Leann Horrocks

Leann Horrocks

  • Crisp up the message now

    February 21, 2024

    Crisp up the message now

    There are many things that could be done easily by a president that would have immediate positive benefits for his public image. Easily performed actions that would have immediate positive impact -- these are low hanging fruits to be picked by any ex...

  • November 22, 2023

    Campaign Kabuki

    Less than a year to go until the 2024 election and the pundits are out in force with their analysis. There are whiteboards, videos, polls, graphs, and lots of posturing. All the normal ways of analyzing election outcomes are a complete waste of ti...

  • September 22, 2023

    The demise of the simple drive

    If we were of a mind to, my husband and I could fill up our car with gas, get a pocketful of cash, grab a map and just take off.  We could stop anywhere we wanted, whenever we wanted until we felt like coming home. We could just top up with more...

  • September 6, 2023

    We can't be at fault -- it must be you

    If, in fact, the whole COVID response -- including the vaccine -- was a giant experiment on humans, New Zealand was the perfect test bed.  It is isolated, and as it turned out, subject to almost any level of draconian control. The health auth...

  • November 16, 2022

    I broke up with Stuart Varney today

    Stuart Varney's show on Fox Business has been a staple for me in the mornings for a very long time.  I liked him — his story, his style, and the way he brings along others to build their careers.  He has always main...

  • June 18, 2022

    How Trump Became the Only One

    Normally, when leftists want you to avoid something they don't like, they simply ignore it.  They make sure the press doesn't mention it, and they all yell as loudly as possible about anything else they can think of.  Not ...

  • January 14, 2022

    The dangerous assumption people are making about the COVID shots

    An awful lot of people are making a very dangerous assumption about the COVID-19 jabs: that the manufacture of them is pristine.  Everyone seems to tacitly accept that every vial of a given jab is perfect and identical to every other vial o...

  • September 21, 2021

    Here's a nurse who may have figured delta out

    As the big picture begins to sharpen on the COVID pandemic, a few things become clear to me. The "vaccine" isn't even a vaccine.  It is a radical gene therapy currently being tested on the human race. The vaccine doesn...

  • August 15, 2021

    'Case': Another semantic Trojan Horse

    In our new world of pandemic panic porn, it is important to remember that the word "case" is not a term of art.  It is not a medical term or a legal term.  It is just another word with a broad meaning that has been comma...

  • March 11, 2021

    Time for Rush Limbaugh's show to look toward the future again

    I loved the Rush Limbaugh show.  I have been listening to it for years and have always been comforted by his ever-increasing audience.  It showed that conservative ideas work.  The show serves a purpose — a purpose...

  • December 16, 2020

    Yes, SCOTUS, it was personal

    The decision by SCOTUS not to take the Texas case was not just an abrogation of one of their few duties; it was a betrayal.  Americans have been betrayed by an institution we believed in. The justices, as all judges do, probably want to ...

  • August 21, 2020

    Kaepernick shouted 'fire' in a crowded theater

    The televised image of the San Francisco 49ers did not belong to Colin Kaepernick when he first "took a knee" during the National Anthem.  He didn't build the image of the team, he didn't nurture it over the years, and cle...

  • June 19, 2020

    A Tale of Two Girls

    Several years ago, I was on vacation in Phuket, Thailand with my husband. Through our hotel, we signed up for a day cruise on a Thai junk.  At one point we stopped at what the tour guide called a "Muslim Fishing Village."  We took...

  • June 14, 2020

    Cherry-picking statistics will get you a good leftist race narrative

    Dave Chapelle gave a political, ranting performance in his new Netflix special.  He was in full outrage mode and resorted to a cheap trick I am tired of hearing from progressive talking heads.  They talk about a string of incident...

  • December 15, 2019

    America's real disease is toxic ignorance

    The new favorite adjective of the unguided left is "toxic."  Toxic masculinity, toxic racism, toxic this, toxic that.  The real problem today is toxic ignorance. Lack of education, lack of facts, lack of tolerance, an...

  • July 2, 2019

    Why We Need to Stop Saying 'Health Care'

    The Democrats have once again sucked us into using their terminology, and it is much to our detriment.  We should be saying “Medical Care” instead of “Health Care.” Here are two reasons we need to change our terminolog...

  • April 13, 2019

    The Masters of the Cyber-Sphere Can't Even Master Themselves

    Sundar Pichai, head of Google, had a problem.  The public at large as well as various elements of the government were concerned about the ethics of Artifical Intelligence (AI) and especially about leaving its application up to Google. Pichai dec...

  • April 10, 2019

    What Happens to a Country When All its Young People Leave?

    We naturally look at the impact of illegal immigration as it affects us.  This is understandable and appropriate, but there is another reason to want an end to this invasion of people from Central America. What happens to a country when its y...

  • February 15, 2019

    Black-Only Reparations? Good Luck!

    On February 10, Steve Hilton's The Next Revolution Fox TV program had a small panel discussing the infamous "Green New Deal."  One of the guests, Tezlin Figaro, wasn't happy.  She allowed that she was tired of he...

  • April 9, 2018

    'Assault Weapon': The Semantic Trojan Horse

    There is no better example of muddy thinking than the expression "assault weapon."  This expression is a combination of two inexact lay terms that are together even more unclear.  The expression has something of a viscer...

  • January 12, 2017

    The Luddite View of Rampant Consumerism

    There are several new technologies that are the subject of much marketing, but not much forethought as to their impact, at least as consumer products. Here is a Luddite's view of a few of these with the full understanding that this horse is well ...

