Lathan Watts

Lathan Watts

  • Throwing stones in a glass House of Representatives

    April 2, 2024

    Throwing stones in a glass House of Representatives

    Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly (352-65) to pass a law that would ban TikTok in the U.S. unless its owners sell the company.  Legitimate concerns over the current ownership’s ties to the Chinese govern...

  • August 17, 2023

    When the threat to freedom comes from...Finland

    The founding of America on the principle that all men, as image-bearers of God, are created equal and endowed with unalienable rights has been a clarion call for human rights and the dignity of each individual for more than two centuries.  ...

  • February 13, 2023

    Politicization of Medicine Is Merely a Symptom of Our Culture's Disease

    A pervasive agenda spreading through the medical profession at a viral pace is in and of itself a disturbing trend.  But it may reveal an even more perilous cultural decay that, if left untreated, could be life-threatening to our republic....

  • October 7, 2021

    NY Gov, federal court scale the wall of separation

    At a recent press conference, New York governor Kathy Hochul remarked, “I prayed a lot to God during this time and you know what -- God did answer our prayers,” Hochul stated, before denigrating those who have not yet received a coro...

  • July 4, 2020

    Freedom and Independence are Inextricably Linked

    In the classic 1987 film The Princess Bride, Inigo Montoya, after listening to Vizzini’s incessant use of the word “inconceivable” turns to his employer and says, “You keep using that word; I don’t think it means what yo...

  • October 16, 2019

    Does the Democratic Party have a God problem?

    Democratic presidential debates provide an excellent opportunity for the aspiring leaders of the party to address and embrace religious freedom for all Americans. Religious freedom should be considered a positive fundamental American principle by bot...

  • August 8, 2019

    It's Time to Restore Our Judicial Branch

    If you ask most Americans if they want judges who are presently serving on state or federal courts to act like politicians, you’d likely get a resounding “No.” Take, for example, a 2016 Marist poll in which 52 percent of A...

  • May 31, 2019

    With Free Speech Zones and Safe Spaces for All…

    Each year during graduation season we are treated to what amounts to the closing ceremony of the Olympics of virtue signaling on college campuses across the nation. The competitors -- students who have spent four years in training -- huddling in safe...