two-state plan, but gives uncritical play to Abbas's agenda

    In its May 17 edition, the New York Times carries a dispatch by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner about Prime Minister Netanyahu's negotiating positions to achieve a two-state solution.In a preview of his address to a joint session of Congress, Ne...

  • May 16, 2011

    Muslim Brotherhood uses Holocaust to delegitimize Israel

    The Washington Post, in its Sunday May 15 "Outlook" section, features an interview by Senior Associate Editor Lally Weymouth with Essam El-Erian, a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhoood's ruling guidance council in Egypt. Here is part ...

  • May 13, 2011

    Mitchell Out as U.S. Mideast Envoy

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • May 10, 2011

    WaPo 'news'' coverage with an 11-to-1 pro-Fatah, pro-Hamas bias

    The "unity" agreement between Fatah and Hamas is of sufficiently significant importance to warrant a closer look by the Washington Post and other western media.Brokered by the new Egyptian regime, it provides for a joint interim government ...

  • May 8, 2011

    WaPo grants Hamas immunity from terrorism

    Last week, Israel's National Insurance Institute reported that 981 civilians have been murdered by Palestinian terrorist groups since 2000.  The vast majority were killed by Hamas and Fatah's terrorist wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.  A...

  • May 5, 2011

    NY Times hails Palestinian 'unity' accord, hides early frictions

    The New York Times features a large front-page spread about the Fatah-Hamas "unity" accord ceremony in Cairo.  But while hailing the agreement as "historic," it hides from readers ...

  • May 2, 2011

    The 'T word' for Bin Laden, but only an 'M' rating for Hamas

    Pick up the front page of the Washington Post for Monday, May 2, and there's no shortage of the "T" (terrorist) word in dispatches of the killing of Osama Bin Laden by U.S. special forces.Bin Laden was the "global face of terrorism,...

  • May 1, 2011

    The Mubarak Myth

    Since Hosni Mubarak was toppled from power, there has grown a media image of the former Egyptian dictator as a close friend and reliable security partner of Israel, about to be replaced by an unfriendly Cairo regime that may forge close ties with Ha...

  • April 28, 2011

    Obama's shrinking Mideast influence gives way to Iran's growing clout

    The fast-paced political earthquakes in the Middle East that we have been witnessing in recent weeks have one common denominator -- President Obama's influence in the region has shrunk to somewhere between a pittance and zero, while Iran's has b...

  • April 27, 2011

    Abbas's farewell to peace process -- embraces Hamas in Palestinian reconciliation deal

    It took a long while but Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party and its rival Hamas claim to have finally reached a national reconciliation deal, including agreement on an interim government for both the West Bank and Gaza, followed by general elections in a ye...

  • April 22, 2011

    The '1967 border' -- the lie that won't die

    Both the New York Times and the Washington Post, in their April 22 editions, report that a group of prominent Israeli leftist intellectuals demonstrated in Tel Aviv in support of a Palestinian state based on the "1967 borders."Except that t...

  • April 21, 2011

    NY Times mindset -- peace hinges on U.S. and Israel, not on Israel and the Palestinians

    As I picked up my copy of the April 21 edition of the New York Times, my eyes caught sight of an all-caps headline atop the main front-page story, "DIPLOMATIC RACE OVER PEACE PLAN FOR MIDDLE EAST."My first thought was that this re...

  • April 20, 2011

    The difference between Richard Goldstone and the NY Times: One recants, the other doesn't

    Ever since Richard Goldstone discredited his UN inquiry report by recanting its poisonous accusation that Israel deliberately targeted civilians in its three-week counter-terrorism offensive in Gaza two years ago, the New York Times has gone to great...

  • April 17, 2011

    Wash. Post erases 3,000 years of Jewish indigenous history in Holy Land

    In an article about a growing tide of African migrants sneaking into Israel, Joel Greenberg, the Washington Post's Jerusalem correspondent, draws a false parallel between Israelis as a nation of recent refugees seeking to cope with a new wave of refu...

  • April 15, 2011

    NY Times gives defenders of discredited Goldstone report a helping hand

    Ethan Bronner, the Jerusalem bureau chief of the New York Times, writes in a lengthy April 14 dispatch that three members of the UN Goldstone inquiry panel, in a complete break with the chairman, Richard Goldstone, are sticking by  earlier charg...

  • April 14, 2011

    Speaker Boehner invites Netanyahu to address joint meeting of Congress next month

    House Speaker John Boehner issued a news release today (Thursday, April 14) announcing that he intends to invite Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress next month once both houses of Congress pass a formal invitation ...

  • April 11, 2011

    WaPo coddles Hamas, while making Israel look bad

    The Monday, April 11, print edition of the Washington Post carries a brief story about Israel and Hamas moving toward a Gaza cease-fire after four days of cross-border fire exchanges that began when a Hamas anti-tank missile hit an Israeli school bus...

  • April 7, 2011

    WaPo vs WaPo on who created Palestinian refugee problem

    In the April 6 print edition of the Washington Post, Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg blames Israel for creating the Palestinian refugee problem.  Palestinian families, he writes, were "pushed out of what is now Israel when the Jewish...

  • April 6, 2011

    WaPo falsifies Mideast history a la Ahmadinejad

    In the April 6 edition of the Washington Post, Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg writes that the Palestinian refugee problem originated when  "Palestinian families (were) pushed out of what is now Israel when the Jewish state was ...

  • April 5, 2011

    NY Times touts 'new' peace plan that Abbas previously rejected

    In its April 5 edition, the New York Times carries an exclusive article by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner about a new initiate for peace with the Arab world that's being promoted by a group of prominent Israelis, including former heads of Mossa...

  • April 4, 2011

    Goldstone is gone -- but NY Times steps into the anti-Israel breach

    Richard Goldstone has confessed his sins against Israel by retracting his infamous UN report which falsely accused Israel of "war crimes" by deliberately targeting civilians during the 2008-2009 Gaza war.But in the upside-down reporting of ...

  • April 3, 2011

    NY Times: with tears for Goldstone, but none for Israel

    Even on days that bring good news for Israel, the New York Times seems determined to find -- or concoct -- gloom-and-doom scenarios for the Jewish state.Take the Sunday, April 3 edition, which treats readers to a front-page article by Jerusalem burea...

  • April 1, 2011

    A NY Times writer defies the paper's taboo on 'terrorism' in Israel

    It was most heartening to read an article by New York Times columnist Clyde Haberman about teenagers from five countries brought to New York to share their personal stories and their personal pain as psychological and physical victims of terrorism.(...

  • March 30, 2011

    A fanciful Wash. Post 'news' article replete with anti-Israel bias

    Janine Zacharia, the Washington Post's Jerusalem correspondent, concocts a conjectural piece entirely with anonymous sources that Israel somehow hopes that Bashar Assad will emerge from spreading anti-government protests in Syria still firmly in powe...

  • March 28, 2011

    Wash. Post maligns Israel with misleading battlefield statistics

    Benjamin Disraeli is credited with the saying that there are three kinds of lies -- lies, damned lies and statistics.  The legendary British statesman could have spotted another example of his adage in an article in the March 28 edition of ...

  • March 27, 2011

    Obama Strikes Out at the UNHRC

    The UN Human Rights Council, packed with repressive dictatorships, has paid scant attention to real human-rights abuses like use of security services to mow down peaceful protesters in places like Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria.  Such admonitio...

  • March 27, 2011

    NY Times wrongly blames Israel for lack of peace talks with Syria, Palestinians

    In its March 27 edition, the New York Times runs a news analysis by Mark Landler about likely impacts from the current wave of anti-government protests in Syria  ("Syria's Chaos A Test for U.S." front page).Referring to Syria...

  • March 24, 2011

    NYT, WaPo agree -- Deadly Jerusalem bus bombing was not an act of terrorism

    A British woman was killed and dozens of bystanders were injured when a bomb exploded in the center of Jerusalem.  An all too familiar event in Israel -- a country that has sustained more terrorist attacks than any other nation.But as far as the...

  • March 23, 2011

    Obama's fatuous statement on terror bombing in Jerusalem

    To fully grasp President Obama's see-no-Palestinian-evil response to the fatal terror bombing in Jerusalem, it's worth looking carefully at his official statement.  Here are his comments in full:"I condemn in the strongest possible terms th...

  • March 20, 2011

    Why intervene in Libya when protestors are dying in Syria too?

    Question to President Obama: Having gotten a go ahead from the UN Security Council for military action to halt Qaddafi's brutal attacks on peaceful protesters, will you now seek the same UN remedy to halt the killing of peaceful demonstrators in Syr...

  • March 20, 2011

    Wash. Post covers Hamas' war on Israel, but not Hamas' war on journalists

    The Washington Post, in its Sunday, March 20, edition, reports an escalation of mortar fire against Israel from Gaza, but curiously omits any mention that in the same news cycle Hamas goons attacked several news offices in Gaza City, beating journali...

  • March 15, 2011

    NY Times at last discovers Palestinian incitement

    In the wake of the slaughter of a Jewish family in the West Bank, the New York Times finally discovers that vicious incitement against Israel in Palestinian Authority mosques, schools and media may be an obstacle to reaching a peace ag...

  • March 14, 2011

    Saudis challenge Tehran

    A basic historical fact about the Muslim world is that it's divided  between  two arch-rivals -- the Sunnis and the Shia.  It's also no secret that Iran leads the Shia bloc and the Saudis, especially since the ouster of Mubarak in...

  • March 14, 2011

    Wash. Post bends truth on settlements, covers up Abbas's anti-Israel incitement

    Amid unrelenting anti-Israel incitement by Mahmoud Abbas's Palestinian Authority, including glorification of suicide bombers and teaching children that Palestine will encompass all of Israel, an Israeli family of five -- both parents and three childr...

  • March 13, 2011

    WaPo shields Abbas from blame as terror attack kills five Israelis

    It was one of the most heinous terror attacks against Israeli civilians.  On the Sabbath, in the middle of the night, one or more Palestinian terrorists infiltrated the Jewish community of Itamar in the West Bank and stabbed to death five m...

