L.E. Ikenga

L.E. Ikenga

  • May 25, 2020

    Why do I have to go to an African YouTube channel to see this?

    I was about to turn in a few nights ago when I saw the video embedded below on my favorite Igbo YouTube channel, UGWUMBA.  They're an African production company that features a variety of cultural entertainments, mainly short cultu...

  • May 22, 2020

    From Frontline to Breadline: How Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Policies Have Created Financial Havoc for Nursing Home Workers

    Governor Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home mandate, which helped to cause the deaths of thousands of patients, is just the tip of the iceberg. The residual effects from the governor’s onetime decision to force nursing homes to accept virus-posi...

  • April 11, 2020

    The End Liners of The Pandemic

    Within three hours of me arriving at work, the Director of Housekeeping was already in tears, with all sorts of obscenities spewing from her mouth. The morning nursing supervisor had just demanded that she “find some place” for all of the...

  • April 2, 2020

    Third World Immigrant Medical Workers Exploited by NYC Democrats

    For the last two weeks my cellphone has been ringing non-stop as healthcare recruiters from all over the Northeast have been trying to contact me.  Pay rates for RNs, LPNs, PCTs, and CNAs in New York City have almost doubled seemingly overnight ...

  • September 27, 2019

    Too Soon to Write Off Kamala Harris?

    I was initially unimpressed by an opinion piece written by Trevor Loudon over a month ago, titled “The Rainbow Coalition Re-visited: Why Kamala Harris Will Be The Democratic Presidential Nominee.” It immediately turned me off by the first...

  • August 8, 2019

    The Ideological Roots of 'The Squad' in Academic 'Postcolonial' Theory

    To understand the ideological goals of the so-called “Squad” of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, one needs to understand the academic theories labeled colonial and postcolonial studies.  Many o...

  • May 21, 2019

    Globalization for Thee, but Not for Me: Ivanka Trump’s Cultural Blinders on 'Helping' African Women’s ‘Empowerment’

    Ivanka Trump’s recent trip to Africa to promote a women’s economic empowerment movement was misguided. This initiative echoes a colonial precedent that at times did more to hinder than help many of the entrepreneurial instincts of indigen...

  • February 12, 2018

    Donald Trump is Forcing American Blacks to Pick a Side

    It’s the grandest scale twist of fate that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. Donald Trump's war against media corruption and manipulation is about to have a whole lot of unintended consequences, and there will be Hell to pay when t...

  • June 17, 2015

    Obama and the Black Intellectualoids

    Barack Obama owes his position to his membership in a class that is destroying America: the intellectualoids -- shallow people able to fool others into believing they possess superior intellects. In his 2007 book, A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited A...

  • November 15, 2014

    Giving Up On Black America

    See also: The Glories of Teaching Classics in the Inner-City To get to any bus that will take me to Manhattan or other parts of the city, I have to keep my eyes on the ground to avoid stepping on three things: dog crap, hacked up phlegm, and spoil...

  • November 9, 2013

    The Common Core Rabbit Hole

    While prominent conservatives conflate the original philosophy of the Common Core with the Common Core State Standards and chase red herrings over the legality of the their implementation, there are more pressing questions that the Common Core is rai...

  • September 2, 2013

    Leading From Behind in Urban Education

    A new school year is upon us, so it's time to get right to the point. America's urban K-12 education culture must overcome the following four obstacles, or else: Schools of Education that keep churning out certified, yet intellectually limited tea...

  • October 25, 2012

    America's Third-World Streak

    Reports are surfacing which claim that many black Americans will go ballistic if Barack Obama loses the 2012 presidential election.  This is not surprising, given how and why he was elected in the first place. Being America's first viable black ...

  • September 3, 2012

    Dreaming Up a New America: Progressive Education and the Perversion of American Democracy

    As opposed to the 2008 election, which had many frustrated and emotionally charged voters dreaming up a new America with a historic presidential candidate leading the charge, the 2010 midterms had people doing the exact opposite.  In 2010, a maj...

  • November 15, 2010

    Why Are Americans Still So Ignorant about Race?

    For reasons that I will get to later, I'll begin with a newsflash that no one really cares about: not all blacks in America are descendants of slaves. It never ceases to amaze how many times I have had to interject this self-evident and yet often ove...

  • September 22, 2010

    The Obama Agenda and the New Global Elite

    By wearing a familiar mask of convention, Barack Obama will continue to dupe the majority of Americans into believing that he is -- at worst -- a run-of-the-mill, far-left liberal, even though he is not. Picking up on the recent Forbes magazine artic...

  • September 10, 2009

    Obama and the Plight of the Dancing Masquerade

    The Igbo language is one rich in proverbs. These proverbs have the capacity to instruct, admonish, and predict the fate of any given situation all at once. In my opinion, the best that the Igbo language offers are the uncomplicated one-liners, abridg...

  • August 4, 2009

    Avoiding the Next Obama

    In times like these, it is tempting to focus only on the issue at hand. But if you do, you do so at your own peril. As I watch what is happening to this great country, I find myself just shaking my head more and more while thinking, Mark Twain was ab...

  • July 21, 2009

    Et Tu Africa?

    For the life of me, I can't figure out why Africans are so head over heels for Obama. A week or so before Obama's trip to Ghana, Africans from all over the continent were abuzz on the Internet voicing concerns about how horrible it was that Obama was...

  • July 8, 2009

    40 Acres and a President

    During the election, despite having been portrayed as America's first post-racial candidate, Barack Obama actually represented the complete opposite. With astonishing cunning and guile, a type that his opponents could have never imagined possible, Ob...

  • June 25, 2009

    Obama, the African Colonial

    Had Americans been able to stop obsessing over the color of Barack Obama's skin and instead paid more attention to his cultural identity, maybe he would not be in the White House today. The key to understanding him lies with his identification with h...