Lee Culpepper

Lee Culpepper

  • May 2, 2015

    Is gay marriage a Trojan horse within the military?

    A stable of Trojan horses is pulling the president's carriage toward the fundamental transformation of America.  And the symbolism of the Greek pillars from the 2008 Democratic Convention seems to grow clearer than most of us want to acknowl...

  • March 11, 2015

    Ben Carson, Sonia Sotomayor, and homosexuality

    Although homosexuality in America is today synonymous with the word gay, only anger and hostility result from questions about what actually defines it.  Dr. Ben Carson stoked these flames last week while defending his position on traditiona...

  • February 10, 2015

    The 'Social Justice to Prison' Pipeline

    Does anything reveal the injustice of social justice better than inner-city public schools?  Grievance hitmen, like Attorney General Eric Holder, spew idiotic theories about an inherently racist system that funnels minority children from scho...

  • December 15, 2014

    Stereotypical Cops

    To demonize police officers and to promote the liberals’ stereotype that cops hate black people, it helps tremendously when the media totally ignore the variety of programs that urban police departments organize to support black youths in high-...

  • November 11, 2014

    Veterans' Day and Uncle Harry

    To have earned the honor of wearing the eagle, globe, and anchor remains one of the most memorable experiences of my life.  I feel privileged to be part of a unique breed of men and women who have also worn the Marine Corps insignia.  And l...

  • October 27, 2014

    Arm Responsible Teachers with Guns to Save Lives

    A week before Friday’s school shooting in Marysville, Washington, a mentally ill Marine Corps veteran armed with a hatchet walked in to a Virginia high school not long before students arrived. Fortunately, a cafeteria worker spotted him and cal...

  • September 27, 2014

    Clandestine Religion in Public Education

    For the past half century, public education has operated like a double-agent enemy mole that hides in plain sight while it sabotages society. When liberals began the pretense of patrolling the wall between church and state in the 1960s, they targeted...

  • August 19, 2014

    What Does the Town of Ferguson See in the Mirror?

    Based on the stories that the media and civil-rights leaders blow up, guns seem to naturally zero in on all the decent, respectful, and law-abiding teens in rough neighborhoods. Strangely, that has never been the case among the young people I know wh...

  • August 4, 2014

    America's Military: How Did Your Father Dream?

    In a suburb of our nation’s capitol, I learned that most kids’ fathers were not Marine Corps fighter pilots, but mine was. My dad told me that when I was born, he was deployed overseas to hunt down communist aviators and to rain down terr...

  • May 18, 2014


    By avoiding hard questions in nearly every story connected to America’s most dysfunctional children, the liberal media help to perpetuate the fairy-tale about Democrats being the champions of society’s victims.  However, who could be...

  • April 21, 2014

    Wrestling Chaos in America's Classrooms

    After being forced to subdue an 18-year-old classroom drug dealer with hostility towards authority and an apathy for education, Santa Monica High School science teacher and wrestling coach, Mark Black, immediately found himself under attack from a se...

  • April 4, 2014

    Gender Confusion and the Complicity of Public Schools

    Last week, the national press reported on a 56-year-old high school biology teacher in California who plans to undergo a sex-change operation (i.e. cosmetic surgery) and to return to the classroom appearing as a woman. “To have a teacher be aut...

  • March 21, 2014

    Wrestling with Hypocrisy at Kent State

    As the top NCAA wrestlers prepare for their upcoming national championships this week in Oklahoma City, Sam Wheeler, a 20-year-old, student athlete at Kent State University, will not be competing among them. The former Ohio wrestling champion made a ...