  • March 10, 2011

    A flow of anti-Israel poison -- from Israel, to Britain, to the heart of the U.S. capital

    Western culture -- whether expressed in books, plays, movies -- increasingly spews anti-Israel hatred across the globe.  It's become a radical-chic campaign by a growing number of writers, directors, actors and other performers to demonize and d...

  • March 9, 2011

    At the NY Times, Israel can't win; Palestinians can't lose

    In the March 9 edition of the New York Times, Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner reports on a visit to the Jordan Valley by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.  This was an occasion for him to reaffirm that Israel must maintain a militar...

  • March 7, 2011

    WaPo confirms Netanyahu's beef that Israel gets short end of the stick

    The Washington Post, in its March 7 edition, runs an article under a headline that reads:  "Netanyahu says world is conditioned to back Palestinians" (page A6 "World Digest").The story says the Israeli leader "...

  • March 6, 2011

    WaPo tackles riddle of Palestinians' 'strange quiet' amid Arab upheavals -- and gets it wrong

    In the March 5 edition of the Washington Post, Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg treks over to Ramallah to try to find out why, amid widespread turmoil in the Arab world, Palestinians have not mounted massive protests against their leaders....

  • March 2, 2011

    NYT, WaPo ignore Clinton condemnation of UN Human Rights Council's 'structural bias' against Israel

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in Geneva on Feb. 28 for a major U.S. policy address to the UN Human Rights Council.While Clinton welcomed the ouster of Libya from the Council -- on orders of the UN General Assembly -- her speech was more news...

  • March 2, 2011

    Back in vogue

    What do the president of Yemen, the founder of WikiLeaks and Dior's chief designer have in common?They pollute their surroundings with anti-Semitic poison.Ali Abdullah Saleh, the president of Yemen and a supposed U.S. ally in the war against terroris...

  • February 28, 2011

    Israelis in no mood for massive protests and that includes Israeli Arabs

    Take a look at the news coverage of mass protests throughout the Arab world and you will see regional maps pointing to turmoil from Tunisia to Bahrain.  Except in a tiny, barely visible country wedged between Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt -- ...

  • February 28, 2011

    NY Times finds Islamophobia in Malmo, but blind to rampant Jew-hatred in Sweden's anti-semitic capital

    In its Feb. 27 edition, the New York Times features an article about rising anti-immigrant sentiment in Sweden, with special focus on Malmo, where a quarter of the population is foreign-born, mostly from Muslim countries.The article, by Suzanne Daley...

  • February 26, 2011

    NY Times Uses Rescued Chilean Miners' Pilgrimage to Holy Land to Score Points Against Israel

    Twenty-five of the rescued Chilean miners have arrived in Israel for a week-long pilgrimage to sacred Christian sites.  They are there with spouses and other relatives as invited guests of the Israeli government.  Given extensive media inte...

  • February 25, 2011

    Wash. Post sees 'terror' threat in Lubbock, but not in Israel

    In its Friday, Feb. 25, edition, the Washington Post features an article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg about Israel's responses to an attack from Gaza on an Israeli border patrol and to a an advanced rocket fired from Gaza that hit a resi...

  • February 21, 2011

    Truth takes a beating in Wash. Post coverage of settlements

    In its Feb. 21 edition, the Washington Post features an article by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg that propagates a whopper of a lie about Israel supposedly continuing to build settlements in the West Bank and seizing more land for ...

  • February 19, 2011

    Obama Hoisted by Own Petard on Israeli-Palestinian Front

    From the start of his administration, President Obama demonstrated his animus against a Likud-led government by pouncing on Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and on new housing for Jews in East Jerusalem.  He abdicated the U.S. ro...

  • February 18, 2011

    WaPo leaves false impression on Palestinian terror attack

    The headline in the Feb. 18 edition of the Washington Post reads as follows:  "Israeli troops kill 3 Palestinians near border" (page A8).The lead paragraph of the article, by correspondent Joel Greenberg, reads as follows:  "...

  • February 16, 2011

    Saeb Erekat's resignation telling evidence of Palestinian rejectionism

    Saeb Erekat, the veteran Palestinian negotiator who doubled as chief propaganda minister under both Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, has submitted his resignation in the wake of Al Jazeera's disclosure of some 1,600 documents about concessions the Pa...

  • February 11, 2011

    Obama's foreign policy disaster

    Barack Obama is turning himself into a case study of how a U.S. president should not conduct foreign policy. With his propensity to constantly seek the spotlight, Obama has morphed into commentator-in-chief when it comes to the still unfolding crisi...

  • February 8, 2011

    Sanitizing the Muslim Brotherhood

    As the Muslim Brotherhood begins to flex its muscle in the current Egyptian tumult, readers of the Washington Post may wonder why there should be any concern about its possible ascendancy to a position of great influence and power in any post-Mubarak...

  • February 6, 2011

    NY Times manufactures a crisis in U.S.-Israel relations

    With scant real evidence, but with plenty of opinions from the usual suspects, the New York Times would have its readers believe that the turmoil in Egypt has led to one of the sharpest splits in the history of U.S.-Israeli relations.The scaremongeri...

  • February 4, 2011

    Reading The Washington Post 'Fearfully'

    In its Feb. 4 edition, the Washington Post runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Janine Zacharia about ripple effects in Israel from the turmoil in Egypt. ("For Israel, change could upend long-held security arrangements" page A14)...

  • February 4, 2011

    Treaties are good, but deterrent is better for Israel

    The ongoing turmoil in Egypt has focused attention on whether Israel can continue to rely on its peace treaties with Cairo and Amman. Military analysts have described these treaties as the main 'linchpin' of Israel's security in a hostile neighborhoo...

  • January 31, 2011

    Obama and the Ripple Effect

    One of President Obama's weaknesses is that, in foreign policy, he is not a clever chess player, anticipating moves and consequences several steps down the line.This failure to visualize all likely ripple effects of his own words and actions is again...

  • January 28, 2011

    NY Times peddles delusions about Abbas as peacemaker

    "Olmert says he and Abbas were near deal in '08," reads the headline on the front page article in the New York Times in the Jan. 28 edition.Except that it takes a great delusional leap to reach this conclusion from perusing the newly publis...

  • January 26, 2011

    WaPo portrays pro-Palestinian hired gun as objective analyst

    In a Jan. 25 article in the Washington Post, Jerusalem correspondent Janine Zacharia quotes Ed Abington, a former U.S. diplomat, as saying that Al-Jazeera's trove of leaked Palestinian documents show Palestinian negotiators conceding more and more ...

  • January 25, 2011

    Al Jazeera's Palestinian document leaks point up Obama's clueless Mideast peace strategy

    For three days running, Al-Jazeera has been pounding the Palestinian Authority with release of hundreds of PA negotiating documents, which show Mahmoud Abbas as a two-faced leader -- publicly insisting on getting all of East Jerusalem, including the ...

  • January 24, 2011

    Harrowing testimony of Israeli commandos aboard Gaza-bound ship -- 'Armed Mob lynched us'-- Unreported by NYT, WaPo

    As part of its inquiry into Israel's interception of a Gaza-bound flotilla last May, an Israeli blue-ribbon commission interviewed the commandos who clambered down from a helicopter above one of the vessels, where a heavily armed mob viciously attack...

  • January 24, 2011

    Israel vindicated in report on flotilla raid -- but not in the Washington Post

    On Sunday, Jan. 23, an Israeli blue-ribbon commission rendered its verdict on a battle aboard a Gaza blockade-running vessel that left nine Turkish activists dead.  The key issue was who initiated the violence that led to these fatalities -- the...

  • January 20, 2011

    Wash. Post libels Israel as lurching toward McCarthyism

    If a private U.S. group receives funding from foreign individuals or foreign governments to sway U.S. government policies or actions, it must register with the Justice Department under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, disclose how much money it ge...

  • January 18, 2011

    WSJ and WaPo share anti-Israel bias in news columns

    The Wall Street Journal is usually regarded as a nationally influential newspaper with a right-of-center bent.  For its part, the Washington Post -- highly influential in the corridors of national power -- is usually seen as a left-of-center new...

  • January 17, 2011

    WaPo reports Israeli government shake-up through a pro-Palestinian lens

    Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg, in a Jan. 17 Washington Post dispatch, reports that the break-up of Israel's Labor Party has resulted in one faction, led by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, that will remain in the government, and another faction ...

  • January 16, 2011

    NY Times swallows Hezb'allah propaganda on Israel and Lebanon

    The Jan. 16 Sunday "Week in Review" section of the New York Times features an article by Mideast correspondent Anthony Shadid about how a dictator's fall in Tunisia points up a larger regional picture -- the instability of sclerotic, author...

  • January 13, 2011

    WaPo distorts history to libel Israel

    In reporting the collapse of the Lebanese government following resignations of Hezb'allah cabinet members, the Washington Post, in its Jan. 13 edition, recites a long history of such Lebanese crises ("Political Crisis Shakes Lebanon" front ...

  • January 12, 2011

    Iran, Hezb'allah lay down gauntlet to Obama on Lebanon -- guess who's losing

    From the point of view of Iran and its Lebanese terrorist puppet, Hezb'allah, the timing of the collapse of Lebanon's government couldn't have been more exquisite.  For President Obama, the in-your-face timing arranged by the mullahs in Tehran d...

  • January 12, 2011

    WaPo's inconvenient truth

    Except for one glaring omission, Joel Greenberg's dispatch in the Jan. 10 edition of the Washington Post about the demolition of the Shepherd Hotel near Jerusalem's Old City is fairly unexceptional ("Israel -- Contentious housing project moves a...

  • January 11, 2011

    WaPo expunges Israeli rule of Jerusalem -- an Orwellian ploy

    At first, it seemed that it may just have been an oversight accounting for the fact that the Washington Post  has turned Palestinian wishful-thinking about Jerusalem into actual reality.  But it wasn't just a one-time...

  • January 10, 2011

    New York Times ignores an inconvenient truth

    If the New York Times did some serious journalism about changing demographics in Jerusalem instead of focusing only on new housing for Jews, it would discover that Israel's capital is far more Arab  today  than it was in 1967...

  • January 8, 2011

    WaPo blames Israel for Palestinian barbarity (updated: NY Times too)

      On Jan. 6, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas released half a dozen Hamas terrorists from a Palestinian Authority jail, including Wael Bitar, a terrorist kingpin implicated in several attacks against Israeli civilians, including the murd...

