Kidist Paulos Asrat

Kidist Paulos Asrat

  • June 26, 2009

    Sarah Palin: Whose family values?

    Sarah Palin's Letterman incident, especially the conservative world's reaction to it, proves that feminism has won. Conservatives have suddenly and vocally embraced values at radical variance from traditional family values.These days, it is quite acc...

  • January 10, 2009

    Australia: Whose Land Is It Anyway?

    Sheep may ever graze securely Where a worthy shepherd wakes.Where the rulers well are ruling, May one rest and peace discover And what nations blissful makes.  - Aria 5 from The lively hunt is all my heart's desire (The Hunting Cantata) By J.S. ...

  • December 13, 2008

    How Canada's Little Mosque on the Prairie is aiming for our souls

    Every young girl's library should include Little House on the Prairie. The quasi-autobiographical adventures of Laura Ingalls Wilder as a plucky girl, living with her pioneer farming family in the middle of the great prairies of the US, has also been...