Leo Goldstein

Leo Goldstein

  • The Hydroxychloroquine Crime

    July 20, 2024

    The Hydroxychloroquine Crime

    More than four years ago, Democrat leaders colluded with the WHO (as part of the wannabe global government) and Big Tech to perpetrate a horrific crime: the denial of access to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and other lifesaving COVID-19 treatments. ...

  • Prosecuting President Trump from the Hague

    June 30, 2024

    Prosecuting President Trump from the Hague

    The job for which Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith in the U.S. is very similar to one he had in Kosovo. In November 2018, at the time of his appointment as Special Counsel to prosecute President Trump, Jack Smith was the Speci...

  • How the Obama-Biden Machine Intimidated Jews to Hate Trump

    June 13, 2024

    How the Obama-Biden Machine Intimidated Jews to Hate Trump

    How did Democrats convince so many Jews that Trump is racist and antisemitic in 2017? The Democrats have been calling Republicans racists and worse for decades, so mere propaganda could not have achieved that. What I found in searching for the ...

  • Big Tech is carrying out a false flag operation against Jews

    May 21, 2024

    Big Tech is carrying out a false flag operation against Jews

    The Internet has been the most powerful force of our time (artificial intelligence is becoming even more powerful). The Big Tech corporations that received control of the Internet from the Democrat party wield enormous power and have a...

  • Obama-Biden Administration Was Creeping Fascism

    March 8, 2024

    Obama-Biden Administration Was Creeping Fascism

    The similarities between the Obama administration and Italian fascism have been pointed out many times. Over a dozen articles about this are on this site alone (1, 2, 3, 4). It is usually said that fascism is a strain of socialism in which the means ...

  • Uncontrolled migration of infectious diseases

    February 6, 2024

    Uncontrolled migration of infectious diseases

    The current policy of allowing illegal migrants from across the globe without even screening for infectious diseases is disastrous. The epidemiological situation in the world has worsened since the 1990s. This is likely caused by rapid urbanizatio...

  • January 16, 2024

    Can Elon Musk liberate our internet access?

    In November 2023, the Biden FCC issued a Prevention and Elimination of Digital Discrimination (PEDD) order.  This order forbids any internet access practices that “differentially impact consumers’ access to broadband internet ac...

  • November 15, 2023

    The globalization of US elections

    U.S. domestic politics and elections have become dangerously globalized. The internet and its social media platforms are the primary means of communication and political conversation.  The internet and social media are global; however, U...

  • March 8, 2023

    The Sneaky Way Big Tech Abuses Children

    The (in)famous Section 230 does not only protect social media platforms.  Its subsection 230(d) establishes a requirement that the provider of an interactive computer service notify the customer that "parental control protections (such...

  • September 15, 2022

    Who was Behind the January 6 Events?

    The current anti-Trump and anti-MAGA witch-hunt is not about 2024.  The Democrat DoJ is safe for two more years.  It is about January 6, 2021.  The target is not so much Trump as the idea that electoral votes could be legally contested...

  • June 10, 2022

    When SCOTUS Sided with Big Tech

    On May 31, the Supreme Court made probably the most consequential decision since 2021.  By a slim majority, 5-4, SCOTUS vacated an appeals court ruling to stay a district court's preliminary injunction against Texas bill H.B. 20, in Net...

  • April 9, 2022

    Was there really a massacre at Bucha?

    Accepting the fake claims of a massacre is as bad as or even worse than denying a real one.  Besides the immediate damage caused by the deception, it undermines trust and empathy when a real massacre happens. The allegations of the Bucha...

  • July 14, 2021

    Big Tech are State Actors

    A ‘state actor’ is a private company that either acts on behalf of the government or has other special relationships with the government, which subject it to constitutional restrictions on government, including the First Amendment. Google...

  • May 28, 2021

    The Forced COVID-19 Vaccination of Children: A Crime in Progress

    Healthy children and young adults do not need to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Nevertheless, the current administration vaccinates them without informed consent and even using direct coercion (like giving the choice: vaxx or wear a muzzle). About 2...

  • April 20, 2021

    Executive Order Canceling the Constitution

    On April 15, Preident Biden signed an Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation. Contrary to its title, this EO is not about Russia. It is designed to allow t...