  • January 7, 2011

    What the NYT and the WaPo publish -- and what they don't

    In  their Jan. 7 editions, the Washington Post  and the New York Times carry stories about Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak asking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to offer more concessions to the Palestinians i...

  • January 5, 2011

    NY Times journalism -- the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    On New Year's Eve, a weekly protest at a West Bank Palestinian village against Israel's security barrier turned violent.  The barrier was breached in three places and demonstrators hurled stones at Israeli security forces.  Israeli troops r...

  • January 4, 2011

    Hit-and-run Journalism -- The Way to Tar Israel

    On New Year's Eve, there was a Palestinian-instigated protest at a West Bank village against Israel's security barrier.  There's one every week at this particular location -- it's well-rehearsed political theater to stoke anti-Israel propaganda....

  • January 3, 2011

    How fiction became news

    Pick up a copy of the New York Times or the Washington Post any day of the week when they run an article on Israel and you're apt to find prominent quotes from reporters and columnists of Haaretz, a far-left newspaper with limited circulation that is...

  • December 30, 2010

    Week's worth of stories censored by NY Times, Wash. Post

    The following stories -- in the span of a week -- were widely disseminated.  But none made it into the news pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post.  It's all too familiar pattern that points to a biased pro-Paletinian, anti-Isr...

  • December 27, 2010

    AP recasts Palestinian terror war as 'Israeli-Palestinian violence'

    The Associated Press, in a post-Christmas dispatch, distributed an article from Jerusalem about 2010 turning into a record tourism year for Israel.One would think that since this calls for a simple rewrite of a Tourism Ministry press release that onl...

  • December 25, 2010

    Palestinian Christmas presents for Israel -- Ethnic cleansing of Jews, death of Jewish state, ongoing terror

    On the present day of Christmas, Palestinians gave to Israel:--A vow by Mahmoud Abbas that a Palestinian state will be completely "Judenrein" -- cleansed of any and all Israelis.--A Hamas ultimatum -- Israel has two options:  Death or ...

  • December 24, 2010

    The Palestinians' brilliant ''peace' strategy -- Drive a big wedge between the U.S. and Israel

    You've got to give credit to the diplomatic and political savvy of the Palestinian Authority and its Fatah leaders, now only left with rule in the West Bank, while Hamas holds sway in Gaza.Not wishing to be outdone by Hamas in taking a hard line agai...

  • December 23, 2010

    NY Times perpetuates the big lie -- ''Settlements are the problem''

    In the Dec. 23 edition of the New York Times, Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner has a lengthy, front-page article that perpetuates the paper's ideological bent to blame Israeli settlements as the prime villains spoiling chances for an Israeli-Pale...

  • December 22, 2010

    NY Times stacks the deck against Jonathan Pollard

    The New York Times, in its Dec. 22 edition, runs a lengthy article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about Prime Minister Netanyahu's decision to make an official and public plea to President Obama to release Jonathan Pollard, a former ...

  • December 21, 2010

    WaPo puts Gaza's construction needs above Israel's life-and-death security needs

    The Dec. 21 headline in the Washington Post is another reminder of the paper's unbalanced coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- "Aid groups decry Israel's Gaza constraints -- Building Goods Hard to Come By -- Critics say restrictions h...

  • December 20, 2010

    Mahmoud Abbas puts on a propaganda show -- and the NY Times applauds

    In its Dec.20 edition, the New York Times features a gushing account of a meeting in Ramallah between Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and some 60 members of Israel's "peace camp" ("Palestinian Leader Has 60 Israelis to Lunch" by ...

  • December 18, 2010

    Gaza through a NY Times lens

    NY Times Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner journeyed to Gaza to report on conditions there two years after Israel's counter-terrorism offensive, following several years of incessant rocket fire from the Hamas-ruled territory against civilian targe...

  • December 16, 2010

    WaPo reports on Palestinian incitement

    In its Dec. 16 edition, the Washington Post features a page-one article by Jerusalem Correspondent Janine Zacharia, with the following headline:  "Palestinian Authority reins in radical imams."Zacharia reports that the PA's minister of...

  • December 15, 2010

    NY Times' historical revisionism of Israel's War of Independence

    In its Dec. 14 editon, the New York Times ran a feature article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about Ein Hod, an artists' colony that susatained major damage during the recent blaze across the Carmel Mountain range("Arabs And Israel...

  • December 12, 2010

    Hillary's Tilt against Israel

    Secretary of State Clinton's reset of U.S. Mideast peace strategy again tilts heavily against Israel. But give Team Obama credit for persistence.  Having failed to advance the peace process by obsessing about Jewish settlements and dem...

  • December 9, 2010

    NY Times spotlights Palestinian 'despair,' ignores it's self-inflicted

    In a Dec. 9 news analysis, Ethan Bronner, the Jerusalem bureau chief of the New York Times, takes stock of the Obama administration's self-admitted failure to get Israel and the Palestinians into fruitful, direct negotiations. ("For U.S., C...

  • December 8, 2010

    NY Times blames Israel for U.S., Palestinian failures to advance the peace process

    The Obama administration has withdrawn a package of security and diplomatic incentives for Israel in exchange for a three-month extension of a building moratorium in West Bank settlements, admitting that this wouldn't bring about resumption of Israel...

  • December 7, 2010

    Who killed Netanyahu-Clinton deal for construction freeze extension?

    It was hailed as another one of those supposed breakthroughs in the never-ending Israeli-Palestinian peace process.  After seven hours of intense negotiations in New York between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Prime Minister Netanyahu, i...

  • December 6, 2010

    NY Times downplays Saudis as main source of funding for global terrorism

    While other media around the world headlined reports about the latest WikiLeaks documents as disclosing that Saudi Arabia remains the principal source of funding global terrorism, the New York Times went to great lengths to downplay ominous Saudi com...

  • December 3, 2010

    WaPo extols Media Matters' exposes of Fox News bias

    The Washington Post features a lengthy article  by Paul Farhi on the front page its Style Section about Media Matters, a liberal press watchdog, and its relentless campaign against Fox News and its conserv...

  • December 1, 2010

    WaPo Spikes U.S. Condemnation of PA's Denial of Jewish Links to Western Wall

    The Washington Post has spared no printer's ink in reporting criticism by the Obama administration of Israeli construction in East Jerusalem and West Bank settlements as obstacles to the peace process.  There have been dozens such articles over ...

  • November 28, 2010

    WikiLeaks: Intriguing disclosure of SecState Clinton's deep suspicions of UN, PA

    One of the most intriguing and potentially devastating documents pried into the open by WikiLeak's massive disclosure of U.S. diplomatic cables concerns a directive by Secretary of State Clinton to U.S. intelligence to keep a close eye on UN Secretar...

  • November 27, 2010

    Wash. Post tears into Israeli airport security checks that profile Arabs

    The headline and lead paragraph of Jerusalem correspondent Janine Zacharia's Nov. 27 article might lead readers of the Washington Post to believe that they're about to find out why many in the aviation industry consider Israel's screening o...

  • November 26, 2010

    Netanyahu warns of impact on peace talks of PA incitement

    For far too long, Israeli leaders have turned the other cheek while Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority kept glorifying terrorist killers, denying Jewish links to the Holy Land, propagating anti-Semitic caricatures, delegitimizing the Jewish ...

  • November 24, 2010

    The demographic secret about Jerusalem the NY Times refuses to reveal to its readers

    In 1967, when Israel captured the eastern part of Jerusalem and put an end to 19 years of illegal Jordanian occupation, there were 72,000 Arabs in the unified city and they comprised 27 percent of its total population.  Today, 43 years...

  • November 23, 2010

    NY Times recoils at letting Israeli voters have final say on any peace deal

    The Knesset, Israel's democratically elected parliament, has enacted a law that mandates a public referendum before any part of East Jerusalem or the Golan Heights can be ceded to the Palestinians or to Syria in any peace agreements.  The vote o...

  • November 21, 2010

    NY Times clings to 'peace process' with a bundle of grand illusions

    In the Sunday, Nov. 21, edition of the New York Times, Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner pens a lengthy article on the Obama administration's belief that an Israel-Palestinian peace agreement would greatly reduce anti-Americanism in the Middle Eas...

  • November 19, 2010

    Is Washington Post coverage of Israel crossing the line into anti-Semitism?

    Accusations of anti-Semitisms should be used with the greatest of care, especially when aimed at critics of Israel and some of its policies. Yet, there is also a a growing awareness that such criticism all too often does cross the line and morphs i...

  • November 17, 2010

    WaPo spins doomsday scenario for Israel

    Janine Zacharia, the Washington Post's Jerusalem correspondent, spins a fanciful, sky-is-falling doomsday scenario for Israel: if you don't hurry up and bend over backwards to get a peace deal with Mahmoud Abbas on almost any terms, th...

  • November 15, 2010

    Jewish holy city of Safed is latest Wash. Post Israel-bashing target

    Whether it's Janine Zacharia, the Washington Post's Jerusalem correspondent, or Joel Greenberg, a Jerusalem-based special correspondent, these Post reporters are well aware of what kinds of dispatches editors expect from them -- pieces that invariabl...

  • November 14, 2010

    A headline that sums up Obama's trip to Indonesia

    In the newspaper business, headline writing is considered a fine art. In a tiny bit of space, a headline is supposed to do two things -- catch the reader's eye and sum up with a few well-chosen words the entire gist of an article. No mean feat.Some...

  • November 11, 2010

    NY Times glaringly sides with Palestinians -- in its news coverage

    In a purported news article in the Nov. 11 edition of the New York Times, reporter Mark Landler starts off in his lead paragraph of his article by taking the Palestinian side against Israel on the thorny issue of Jerusalem -- by describing Jewish nei...

  • November 10, 2010

    A WaPo reporter's anti-Israeli bias stretches from Sderot to Jakarta

    When Washington Post reporter Scott Wilson did a stint as the paper's Jerusalem correspondent, he earned a well-deserved and well-documented reputation for anti-Israel bias, shading and spinning his copy to portray Israel in the darkest of hues while...

