Layne D. Hansen

Layne D. Hansen

  • August 13, 2016

    McMullin for President

    Though someone with large name recognition and personal resources would be ideal, the emergence of former CIA agent Evan McMullin – whom nobody knew of before his announcement – as an alternative presidential candidate will have to do. Th...

  • May 12, 2016

    I'm a Traitor for Opposing Trump?

    Call me an idiot, call me whatever, but never call me a traitor.  I will not let that claim go unanswered.  Here's something about me none of you knows. After visiting friends in New Jersey, I boarded a plane early on a September mor...

  • May 8, 2016

    It Doesn't have to be just Trump vs. Hillary

    An interesting debate has developed on this site in the past few days. Thomas Lifson published a piece titled "It's Trump. Get Over It." In it he wrote, "[Trump] is not a perfect man, but those Republicans contemplating a cup ...

  • April 30, 2016

    The GOP’s Missing Motivation

    It has been claimed by others that no matter who wins the Republican nomination in 2016, the GOP will never be the same (see also here). This is likely true. How can the party go back to stuffy old white men who are out of touch with the modern Ameri...

  • April 9, 2016

    An improbable white knight for the GOP

    With a contested GOP convention now likely, it is time to consider a white knight unsullied by the bruising contest and acceptable to the warring factions.  Donald Trump has little chance of winning the requisite 1,237 delegates before the conve...

  • February 12, 2015

    Julian Castro and the Making of the Obama Myth

    The people who created Barack Obama are already working on their next creation -- and that is Julian Castro. This warning comes in the wake of a 2014 blog piece that claimed Julian Castro would be added to the ticket only to boost Hillary Clinton...

  • January 17, 2015

    Political Proselytizing: Tapping the Silent Majority

    Politics is a combination of theory and strategy, but success simply comes down to numbers.  The person with the most votes, no matter how small the margin, wins (just ask George W. Bush).  Good theory and strategy are important, but their ...

  • January 2, 2015

    It's Time to Brew: the Tea Party Needs to Come Alive

    Academics and pundits have many criticisms of the Tea Party, e.g., its members are racists, sexists, homophobes, etc. These are unfounded claims, but there is one criticism that is true and it is holding this movement back: the Tea Party is disorgani...

  • December 16, 2014

    A Conservative Waterloo: John Boehner Must Go

    It is time to stop thinking of John Boehner and the rest of the Republican congressional leadership as being cowardly and recognize them for what they are: part of The Ruling Class that believes it has the right to tell the rest of us how to live. ...