K.S. Guardiola

K.S. Guardiola

  • November 26, 2021

    Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther King with Strong Ideas to Save Our Nation

    On October 19, 2021, the New York City Council voted unanimously to remove a seven-foot statue of Thomas Jefferson from their chambers in City Hall.  The statue, which is a replica of the bronze sculpture that stands in the U.S. Capitol, ha...

  • November 5, 2021

    Second-Class Citizens in Biden's America

    A definition of a second-class citizen is a person belonging to a social, economic, or political group whose rights and opportunities are inferior to those of the dominant group in society.  We are witnessing the societal standing of a larg...

  • June 4, 2021

    Our Government Is Evolving into Something Horrifying

    Today's Democratic Party, aligned with certain associated power elites, is actively fighting a second American Revolution dedicated to overturning our original one, with the objective of imposing a Marxism-style political order upon our country....

  • January 13, 2020

    Is today's Democratic Party deceiving the people?

    Bill Gertz is an author of eight books and an award-winning national security journalist and currently is the national security columnist for The Washington Times.  His recently published book, Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China'...

  • December 7, 2019

    Why Is Our Society Degrading So Badly, So Fast?

    Our Founders created a nation in which the rule of law would prevail and be applied equally to citizens from all walks of life and also would act as a restraint on the power of our leaders.  The tradition also includes the assumed duty of a...

  • October 19, 2019

    Whom do our politicians really serve in our country?

    "For those who make the rules, there are no rules," declares Tommy Shelby, the infamous head of a crime family and also a newly elected member of the British Parliament in the latest season of the hit TV series Peaky Blinders.  Th...

  • October 5, 2019

    What can the average American citizen learn from the protests in Hong Kong?

    Our American identity is based on a shared set of common beliefs including valuing liberty, a love of freedom, equality, and a government supportive of the well-being of ordinary people.  The great American experiment is based on the idea t...

  • September 13, 2019

    Will Americans vote for a capitalist or socialist future for our country in 2020?

    The upcoming election will present the voter a clear choice of a path for America's future: a capitalist one supported by the policies of President Trump that promotes the role of the individual or a socialist one supported by Democrats that prom...

  • August 5, 2019

    Do Democrats Really Have Anything to Offer Their Base in 2020?

    The run for the 2020 election is turning into a contest between two dramatically different visions for America's future.  Our nation is rapidly facing an inflection point as we approach the next election concerning the future political ...

  • July 6, 2019

    When Does the Deep State Morph into the Police State in Our Country?

    I recently watched a German-made political movie, The Lives of Others, which was released back in 2006.  Every American should take the opportunity to watch this movie, for it portrayed the destructive consequences for the people and a soci...

  • June 18, 2019

    Immigration: One Place Where the USA Should Follow Canada's Example

    I recently visited Toronto on a short vacation and enjoyed the city and the experience immensely.  Toronto is clean, safe, and livable.  The people are friendly, and by all indicators, the city is booming.  It is a civil...

  • June 2, 2019

    Can Our Nation Conduct an Honest Election in 2020?

    I watched on C-SPAN the recent Trump campaign rally that took place on May 20 in Montoursville in rural Pennsylvania.  The regional airport outdoor venue drew a large overflow crowd of over ten thousand enthusiastic supporters as the presid...

  • May 20, 2019

    What Bill de Blasio's Presidency Would Look Like

    Walking to an event on the Upper West Side of Manhattan recently one early evening, I was appreciatively experiencing the New York City coming alive during an early occurrence of warmer spring weather.  I have also been noticing over the la...

  • April 21, 2019

    Will Americans vote in 2020 to surrender our freedom?

    I had the opportunity to see the movie The Invisibles, a German-made film depicting the real life stories of four Holocaust-survivors who disguised their true Jewish identities in wartime Berlin and were able to escape deportation to concentration ca...

  • April 19, 2019

    Why Do Most People in This Country Work, while Others Never Will?

    It was with much trepidation that I planned a recent trip to Chicago.  I was informed by many friends that Chicago is a great city and a great place to visit.  However, Chicago is in the news for all the wrong reasons, with daily ...