  • November 9, 2010

    Obama, State Dept., EU, media concoct phony tempest in a Jerusalem teacup

    Haaretz and other Israeli left-wing media concocted an anti-Israel gotacha piece a few days ago when they discovered that authorities were soliciting public comments on previously announced plans for construction of some 1,300 housing units in Jewish...

  • November 7, 2010

    WaPo takes aim at the IDF and misses

    The front-page headline in the Sunday Nov. 7 edition of the Washington Post paints a grim picture of the IDF -- "Israel's military faces loss in recruits, status -- Growing number of exempt citizens, recent scandals are among the reaso...

  • November 4, 2010

    UN ranks U.S. 4th, Israel 15th in report card on living standards

    Each year, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) issues a voluminous report on human development progress and challenges among its member nations.  Unlike many other UN reports that are heavily politicized, the human-development reports have maint...

  • November 4, 2010

    Bill Clinton's Big Lie in the New York Times

    Former President Bill Clinton, in an op-ed in the Nov. 4 edition of the New York Times, recalls his deep friendship with Yitzhak Rabin, on the 15th anniversary of the Israeli leader's assassination.  As a White House reporter in the 1990s, I can...

  • November 2, 2010

    NY Times soft on antisemite filmmaker

    Later this month, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences plans to award an honorary Oscar to Jean-Luc Godard, a New Wave French filmmaker with a deep-seated anti-Semitic streak.  Recent biographers have provided ample documentation of G...

  • October 31, 2010

    UNESCO demands removal of Cave of the Patriarchs from historic registry

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 The coincidental timing couldn't be more...

  • October 25, 2010

    NY Times beats drums for stripping Israel of its Jewish essence

    The headline atop the Oct. 25 New York Times dispatch by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner tells it all:  "Some Question Insistence On Israel as Jewish State."It's an old journalistic dodge that when a reporter wants to inject hi...

  • October 24, 2010

    Jewish leaders in shameful betrayal of Jonathan Pollard

    Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1985 for spying for Israel, even though his defense team had obtained agreement from the prosecution that he would serve a much shorter sentence.The judge overturned the deal after then-Defense S...

  • October 22, 2010

    NY Times' phony gotacha game with settlements

    If you believe the New York Times' coverage of the breakdown in talks between Israel and the Palestinians, it's all about settlements, settlements, settlements -- and nothing else.The latest example of this misplaced obsession is Jerusalem burea...

  • October 21, 2010

    NY Times a cheerleader for unilateral Palestinian declaration of statehood

    Palestinian officials increasingly threaten to abort negotiations with Israel for a two-state solution and instead are toying with the idea of seeking international endorsement of a unilateral declaration of statehood in Gaza, the West Bank and ...

  • October 20, 2010

    The Global Assault on Israel's Jewishness

    In 1944, shortly after the liberation of Paris, the French existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre began writing a searing analysis of anti-Semites and anti-Semitism.  He completed his essay in 1946.Given the context of the times -- the wren...

  • October 18, 2010

    NY Times goes to idiotic lengths to take a poke at Israel

    In monitoring New York Times coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I've served up numerous examples of how its correspondents spin, distort, bend and ignore the truth so as to paint Israel in a bad light.But there are no polite adjectives for...

  • October 17, 2010

    NY Times correspondent attacks Israel's ultimate existential deterrent

    In a review of Avner Cohen's "The Worst Kept Secret," Ethan Bronner, the Times' Jerusalem bureau chief, joins a growing tide of pressures on Israel -- from the Arab League, the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference, and...

  • October 15, 2010

    Call it a providential coincidence

    As Iranian President Ahmadinejad made his triumphant tour of Lebanon, vowing to cleanse the Middle East of any Jewish sovereignty, Jews the world over were resuming the annual recitation of early chapters of Genesis at Shabbat services throughou...

  • October 14, 2010

    A phony WaPo story story about a phony Palestinian peace offer

    In its Thursday, Oct. 14 edition, the Washington Post runs a six-column headline across page A15 that reads:  "Palestinian Authority counters Israeli offer on settlements:The headline is above an article  by Jerusalem correspondent Joe...

  • October 13, 2010

    A pro-Israel article in the Washington Post? Not exactly

    In the Oct. 13 edition of the Washington Post, correspondent Joel Greenberg writes how Israel deploys considerable resources to protect Palestinian olive groves in the West Bank from vandalism by extremist Jewish settlers."Military authorit...

  • October 11, 2010

    NY Times faults only Israel for loyalty oath; overlooks other countries

    There is robust debate in Israel about a government proposal to require non-Jews seeking citizenship to pledge loyalty to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.But instead of laying out all the pros and cons, the New York Times goes overboard ...

  • September 16, 2010

    Obsessed by Settlements, WaPo Ignores Escalating Terror Attacks from Gaza

    Judging from the Washington Post's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, it seems not to have occurred to the paper's editors and correspondents that Israelis may be at least as upset about a renewed wave of mortar and ...

  • September 16, 2010

    Clinton: Israeli-Palestinian status quo sustainable until 2040

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in her role as chief U.S. mediator of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, repeatedly has emphasized that a peace deal is urgently needed within the next 12 months because the status quo for both sides is unsustainable...

  • September 11, 2010

    Obama discards role of even-handed mediator, pressures only Israel for major, unialteral concession

    President Obama, at his Sept. 10 press conference, abandoned all pretense of an even-handed U.S. role in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks by going public with demands for a major, unilateral concession by Israel -- extension of its 10-month moratorium...

  • September 11, 2010

    NY Times arrogantly severs Ariel from Israel

    The Israeli city of Ariel (population 20,000) was founded in 1978 with active encouragement of then-Defense Minister Shimon Peres -- for decades Israel's most dovish political figure.   Its location is a mere two dozen miles from the Medite...

  • September 5, 2010

    NY Times test of Clinton diplomacy -- Just handle Bibi and U.S. Jews; No problems with Abbas

    In its Sunday, Sept. 5 edition, the New York Times carries a front-page article by Mark Landler about the challenge awaiting Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to prove her diplomatic prowess in efforts to steer negotiations toward a permanent peace ...

  • September 3, 2010

    NY Times coverage of peace talks parrots Palestinian agenda

    Resumption of direct peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders is barely under way and the New York Times already shapes its news coverage to favor the Palestinian side.Look no farther than the top-of-the-page headline on  the article ...

  • September 2, 2010

    New York Times blames the victims for Beit Hagai massacre

    When it comes to differentiating between Israeli settlers and Hamas terrorists, the New York Times displays more sympathy for the latter than for the former -- as is quite apparent from its Sept. 1 coverage of the killing of four Israeli civilians...

  • August 30, 2010

    Double standard at NY Times -- spotlight Israeli sins, but cover up Palestinian ones

    In its Aug. 30 edition, the New York Times devotes considerable space to an article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about inflammatory remarks against Palestinians by a politically influential Israeli rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, the spiritual lea...

  • August 29, 2010

    NY Times dishes out pro-Palestinian propaganda under false colors

    Readers of the  New York Times expect to find a variety of views in the Sunday "Week in Review" section, which is as it should be.  But they also are entitled to accurate bios of outside authors ...

  • August 23, 2010

    NYT spins anti-Israel story in Gaza shopping mall coverage

    In recent weeks, a new, bustling two-story mall in Gaza City has been discovered by various media (AT over a month ago - editor), which have pointed out that this shopping mecca doesn't quite fit the standard cliché of Gaza as one of the ...

  • August 22, 2010

    NY Times cries for Beit Hanoun, but not for Sderot

    For a perfect illustration of the selective, pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel journalism as practiced by the New York Times, one only has to compare the edition of Aug. 20 with the one of Aug. 1.On Aug. 20, the Times splashes an article by Jerusalem bu...

  • August 21, 2010

    NY Times derogates Netanyahu, covers up Abbas's rejectionism

    Instead of giving readers a straightforward, accurate picture of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, the New York Times sprinkles its coverage of their respective records in the run-up to direct peace talks with...

  • August 20, 2010

    The hidden jokers in the direct-talks deck

    At first blush, it may seem that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offered a straightforward account of plans for resumption of direct talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in Washington, DC, next month -- with President Obama presiding...

  • August 18, 2010

    Head Of Pan-Arab TV Network Opposes Ground-Zero Mosque

    How's this for supreme irony?After his inauguration, President Obama granted his first formal interview to the Al-Arabiya pan-Arab TV network.  It was the first move in his outreach to the Muslim world -- one of his highest priorities.Now comes ...

  • August 15, 2010

    Washington Post glosses over Imam Rauf's blaming US for 9/11

    In its Aug. 14 edition, the Washington Post , in reporting President Obama's backing of a mosque near Ground Zero, provides its readers a glowing account of its imam and chief sponsor, Feisal Abdul Rauf ("President defends plans for N.Y. mosque ...

  • August 15, 2010

    Obama backs away from Ground Zero Mosque

    Less than 24 hours after voicing his stout support for the Ground Zero Mosque project, President Obama took it all back.  His Friday evening talk at a White House dinner to mark the start of Ramadan, he  told reporters, shouldn't be constru...

  • August 13, 2010

    Obama joins EU in loading the dice against Israel to start peace talks

    In the last 24 hours, Secretary of State Clinton has telephoned Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and brought up some issues that need to be resolved to start direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, according to the State Department.Th...

  • August 11, 2010

    NYT: Ground Zero Mosque Mainly a PR Problem

    In its Aug. 11 edition, the New York Times runs a lengthy front-page article that points to inadequate PR preparations as the fuse that lit the controversy over plans to build a $100 million Islamic community center and mosque near Ground Zero (...

  • August 10, 2010

    WaPo credulously reports Hezb'allah line

    After former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri was killed by a truck bomb five years ago, the United Nations set up a tribunal to bring the culprits to justice.  After exhaustive investigations by UN prosecutors, it soon became clear that ...

  • August 5, 2010

    NYT and WaPo black out official US backing for Israel's version of border clash

    It was a moment worth remembering and relishing. Here was the State Department with its vaunted Arabist leanings declaring, without equivocation or qualification, that Israel was the victim of Lebanese cross-border aggression when IDF troops wer...