  • September 8, 2016

    Colin Kaepernick is no First Amendment hero

    Like many people, President Obama had a knee-jerk reaction to Colin Kaepernick's refusal to stand for the national anthem at San Francisco 49ers games.  The president said the lad was merely "exercising his constitutional right....

  • July 6, 2016

    Don't forget the rest of the world

    I just got back from a month in Europe, and I can report that the European press has successfully portrayed Donald Trump as a "crazy man."  This phrase I heard from many people of different generations.  There is no doubt in ...

  • February 11, 2015

    ISIS is Not a Criminal Enterprise

    It's almost enough to make you feel sorry for them. Members of the administration of are repeatedly put in a position of going along with the obvious "never say Islam and terrorism in the same sentence" rule that has been laid down by t...

  • August 20, 2014

    'No Justice No Peace': Riots to Follow

    "No Justice, No Peace" is one of a family of phrases that are the favored tools of the rabble rouser. Here's a look at how it works: The slogan "No Justice No Peace" has a rich history of use by demonstrators of many s...

  • July 6, 2014

    Politicians, Feminists, and Birth Control

    Amidst the liberal and Democratic hysteria concerning the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision, it is time to look at where these harpies want to drag the American mainstream on health care issues. I can recall in the 2012 presidenti...

  • March 14, 2014

    Uppity Deniers, Unite!

    Climate is the planet's strategy and weather is its tactic.  It is unbelievably presumptuous of we humans to think we are affecting either one.  Let's take a common sense look at the concept formerly known as “global warming...

  • December 16, 2013

    The Medicaid Scam

    Advocates of single-payer health care have often oversimplified the issue and suggested that we should "just make Medicare available to everyone."  Bad idea.  Medicare is basically an honor system.  Even Wikipedia states...

  • November 11, 2013

    Obama Flunks Project Management 101

    The disaster whose face is the Obamacare website is a familiar sight to many technical managers. It is clear that the failure is one of management, not programming or servers or clouds or Canadians. Now there is a new plan -- clearly born of desperat...

  • September 23, 2013

    Americans are on Venus, Syria is on Mars

    Recently, Fox News ran a one-hour interview of Bashar al-Assad by Dennis Kucinich, the former congressman, and Fox correspondent Greg Palkot.  What we saw on clear display is the abyss that stands between the U.S. and the Middle East.  We a...

  • August 3, 2013

    Learning from Rachel Jeantel

    To quote Nancy Pelosi, we can now see what's in the Zimmerman-Martin case "without the fog of the controversy". I think the biggest lesson to be learned was from Rachel Jeantel, a friend of Trayvon Martin that testified at the trial. Rachel Jeantel h...

  • June 8, 2013

    Stop Waiting to Be Motivated

    You might think that defunding an operation to stop it was the purview of the Congress--not really. The effect of the IRS stalling on conservative group applications for tax-exempt status was to defund activists on the right. While Tea Party and othe...

  • May 29, 2013

    A Liberal Teacher's First-Person World

    Ellie Rubenstein, a teacher in Chicago, has had it. She resigned rather than face a transfer which she considers retaliatory because of her outspoken conduct criticizing the school administration. In true liberal style, she has blasted her grievances...

  • May 20, 2013

    Obama's Real Legacy

    The current abusive conduct by the IRS is breathtaking in its audacity. When you look at last Friday's testimony Acting Commisioner Steven Miller there is a clear disconnect -- the doesn't think anyone did anything illegal, unconstitutional, or even ...

  • September 26, 2012

    A Message for the Republican Pundit Class from Outside the Beltway

    During the Bush administration, especially in his second term, I asked myself many times, "Where is his Lanny Davis?"  Mr. Davis is a good and decent man who happens to be an unflinching advocate for both Clintons.  No matter what, he and o...

  • March 26, 2012

    A Big Gesture Made Small

    I listened to the BBC World News Report on Saturday and was shocked at a quote that was made regarding the apparent shooting of 17 unarmed Afghan civilians by Staff Sergeant Robert Bales on March 11th.  At a gathering of family members of the vi...

  • February 17, 2012

    Contraception, the Useful New Passion

    A new liberal scheme is afoot and conservatives would do well to be alert to it. It involves approaching an old goal from a new path. The appeal to liberals is twofold-either they get to the previously unattainable goal, or they make such a fuss alon...

  • November 1, 2011

    Why Elections Are Like Riverboat Casinos

    Many want to tinker with the venerable institution that is the electoral process.  This can be good thing.  I learned this lesson in Mississippi.Some years ago in Mississippi, they passed a law saying there could be casinos, but only if ...

  • September 4, 2011

    Manufacturing Consensus

    America is drowning in a river of rules.  As the President's approval numbers go down, the manic production of new regulations rises to a fever pitch in case the liberal last chance is afoot.  According to the Competitive Enterprise Inst...

  • August 3, 2011

    Norwegian Wishful Thinking

    The Kingdom of Norway appears to be a happy, successful country. It is a nice country in a world that is not nice. We need nice countries, so I hope they wake up soon. Meanwhile, the US needs to remain fully awake about Norway. Norway is about the si...

  • July 16, 2011

    Poisoning the Language of Wealth

    Liberals would like you to view all rich people as Paris Hilton and all poor people as Mother Teresa.  This is straightforward class warfare and it is implemented by using prejudicial words.  We should be on the lookout for these phrases an...

  • July 5, 2011

    Blowing Smoke with Moneyspeak

    American budgets and American debt are couched in unfathomable terms of magnitude that obfuscate their gravity. I suggest the expression "trillion" is so large as to be meaningless. Every conservative public figure should use the expression "thousand...