Laura Ralston

Laura Ralston

  • February 11, 2010

    Gibbs' palm reveals administration fortunes

    Robert Gibbs is so...Robert Gibbs. Never one to just be a serious man executing a serious job where he simply answers questions for the benefit of the country, the current White House Press Secretary once again allows his inner 7th-grader to rule the...

  • January 21, 2010

    Reclaim the expression 'tea bagging'

    Anderson Cooper's head must being spinning 360 degrees. Since the Silver Fox (Grey Pox to freedom lovers) first introduced us to the darker nuances of tea bags, we who oppose big government and Congress's arrogance and who happen to enjoy a steamy cu...

  • August 27, 2009

    HR 3200: Monument to Ted Kennedy?

    Refresh my memory. Who is health care reform for again?  I ask only because Democrats seem to want wham-O-bam-thank-you-Barack-health care reform to double as a monument to their man of the people, Ted Kennedy, who died on Tuesday after serving ...

  • June 18, 2009

    Obama Engages in Rare Direct Confrontation With Domestic Terrorist

    In a stunning reversal of policy and personal philosophy, President Obama took out a small domestic public relations terrorist without reading it Miranda Rights, providing a fair and speedy trial, or exercising empathy towards the miniature evil-doer...