  • August 2, 2010

    Near-Massacre in Israel From Gaza Rocket Fire -- and the Media Yawn

    Late Saturday, July 31, an upgraded Qassam rocket from Gaza scored a direct hit on the ceiling of a children's hydrotherapy rehabilitation center in the heart of Sderot's Sapir College.  The center provides therapy and workshops for special-need...

  • July 30, 2010

    Wash. Post Invokes Jesus and John the Baptist to Flog Israel

    Discerning Washington Post readers have come to expect a regular menu of Israel-bashing articles from Jerusalem correspondent Janine Zacharia. Not a week goes by without a major Zacharia feature about Israeli shortcomings and blemishes, however ...

  • July 30, 2010

    The Post sees only Israel as obstacle to peace

    The Washington Post, in its July 28 editions, ran an article by Jerusalem correspondent Janine Zacharia, with a four column headline that reads: "From Israel, mixed signals on peace effort." So what are those mixed signals and by whom are...

  • July 28, 2010

    WaPo sees only Israel sending mixed signals

    The Washington Post, in its July 28 editions, runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Janine Zacharia, with a four column headline that reads:  "From Israel, mixed signals on peace effort."  So what are those mixed signals and ...

  • July 27, 2010

    Turkish PM Hoisted on Own Gaza Flotilla Petard

    Since at least the beginning of 2009, the Islamic government of Turkey under Prime Minister Erdogan has ratcheted up its fierce anti-Israel propaganda, a hostile pattern climaxed by the Turkish flotilla's attempt to breach Israel's blockade of Hamas-...

  • July 24, 2010

    New York Times Turns Religious Dispute into Israel-Bashing Spree

    Legislation on religious conversion in Israel has become a hot-button issue, pitting its Knesset sponsors against leaders of the Reform and Conservative Movements in the United States.  The bill, narrowly approved in a preliminary committee vote...

  • July 23, 2010

    Palestinians ban 'Rivers of Babylon' song from West Bank international music fest

    Palestinians are hosting an international arts festival this week -- with performances in Ramallah and other major West Bank cities.  Among the performing artists was the Boney M disco group, known for its world-famous "Rivers of Babylon...

  • July 15, 2010

    New York Times Doublespeak

    George Orwell would be smiling in his grave -- if only he could subscribe to the New York Times.In its July 15 edition, the Times runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about dim prospects for direct negotiations between Israel an...

  • July 15, 2010

    Israel Wins, Hamas and Libya Lose in Latest Blockade Stunt

    After days of bluster by Libya that its aid ship was going to challenge Israel's blockade of Gaza, the Libyan-rented, Greek-owned, Maldovan-flagged vessel turned tail and, following IDF orders, docked instead at the Egyptian port of El-Arish.Israel o...

  • July 14, 2010

    Life in Gaza through NYT's distorted lens

    In its July 14 edition, the New York Times runs a lengthy article with four large photos on life in Gaza that is a prime example of selective history, selective sociology and selective journalism ("Trapped by Gaza Blockade, Locked in Despair...

  • July 13, 2010

    NYT Buries Key Findings

    If evidence still is needed of why readers are turned off by reporters placing their own judgment and opinions ahead of the facts, one need go no further than Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner's ...

  • July 13, 2010

    Obama's 'peace partner' embraces author of Darfur genocide

    This is a propitious time to connect the dots: Dot No. 1 -- The July 12 announcement by the International Criminal Court in The Hague that it has added genocidal charges to its previous indictment of Sudanese dictator Omar Hassan al-Bashir for ...

  • July 7, 2010

    Protecting Mahmoud Abbas

    The New York Times' and Washington Post's Mideast news coverage appear to have Mahmoud Abbas's back. It would seem so when perusing their July 7 reports on the White House summit between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister ...

  • July 6, 2010

    Obama Uncorks Sharpest Criticism Yet of Mahmoud Abbas -- In Front Of Bibi

    The Obama-Netanyahu summit was expected to turn into a mutual charm offensive.  And it didn't disappoint on that score.  At the start of his remarks to the press, Obama gushed that he and Bibi had an "excellent discussion" and emp...

  • July 6, 2010

    NYT Recycles Old News to Flog West Bank Jews, Evangelical Supporters In Sync With Bibi-Obama Summit

    The New York Times, in its July 6 edition, devotes its main front-page article to an attack on pro-Israel groups, including Christian evangelicals, who funnel tax-exempt contributions to Jewish settlements in the West Bank.  The article, with co...

  • July 5, 2010

    What Obama Doesn't Understand About Zionism

    The date was June 4, 2009. The place: Cairo, the venue for President Obama's historic speech to the Muslim world.In pushing for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the President gives equal weight to the national aspiration...

  • June 28, 2010

    Tom Friedman's Blood Libel of IDF Tactics against Palestinian Terrorists

    Columnist Tom Friedman, in the June 27 edition of the New York Times, updates a medieval blood libel against Jews by comparing the tactics of Israel's defense forces in counter-terrorism operations to Syrian dictator Hafez Assad's mass...

  • June 27, 2010

    G-8 Leaders Send Love Note To Bibi -- But Where Are The Media?

    The Group of Eight summit in Canada issued a communiqué on June 26 that is remarkably favorable and supportive of Israel's stance on Gaza and the peace process.The communique, which expresses the views of the United States,...

  • June 22, 2010

    Israel through a dark lens

    In its June 22 edition, the Washington Post runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Janine Zacharia that depicts Israelis mired in malaise about their country's "deepening isolation" -- with only an Elton John concert as a brief morale-b...

  • June 21, 2010

    NYT ignores essential facts

    In its June 21 edition, the New York Times runs a lengthy, 25-paragraph, front-page article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about Israel's decision to ease  its land blockade of Gaza, which fails to present a full, fair and accur...

  • June 18, 2010

    WaPo Falsifies Extent of Israel's Humanitarian Aid To Gaza, Lets Hamas Off The Hook

    No sooner does Israel announce that it's easing its land blockade of Gaza than Washington Post correspondent Janine Zacharia complains that it isn't nearly enough, while she turns a blind eye to the fact that Hamas is the real culprit for any de...

  • June 15, 2010

    NYT more clueless and biased than Al Jazeera

    In its June 15 edition, the New York Times carries an article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about a roadside shooting attack on Israeli policemen  in the West Bank that killed one officer and injured two ("Israeli Policeman Kil...

  • June 14, 2010

    NY Times Defames Israel's Flotilla-Inquiry Commission

    Israel has created an inquiry commission to probe all the circumstances of a deadly raid on a Turkish ship trying to breach the blockade of Gaza.  But before the commission has even begun to do its work, the New York Times already has dismissed ...

  • June 14, 2010

    'Gaza through fresh eyes?'

    The Sunday, June 13, edition of the New York Times devotes almost an entire page to half a dozen color pictures of life in Gaza, taken by freelance photographer Katie Oblinsky, with narrative by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner ("Gaza, Thro...

  • June 12, 2010

    NY Times tries to hide another Abbas blemish

    In its June 11 edition, the New York Times ran a news item by Jersualem correspondent Isabel Kershner that the Palestinian Authority has indefinitely postponed local elections in the West Bank that were scheduled for July 17."No official reason ...

  • June 10, 2010

    Inaccurate, biased reporting on Obama-Abbas meeting

    In its June 10 edition, the Washington Post runs an article by Michael Shear about President Obama's meeting with Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in the White House.  The article is both inaccurate about Obama's pledge of more aid to the Pale...

  • June 9, 2010

    Obama on the spot after tepid UN sanctions on Iran

    The U.N. Security Council, by a 12 to 2 vote, approved a new set of sanctions on Iran that fall short of U.S. and Israeli expectations.  After all, it wasn't only so long ago that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged to mobilize the intern...

  • June 9, 2010

    Abbas lies to Obama

    There they were the two leaders at a press availability in the Oval Office -- President Obama and his guest Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the Palestinian Authority.Their remarks followed predictable patterns, but there was one conspicuous disagreem...

  • June 8, 2010

    WaPo's blind eye to Gaza armed divers

    The Washington Post, in a June 8 dispatch by Jerusalem correspondent Janine Zacharia, treads ever so gently on the identity and objectives of four Palestinian terrorist frogmen who were killed off Gaza by Israel's Navy ("Four divers shot, killed...

  • June 7, 2010

    Israel and the Crusaders?

    New York Times columnist Ross Douthat draws a faulty parallel between the perils that doomed Christian Crusader rule in the Holy Land and Israel's challenges as a Jewish state in a hostile neighborhood ("Israel And Outremer" op-ed page...

  • June 6, 2010

    NYT disputes Israel's right to blockade

    In the June 6 edition of the New York Times, Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner writes the following:  "Israel has been widely condemned for its blockade, which some experts in international law say is illegal."Bronner's glib asserti...

  • June 6, 2010

    WaPo news and editorial pages disagree on Gaza flotilla

    In the June 5 edition of the Washington Post, reporter Scott Wilson writes that Israeli "commandos boarded a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in international waters, killing nine civilians, among them a 29-year-old U.S. citizen of Turkish descent (...

  • June 5, 2010

    WaPo's profile of Netanyahu short on facts

    Janine Zacharia, the Washington Post's Jerusalem correspondent, tries her hand at writing a profile of Prime Minister Netanyahu in the June 4 edition, but the real Bibi keeps slipping through her fingers. Readers of her article might be forgiven fo...

  • June 4, 2010

    Something missing in anti-Israel WaPo article

    According to Janine Zacharia, the Washington Post's Jerusalem correspondent, economic and social problems in Gaza date back to 2005 when "Israel first imposed a closure on the territory" and "the blockade has intensified over the thr...

  • June 3, 2010

    Does the NY Times expect Israel to commit suicide?

    In its June 2 edition, the New York Times editorially suggests two solutions to put Israel back in the good graces of the international community -- an "impartial international investigation" of the commando raid and a permanent lifting o...

  • June 2, 2010


    In the June 2 edition of the Washington Post, reporters Mary Beth Sheridan and Scott Wilson write that "Israeli officials have provided no evidence that the activists were armed."  ("Accounts of assault still conflict...

  • May 31, 2010

    NYT Beats Drums Against Israel, Whitewashes Militants Aboard Flotilla Ship

    President Obama, in his first comments about the deadly clash between Israeli commandos and pro-Palestinian militants aboard a Gaza-bound flotilla ship, eschewed drawing premature conclusions and instead declared that he first wanted to know "al...

