Larry Bates

Larry Bates

  • November 7, 2015

    Politico's disinformation of the day

    This week, we had an interesting example of Soviet-style disinformation from Politico.  In this instance, it was directed toward Dr. Ben Carson, one of the leading contenders for the Republican presidential nomination. Before examining the d...

  • September 17, 2015

    What caused the Iran deal fiasco?

    One week after the Senate's infamous rejection of their responsibility as our representatives to vote on the ethics, rationality, and wisdom of trusting Iran's hate-filled clerics with access to nuclear weapons, it is time to assess what caus...

  • September 13, 2015

    We need a Hall of Shame for Senate Iran deal enablers

    Why is it that it is easier to find a list of those very few Democratic senators who refused to follow Obama into his love-fest with Iran than it is to find a list of those who sold our future into the hands of hate-mongering Iranian clerics? The ...