Kevin Wade and Fay Voshell

Kevin Wade and Fay Voshell

  • October 22, 2014

    Where is C. Everett Koop when We Need Him?

    In his response to the Ebola crisis, President Obama appears to be channeling the spirit of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, for whom he has expressed deep admiration.   Like FDR, Obama seems to be committed to the mantra, “The only thing w...

  • September 13, 2014

    High Anxieties

    Remember when the Department of Homeland Security had a primary color coded alert letting Americans know the risk of terrorist attacks?  The color red signified the highest level of danger.  The lowest level was signified by green. ...

  • August 31, 2014

    The Incompetence of Leftist Ideology

    Competence is the ability to get things done. The word itself has no particular value judgment attached to it. Many perfectly intelligent people have been labeled “incompetent,” particularly by conservatives, when actually they are or ...

  • July 25, 2014

    A Government Feared and Distrusted

    Deep in the desert of Utah is a government data center. The center, comprised of long, low buildings spanning 1.5 million square feet, is filled with super-powered computers storing unbelievably massive amounts of information gathered secretly. ...