  • May 30, 2010

    Obama's Charm Offensive Masks Israel Policy Change

    The two contrasting faces of President Obama in his relations with Israel and American Jews were on full display this week.On Thursday, Obama hosted some 250 Jewish luminaries and high-achievers at an elaborate White House reception to mark Jewish He...

  • May 26, 2010

    The misnomer of the 'Occupied' West Bank

    It has turned into an automatic Pavlovian part of the vocabulary of New York Times reporters and editors. "It," in this instance, is the West Bank. But notice that it never is merely the "West Bank." This geographic term clearl...

  • May 23, 2010

    Propaganda from the AP

    It's just a short paragraph.  Yet, it is riddled with factual and historical errors -- all part of an egregious anti-Israel bias that undermines millennial Jewish ties and claims to Jerusalem.It appears in the May 23 edition of the Washington Po...

  • May 18, 2010

    NYT Correspondent Turns Into Cheerleader For Rabid Anti-Israel Propagandists

    In a May 18 dispatch by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner, the New York Times reports on a "fierce debate" in Israel over a decision to bar Noam Chomsky from entering the West Bank to speak at a Palestinian university  ("I...

  • May 17, 2010

    NY Times sides with Obama and Palestinians on reference to 'settlements'

    Clark Hoyt, the ombudsman/public editor of the New York Times, devotes his Sunday, May 16, column to use of words that prompt sharp criticsm from some readers ("Semantic Minefields" page 10 Week In Review section).Among such controversial ...

  • May 16, 2010

    WaPo reports on Palestinian 'peaceful' resistance

    In a dispatch appearing on the Washington Post's May 15 website and slated for publication in the Sunday, May 16 print edition, Jerusalem correspondent Janine Zacharia writes that Palestinians under Mahmoud Abbas are switching to non-violent resista...

  • May 13, 2010

    US Jewish Leadership and Obama

    On May 12, the top umbrella group of U.S. Jewish leaders ran a full-page ad in the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal that reprinted an address Yitzhak Rabin delivered in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol 15 years ago -- a ...

  • May 13, 2010

    Medvedev in Damascus

    Russian President Medvedev paid a call on Syrian President Assad in Damascus -- a chummy get-together that ended with Moscow's full endorsement of the most rejectionist Arab agenda against Israel, plus a direct Kremlin challenge to Obama's Midea...

  • May 11, 2010

    NYT begrudges Israel's membership in the OECD

    Israel's success in gaining membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is a big deal.  The 31-member, Paris-based group is an elite club of developed, open-market, democratic economies.   Membership inspire...

  • May 10, 2010

    State Department silent on Hamas as 'proximity talks' begin

    Look no farther than the communiqué from the State Department about the start of U.S. envoy George Mitchell's diplomatic shuttles between Jerusalem and Ramallah to grasp the delusional aspect of Obama's exercise in purported peace-making....

  • May 5, 2010

    Washington Post cannot bring itself to use the t-word

    The terrorism suspect is under arrest and has confessed.  A horrific terrorist attack in the heart of New York City has been averted.  But you wouldn't know it reading the Washington Post, a newspaper that wears blinders on the term.The May...

  • May 3, 2010

    WaPo allergy to the t-word

    The Washington Post's main front-page story about the bungled terrorist attack in Times Square goes to great lengths to hide from readers the fact that this was, in fact, a bungled terrorist attack.  Both the headline and the article resort...

  • May 1, 2010

    More lies from the NYT on Israel

    The New York Times, in an op-ed piece, perpetuates pro-Palestinian propaganda that Israel is pushing out Arabs from Jerusalem and replacing them with Jews ("Who Lives in Sheik Jarah?'" by Kai Bird, April 30:)  It's an all-too fami...

  • April 30, 2010

    Iraqi Chutzpah

    There is something perverse about demands by the Iraqi government that the United States return a treasure trove of Torahs and Haggadahs stolen by Saddam Hussein from the oldest Jewish Diaspora community in the world, as reported by Glenn Kessle...

  • April 29, 2010

    Louis Brandeis must be turning over in his grave

    Israel haters among students and faculty at Brandeis are mounting an all-out campaign against the university's selection of Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States, as commencement speaker, going so far as to threaten violent...

  • April 26, 2010

    NY Times Blind to Palestinian Opposition

    The New York Times, in its April 26 edition, runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about a small group of ultra-right-wing Israelis staging a protest march in Jerusalem against a two-state solution that might re-divide Israel's c...

  • April 25, 2010

    Obama denies NYT report, but paper refuses to acknowledge

    On April 7, the New York Times ran a report by diplomatic correspondent Helene Cooper that President Obama was moving toward formulating his own peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because prospects were dim for negotiations betwee...

  • April 24, 2010

    Deconstructing WaPo poison pills reporting on Israel

    The Washington Post, in its April 24 edition, runs a photo of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in its World Digest with the following text:'"We are serious about it, we know you are serious about it, and we hope the Palestinians respond.'  ...

  • April 23, 2010

    Obama backtracking from muscling Israel?

    Here are half  a dozen new important straws in the wind about Obama's convoluted Mideast maneuvers:--George Mitchell arrives in Israel to try and restart negotiations after a month-long hiatus due to Obama's peremptory insistence that ...

  • April 19, 2010

    Hillary Clinton Drops 'Secure' Borders For Israel From Independence Day Message To Jewish State

    U .N. Security Council Resolution 242, adopted after the 1967 Six-Day War called on Israel to withdraw from some -- but not all -- captured territories in exchange for "secure and recognized" borders for the Jewish state....

  • April 18, 2010

    For the Real Meaning of Israel Independence Day

    Jews all over the world will celebrate by the Jewish calendar the 62nd anniversary of Israel's independence this year on April 19. It has become traditional on such occasions to focus almost entirely on the events of May 1948, when a nascent Jewish s...

  • April 16, 2010

    'For Jerusalem'

    The Washington Post, in its April 16 edition, features a full-page ad by Elie Wiesel, titled:  "For Jerusalem."  While phrased in Wiesel's usual poetic utterances, it is a cry from the heart to Obama to forego a final peace deal t...

  • April 14, 2010

    More NYT Middle East bias

    Having turned a blind eye for years to vicious anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incitement and indoctrination in Palestinian Authority mosques, schools and media under Mahmoud Abbas's control, the New York Times finally publishes an article about PA glor...

  • April 9, 2010

    WaPo, NYT spike coverage of Obama Admin Denunciation of Abbas, Palestinian Authority

    In his press briefing on April 8, State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said the following:"Regarding the Middle East, we are DISTURBED by comments of Palestinian Authority officials regarding reconstruction and refurbishing of Jew...

  • April 8, 2010

    NYT Fibbing about Bibi

    Helene Cooper, a Washington-based diplomatic correspondent, writes in the April 8 edition of the New York Times about Obama advisers pondering whether the President should offer his own peace plan to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ("Wei...

  • April 7, 2010

    NYT Hails Palestinian Switch to Terrorism-Lite

    In its April 7 edition, the New York Times features an article by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner about a switch by Palestinians to a new strategy away from violence and "armed struggle" to "peaceful pressure," including ...

  • April 6, 2010

    NYT Bemoans Scrutiny of Israel-Bashing Groups

    Many self-proclaimed human rights groups with anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian agendas operate freely in Israel and, thanks to lavish funding by European governments, and manage to have a sizeable impact in shaping its political discourse and policies...

  • April 3, 2010

    WaPo Exculpates Hamas in Terror Attacks From Gaza

    There's been a sharp increase in rocket and mortar fire from Gaza in recent weeks, prompting Israel to retaliate with airstrikes on military targets.  A fair, balanced roundup of these developments should include three essential elements --...

  • March 25, 2010

    Sabotaging the U.S.-Israel Relationship

    Two weeks ago, President Obama and his foreign policy team went bananas over Israeli plans, still awaiting final approval, to build more housing units in a nearly two-decade-old Jewish neighborhood in East Jerusalem. It didn't matter that Prime Minis...

  • March 23, 2010

    Obama and Clinton Flunk the Pinocchio Test at AIPAC

    What a difference a couple of years make.Back in early 2008, when both Obama and Hillary Clinton were competing for the Democratic presidential nomination, they courted Jewish voters big time at AIPAC's annual policy conference.Their 2008 comments an...

  • March 22, 2010

    Third Act for the Jerusalem Crisis this Week

    Relations between the United States and Israel hit crisis level last week. The drama has played out in two acts so far. The third act comes this week, and it determines whether this whole situation will be a tragedy or farce.According to the New York...

  • March 16, 2010

    NYT Blames Israel For Palestinian Incitement

    The Hurva Synagogue was the premier Jewish place of worship in Jerusalem's Old City in the 19th and early 20th Centuries -- until Jordanian troops destroyed it in 1948.  On March 15, after several years of painstaking restoration, it came t...

  • March 16, 2010

    An Historic Synagogue Reopens to Joy and Sadness

    The first time I glimpsed the ruins of the Hurva Synagogue was in 1991, when, during a week-long stay in Jerusalem, my wife and I toured the Old City several times. It quickly became a ritual -- enter via Jaffa Gate, make a right turn toward the Arme...

  • March 15, 2010

    The Attack on Netanyahu

    In orchestrating fierce attacks by Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton against Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Obama allowed his long-held anti-Likud animosity to blind him to basic political and diplomat...

  • March 12, 2010

    NYT's Curious Lack of Curiousity

    While Vice President Biden gave a major address about the peace process in Tel Aviv on March 11, the youth division of Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party dedicated a public square in the West Bank in honor of a Palestinian terrorist who carried out the...

  • March 12, 2010

    Biden Trip Reveals Ominous Side of Obama's Treatment of Israel

    The most salient part of Vice President Biden's speech in Tel Aviv came toward the end of his address -- after he spoke about the "unbreakable bond" between the U.S. and Israel, after he assured his audience that the administration has an ...

