Lawrence Wolfe

Lawrence Wolfe

  • July 14, 2012

    The Obama Way: Selling Failure as Success

    Bob Dylan once wrote, "There's no success like failure [we learn from our mistakes], and failure is no success at all."  So what has Mr. Obama learned from his mistakes?  Admitting to no mistakes during the past three years, "success" is ex...

  • February 3, 2012

    Should the GOP support 'The Buffet Rule?'

    With such a catchy name as The Millionaire's Tax, who would oppose such a tax?  No one I know, that's for sure and that's the point.  The tax is designed not to raise revenue, but to get Republicans into a high profile media fight to protec...

  • January 16, 2012

    Harry Reid's 'Extreme'

    Having attended a Tea Party rally in Philadelphia that was organized by an African American and in which 9 of 13 speakers were African American and Latino, I keep trying to reconcile Harry Reid's view of the Tea Party with my own firsthand experience...

  • October 12, 2011

    Obama's new re-election strategy

    The Wall Street protests appeared to begin with anger over the "greedy Wall Street fat cat" bank bailouts. I was given this impression from the signs I saw saying "No More Bank Bailouts" and "F**k the Banks." With "Fat Cat Bankers" being a recurr...

  • September 16, 2011

    Performing my Duty. Snitch I must

    Growing up in Brooklyn, NY, one learns early on that being a snitch can be hazardous to one's health but my President has asked and I have decided to forgo my own personal safety and expose those who are doing harm to my President and my Country. Fir...

  • September 1, 2011

    The Flip Side of the 'It Would Have Been Much Worse' Excuse For Failure.

    First, the current recession is not the worst economic downturn other than the Great Depression of the 1930s. The Great Depression of 1920 brought unemployment of 11.7% (from 1.4% in 1919) and a drop in the stock market of 47%. The top tax rate at t...