Larrey Anderson and Otis Glazebrook

Larrey Anderson and Otis Glazebrook

  • March 17, 2009

    Welcome to the new Houston, TX ... Zug, Switzerland

    Where does U.S. oil money go when Obama promises to punish the oil companies for excess profits? Reuters’ Sam Cage knows: "The tidy towns and mountain vistas of Switzerland are an unlikely settingfor an oil boom.Yet a wave of energy compan...

  • December 9, 2008

    Greater fool theory

    Guess what? Those of us who warned time and time again that loans to bad borrowers are loans that cannot and will not be repaid have been vindicated. Some of those high-risk "lendees" who had failed to meet their mortgage payments, only to ...

  • November 3, 2008

    YouTube Numbers

    If you are a McCain supporter and think this election is over and that the Messiah will be our next president ... check out these YouTube numbers: Iraqi War vet Joe Cook's self-produced video supporting McCain has had an amazing 12,351,553 hits.Those...

  • October 30, 2008

    Like your 401?

    House Democrats have once again slipped up by allowing us a glimpse of the brave new world of Obamanomics and complete Democratic control of Congress.Here is how James Pethokoukis writing for US News described it:House Democrats recently invited Tere...