  • March 9, 2010

    NYT Tilts Scales Against Israel as Biden, Mitchell Make New Peace Efforts

    In a March 8 dispatch about Vice President Biden's visit to Israel and U.S. envoy George Mitchell's efforts to restart peace talks, Ethan Bronner, the Jerusalem bureau chief of the New York Times, puts the entire onus on Israel to get the peace proce...

  • March 7, 2010

    How WaPo slants the news against Israel

    Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel bias was on full display in the March 6 edition of the Washington Post in an article about Arab rioters, who were goaded by an inciteful sermon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque atop Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and emerged after servi...

  • February 27, 2010

    NYT Lies about Hebron Tomb Dispute

    The New York Times featured an article Friday by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about tensions between Palestinians and Israel over the Tomb of Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron ("Clashes Over Shrine In West Bank Persist, but Don't Es...

  • February 8, 2010

    Should NYT Jerusalem bureau chief be reassigned?

    Clark Hoyt, the  public editor of the New York Times , believes Ethan Bronner, the paper's Jerusalem bureau chief, should be given an assignment somewhere else to avoid a perception of conflict of interest because his so...

  • February 1, 2010

    WaPo hits trifecta of biased journalism today

    The Feb. 1 edition of the Washington Post deserves a special place in any study of journalistic bias.  So let's spend a few moments scanning the news section, where semantic trickery abounds.On page A4, there's an article about the Obama ad...

  • January 28, 2010

    WaPo's blind eye to Holocaust Remembrance Day

    Several years ago, the United Nations decreed an annual international observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27.  The UN selected that date because it was on Jan. 27, 1945, that Russian troops liberated Auschwitz-Birkenau, where more th...

  • January 23, 2010

    NYT can't run anything positive about Israel

    Since Israel responded quickly to the Haiti earthquake with a major relief effort, including a field hospital that trumps all other medical services in the devastated country, it has received widespread, unalloyed recognition and praise from mainstre...

  • January 20, 2010

    NYT on good news for Israel

    In its Jan. 20 edition, the New York Times carries an article by Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner about Israel's pending accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development -- a sign of Israel's growing status as an important e...

  • January 18, 2010

    Clash of civilizations in Haiti

    Since last week's devastating earthquake in Haiti, many countries have spared no effort or resources to dispatch planeloads of rescue teams, food, water, medicines and other badly needed aid to this stricken country.   With the notable exce...

  • December 26, 2009

    WaPo expunging Palestinian terror

    In its Dec. 26 edition, the Washington Post features a political profile of Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak by Jerusalem correspondent Howard Schneider ("For Israel's Barak, a complicated part -- In allying with right, defense minister has g...

  • December 16, 2009

    The anti-Zoinist ethos of the New York Times

    To grasp the underlying anti-Zionist viewpoint prevalent in New York Times coverage of Israel and the Palestinians, one need look no farther than Ethan Bronner's ruminations in the December 16 edition, ("Israelis and Palestinians Ponder Surprisi...

  • December 8, 2009

    The sound of silence

    On Dec. 7, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) issued a report that "strongly condemns" the Hamas regime in Gaza for obstructing the ability of Gazans to obtain critically needed, timely medical care in Israeli and West...

  • December 3, 2009

    WaPo portrays Jerusalem Palestinians as beleagured

    In its Dec. 3 edition, the Washington Post spreads a screaming headline across all six columns on page A17:  "Israel revoked Jerusalem residency of 4,500 Palestinians in 2008."But hold on.  Upon closer examination, it turns out th...

  • November 30, 2009

    Who's a 'terrorist'?

    Discerning Washington Post readers may be taken aback by a semantic double-standard that glares at them in the "news" section of the paper's Nov. 30 edition.There on page A2 is an article about whether potential jurors in New York can rende...

  • November 28, 2009

    WaPo news blackout on Chavez-Abbas love fest

    On Friday, Nov. 27, Mahmoud Abbas turned up at the presidential palace in Caracas where he lined up his strategic interests with those of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.The radical, American-hating Chavez warmly embraced Abbas and congratulated him...

  • November 26, 2009

    Will Obama stick with Hillary's Thanksgiving present to Bibi?

    The Obama administration, following Netanyahu's unilateral announcement of a temporary settlement freeze, has agreed on a quid-pro-quo that builds on a similar precedent set by Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush in 2004.  In exchange for ...

  • November 17, 2009

    Rewriting history to make the Jews look bad

    False equivalency rears its ugly head again. The Washington Post upends the history of Temple Mount and ignores Muslim desecration of Jewish antiquities in its Nov. 17 edition. The paper features an article by Jerusalem correspondent Howard Schneider...

  • November 15, 2009

    NYT derisive over Jewish claims to Temple Mount

    In its Nov. 15 edition, the New York Times features a lengthy article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about publication of a book by Israeli and Palestinian scholars of Jewish and Muslim claims to Temple Mount.  Kershner notes that th...

  • November 11, 2009

    Lies mark celebration of Arafat

    While the United States marked November 11 as Veterans Day, recalling the end of World War I, the Palestinians marked the day as the fifth anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death with parades and tributes, led by his successor, Mahmoud Abbas.In paying t...

  • November 5, 2009

    How biased is the NYT on Israel?

    1.  On Nov. 4, Israeli naval commandos boarded and inspected a cargo ship 100 miles off the Israeli coast.  On board, they discovered numerous containers consigned from an Iranian shipping line with hundreds of tons of weapons, includi...

  • October 30, 2009

    Tom Friedman correction necessary

    Columnist Tom Friedman has his facts all wrong when he wrote yesterday that the Obama administration is "begging Israelis to stop building more crazy settlements." There's no need for the U.S. to beg Israel to build more sett...

  • October 26, 2009

    NYT assigns equal blame to Israel for Arab riots

    On Sunday, Oct. 25, Arab rioters, using Al-Aqsa Mosque as their weapons arsenal, hurled a barrage of rocks and a firebomb at Israeli security forces on Temple Mount who were on alert because of an all-out incitement campaign by Israel's domestic Isla...

  • October 22, 2009

    Distorted picture of Gaza imports in NYT

    In its Oct. 22 edition, the New York Times publishes an article by its Gaza correspondent, Taghreed El-Khodari, about the lively commerce that moves into Gaza from Egypt via smuggling tunnels, which are designed to overcome an economic emba...

  • October 15, 2009

    Blowing J Street's Cover

    J Street, a recently formed Jewish lobby that describes itself as "pro-peace" and "pro-Israel,'' finally has shown its true colors in an escalating row with Israel's Embassy in Washington and with its ambassador to the U.S., Michael Or...

  • October 6, 2009

    Abbas lighting fuse for third intifada

    The "moderate" Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has started to take a page from the playbook of his old partner, Yasir Arafat, and is moving away from diplomacy to violence to achieve his objectives.  He is lighting the fuse for a thir...

  • October 5, 2009

    Israel and the Arab world, in UN statistics

    The United Nations today (Oct. 5)  released its 2009 human development report, which provides an annual scorecard on living standards in more than 180 nations. They are ranked according to such factors as public health (life expectancy), educati...

  • October 4, 2009

    Islamic states won't accept a Jewish state

    There are 56 Muslim nations in the world.  Their umbrella group goes by the official title of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.  They're all proudly affix a Muslim membership label to their nationahood. Some make this also very pl...

  • September 25, 2009

    A WaPo anti-Israel trifecta

    On Sept. 24, singer-poet Leonard Cohen packed a 45,000-seat stadium near Tel Aviv for a concert designed to raise funds for one of his pet projects -- an organization that promotes reconciliation -- with a good measure of success --between Palestinia...

  • September 22, 2009

    Obama changes course on Mideast

    President Obama's summit sessions in New York with Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu mark a sharp turn in the White House's involvement in the peace process.From Obama's earlier insistence on a complete construction freeze in East Jerusalem and We...

  • September 19, 2009

    Obama shoots self in foot on Mideast negotiations

    President Obama's Mideast peace envoy, George Mitchell, ended his latest shuttle mission to the region a few hours before the start of the Jewish New Year -- with prospects for resumption of high-level Israel-Palestinian peace talks as elusive as eve...

  • September 14, 2009

    One-sided reporting from the NYT

    The New York Times devotes more than a quarter of its front page and an entire inside page in its Sept. 14 edition to a report by Jerusalem correspondents Ethan Bronner and Isabel Kershner about illegal outposts manned by West Bank settlers, includin...

  • September 13, 2009

    How WaPo slants its coverage of West Bank issues

    Yesterday, the Washington Post runs a lengthy article by Jerusalem correspondent Howard Schneider about the West Bank Jewish town of Ariel as emblematic of conflicting U.S., Israeli and Palestinian agendas in dealing with the Mideast peace process (...

  • August 31, 2009

    Always Israel's fault (cont.)

    In its Aug. 31 edition, the Washington Post runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Howard Schneider that accurately reports the indictment of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on corruption charges, but does him a grave injustice when it ...

  • August 20, 2009

    WaPo hypocrisy on Israel's security barrier

    In its Aug. 20 edition, the Washington Post features an article by correspondents Linda Gradstein and Howard Schneider about Israel's counter-terrorism barrier along the West Bank.  The story is spread across four columns, with a four-colum...

  • August 18, 2009

    Obama softens tone on Israel

    President Obama, at his joint press conference with Egyptian President Mubarak, noticeably softened his tone on Israel, praising the Netanyahu government for "movement in the right direction."  At the same, Obama said he didn't just wa...

  • August 16, 2009

    Hamas lethally attacks mosque -- media and NGOs yawn

    The Washington Post's Jerusalem bureau chief, Howard Schneider, does a commendable job in writing about the growing dilemma facing Hamas in Gaza as this terrorist organization is caught between a rock and a hard place -- how to improve miserable...

  • August 16, 2009

    With whom is Israel supposed to cut a two state deal?

    According to President Obama's vision of a two-state solution, Israel must conclude a peace agreement with Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas.  But Fatah, at this week's party convention, took a leaf from Arafat's playbook and decided that it wouldn't e...

  • August 11, 2009

    NYT perfumes Fatah's belligerent political convention

    In its Aug. 11 edition, the New York Times runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner that falls far short of conveying the complete, hard-eged, anti-Israel, belligerent tone and positions of delegates at the "moderate"...

