Kyle Stone

Kyle Stone

  • July 31, 2012

    The Amazing Presidential Power-Grab

    With little consternation or lasting opposition, the Obama administration has dramatically usurped congressional power at the expense of popular will and the rule of law.  Numerous dastardly bureaucratic coups -- motivated by the president's pro...

  • April 8, 2011

    Inside the liberal mind

    The core problem with the liberal mind is the misguided and cancerous belief that strong leadership invariably equates to spending.  The solution to better schools?  More funding, they cry.  How to eradicate poverty?  Give the poo...

  • September 3, 2010

    GOP Quandary: Is It Better Off if the House Stays Blue?

    Last week, the venerable Cook Political Report increased its estimate of likely GOP gains in the House; now, with 39 Democrat-held seats required to paint the House red, the Cook Report projected a likely turnover between 35 and 45 seats. This week, ...

  • June 26, 2010

    The Unlikely Republican

    In a year when Republicans aim high to take back the Congress, it seems they haven't forgotten about fighting the more onerous battles as well, especially in Chicago. Meet dark horse candidate Isaac Hayes.   No, not the baritone master of s...

  • January 26, 2010

    How Liberals Will Try to Destroy Scott Brown

    Three weeks ago, few had ever heard of Massachusetts State Senator Scott Brown. Now on his way to voting in the Senate, Brown has become a national political sensation. Pulling off the "Massachusetts Miracle," Brown is the new poster boy fo...

  • August 20, 2009

    The Racial Straw Man in the Healthcare Debate

    It didn't take long for the race-baiters on the left to reveal themselves.  Only now, they are larger in numbers and their names more recognizable.  While playing the race card is nothing new in national politics, the presence of a black pr...

  • August 3, 2009

    The GOP is not a group, it's a party

    As President Obama's poll numbers go south, and congressional leaders from his party continue to reveal just how far they're willing to overreach in chasing an ultra-liberal agenda, Republicans are finally seeing some light.  After months-- heck...