  • December 15, 2020

    Big Tech and IT Security

    Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft control and operate a large part of the nation’s IT and Communications infrastructure sectors. This includes the services they provide through YouTube, Google search, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. Per...

  • July 14, 2020

    How to End the COVID-19 Epidemic in the US

    Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin (HCQ + AZ), with optional Zinc, given upon early symptoms, is a cure for COVID-19. This combination is a strong antiviral against the Wuhan coronavirus, quickly reducing the viral load and risk of transmission to oth...

  • March 9, 2020

    Google and YouTube are State Actors

    Google and its subsidiary, YouTube, are state actors. The attorneys for PragerU and others could not prove that because they are not familiar with the industry, especially its technical side. The Obama Administration has delegated to Google (together...

  • February 20, 2020

    Big Tech's Grip on the Critical Infrastructure

    On January 29, ZeroHedge (Tyler Durden) published a well researched piece, "Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?"  He asserted that the coronavirus causing the current pandemic (COVID-19) was deve...

  • December 31, 2019

    The Russia Hoax Was Aided by NGOs Peddling Junk Science

    Some of the most vicious anti-Trump voices have come from US government-funded Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), affiliated with the State Department, Big Tech, and Soros afiliates. Many of these NGOs have existed since the Cold War, with a mand...

  • December 14, 2019

    What the IG Report Missed, and Where to Find It

    The I.G. Report  fails to explain the reasons for opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.  The report claims that the investigation, launched on July 31, was based on a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) tip and on an existi...

  • September 17, 2019

    Google and Its Pals Are Worse than Anyone Thought

    Is it true that Google suppresses conservative voices branding them as ‘conspiracy theories’? - No, this is a conspiracy theory (an imaginary conversation with Google PR) The liberal anechoic prison looks like an alte...

  • August 12, 2019

    (Anti-)Social Media Inciting Hatred

    “… we definitely help divide people” Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO It is impossible to understand the current state of social polarization while ignoring the Internet, and its especially toxic part, which should be called ...

  • June 14, 2019

    The External Roots of Spygate

    Over the past three years, the MSM has done a thorough job brainwashing its captive audience into believing that Putin preferred, supported, or even colluded with Trump in the 2016 elections. Not only was this untrue, but even the idea of such a...

  • May 15, 2019

    How the Tech Giants Contributed to the Coup against Trump

    The role of the Masters of the Universe ("MotU") in the coup d'état is overlooked.  As long as they are in control of the internet — the main communication line in our modern society — the coup is alive....

  • April 20, 2019

    Remarks on the Mueller Report

    I wrote a book about the Mueller report — before the report was published.  The published report shows that I have overestimated the Mueller team. The report is a completely one-sided accusation against Trump, like a criminal compl...

  • February 6, 2019

    'Russian Interference' Didn't Happen

    It is important to repeat that there was no “Russian interference” in the 2016 elections. It was invented by the DNC, Hillary’s campaign, and the Obama administration. The so-called Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA),...

  • August 8, 2018

    The DNC Leaks and Crossfire Hurricane: A Timeline

    The media's and the Democratic Party's obsession with the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory originates from events of April-June 2016.  Media operations by the Democratic Party and its media echo chamber have distorted not only the inf...

  • April 26, 2018

    Time to End the Resistance of the Swamp

    The ongoing Mueller "investigation" is not a legal matter.  It's a continuation of abuse of power by the Obama administration, which behaved as if Democrats were going to reign forever.  The extent of their abuse sta...

  • December 22, 2017

    Obamanet vs. Net Neutrality

    On December 14, the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal another Obama legacy: the Orwellian-named “Open Internet Order” FCC-15-24, or Obamanet. Prepared by far-left groups and Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Google and a membe...

  • June 1, 2017

    President Trump: Time to Abolish Climate Alarmism in America

    Donald Trump's refusal to bow to climate alarmism causes sincere alarm among leftists.  Compared to it, the investigation of Donald Trump's alleged "Russian ties" looks like another desperate gambit.  The climate agenda is...

  • February 25, 2017

    Nine Causes of Scientific Decline in American Academia

    People frequently write about academic political bias but rarely about the degradation of academic scientific capacities. Nevertheless, the signs of this degradation are everywhere. One example is embracing the pseudo-science of climate alarmism. The...