  • August 7, 2009

    New York Times covers up fierce anti-Israel radicalism at 'moderate' Fatah party convention

    In its Aug. 7 edition, the New York Times runs an article by Jerusalem correspondent Isabel Kershner about the Fatah party conference that is a textbook example of keeping a lid on how Mahmoud Abbas's political movement has veered toward undying host...

  • August 5, 2009

    NYT fawns over 'moderate' Abbas and Fatah

    In its Aug. 5 edition, the  New York Times runs an article by Isabel Kershner about the start of Fatah's party congress in Bethlehem that neatly expunges the terrorist past of Fatah and its leader, Mahmoud Abbas, and neatly sanitizes t...

  • July 24, 2009

    National Jewish Leader Turns against Obama

    A huge crack has surfaced in Obama's Jewish base in the person of Alan Solow, one of the president's closest Chicago friends and long-time supporters.Solow, who was named chairman of the Conference of President of Major Jewish Organizations last Dece...

  • July 20, 2009

    WaPo wants housing apartheid in Jerusalem

    The Washington Post, the liberal media heavy in the nation's capital, displays an apartheid slant in its news columns when it comes to housing in Jerusalem -- Jews, it maintains, should stay in the western side of Israel's capital...

  • July 17, 2009

    Olmert sides with Netanyahu against Obama's pressure

    In a Washington Post op-ed intended to catch President Obama's attention, former Israeli Prime MInister Ehud Olmert urges the U.S. administration to stop obsessing about Jewish settlements and instead focus on Palestinian leader Mahmdoud Abbas's obst...

  • July 14, 2009

    Jewish leaders get back of the bus treatment from Obama

    President Obama held a one-hour meeting with more than a dozen U.S. Jewish leaders on July 13 -- a session the White House tried to keep secret and off-the-record.  The White House also was careful to exclude Jewish leaders it deemed too inimica...

  • July 12, 2009

    Obama likens slave embarkation point to Holocaust

    I wish President Obama would stop drawing faulty parallels between the Holocaust and other painful events -- recent and past.  Intentionally or not, this derogates the special meaning of the Holocaust as a unique chapter in human history.During ...

  • July 10, 2009

    US, Not Arab Countries, to Receive Palestinian Refugees from Iraq

    The Obama administration, in a precedent-setting move, has approved resettlement in the U.S. for 1,350 Palestinian refugees from Iraq. But before this becomes a done deal, Congress and the media ought to ask the White House and the State Department w...

  • June 24, 2009

    Making up the news

    The Washington Post's June 24 edition carries an erroneous report by Jerusalem correspondent Howard Schneider that Benjamin Netanyahu is the first Israeli prime minister to demand that, as part of a final peace settlement, the Palestinians must recog...

  • June 20, 2009

    NYT Peddles the Obama Version of Mideast Peace Efforts

    New York Times diplomatic correspondent Helene Cooper is peddling a history-distorting canard that, in contrast to Obama's early plunge into Mideast peacemaking, his two predecessors -- Bill Clinton and George W. Bush -- waited until the end of ...

  • June 15, 2009

    Netanyahu Lays Down His Markers

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in his long-awaited foreign policy address, laid down clear markers to President Obama, Palestinians, the Arab world, the mullahs in Tehran, and to Israelis at home about how he intends to proceed with the p...

  • June 14, 2009

    WaPo headlines 'Zionist Perspective' in Bibi speech

    Stop the presses!Even before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began his long-awaited June 14 policy speech on Mideast peace, the Washington Post rushed out to warn readers that it wouldn't pass the paper's kosher test."Netanyahu's Speec...

  • June 7, 2009

    Obama criticizes NY Times coverage of his Israeli-Palestinian agenda

    Something strange is going on between the President of the United States and the newspaper that sets the agenda for the liberal media. On June 5, President Obama, at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Merkel in Dresden, said the following...

  • June 6, 2009

    Obama's Arafat Amnesia

    While in Cairo, President Obama had a roundtable interview with a group of Mideasts reporters, one of whom asked him about Arafat and why Clinton's Camp David summit ended in failure.  Here's Obama's reply:"Let me just say this.  ...

  • June 5, 2009

    Obama's speech to the Muslim world

    President Obama promised that he wanted his Cairo speech to be the start of an "honest" dialogue with the Muslim world.  When it comes to how he handled the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he fell short.He began his remarks on this ...

  • May 31, 2009

    Obama, Reagan, and the Nazi Death Camps

    What do Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama have in common?   Visits to a concentration camp to soothe Jewish sensibilitiesNext week, after a stop in Cairo to address the Muslim world and another stop in Saudi Arabia to discuss Mideast conflicts...

  • May 26, 2009

    Memorial Day Surprises Knock Props from Obama's Diplomatic Overtures

    President Obama vowed to do a better job than George W. Bush by using diplomacy instead of wielding a big stick in dealing with hostile nations like Iran, North Korea and Syria. It hasn't worked.Obama pleaded with them to "unclench their fi...

  • May 21, 2009

    NYT admits error on Netanyahu

    The New York Times now admits that in reporting the Obama-Netnayahu summit, it misquoted the Israeli prime minister when it falsely asserted that he conditioned resumption of peace talks with the Palestinians on recognition of Isr...

  • May 18, 2009

    The Obama-Netanyahu Summit

    Juding from their public remarks, President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu are moving cautiously to set new directions for Mideast peace -- without seeking any immediate Washington-Jerusalem consensus.  If the summit produced anythin...

  • May 17, 2009

    The Obama - Netanyahu Summit

    Some international summits have a way of arousing heated speculation about dramatic breakthroughs (or breakdowns) but often deliver more prosaic results.  This is apt to be the outcome of  Monday's White House meeting between President Obam...

  • May 15, 2009

    WaPo cleanses Jews from Nazareth

    The Washington Post's May 15 edition featrues an article about the grand finale of Pope Benedict XVI's Mideast travels -- his visit to Nazareth, "Thousands Greet Pope in Nazareth -- Mass Serves as Boilsterous Finale to Pontiff's Eight day T...

  • May 12, 2009

    Sanitizing a Palestinian harangue at the pope

    Suppose that Israel's chief rabbi, at an interfaith meeting in Jerusalem with Pope Benedict XVI, had launched a vicious tirade against all Palestinians, accusing them of murdering women and children and dismissing their legtimate political aspiration...

  • May 10, 2009

    NYT opposes urban beautification in one city

    In its May 9 editions, the New York Times features an article by correspondents Ethan Bronner and Isabel Kershner sharply critical of Israel's green-friendly beautification and development of parks and other public amenities in the heart of ancient J...

  • May 8, 2009

    Obama's Grotesque Choice

    There is something groteque about President Obama's travel itinerary next month.  In early June, he will stop off in Cairo to deliver an address to the Muslim world, fulfilling a campaign promise to select a Muslim capital for this occasion....

  • May 7, 2009

    Joe Biden's Muddled Tough-Love Speech to AIPAC

    Vice President Joe Biden's speech to AIPAC -- immediately dubbed by the media as the Obama administration's tough-love approach to Israel -- is both more and less than that.While Biden sought to portray the White House's emerging policy toward Israel...

  • April 24, 2009

    Obama'sMideast Myopia

    President Obama met this week at the White House with King Abdullah of Jordan -- the first of separate get-togethers with Israeli, Palestinian and Egyptian leaders in coming weeks.    In an exchange with reporters, Obama...

  • April 19, 2009

    Obama and Israel

    As President Obama's Mideast envoy, George Mitchell might have been expected to play the role of honest broker during last week's visits to Jerusalem and Ramallah, sounding out Israeli and Palestinian leaders about their views of the peace ...

  • April 11, 2009

    NYT, WaPo absent from big Midlle East story

    There has been no coverage  in recent days  in the New York Times and the Washington Post of a sharp escalation of tensions between Egypt on the one hand and Hezbollah and Iran on the other. The Egyptian media have ...

  • April 9, 2009

    The First White House Seder

    Barack Obama will become the first U.S. president on Thursday evening to host a White House Seder.To bring the Haggadah in conformity with the age of Obama, here's a memo to the President on how to spin potentially embarrassing passages:--"This ...

  • April 6, 2009

    President Obama, King Abdullah, and the end of Israel

    During the G-20 summit in London, Barack Obama took time out for a brief meeting with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia caught on video by two cameras, and by a still photographer, where the U.S. president bowed deeply in greeting the Saudi monarch. No m...

  • April 3, 2009

    MSM Nothwithstanding, New Israeli Government Aims For Palestinian Statehood

    One day after Israel's new government was sworn in, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman declared that Israel remains fully committed to Palestinian statehood.  Specifically, he confirmed that Israel will abide by the terms of the 2003 "...

  • March 26, 2009

    Obama flunks Irish History

    In his March 24 news conference, President Obama drew a parallel between the Good Friday agreement that ended decades of lethal conflict between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland and his determination to end the Israeli-Palestinian confli...

  • March 25, 2009

    Bibi Netanyahu to lead coalition including Labor

    Israel's Labor Party has decided to join the government being formed by Benjamin Netanyahu.  In one stroke, Labor Party recasts Bibi Netanyahu's government from far-right to centrist. Labor leader Ehud Barak, who has served as defense minis...

  • March 17, 2009

    Olmert's Act Almost Over

    As Israel's Ehud Olmert prepares to step down as prime minister, he's trying as best he can to burnish his legacy of peace-making with the Palestinians.  A daunting exercise indeed.  Because if truth be told, Olmert teamed up for the last s...

  • March 15, 2009

    Palestinians at sea in a rudderless polity divided against itself

    Reuters and other news agencies distilled a new Palestinian poll with a simple headline -- Hamas gains in popularity since the recent Gaza war.  The problem is that Hamas's supposed ascendancy is a gross misreading of the poll's actual find...

  • March 13, 2009

    Hillary in the Middle East

    In laying out the Obama administration's Mideast strategy on her first trip to the region, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made clear that Washington will deal ever so warmly and gently with Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority, while leani...

  • March 9, 2009

    The Changing Face of Palestinian Governance

    There's a lesson for the media in the resignation of Salam Fayyad as prime minister of the Palestinian Authority to make way for formation of a Fatah-Hamas "unity" government:  If you're really interested in Israeli-Palestinian peace p...